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Al-Noor Science Academy Yazman

3rd year

Physics-Paper (-B)

Answer the following Short Questions of any four..

1. Why must heat energy be supplied to the melt ice after all the temperature
does not change?
2. When waves interfare, is there a less of energy? explain
3. Explain how a stringed instrument is tuned?
4. The central spot of Newton ring is black why?
5. Why will sound not travel through vacuum?

Q#2 (a) Define simple harmonic motion, what are the necessary condition for its
motion? Show that mechanical energy remains constant during such time of motion
(b) Give the working principal of diffracting grating and how it is used to find
the wavelength of give light
Q#3 (a) State and explain Carnots theorem
(B) What is adiabatic process calculate the work done in such a process
Q#4 (a) Explain Newtons ring. Derive relation for the radii of bright and dark rings
(b) what are beats? Show that the beats frequency is twice of the amplitude

Q# 5
A simple pendulum of length 1.53 m completes 72 vibrations in
180 s. Find the value of acceleration due to gravity at this point.
Calculate the speed of transverse wave in a cord of length 2.15
m and mass 62.5 g under a tension of 487 N.
Find the slit separation of a double slit arrangement that will
produce bright interference fringes 1.00 apart in angular separation.
Assume a wavelength of 592 nm.
A slit of width 'a' is illuminated by white light. For what value of
'a' does the first minimum for red light of wave length 650nm and fall
at =15o
(a) A Comet engine has an efficiency of 22%. It operates between heat
reservoirs differing in temperature by 75C. Find the temperatures of

(b) A monatomic ideal gas initially at 19C is suddenly compressed to one

tenth its original volume. What is its temperature after compression? (y

= 1.67)

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