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On The Phenomena Caused By Higgs Field Fluctuations

It is known that certain relativistic phenomena can be explained by treating matter as waves. Take,
for example, the relativity of mass. Simply by treating matter as wave and using the De Broglie
concept we find that mass is dependent on relative motion. It is also known that treating matter as
wave can explain the uncertainty effects. But at end of it matter also has particle nature and hence
these phenomena needs to be explained on the basis of the motion of the Higgs Boson. For
example, the uncertainty effects on the electron should create uncertainty effects on the Higgs
Bosons that provides the electron it's mass. Similarly relativity of mass tells that there is relativity of
motion in the Higgs field. I will demonstrate that it is the other way round and fluctuations in the
Higgs field causes phenomena like uncertainty effects , relativity and gravity.
The case of gravity is intuitive and the whole phenomenon can be visualized. But the same idea
will be extended to explain other phenomena. The idea is raised from the Higgs mechanism and
postulate that interaction between a particle with Higgs field can influence the interaction of
surrounding particles with Higgs field. And when a particle makes such interactions it is said that it
is causing fluctuations in the Higgs field. There are factors like mass and velocity that cause variety
in these fluctuations. But mostly or all of the interactions between particle and the Higgs field are
attractive. I will demonstrate how Higgs field fluctuations caused by massive bodies cause gravity
and quantum particles cause uncertainty effects.
The second postulate is an extension of the postulate made in the general theory of relativity. The
postulate that all bodies have a natural motion in time is extended to the Higgs Bosons. All Higgs
Bosons have a natural motion in time (at the speed of light) and when the Higgs Bosons begin to
move within the space dimensions , there is an overlap with the natural motion. This overlapping
causes time dilation. I will demonstrate the effects of time dilation in the Higgs field.

Defining Higgs Field Fluctuations

Firstly lets categorize Higgs Bosons as major and minor Higgs Bosons. Consider the entire space
to have one particle PA . Now this particle has interaction with the entire Higgs field. The interaction
gets very minute at large distances. Now in this Higgs field consider a single Higgs Boson which is
at a large distance PHB from PA . Add another particle in our system PB . Particle PB should be placed
near the Higgs Boson PHB so that its interaction with PHB is large. Now we know that PHB had some
interaction will PA but it has greater interaction with PB. So Higgs Boson PHB is minor to particle PA
and major to particle PB. Similarly a Higgs Boson interacting strongly with PA and weekly with PB is
minor to PB and major to PA. But before we brought B in our system, PHB was not minor to PA . This
categorization is relative and it requires more than one Particle.
We will emphasize on the interactions between a particle and its minor Higgs Bosons. When the
minor Higgs Bosons are influenced by the motion or the existence of the particle , we say that the
particle is fluctuating the Higgs fields. Now what do we mean by influenced ? When a particle
fluctuates the Higgs field it changes the motion of the minor Higgs Bosons. For example take a
particle PX at (x,y,z) and one of its major Higgs Boson PHB . Suppose another particle included in
our system ans it is fluctuating the Higgs field. Now when it fluctuates the Higgs field it changes
the position of its minor bosons. So the particle at origin changes the position of PHB and of all other
minor Higgs Bosons. When the position of those Higgs Boson change the position of N also

changes. Lets say it becomes (x',y',z') . If the interactions with the minor bosons are very minute the
then the change in the position of N is also minute.
It must be understood that earlier the FORMATION OF MASS was taking place at (x,y,z)
and later takes place at (x',y',z').
Although the above statement will get clearer when I talk about Higgs field fluctuations causing
gravity, there is a requirement to put emphasis on it. Suppose there is a group of children holding
hands to make a circle centered at (1,0). Later their teacher tells them to shift the center at (2,0).
Either they move while holding hand or they leave hands and remake the circle at (2,0). So it is the
same case with the minor Higgs Bosons. The particle is not moved , the particle is remade at
(x',y',z'). In fact every kind of motion can be described this way.

Higgs Field Fluctuations Causing Gravity

Let us consider a single body in space, Lets say an apple . Each particle in that body will interact
with the Higgs field and as a whole the apple will be attracting nearby Higgs Bosons. Now consider
another body in the same system , Lets say a planet. Exactly like the apple , the planet will also
attract the Higgs Bosons. The planet's interaction with its minor Higgs Bosons will be huge and
hence it can be said that it is creating huge fluctuations in the Higgs field. This is kind of fluctuation
is attractive , the planet is pulling it's minor Higgs Bosons towards it. Due to this kind of fluctuation
the mass of the apple will be formed closer to the planet. And as time passes the place where the
mass of the apple is formed will get closer and closer to the planet. As the apple gets closer to the
It must be understood that planet's minor Higgs Boson are not traveling all the way from the apple
to the planet. They are still forming the apple's mass not the planet's. The only thing that is changing
is the place where the mass is formed. And of course the mass of the planet will also form closer to
the apple , but to understand things we should neglect that.
At some point of time the apple should merge into the planet. But it is known that coulomb
repulsion will not allow it, it will create some restrictions in the Higgs field. Hence there is some
relation between the coulomb forces and the Higgs field. And hence coulomb charges are also
formed by Higgs field fluctuations. But due to the difference in the nature of gravitational and
coulomb forces , it will be very difficult to explain coulomb with this idea.

Uncertainty Effect In Quantum Particles

Even though quantum particles have very minute mass their great speeds create fluctuation in the
Higgs field. Take for example , the quarks. It is known that they have great speeds and their
movement is restricted by nuclear forces. These forces also keep changing the direction in which
the quarks are moving. Due to the fluctuation in their velocities , the Higgs field near the nucleus is
also fluctuated.
Consider one particular Higgs Boson. If it is near the nucleus , it will have to change its direction
also the quark moves. But if it is very far from it , then interaction is small and also its change in
velocity is small. So only the Higgs field near the nucleus fluctuates.
Due to this fluctuations the formation of the mass of the electron keeps changing and as that
happens the electron further fluctuates the Higgs field. But the electrons fluctuation is smaller so the
effect is diminished at places away from the nucleus. To to periodic motion in the quarks we

observe specific places where the electrons can be found. There is overlapping in the fluctuations
caused by the quarks and the electrons due to which different shapes of the orbitals are found. As
size (by mass) of the atom increases , more overlapping takes place and other shapes in the orbitals
are found.

Time Dilation and Its Effect On The Higgs Field

As postulated , all Higgs Bosons have a natural motion in time. So even if they appear to be
stationary they are actually moving in time with the speed of light. The general theory of relativity
has talked about the bodies in general , but applying similar concepts can reveal some effects of
Imagine a number of people moving down on an escalator. They all aren't using their legs yet they
moving. That is motion in time. But now one person decides to walk up. People will see him up but
actually he will still down. But the effect of the motion of the escalator on the person reduces. If the
person speeds up he might completely cancel out the effect of the escalator.
Same thing happens with the Higgs Bosons. Any kind of motion in the Higgs Boson can will
overlap with its motion in time. And if the Higgs Bosons move with the speed light the motion in
time will get completely overlapped. Motion in the Higgs Bosons can be caused by fluctuations
infarct existence of matter itself causes time dilation. The more massive the matter is the more
interaction it has with the Higgs field and hence it causes more motion in the Higgs Bosons causing
more time dilation. The existence of matter can be compared with gravity , but it can be visualized
that momentum fluctuates the Higgs field.
Another variety of fluctuation is occurred when the rate at which the Higgs Boson interact
changes. The rate at which the Higgs Bosons interact changes due to relative motion. Time dilation
affects the instantaneous velocities of the Higgs Bosons. As each Higgs Boson travels faster , the
net mass of the particle now increases.

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