Final Project Edu-214

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Keith & Karen Hayes Elementary School

May 9, 2015

Rachel Swenson

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I think teaching and learning with technology is a very smart way to go. Students can
develop skills in problem-solving and exercise analytical, critical and creative thinking.
Technology can be used to get students to interact with course content in an engaging and
productive fashion. Saomya Saxena says there are some ways in which technology can help
facilitate a student centered classroom. She says there are three ways that learning with
technology can help us learn. The first one is to empower the learner. Online interactive
assignments can help students learn themselves, counter the students drawbacks, improve and
also be responsible for their own learning. These online assignments can offer the students
opportunities to practice mastering study materials on their time. The second one is to have
organized activities. Students need structure for their online assignments, activate and games. If
you can organize a good structure for these activates, than there should be no confusion of what
is to be done. Organization can help with the workflow of learning. Number three is adopting
technological tools in the classroom. We can create learning experiences to fit nice with the grade
level that is being taught. These online activates can help focus more on guiding the students,
rather than doing all the intensive preparation and arrangement for teaching. This technology can
help support these goals to support testing and having the understanding of the many subjects
being taught.
Students that have technology supported schools; I feel that the students would have a
better learning experience. Kids get bored of the same old stuff, sitting at those desks. If students
are being creative and learning, they could absorb the information like a sponge. That way they
can remember it for test time. Technology enables students to manipulate information in a
manner that accelerates both their understanding and the progression of their thinking skills.
Using technology helps students learn more and have the knowledge to be creative and those
kinds of learners are self-taught; they can do anything with their knowledge. The results show
that having technology in schools creates improved student learning skills. I would encourage
teachers and their students to come out of the traditional classroom and incorporate technology
with education. With the help of technology our students can have a successful education.
Nevada Grades K-12 Common Core Standards. Starting with PreK-Kindergarten-12th
grade; Mathematics- They have to know number names and the count sequence, count to tell the
number of objects, compare numbers, understand addition as putting together and adding to, and
understanding subtraction as taking apart and taking from, work with numbers 11-19 to gain
foundations for place value, describe and compare measurable attributes, classify objectives and
count the number of objects in each category, identify and describe shapes (squares, triangles,
circles, rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres) analyze, compare, create, and
compose shapes. English Language Arts- Reading literature and informational text,
foundational reading skills, writing, speaking and listening and language. Science- active process
of systematically examine the natural world, asking and answering questions and comparing the
answers to what scientists know about the world, requires critical consideration of verifiable

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evidence obtained from inquiry and appropriate investigations, variety of communication

methods can be used to share scientific information, interactions of science and society in an
ever-changing world, impacts of science and technology in terms of costs and benefits to society.
Physical Science (Matter)- Matter has observable properties, properties of objects and
materials, properties and changes of properties in matter, atomic structure explains the properties
and behavior of matter. (Forces and Motion)- Position and motion of objects can be described,
forces can change the position and motion of an object, position and motion of an object results
from the net effect of the different forces acting on it, interactions between force and motion.
(Energy)- Know heat, light, and sound can be produced, energy exists in different forms,
transfer of energy, interactions between matter and energy. Earth and Space Science- changes
in the weather often involves water changing from one state to another, water cycle relationship
to weather, objects in the sky which displays patterns, many components in the solar system
including Earth. Life Science- Living things have identifiable characteristics, structures that
perform a variety of life functions, similar process to meet lifes needs, living things live in
different places, non-living components of ecosystems interacts, many kind of living things on
earth, biological evolution and diversity of life. Health- Related to health promotion and disease
prevention to enhance health, health behaviors, peers, culture, and media, and technology,
decision-making skills to enhance health, goal setting to enhance health, personal and
community health. Physical Education- movement concepts, principles to the learning and
development of motor skills, movement forms, dance through skills, techniques, form of
communication, maintaining health levels of fitness. Social Studies- People, cultures, and
civilizations, nation building and development, social responsibility and change, the world in
spatial terms, places and regions, human systems, environment and society, the market economy,
the U.S. economy as a whole, the dynamic economy, citizenship and the law. Social- Emotional
Development- Self-confidence, self-direction, identification and expression, interaction, prosocial behaviors, attending and focusing skills. Music- singing, playing instruments,
improvisation, writing, reading, listening, evaluation, application to life, cultural and historical
connections, cross-curricular. Visual Arts- apply visual arts media, techniques, and progress,
visual characteristic, purpose, and functions, range subject matter, ideas, relationship among
visual arts.
Nevada Computer and Technology Education Standards. Grade 3 & Grade 5
Content Standard 2.0 Productivity tools: Students use appropriate productivity tools including
but not limited to word processing, spreadsheets, database, multimedia and telecommunications.
Content Standard 3.0 Research tools: Students use various technology tools to research
information and evaluate it accuracy and appropriateness in order to solve problem and
decisions. Content Standard 4.0 Tools and Processes: Students will identify, apply concepts,
and manage various tools and resources to evaluate their accuracy and appropriateness in solving
problems and making decisions. Content Standard 5.0 Systems: Students will recognize that

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systems are made up of individual components and that each component affects the operation of
the system and its relationship with other systems. Content Standards 6.0 Implication on
Society: Students will evaluate the impact and ethical implication on individual, society and the
environment. Grade 8 & 12 Content Standard 1.0 Problem Solving: Students will utilize
problem-solving progress through the use of resources to reach a desired outcome. Content
Standard 2.0 Productivity tools: Students use appropriate productivity tools including but not
limited to word processing, spreadsheets, database, multimedia and telecommunications.
Content Standard 3.0 Research tools: Students use various technology tools to research
information and evaluate it accuracy and appropriateness in order to solve problem and
decisions. Content Standard 4.0 Tools and Processes: Students will identify, apply concepts,
and manage various tools and resources to evaluate their accuracy and appropriateness in solving
problems and making decisions. Content Standard 5.0 Systems: Students will recognize that
systems are made up of individual components and that each component affects the operation of
the system and its relationship with other systems. Content Standards 6.0 Implication on
Society: Students will evaluate the impact and ethical implication on individual, society and the
The standards that I will be using in my lesson plan are; English language arts, speaking,
listening while reading a story, writing, reading skills, reading literature, writing informational
text, and using computer technology while making self-portraits of yourself, from the book I
Like Myself.
Name of lesson: A Special Me Self Portrait
Grade Level Appropriateness: PreK-Kindergarten
Technology Content Standard Addressed: English Language Arts in the Common Core
Standards & Content Standard 2.0 in the using technology. Productivity tools: Students use
appropriate productivity tools including but not limited to word processing, spreadsheets,
database, multimedia and telecommunications
Objective: The student will express their ideas written and orally/out loud, describe attributes,
and use Kid Pix computer software to make and create their self-portrait based off the book-I
Like Myself.
Materials needed to facilitate the lesson: Technology software: Kid Pix, Printing paper, and I
Like Myself book.
Suggested group size: 10-25 students
Procedures: Listen to the story: I Like My Self, the teacher will read it to you. So you can get a
better understanding what you will be doing for the project. Than have the students brainstorm

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some ideas about their self attributes on the idea. Next have the student go on Kid Pix on the
computer to create their self-portraits for their projects; A Special Me. Make them colorful and
about how you feel. After you are done with your artwork you can print them out on paper or
save them on the computer for later use.
Assessment: I will grade the students work by making sure they have a nice colorful selfportrait. It has to have some kind of writing in the picture with it. Your portrait picture has to
have eyes, a nose, hair, and a mouth.

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