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Three Principles of Air Movement

1. In this first diagram (Figure 7o-1), there is no horizontal temperature or
pressure gradient and therefore no wind. Atmospheric pressure decreases
with altitude as depicted by the drawn isobars (1000 to 980 millibars). In
the second diagram (Figure 7o-2), the potential for solar heating is added
which creates contrasting surface areas of temperature and atmospheric
pressure. The area to the right receives more solar radiation and the air
begins to warm from heat energy transferred from the ground
through conduction and convection. The vertical distance between the
isobars becomes greater as the air rises. To the far left, less radiation is
received because of the presence of cloud, and this area becomes relatively
cooler than the area to the right. In the upper atmosphere, a pressure
gradient begins to form because of the rising air and upward spreading of
the isobars. The air then begins to flow in the upper atmosphere from high
pressure to low pressure.
2. (see picture)-- Like water, air does not like to change direction quickly. Of
course, air has less density than water, so air will change direction more
easily than water. However, abrupt changes in direction generate turbulence,
which restricts flow volume. Laminar flow (parallel, layered, non-turbulent
flow) that does not make abrupt changes in direction results in maximum flow
volume through a conduit. Such flow is not always possible, but effort should
be made to keep flow as laminar as possible.
3. Flow will inevitably follow the path of least resistance. That means the flow
will usually take the shortest, unrestricted path from the point of high
pressure to the low pressure area. The reason we say "usually" is that air, like
any fluid, has some mass or weight, and once it is moving at a given speed or
in a given direction, it takes some outside force to change it. Airflow doesn't
like to make sharp right-angle turns. It doesn't like to stop suddenly. In
addition, it damn sure doesn't like to reverse directions abruptly - think of
shooting a fire hose against a wall.

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