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In any case, choose OLY ONE reaponse fo each ‘You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided Sev directions in the Anower Sher I stems carry equal marks. Ecfore you proces t mark inthe Anawet Sheet te reagan fo varus (me To 2 Soul have to il in some particulars in the Anewer Sheet as per instructions sent to YoU son your Admission Certifeate ms 8. Alter you have completed filing i all your responses on the Answer Sheet ang the examination Ast Snchuded, you'should hand over to te Invglator only the Ansiver Sheet. You are permitied te take away wih you the Test Booklet — re 19. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end, Penalty for wrong answers THERE WILL" BEYPENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE IN THE OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTION PAPERS. {i) There are four alternatives for the anawer to every question, Fe ‘wrong anewer has been given by the candidete, one-third of Question wil be deducted ae penalty. (iy Ha candidate gives more than one anewer, i willbe treated as a wrong anawer even if one of the gquren answers happens to be correct and there wil be sarve penalty as above t0 that ‘each question for which @ he marks assigned to that guestion. (iil Ifa question ia left blank, L., no answer ia given by the candidate, there will be mo penalty for thet question. DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO ere 8 ote w fed wet we gftom & Rod ge oT EY NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 0 A. Pradhan Mant! Jan-Dhan Yojana’ hae Select the correct answer using the code ‘een launched for sven below. {fo} prowding housing’ loan to poor fa) 1 only ‘eople at cheaper incerest rates a haw ®) promoting women's Self-Help (6 Both 1 and 2 Groups in bacteward areas (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (©) promoting financial inclusion in the ‘country ‘5. In the South Atlantic and South-Eastern i Pacific regions in tropical latitudes, (@) providing financial help to the cli nets ae epee clone does not orga. What in the 2. With reference tothe Fourteenth Finance (a) Sea surface temperatures are low Commission, which of the following () inter-Tropical Convergence Zone statements la/are correct? seldom occurs 1. thas increased the share of States (4 Coriolis force is t00 weak in the central divisible pool from = caer (2) ‘Nbvence of land in those regions 2. tae made recommendations 6 Wich ote the lowing pio Sten concerning sector-specific grants. tata indents the eustaromoet and Seat ore neering toe oon bbe ("tamed Ryathan fy) Arua Pre nd Rajasthan ae () Assam and Gujarat kent: ‘(dj Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat | doped 7. Conside the follow Coder the owing amtenent 2 ae ‘regarding the Directive Principles of 3 The Fortaleza Declaration’, recently in Biase Polly + the nw eon ee 1 The Prices at be so use come ey in he peewee: 2. The provisions contained in these ‘ w-onen Principles are not enforceable by fa w0 oa : 44 can tse ODP eto 0 Mich ft emer en eer eam hnete” Sta "a “at following? (a) 1 only 1. Swi sno oth at 0) 20m 2 tes unis Gavbuten oft a2 inde (Rater tne 2 s-agn-owunyasa 2 NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 1, warn eu shen! fiom & fe a en ra ee oe GFR fecoron O87 par fo) ihe eA CoRR SF TATE waa arena em a Fe & (o) feos WH aieeme % weve o iment ‘wag Wh stewiba 7a @ VaR? 2a a Rte eaten (refee fee) Oe aN tie 5. ae neta et arrears fig sen A # sm Bais Cake) ert Oty ‘reve ree @ me fa OE a, steed fn nein we, Ren we ws : SARE Teen peg g mmememeaeent fac’ aren feet 32 vite @ wore fo) Shottiore we sewn aa aint 42 street fet Bh (@) Be yee 2. FA fete ahem Reet aE Ce Se an ph wee et abc eek ait oo a ie fa Rreme ae et A TH GPR watt fo) eat (a) se ate a 0) ee (o) ee tn a OH @ mada fe) 30 a (a var oaee (a) ene ven at Smeg t meet Ao Sm let, ga a fren a swede fron fe: paneer! 1 ge tr fsa ates fa) Asean ren a Et ) BRICS 2. Rh eafte see fo ree fa o8co ‘ou weet (eet) 28 #1 (@ wro an wed fa te-w/a wh t/t? 4. fat te 8, 68 ODP oR a wh ee fa) et afer exh 8? ee tee 2. fe oe ew wf (eee) ait, fer vate B-AQN-O-UAIESA 3 Ie. NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! tn the des of Hight ore Induced, 12. What can be the inpatof exente) proc fen ly caeotigrontee] eae ia" oor mg whe flows tn eptoukurt “a L Peanicae fsa tng ~ ee microorganisms in soil can occur. a = 2, Increase in the acidity of soil can 4 Peter onsen Sona (2 ste! pratucton ee ee perce dpb 9. Which of th tng Hatin ar is i ta ee i a es stamp wah ng oe j poor gern gg Tincnive i seks ee (0) itr Nason Park Be : (8) Kel Laine National Part @ caen (9 Necladeo Chane Netional Park 12, With reference to the Intemational Union (a) Sctanpur National Pc ‘or Conran of ature snd Rea Rests HUCK) tod the Comenton da gcmeecnnemenemmanenes Persad Rone ogoeranone) ‘ayes anesllng oteeal tie Species of Wild) Fauna and. Flora Fonda (EF (GRE, “ach of heats Snes nf cle 1. MP fe en autonomous body af te, Departmen of Scene ‘and Nate ant CES en Tamer as —e. SSertiotsoener Soe 2. MO in an feats to sengten Mores deemdicee: nae She hgh advanced sc YUH ame thousands of fe me intied pronter ‘manage natural environments, ‘Senta etalon with highly advanced foreign ‘3. CITES is legally binding on the pe = Mn Staten tat he fed st th Soeael wea cca erie i lt sads se : pr Select the correct answer using the code a tea Ct en (} 2 and 3 only (Both 1 end 2 fe) 1 and 3 only (2) eter 1 noe 2 @ aes -AaH-0-uarean s NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 8. ‘a ag Tah ee (Ree os ew. BRA aes alee aren sere Tey Refer A Powe es "pein ate ne Aen 8 ‘eee feet 8 1. FaNA aie Quetta a aaa gta (area) eae th oy fags 2. AA sn 8 et wt 3. ota ae (seta) 4 ae ere Caer (ee) Bem w eaase 8 yma wn aU Ie YR 9. Pen A tame fe Te weet ‘eat 8 eae ee CU (Wn) ee oy en Teor (hy bee eee em Peery Seat? fa 293 (ay etre 1a, 398 Gf apts ned & een & fie ty Speed fens ean eu (eaters afer ot ochre fe) ee rm re aise Suc gm fakin) GUCN) Te shan 4 era € errr ei @ weg tenat serie mr «ee (he we fete ey chad eheta of ee to. of serfs afore (tee vate wr vein) reg ¥ eel ‘riton-en) (xt) 8 Ree 8 Sern ech 4s m/w BR? Sema we Wt 1 UCN ge (UN) eB # 1. NaF, te wre a fam sh comes werd efi 0B Shr Boor ce ee Set 2. 100K, spe afr tet ee 2. MF, eet ae Ree be ek fe fe oe a at dace aceon bea 8 ape (fre) wats Aafia Yeast 2 oe Be Aas 3. Gres mart wie era meet egies tgs es eee rel ae ex, afer ee ee dena ATED tape ea wr wee 228 epee wen aU Cg oest fo) er oe () weet ey (9 ish Pees (@ 1aama B-AQK-O-VUAIESR * 1.10 NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! sana naresa mesons his © ARSE Rleathn, Seca ane b cppeoee or ge rare fa} Cabinet Committee on Economic Leages. im Si Semoriecehernnene Pa gigetocanigtan 1 Commins or Rear! Cots nee ee se atid ak ui rss ag Inspection, Ministry of Agriculture ees halons, mint seemed ‘Dhan ee a Committee () 1 and 2 only, A imasae 14. What expe the esa fw of te a iene fatorial counter-current Pit . sl 17. Among the following, which were (0) ‘The Barth's rotation om ite axis Teguise ha te aise Oe (1 Convergence of the two equatorial the outbreak of Ebola virus recently? currents (0). Syria and Jordan 62) Dillerence i salinity of water 10) Guinea, Siera Leone and Libera (4) Occurrence ofthe bel of eatm near {Philippines and Papua New Guinea the equator 14) Jamaica, Huis and Surinam — 18. With reference to Ty a cao eee ae ee the poner plants Place of Pilgrimage Lacaton which ofthe lowing statements /are 1. Sriseitam eller Hite oe = Si esl Be ly ash can be used int 2 Ombareshwar : Satmala Hills production of bricks for building 3. Pushkar Matadeo Hits onstruction Which of the above pire ia/are 2 Fly ash can be used as a Gehiae ew replacement for some. of the Portland cement contents of fa) V only concrete. ) 2 and 3 only 3. Fly ash is made up of silicon a dioxide and aleium oxide only, oa find does not contain any toxic (@ 1,2 and 3 + clement 26, With reference to Rowlatt Satyagrahe, Select the correct anewer using the code ‘which ofthe following statements lofare ven below. Correct? fo) Vand 2 1, The Rowlatt Act was Based on the ait recommendations of the ‘Sedition fo Vand 3 Commitee fa) 3 only B-AQH-O-JUA/EA ‘ NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 12, 28 shea ome Hen (FRA) ‘ears 3 & ats aeten seem 8? (ay ses rc 9 rece (oy BAR rm ah oe fo WR ree ferme oh Ae ‘emer (a) FR Per A +a fete aera (eet rieste) -peega ee sem Fe 8? fey yet ms re em eA fo) 2 Paget ori a aearn (=e) Aol oe (a Fagen eres an (Re st om) 5, fr et Rr: ' thier eR 1, them: sap wet 2, iret: ren vee 3 ge: mote ential sre 88 ham ge wy A fo) ra 0) Bae 2 ate 3 fo teats @ 1,293 16, the wane & wat #, fetiiy ae Sem we wh AAT 1, tee afte, “Beer AA Fre sma B-AQN-O-JUA/ESA ct 2 thee remy ht 9 He a vain x a1 rae Ren 2. err oe ser fra Rett the wre 8 Frere AR RUT RC Rn eeeE IE YP @ ea @) trast 6 tases fa 1,233 fete 38 fer, een feng ra feces 8a ened fw TRO EAT (a) ten ate as (oy Pt, rena een fey Patera abc gen = Ft (aye, bt se en fe 8 a 8 dea oth wo a “Wea am "end a & wd 8 Seen setha dena ea g/t 1, ed Re te i fre ‘e zerer# fon wa wen By 2, we to aud wate & go BAC “Re an & veer (Re) fen ne ti 3. ard bn See fifty mts Seen ote & a Hen ott 2 fers (ee) ae fa Rem Re wn aC fa 192 tea? (1am (a3 NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 19, With reference to ‘dugong’, a mammal found in India, which of the following statements ia/are correct? 1. Itisa herbivorous marine animal. 2. It is found along the entize coast of India 3. Mt is given legal protection Under Schedule I of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 ‘Select the coret anewer sing the code seven below (@ 1ana2 0) 2 only (Vand 3 (@ 3 only 20. Who of the following was/were economic eritie/eriten of coleniali in india? 1. Dadathat Kacroit 2. G, Subramania Iyer 3. RC. Dut Select tne correct anower using the code ren below. fa) 1 only 2) 1 and 2 enty fe) 2and 3 only ( 1,2and 3 21, Which one of the following ierues the ‘Global Economic Prospecte’» report periodically? (a) The Asian Development Banke @) The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development () The US Pederal Reserve Bank (4) The World Bank B-AQN-O-JUA/63A 22, When the Reserve Bank of India reduces the Statutory Liquidity Ratio by 50 basis points, which ofthe folowing s likely to happen? (@) India’s GDP growth rate increases ‘bratically (0) Poreign Institutional Investors may bring more capital into our country (Scheduled Commercial Banks may ‘out their lending rates (4) may drastically reduce the lgaidty to the banking system 23, With reference to the use of nano: technology in health sector, which of the following statements is/are correct? 1. Targeted drug delivery ie made possible by nanotechnalgy. 2. Nanotechnology can largely ‘contribute to gene therapy. ‘Select the correct anawer using the code hen below. (fa) 1 only () 2 only f@) Bow 1 and 2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 24, In India, markets in agricultural products are regulated under the (a) evential Commodities Act, 1955 (0) Agricultural Produce Market Committee Act enacted by States (e) Agrcuitural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act, 1937 (fa) Food Products Order, 1956 fané Meat and Food. Products Order, 1973 225. Which one ofthe following isthe national ‘aquatic animal of India? (a) Saltwater crocodile @) Olive ridley turtle (2) Gangetic dotphin (2) Ghariat NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 19, mat a at wat Soph ea, a2. wm ford de aie ae ogee Sefer we 8 ama we BP (ew fie Fra) = 50 anor ae 1 eee er gt sre (foe ic) oe wa, oh tn 4 2 ce wk Qo we heme oe sok 8 ore at fe) 4 8 ODP Rt eet it 3. Wee ate (mem) siPiem, 1972 A (fetch veeawe Pts eat tn A ate Sage 18 one Rite teen fe ates tt mt (ey sen ee ts or son 88 maunret Ao wd eR Fee fo 1he2 Seon fet on ett ) ¥e2 23, ween dn 8 tate rn Heo! 8, fishes ‘Potts wet a ata we Of? 1 ate imo eee Se @ eas wea (ore er feet) ware Pee wt 20, fefeon 42 fe, se A wee 2. Rede ore (eae) ‘ef sees? wom tm t 1. oe AiqnE ashe 2. ee oe fa a1 3. tte ean fo) m2 fo shoe Aho E A Eh eH oe weet 24, ra PR 3d come ft () m1 aie ‘eee Penson 8 fay rE eae, 1955 eri aed (o) ued afin 9A eo fe @ 233 Ae Tae (tert ei Rey ee on es Secs sehen)’ fe es Fe 8 Pies Seat ent? ‘re ante, 1973 tay ive Fas 25, Reiter #8 eon os, sre ape ache (oy ee iets ote fee te (een mae? Becher ee tree) wanen o » (oh Ye eue ta td ts ee f@ hate (a) Pee B-AQN-O-WUA/EIA ° Inno. NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 26, with reference to Congress Socialist 29. Which of the following brings out the Party, consider the folowing statements: ‘Consumer Price Index Number for 1, It advocated the boycott of Britis Yousetel Workers? ods and evasion of taxes. (2) The Reserve Bank of fndia 2. it wanted to establish the dicta- (®) The Department of Economic torship of proletariat. ‘Alaire 3. Wadvocated separate electorate for (€) The Labour Bureau tinorities and oppressed classes (@) The Department of Personne! and Which of the statements given above Training epee 30, tn the context of modem scientife (a) 1 and 2 only Tesearch, consider the following 0) 3 only Statements about TeeCube! a particle detector located at South Pole, which a eee was recently in the news 4) None 1, te is the world’ largest neutrino 27. Consider the fllowing statements : detector, encompassing, a cubie 1. The Rajya Sabha has no power eloeetre of ie. cither to reject or to amend a 2. is powerful telescope to search Money Bill. for dark matter 2. The Rajya Sabha cannot vote on 3. Tes buried deep in the ie. See Deena by Grants, Which of the statements given above 3. The Rajya Sabha cannot discuss isyare correct? the Annual Pinaneial Statement. (a) 1 only Yeh of etaemente gran are ea fq) and 3 only fa) 1 only ie Vee (@ 1,2 and 3 f@) 2 and 3 only 31. The terms ‘Agreement on Agriculture’ papas ‘Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures! 28, The Government of India Act of 1919 land ‘Peace Clause’ appear in the news clearly defined frequently in the context of the affairs (a) the separation of power between ot the the judiciary and the legislature fa) Pood and Agriculture Organization () the jurisdiction of the central and (o United Nations Pramework prosincial governments Conference on Climate Change lo) the powere of the Secretary of State (World Trade Organization for India und the Viceroy i atonal (4) None of the above Programme B-AQN-OJUA/6SA 10 NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 26, wine sien wel wal 4, Prfoe et fr 1, Be ere te reir (Ya) @ ee we rdreet wr attereert refer ven ret at) ye seer van cher et Pe pe Patera were refs wed A w/t we AY fa) 1 te? ) a3 233 @ ste ‘er wed fra eR, 1. Uae ao fate Sw A eR 10. ates 6a 8 ty fee ati oat a ge A a ee A vent cra wr its fhe een eal a8 wet safe wet Aa tem we HP f@ Far @ eat ahe f maak @ 23K. 2. 2 a 28, sen HOEK wftfes, 1919 9 Fein a ‘feo ee we 8 ote fee? (a) =ecttom fee (Aare) te a FE () Soha sre we ae fo) sw Bich te Re re cafe eve Aa REA B-AQH-OWJUA/63A 29, Featan 2. ae “sre wet & fe ‘ra form yews (RK Me Tee AT ‘ae fete wa)" ee #7 fo) sre ft ts (op see fase fy) Rt (aye 3 xr fo ays Aha aegis wf, wee ‘ered Ham Zion ye ot flan we ee Were (ates fete) “sae Aexoun 8m fin we 1 we fee wh a, ee feciter Ran, A ge (PA ‘tee 81 va uk et dak matter © oD fet afer qo 3, Web Feat Rem BoB aes ed aaa at @ wer 0), m2 tes fo Baia (23m a1. "Uhie ate eet Agreement on ‘Aapicueare’, ie ait fe eis as ‘Reo fe RAR nH (Agreement 8 the Appliation of Sanitary and Prytonanitary Measures’ she "8s win (Peace Clause’ T= HR, wera fest sacl weed Ht BY ) was ge oy Feary wads gE OE Toe wie 2 fe) Meo at (ey ys oR seers rte a [pro NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 32, With reference to ‘Near Field Commun ‘ation (NFC) Technology’, which of the 38. Consider the following paire fliowing statements ajare correc Medieval dian Present Region 1. eis a contactess communication —— technology that wees electromagnetic 1. Champa Centra nt radio Held. 2. Durgara arn 2. NPC is designed for use by devices tie oo which can be at a distance of even. — tates ‘metre from each other, Which of the above paire is/are 3. NPC can use encryption when correctly matched? sending senate information, ae ‘Select the correct anawer using the code 0) 2 only cen oom lands fa) and 2 only (3 only 7 Seay (96. Consider the following rivers : (1 and 3 only 1. Vamsadbara (a) 2,2 00d 3 2 Indravati 33, The area known as ‘Golan Heights’ bi al sometines appears in the news inthe 4. Penpar SE Es creas salad a Which of the above are tributaries of (e) Central Asia Godavari? ) Midate Ease ee (©) Souer-East Ania wees eas: (2) Cents Ata @ aaas 2 and 3 on ‘34. Convertibitity of rupee implies: « ” being able to convert rupee notes 37- When a bills refered toa joint sitting of ° into gold ‘Doth the Houses of the Parliament, it bas to be paseed by () abowing ee value of rupee to be fed by market forces (a) «simple majoriy of members fe) freely permitting the conversion ienereten . cf ropes to other currencies and (0) threeourths majority of membere ‘toe vera resent and voting (a) developing an tnternatonal macket (61 evosthieds majority ofthe Howes foe currencies in India (4) absolute majority of the Houses B-AQN-OUA/OSA 2 NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 2, NPC Haft (rmyta) we ain Sm! ‘fore ieee flea en 8, CER A aafe got 4a dana at ge t/t? etd hh er we Bl ae 3. Where en Bet re NEC Wert RNR (era) w sede et wet oe 8 Reem wn WCE TH GPR fo vas fa Reais (a a3 &) eas aa 6, Pen a eae fa: Spree’ 1 ane f@ 1293 a 3 ten 33, Ae egg’ A ag a ae A oe a ‘ec 88 et wea Wea Weak A ecove ware farm bY refs Aa wet teat A ere ate fa) 3 ea f@ 1,293 toy se ek (es fe) my) 2,394 (9 tod era f 129mK4 (ay 0 ae fa) 29S 36, a ste edt? 97, a wg BH wed age toe AE a faite Me (Ce) feats 8, 2 x8 Po bhi Sychieahch y see fo sen #7 Eso aati (ey wen a ee TY Sd 9 VO oa geod te oe gE waa cella 6a A wai oa 0) Hits me eR TA ee aa wt a0 tat grt fa) ee A aS fore ef sco, f@ wwe -tetepe festa ce @ wang BAAQN-O-VUA/IA cy Irno NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 38. Which one of the following regions of Select the correct answer using the code Inia has @ combination of mangrove sven below, forest, evergreen forest and deciduous e teal ay. forest? @) 3 ooy (a) North Coastal Andhra Pradesh BS eas ext: () South-West Bengal Gd hed fo) Southern Saurashtra 7 (d) Andaman and Nicobar Islands 42, The Government of india has established INIT Aayog to replace the 99, Which of the following kingdoms were i (a) Human Righte Commission ‘associated with the life of the Buddha? a ae A Avant (eo) Law Commission 2 eas (@) Planning Commission i= som Mine he ie eats ‘Select the correct anawer waing the code (0) Iie the United Nations Conference Gran below. ‘on Sustainable Development ise 1 Zerioaeel me am Betty henson o isaet fj Thc eae ct giana Reoirres se oti eetintg series Wg Sh came do ti Soci 9 tetwres em nein Srecvie “ESS aes Be cocacs womertereeeume ee i eee 2 iat rE. eee tent 2. The Prime Minister is the ex officio sont tg pL = ‘The arrival of Babu into India Je tothe ‘Which of the statements given above |. introduction of gunpowder in the = infare correct? ‘subcontinent | 2. introduction of the arch and dome 2 iw in the region's architecture (@) 2 only 3. eetablishment of Timurid dynasty (9) Both 1 and 2 fm the region (4) Neither 1 nor 2 B-AQN-O-JUA/63A 4 NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 30, sre & Soa Bit 8 A fem Ue 4, Sat 8 eg eH I WR 1, wer a a ew eh 7 emits fa) abe a () tm 3 (o) enfin ore, fo Beaks fo) Sieh em, @ 29K seer atk Rel Se ei 42, wa weet 3 At (KIT) oti A EON 39, Fin cal 8 frre a eB et fen 2 Rare ws 2 EY tar (oy af sy 1 at (ofr aren 3 eee fo) fe an ad a Re Fe AE AT A 43, om ae waren} A ont IM ehe20. fw 1,233 {Ror20) eke wa? ) m2sh3 fay ee fra (wee tee) ese wut ® fy @ fe am a A hae fy masts =! 0, Seon 8 8 ew Ge, saw oT (ey 6 ser teats seme bre “#2 wa ceed & veh we ere wa (iecotien tre oa erie #4) org U2 tne we (BT az) ten t Rie ee Reem scr Sw Be fa Rega wetnt ° e 44, Refi wed we fr en: a 1. rahe wa wef hs neh (4) se see feat ae, fe ir ee te 4 een ot fa eg: - a ee Sea ‘rage weed 83 taw/8 we At 1. Fee ae & ae A YOM ons 2 War @ verre Hoe oh fee I wed wea emE ” We 8 tet (fate) een ea fo isto tet pe (@ waist B-AQH-OWUA/63A 1s tere. NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 45. The term Goldilocks Zone’ ie often seen Which of the statements given above 4m the news in the context of isfare correct? (a), the limits of habitable one above wie. the surface of the Barth () regions inside the Earth where oer shale gas is available fe) Both 1 and 2 (eo) search for the Barth planets in pa aT cD ‘outer space (a) search for meteorites containing 4g, which of the following statements Pease regarding “Green Climate Pund’ is/are ‘correct? 46, Who of the following organized a march ‘on the Tanjore coast to break the Salt 1, Mis intended 0 assist the aw in Apel 19507 developing countries in adaption * tion practices to counter fa) V.0. Chidambaram Pilla Climate change ) ©. Rajagopalachart 2. Wt te founded under the aegis of fo) & Kamara) . UNEP, OECD, Asian Development Bank and World Bank. (@) Annie Besant ‘Select the correct answer using the code 47. Who ofthe following founded a new city ‘sven below. fon the south bank of a tributary to river Krishna and undertook to rule his new kingdom as the agent ofa deity to whom. fa) 1 only all the land south of the river Krishna, kek was supposed to belong? (a) Amoghavarsha 1 (6) Both 1 and 2 ) Baltaa 1. (a) Neither 1 nor 2 (¢) Marea 1 {80. Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarma: (8) Prataparadra 1 ‘ment and Development for 2014 was tiven to which one of the folowing? 48. Consider the following statements (fe) Bhabha Atomic Research Centre 1, The Sree woman President of the Indian National" Congress wae (2) Indian Institute of Stence onengre (o} Indian Space Research Organization ‘2. The first Muslim President of the ee Indian "National Congress wee (4) Yaa tnatute of Fundamental Badruddin Tab Research B-AQN-O-UAVERA 16 NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 45, ‘ediciee 5H (Goldilocks Zone)’ Wee rafts # @ fost wont A ore eared eam (a) gu re rrr Hee Gat (oy yet seer ae, Pa rem? fo) a seat ye tA ah Ee ol Age Tene (Caer) 46, Tl 8 Ped site 1930 8 as og ek ae ea We ane fe? a) Me ae Recera R (to renter fg %o woe 1a) tate 47, 8 8 foek pe at 8 wees te et ew ee am ee a Te ta SRG ee are a8 oe SCT eA ‘er te Fer a rr en pon a8 8 ee 8 woes oft au te A (a) seat (os fete (9 eer ta) see ft 48, fefefra we x Fra 1, sre oe ete 9 er afte roe wate rt 2, de fe a 3 we ga eres a ty BAAQN-O-JUA/63A ro ‘yas wed 4 m/w ta) ) 2 fo aha (a) sao? 49, “ee aerary Fat (ote vengee ey’ a A ‘oan Ra Aaa owe 8 1 me fewerts tt ae sch wen 8 iy aes oh a Tad ween BS ae a 2. ¥ UNEP, OFCD, wre fears tx fe fe mene # ate ow AR Rem R Se ah GR fq en &) a2 fo shat (a var omahe so. wi 2014 % fee dekh mF, Sere ak fa ean fre fw fear et (oye way sg (oy tre Ree (o) er intr sep (ey gee ee Into. NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! enlarged the powers of the Indian It provided for more Indians in the ICs. ‘Select the correct answer using the code ‘ven below. Cy @ “ @ 1 only and 3 Land 3 None '52. Which one ofthe following National Parks ‘has climate that varies from tropieal 0 subtropical, temperate and arctic? @ o “ @ ‘hangehendzongn National Park Nandadevi National Park ‘Neora Valley National Park Namdapha National Park 153. Amnesty International ie @ o “o @ fan agency ofthe United Nations to help refugees of civil ware 1 global Human Rights Movement © nongovernmental voluntary organization to help very poor people fan inter-governmental agency to cater to medical emergencies in warcavaged regions B-AQN-O-JUA/6SA 54, With reference to the art and archaco- logical history of India, which one ‘among the following was made cariest? (a) Lingaraja Temple at Bhubaneswar ) Rock-cut Blephant at Dhault fe) Rock-cit Monuments at Mahabalipuram (4) arabe Image at Udayagict ‘lement/elements of the feudal aystem? 1. A very strong centralized political ‘authority and a very weak provincial focal political authority 2. Emergence of administrative structure based on control and possession of land 3. Creation of lord-vassal relationship Yerween the feudal lord and his overlord Select the correct answer using the code ssiven below. (a) 1 and 2 only () 2nd 3 only (3 only (@) 3,2and 3 56. BioCarton Fund Initiative for Sustain- ‘able Forest Landscapes’ ia. managed by the (fa) Asian Development Bank International Monetary Fund @ United Nations Environment Programme (a) World Bank NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 51, Ae few 8 wel A, Refer a R54, ee & eT Tone he we! 8, emo wh HA een 8 8 fat oe ws we oe 1. ee wee feet ferme? 2. wel es seed @ afd er ey gh en Br fre 3. RACs a ote ates aha & fe (tt en tee eh prox fo (ep erage Ben era wre SR fem ge ain cae om GT ey re ea a 8 a1 ss. smote phere © weak, Seen 203 B08 wre oer) od ot ame 9 1, sea we be metie ate @ wa aero pd ee oper ere es en 52, Pears re we 3 8 Rew we A eT a Reet ee ein mona =a 3. es we Fa i ata ec peu Se fg eer Seve AR ep a eh Ae om ST (oy ed ter rpeaiana L hiainenaidted e223 (6) 8 hee wk fo ta @ 293 89. a ete ee eS ENT ate ‘Favs (BiCarbon Fund Inia for Sustainable Forest Landscaped) 1 (0) er wee foam set yore beiiee 33 de wom bY 6 A ht ato mE i (oy im fern ret eos ape (oy sentie g e we mr few io srefienst 8 wa fe 6) Hye eg eter tes Semen ae fa) Rats B-Agn-o-JUA/6aA 1» Inno NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! '57. India is a member of which among the 60. With reference to the Union Government, following? ‘consider the following statements: 15 (AlaPaalas Besioen Cogent 1, The Department of Revenue is 2. Association of South-East Asian responsible for the preparation of Nations ‘Union Budget chat is presented to the Parliament 3. Bast Asia Summit 2. No amount can be withdrawn from ‘Select the correct answer using the code the Consolidated Fund of India ven below. without the authorizatin from the Patiament of India it Caen oy: 3. All the disbursements: made from () 3 only Public Account also need the ‘authoriation from the Parlement (@ 1,2and3 of India. (@) India ina member of none of them Which of the statements given above 158. In India, the steel production industry ajeraccorver require the import of D sibeie (@) and 2 only (0) rock phosphate (@) 2 and 3 only coking coal - oe (2 ony, (4) il of the above (1, 2and 3 189. The provisions in Fith Schedule and Sixth Schedule in the Constitution of siiiiidiaauiiasninial 61. Who/Which of the following is the (a) protect the interests of Scheduled custodian of the Constitution of India? Tribes @) determine the boundaries between (9) Aetermine the powers, authority (a) The President of India () The Prime Minister of India Sok temeeslmne as ransiagett () The Lok Sabba Secretariat (@) protect the interests of all the border States (4) The Supreme Court of Indin B-AQN-O-JUA/6IA 20 NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 57, en Pere Rowen ft 60, et Q ween (Gfeer afi) wat &, 1, Rrra afte etn (efta- eer wl tf fe, ‘aor reer sattee) ao 2 tm 1, te fn, vg 8 segn re we diet we wo Seas 2. ete frat mes (fee gt o = 2, sen eg fee (see) 8 ecm RT SCRE MG . fr 2 wren 8 ie AA Se 28a wen fe) Perish 3. ander a Aq at wd wt ed vee (Pementige) & fog of sr eg & fo 2m aera are HB (ea) oe GA 8 eh ween nde med aa dept wt se, ora 8 yer Tere wah Pen BA (a) tame ‘os ar tan We 7 ‘am () oem 2 te 3 (oy teste (oe te) f m2 ‘Reet (2) ® deo fa 1,293 ed 59, sn er ate ogee she wd ee «6 Psd a on ew ate ‘oven Freen & 8 re fe 7 (ovate) 8? Hate ret St eons ao (0) Wah shasta Po fee 0) ren seit © SRS ahh gy teen (ey aoa a a deen Bee (a) 99 6 =a B-AQH-OWUA/E3A a {P.t.0. NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! (62. Consider the following statements : Select the correct answer using the code 1. The Accelerated trrigation Benefits ——— Programme was launched during (a) 1 only 1996-97 to provide loan assistance ) 2, Sand 4 1 poor farmers. @ teas 2. The Command Area Development (@) 1, 2ands Programme was launched in 1974-75 for the development of 68, Basel Ill Accord or simply ‘Basel 1, ‘water-use efficiency. ‘often seen in the news, seeks to Which of the statements given above (F Soralon mater) ecrsongines et ss conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity fe) Vonly (} improve banking sector's ability waza fo deal with financial and economic stress and improve risk (6) Both t and 2 ‘management (4) Neither 1 nor 2 (9 reduce the greenhouse gas emissions but places heavier Durden on developed countries 63, The Genetic Engineering Appraisal ‘Coiabie icone ihe (d) transfer technology from developed countries to poor countries to (a) Food Safety and Standards Act, enable them to replace the use of 2008 chlorofluorocartons in refrigeration () Geographical Indications of Goods a etatinee chiens ee ene 66. Consider the following statements 1. The winds which biow between (4) Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 30" N and 60° S latitudes through (a) wiadute Protection} Act, 1972 out the ‘year are known as ‘64, In the Mekong-Gange Cooperation, an 2. The moist air masses that cause fnitiative of six countries, which of winter raing in North-Western the following is/are not participant) region of India are part of participant? westerles 1. Bangladesh oot the statement ren deve are correct? 2. Cambodia ae 3 hina oe ) 2 only 2 eens (9) Both 1 and 2 5. Thailand (4) Neither 1 nor 2 BAQN-O-JUA/6SA 2a NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 2, freon wl Pee i: aU RCM BM RAE He GFR 1. rita fied aim water 1996-87 gion dea Foe hae re A in 2 ie Ft er ) 2,9 2, wit dr from ber 1974-75 # @ vis eon wea & fie & Re TE @ ams fem at ‘wora) pe: ae aren “are (Base) 1) ‘rage wed 8 aha we surlntapsbadlny Fecal Bet fo) flew ee oh TEN (wees) sei & fe Est wna feafin wc Fare em fo vshea tt (op er Beh, ibe he fe car wera wa & aed Soe eA on (a Thr eRe? “afl en A own 8 Fe ’ 69. Fee tae ager vA ee fo toon ta oe a ae ‘fern 8 fs sa fea 8? see eg ff a ae oh j aera? em ree a) Reet fe ta sate (oye Sofie ets Prtern t senor om ern & a & set wen) afin (fetaees eit aye 2 we whieh fe oats en (ea een) ey, ‘wee re er ew 1999) 66, Patent fre I: 6 sim (hee) aoe, 1906 1. Rist 20° att Go" etal ate 99 ate tire) ahem, 1972 2 ahr sg em eet) ‘ween 2) 2, wg & wrest x Hert wt 64, daha aed fo: BH A eet, GR aret ont ang iefret (tee eH fetes 2 a ee-m/2 te aiherh A soda) ogen ema & a th we ef weed H 8 a/R Ltn fa 2 sie ” e as 0 a2 4 3 f@ Laat 5. mits fa vate B-AQN-OJUA/OSA 23 Ip. t0, NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 67. With reference to Indian Ocean Rim 70, Tides occur in the oceans and seas ‘Association for Regional Cooperation due to which among the following? GOR-ARC), consider the following statements 1. Gravitational force of the Sun 1, wns estabtished very recently in 2. Gravitational force of the Moon reeponse to incidents of piracy and accidents of cil spill. 3. Centriugal force of the Barth 2. isan alliance meant for maritime security only Select the correct answer using the code ven below. Which of the statements given above lfare correct? (a) 1 onty fa) 1 ony () 2 and 3 only (2 only 1 and 3 on fo) Both 1 and 2 9 ~ (a) Nether 1 nor 2 (@ 1, 2and 9 (68. Which one of the following movements hhas contributed to a split in the in which of the following activites are fndlan Metional Congress reeulting Indian Remote Sensing (RS) sateliter in the emergence of ‘moderates’ and used? ‘enncemists? 1, Assessment of crop productivity (fa) Swadeshi Movement 2 ) Quit india Movement (fo) Non-Cooperation Movement 2 Meese (4) Civil Disobedience Movement 4 Locating groundwater resources ‘Telecommunications 69, Ina particular region in India, the local 5 Trac studies ‘people train the roots of living trees Sin wht widais Sons a aa Select he correct answer using the ode ‘Ae the me passes, these bridges ‘Bren below Yeoome stronger. These unigue ing root bridge are found in fe) 1,2 and 3 enty me (@) 4 and § only (2) Winachal Pradesh (@) sarkand (4 Vand 2 onty (4) Tait Nace ()1,2,3, 40085 B-AQh-ovUAyesa 4 NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! G67, “len wet fee eer fon in eee 70, er at a rent Fh ae ae eee wren t/a # TOR-ARCI| ® wt A, Praelae we = fra BPR: ae aahedl 1. Fat eeren ocer ee Aah Bit 2, ornate 8 vem om te sftere (area 3 ye eta re fern) @ gic * cifras & at 48 Pee NN Lat oe 2 BOM a te Ry t (a) ae wage ead 2a tama wht niece a1 op ere? (e) ee HS @ texan @ 1, 23m3 fy vat tere oo fats pe wie ger 84 ree At Sra ee a ce? SIRT SA? ‘eee Ry Teel et son 8? piven Te cabibepibenil a wile i he eee wee 6) sn rte 3. ofa ater (a) Pee ore sete 4 ie 5. mare sor 60, ra fae Be, ete sn ST 2 22 gata w FE asa OTT ee oP hirabstlibm bed spe 8, ys otk en a HT ee 1, 23h seh ee a ge elo ad 47 Gs . (a) Been fy Bates fewest ° fo emote fe (ay srerng @ 1,2,3,43R5 B-AQN-0-WUA/69A as inno. NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! "72. Consider the following States ‘74. With reference to Forest Carbon Partnership Pacilty, which of the 1. Arunachal Pradesh following statements is/are correct? a te os 1, Ris a global partnership of governments, businesses, eiil zee society and indigenous peoples. 2. It provides financial aid to universities, individual scientists {In which of the above States do “Tropical fand institutions involved in Wet Bvergreen Forests’ occur? scientific forestry research to develop eco-fiendly and climate ‘adaptation technologies for we Yew ‘sustainable forest management 3. It assists the countries in their @) 2nd 3 only ‘REDD® (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) efforts by providing fo) and 3 only them with Snancial and techaical fa) 3, Band 3 Select the correct answer using the code sven below. ‘73. The term ‘IndARC’, sometimes seen in a ion the news, ia the name of () 2 and 3 only fa) an indigenously developed radar (1 and 3 only system inducted into Indian Defence (1,2 and3 (0) India's satelite to provide services to the countries of Indian Ocean, Rim (a) Odia fo) & scientific establishment set up, bby India in Antarctic region 0 Kentnat (2) Bhojpuri (d) India's underwater observatory 12 scientifically tudy the Arete region (4) Assamese B-AQN-O-JUA/6SA 26 NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! ra. fete et Fr BER: 176, ‘eons what after (site eh wei a aa en whe 2, fewest 4,38 ee, sea, arate was oth eh wa (gafiae deen) A oe tee 3. fete wether 1 2. wot (Weiea) Tee Oy af et 2 a ate onions cedeer age (fe See) ke meer ee agg (ent tiem) stared (Cwtatta) % fram % fx fahe fo at caeht sign 8 eA feufecen, Pte (Rfgee) tafe me eet a waz ates ‘fava were were rh #1 Prrere serdt w E+ (to Saises Gen ae ete Bee fetme) (REDD+)|" Ten # Ree (@ .29m3 cd mead geen TER, eA eg dn Fo aA a1 173, e898 cared a ora ee eet ea 2 3h 3 tneaRcy' foe a 8? anes (ea) tera 28 Pein, ste ae (RH) (1,293 fer Ya Fae 76. Ta #3 Pefeen 3 2 fee cE ene fo) Ser fea Re ar wR sol snarl ag lyst igemin rer Facer fo wa a scabies oe oe we ea Serres 0) ee (ty seis tae ene 8g et sate tem Gat i at onion (a se -AgN-o-UA/EBA Pa Inno NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 76, With reference to an organization known 79. ‘Beijing Declaration and Platform for ‘BirdLife International, which of the ‘Action, often seen in the news, i= following statements la/are correct? 1. Mt ia @ Gbbal Partnership of (a) & strategy to tackle the rexional ‘Conservation Organizations. terrorism, an outcome ofa meeting ofthe Shanghai Cooperation 2. The concept of biodiversity Organization hotspots’ originated from this oe (%) & plan of action for sustainable 3. We fMdentifes the sites known/ ‘economic growth inthe Asia-Pacific refered to as Important Bird and Region, an outcome ofthe detibera Biodiversity Areas tions of the Asia-Pacific Economic Forum, Select the correct anawer using the code siven below. (2 an ogenda for women's empower ment, an outcome of World tea Conference convened by the United ) 2 and 3 only Nations (9 1 and 3 only (@) strategy to combat wile (@) 1,2 ana3 trafficking, 8 declaration of the Bast Asia Suramit 77. Which one of the folowing countries of ‘South-West Asia does not open out to che Modluwenenn Wea? 80, “Bach day ia more of lees the same, the morning is clear and bright with a sea, (a) Syria breeze; as the Sun climbs high in the sky, heat mounts up, dark clouds form, qe ‘then rain comes with thunder and (@) Lebanon lightning. But rain is soon over.” (a) ere Which of the following regions is 178. In India, in which one of the following, ema tee ee net types of forests is tenk a dominant tree species? (a) Savannah (a) Tropical moist deciduous forest (0) Bquatoriat 0) Tropica! rain forest (6) Tropical thorn scrub forest ‘0 lees (a) ‘Temperate forest with grasslands (d) Medsterrancan BAAQN-O-JUA/63A 28 NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! ‘16, "tems GTS (BirdLife International’ 79, are Tarard @ tat at wet “efi her ane tint & wel &, Goiite 2a ‘wit re (afin fever te cizetd o Saal we we Fre’ Patina ten tr 1, -ae Has dred @ feet wrtat t1 2 (a) tite orien 8 fk ce th ‘we ae Pite wee ve wt (0) Sem-surs dn & ere fs 8 w wate, thee ois Shae Re a (teers vesting vie) ee feed 6 @) mass (ey en ese Fy et, gs uy mw ones fe we fo erates ters fe 1233 (ay Wea ee (AON) se ‘ey wekale, A em fee wee (Fe 77, cient hrm wx Prafon 8 & weet Ss SHE SEIS ‘sneer oe #7 ii tow 20, “eRe wan ew in BI ge, Ge wee eer we, ae oh weet tt Bh a) a 228 gt soe A ee sem am fh vegh wf, 8 wes or Fh A @ tn weet @ 1a oft feat @ ane 8 are wt @ hat tA ta wr A 7 wea, Reha a fe os HT 8, fe mnt Poin A et vot (he) aot a es 7 (a) sever a eet gone ty) serateite i Meet oy meat ae 0 (ay orgs te a) rover BAAQN-OWUA/ESA 2» Into. NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! ‘82, With reference to Indian economy, 89. “To uphold and protect the Sovereignty, consider the following statements * Unity and Integrity of Indie" is 1. The rate of growth of Real Gross ae Domestic Product bas, steadily (a) Preambie of the Constitution increased in the lat decade. see oe, ere eer ee eas SER cheno = eo ee wanvcmancanpaien mace renee = a wemnety oa ime " toes so fal only ‘aie Bi teens beet ee wi Preteen (9 a anda igre svete bene (@) Neither 1 nor 2 ore (@) The Mora and fauna of a srographical area £82. Consider the following statements: a 1. The Legislative Council ofa State in ‘The fundamental object of Panchayati India can be larger in sie than half Raj aystem in to ensure which among, of the Legialative Assembly of that ‘the following? pater Oem 1, People's participation in 2. The Governor ofa State nominates See the Chairman of Legislative Counc. 2. Political accountabiicy Sooo eae 4. Democratic decentralization Which of the statements gion above 4. Financial mobilization is/are correct? Select the correct answer using the code fa) only ae (@) 2 only (fe) Both 1 and 2 fa) 1, 2and 3 only (0) 2 and 4 only f Land 3 only (ld) Neither 1 nor 2 (a) 1,2, Sana B-AQN-O-JUA/6IA 30 NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 61. svete onfegrrn wed &, Feet eed 93, “soon nye, com ae sre A ten fer hea seen" we et fe fem 21, Rud cre art er She aE w APRA eM (ay ra 8 ste 2, Red ere A aan Het a (wre) ‘eee ee eee TH niall ain sree wed Ha ea OA a a : (a) ate fg 1 . 4, Sean A wees, “ea (HeFoe)' fy eee cre wi wage 8? ‘ 6) See a setae wa we hd fy vate et (ara) 6 wo (oy eth or me vn hla a (fen f@ waite safe) ee seen 3 (oe) wo ge ah ome ‘ae satn fie a? fea, Peano a fa) Fob Sites ax % cere hn 1. er Rah ee 8 fue eg ate safe Aare 8 fren we & om a as meet 85, wet ve semen ap ste eyes 2, fed om cam ae Fo wat? ‘ier ear 8 aaa 1, Rewer 2, atin ett Peer L eee 3. efi feet i cn 44. fia en (sree sere) i sedi aR foc ye wr ew I gL ea fo eat, 293 tere 2 ate teal neice fo Bas fay sai? (a 1,2,396 B-AQH-OUA/6A a 1rno. NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 86. With reference to Indian economy, 89. The ideal of Welfare Staten the Indlan omer ne Bling Couthuton eer 1 Bank te . 2. Open market operations: i Preemie 2 Puede ion (Decne Pipe of Sate Paey hd ot sere afte component at * ponent (0 Pandamentl igh fe tony (2 events Schedule 23a @ tad? to 3nd 90, The mabataten of tel tr worden 87. With reference to inflation in India, which Ss bs Rerirak need Precaartn e ‘of the following statements is correct? we (41 Contreting te ination nna (0 onicaneniting wna of India only, Pe (9) “The Reserve Bek of ini as oo Bs es ee eas (0) capabengnenting setnlogeal (@) Decreased money circulation helps case caneua ss coe ‘(@) Increased money circulation helps on ae in controlling the inflation ae 18, conser the flowing counien (a) None a tbe above 1 hina 2. France 3 naa 3 Tae: Petes tment . foe perro gs 3 rasan Lok Sabha is elected directly by the Which among the above are Nuclear = cm Weapons States as recognized by the ‘Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of pn WS Z () Parliament can amend the Nuclear Now Proliferation Treaty (WPT? qi (@) 1 and 2 only Rajya Saba cannot be dissolved ) 1,3, 4 and 5 onty a 6) 2,4 and 5 only 64) Council of Ministers is responsitte (a) 1,2,3,4and 5 to the Lok Sabha B-AQN-OVUA/OIA a NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 86, wrote onterena & wel 8, Pein fer fee: 1 ie 2. yeh eon it(0Rs he te) 3. stew (Re te) 4, eb (fe Yq) refs 8 8 mh Bw AA PA Hee me a) eet @) 2,33m4 @ vaKe2 @ aan 97, sr geet & wal, ees we A ate att? eo) wre 8 Re we Rte rw weer Settee (0) rel Rete art fo es Wi rratt fo 2 Bn ym wwe (wh ae), B-AQN-O-JUA/63A 9, srr & efter 8 erat ae ore fase fen #7 fa) ire oy EH Pe et fo sfioen (a) ret 90, FR see A are yet ere we Fe val Sat Prin 88 Sore zoe ? fa) 1 GA re sche (eiteiPews) vf (5) SAGA ah sane eH fo) (ear wet hahaa we fa) esa EE aren are aoc 0 re, fo) won we Ta area we a Pa, eat (0), war atin wed fo Wren 8 tn ad Ree eT ay Dae, ive en ae Ipto. NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! ‘92. HAN1 virus ie sometimes mentioned in 98. With reference to ‘uel cells’ in which ‘the news with reference to which one of hhydrogen-rch fuel and oxygen are Used. the following diseases? to generate electricity, consider the following statements fa) ADs 1. tpure ws 0) Bird ee ee (fe) Dengue (4) Swine to 2, Fuel cells can be used for powering buildings and not for small devices like laptop computers (99. With reference to bio-ilets used by the Indian Railways, consider the folowing 3. uct celle produce electricity in the statements! form of Alternating Current (AC). 1. The decomposition of human waste Jn the biowoilets ia initiated by a Which of the statements given above fungal inoculum. is/are correct? 2. Ammonia and water vapour are the only end products in this fa) only decomposition which are released into the atmosphere ) 2 and 3 only Which of the statements given above 4G tinal Zeak. is/are correct? fa) only (@) 1, 2and3 ©) 2only (0) Both 1 and 2 96. Kalamkari painting veers to (4) Neither 1 nor 2 (a) @ band-painted cotton textile in ‘South India 94, The problem of international quity i a fenigis z ) @ handmade drawing on bamboo saiiigiiiaaiealiiad Dandicrafte in North-East India (fa) goods and services fo) @ Dlock-painted woollen cloth in (gold and siver Western Himalayan region of India fo) doltare and other hard currencies f@) a hand-painted decorative silk (6) exportable surplus ‘loth in North-Western India B-AQN-O-JUA/63A a NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 92, MIN1 fry re: era Peseta AR 98, “WSR ee (fuel cel)’, fret mer fn om we Hae fo 2c 7 vx for oh see & fey fee &, eed res we (ay we (ADS) sire Af: 1 Rew R ese ta, a ee wy (autze) an os “ae em 8 ee 2. en dee a zed eed fg re Be 8 fon oe weet 8, fy cee 93, whe to wo sein A ot WA We te ee oe Oe ver one tre (ert-zetg) wre, Pts q sea fe BP, 3. Rem Ae meet ee (Ac) HR 1, eo tered a ee ante ware Se sat) ‘ora gm yungal inoculum) 0 2 rane (ete) #1 rae we 8 ae we 2. we ores ae ree em a ei eer aH, eee fs aren amt ) e239 aefe wed 4a e/a we YE arene = oest fe 1233 a2 iy okant 96, wera expen ite (tx) a2 @ vara 94, semtffe Tea (RRR) A re Freire FA Pow segermrn 8 eaa 1? oy en sro Ata erates em a fen a fee a) gt she et jon aaen fo) re int fre ex 8 A aw (ey hee a oes (er etn) at fay washed a 4 wad beh wa (a) Pela eh cere) wm B-AQN-O-JUA/63A 38 Into. NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 97. Which one ofthe following best describes ‘the main objective of ‘Seed Vilage Concept? (a) Encouraging the farmers to use their own farm seeds and iscouraging them to buy the seeds from others Towolving the farmers for training in quality seed production and thereby to make available quality seeds t others at appropriate time and affordable cost, Earmarking some villages ‘exclusively for the production of certified seed Ientiying the entrepreneurs in villages and providing them technology and finance t set up seed companies 98. There has been a persiatent deficit ‘budget year after year, Which of the following actions can be taken by the ‘government to reduce the dete? 2 3 4 Reducing revenue expenditure Introducing new welfare schemes Rationalizing subsidies Expanding industries ‘Sect the correct answer using the code ‘pen below fa) 1 and 3 only ) 2 and 3 only © 1 ony (8) 1,2, 3and4 BeAQN-O-JUA/O3A 99. Which of the following has/have been ‘accorded “Geographical Indication’ status? 1 2 3 Banaras Brocades and Sarees Rajasthani Daal-Bati-Churma ‘Tirupatnt Ladd Select the correct answer using the code ‘sven below. @ @ @ 1 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2 and 3 100, With reference to the Indian Renewable nergy Development Agency Limited GREDA, which of the following ‘matements in/are comect? Ik is @ Public Limited Government ‘Company. Te is @ Non-Banking Financial ‘Company. ‘Select the correct answer using the code given below. @ @ @ 1 only 2 only Both 1 and 2 either 1 nor 2 NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! 97, frafiten AA tm ew, Mea Om worn 99, fein #2 feaely/fere “rine eT (oe fd wake)" ye kee (Proves cea)’ 4 la 203 8 j ere e “er ft (oy Fee one da aa wegen : ae 18 8 fq eta wen hE GH a 2. et a ‘taba ee eae 3. Se (oy few 8 pong st see xe RUN RA ee Bima sh me rt a aye hi i a rage ta ew eT * . Ce a bdephakhavhinid Fa asme eer fe (eo) et ra ah (a) Be fee ae (ome) ne Se ‘scr va 72 da wah @ vee 2 fst af ae ae ( ash oe siete SENN sages aes nen ae pen Sie eee Spotl peter tea ero Breer 1. SE oe be a ee : ee 2. sere heen fe 8) \ 4. ade oR ect a Re whe et A Ie gL Bt Ro EH Fi we od oe GFE ee . (oy er 1 ates en O) Frat 2 mes me een i tae @1,2,39R4 a Va mE BAQH-OWUAIESA a Into. NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK B-AQN-O-JUA/63A 28 NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK BAAQN-O-JUA/63A 39 sBs_s NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga! Bana. 1 BAQN-OUA cater gferen agar wation osasoss eter afer BIRTH ETA wa wade ‘ate : 200 wqea ban ars BA ee, a ye ET A eee A As FR NE fe we, eT Lye mon are mats Oak tw wo nove ger hee 2. prom ee so Pe OMR e-em, afer ert, eT 3 wha gE SENET A,B, C =D = * Taree fe fe eo Fh we ae ee we fart reticent ee eft 6 AA ae er Fee TET 3. va oem geen ne A fe me ates A ed ee gE roe Bi stn fen ete po fd 44. weber fee A 100 sete Ga RM Be ei Ft teat Ba wa 8 se se 8 (ae) fee 41 ea He arg eg, fa Zen ea RH HL AR ore ar FEF Defoe eget Bah 30 ego wo WL ah ae ie ei ee ae ge GT ae ar oh age RE THT EH ae HH see mt {ot sete he wer a oe er in ee Agee SOO or ere, se rT a real Borgen feet aecere #8 yar wo rged Wh ecere Bk a et er oe FeT-UN e HeELS0 ert fm woe Fhe 8 a oe seo woe fg ce cum fer or emt 10, ree 3 & ie: veh see-est fhe arr fee ne et fre ee fer TET (6) mre fee es ec Bho ee we ee Fone eta Fr ee a Fa sae eee oe ee Her we (i) WE ste 8 aes eB 8, wR Me TCT eT, HU TA A a eB, fee oe ae & fe afer A rw es fee a (4 too fe, a te oo fee 8 8 ee wwe Ee ee ‘Mote English version of the instructions fa printed on the front cover of this Booklet NOTE: information provides here only for reference. may vary with the orga!

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