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NAME : Suta Rahmadhani


How to Charge Your Phone Batery
Prepare your:
Hand phone

First, connect the charger to your

hand phone; the flash symbol on
the charger plug must face upward
Second, wait until the battery icon
appears on the screen
After that, charge battery
approximately 3 hours until the
battery icon indicates that the
battery is fully charged
Finally, removed the charger by
pulling it out from your hand phone

1. What is the purpose of the text

a. To present the components of a
hand phone
b. To tell the readers how to
charge a phone battery
c. To describe the elements of the
phone battery
d. To describe the steps to save a
phone battery
e. To inform the readers about the
steps to choose a good hand
2. What indicator will show us that
the battery is fully charged
a. The charger
b. The flash on the charger
c. The battery icon
d. The hand phone screen
e. The hand phone case
3. After that, charge battery
approximately 3 hours (line 8)
The synonym of the underlined
word is
a. Nearly
b. Less than
c. More than
d. Almost
e. Around
How to Make a Kite
The materials are:

Small stick of bamboo





Make the frame

Lay the frame on a sheet of paper
Trace around frame with pencil
Cut the sheet of paper 1 cm larger
than the frame
Stick it with glue

1. The following ingredients are

needed to make a kite, except
a. Thread
b. Cutter
c. Glue
d. Paper
e. Small stick of bamboo
2. Trace around frame with pencil
The underlined word has the same
meaning with
a. Sketch
b. Track
c. Seek
d. Mark
e. Record
3. Which of the following statement is
NOT TRUE according to the text
a. The first step make a kite is
making the frame
b. The glue is used to stick the
sheet on the frame
c. We can use scissors to cut the
sheet of paper
d. Small stick of bamboo, thread,
glue and paper are the
ingredients to make a kite
e. We need to cut 1cm sheet of
paper for the frame

A kangaroo is an animal found
only in Australia, although it has a
smaller relative, called a wallaby,
which lives on the Australian island of
Tasmania and also in New Guinea.
Kangaroo eat grass and plants.
They have shor front legs, but very
long, and very strong back legs and a
tail. These are used for sitting up and
for jumping. Kangaroos have been
known to make forward jumps over 8

metres, and leap across fences more

than 3 metres high. They can also run
at speeds of over 45 kilometres/hour.
The largest kangaroo are the
Great Grey Kangaroo and the Red
Kangaroo. Adult grow to a length of
1.60 metres and weight over 90 kilos.
Kangaroo are marsupials. This
means that the female kangaroo has
an external pouch on the front of her
body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny
when it is born, and it crawls at once
into this pouch where it spends its first
5 months of life.
1. What is the purpose of the text
a. To tell the readers about the
characteristics of kangaroo in
b. To present information about
c. To persuade the readers to keep
d. To describe the types of
e. To inform the readers about the
habits of kangaroos
2. From the text we know that
kangaroos are marsupials, so the
female kangaroo
a. Bring her baby in her front
b. Have a pouch on her back
c. Born a baby kangaroos
d. Spend 5 months in her pouch
e. Crawl into her pouch
3. Which of the following statement is
NOT TRUE about kangaroos
a. They can only be found in
b. They have very short front and
back legs
c. Their weight can reach 90 kilos
d. They belong to marsupials
e. Their babies spend their first 5
months in their pouch
Television or TV is one of
humanitys most important means of
communication. It brings pictures and
sounds from around the world into
million of homes.
People with a television set in
their houses, can sit and watch the
president makes a speech or visits a
foreign country. They can see a war
being fought. Through television,
viewers at home can see and learn

about people, places, and thing in a

away lands.
Additionally, television rings its
programmes that are designed to
entertain. In fact, TV provides many
more entertainment programmes than
any other kind of information media.
The programs include action-packed
dramas, light comedies, soap operas,
variety show and motion pictures.
1. They can see a war being fought
(Paragraph 2)
The synonym of the underlined
word is
a. Disputed
b. Supported
c. Encouraged
d. Sustained
e. Protected
2. What kind of entertaining
programmes on television will be
suitable for children
a. Light comedies
b. Soap operas
c. Dramas
d. Talk show
e. Cartoon
3. Which statement is NOT STATED
about television according to the
a. It makes people lazy
b. It is a means of communication
c. People can get much
information about what is
happening around the world
from their homes through a TV
d. It features some entertaining
e. People can get more
information about sport through
event programmes on TV

The Crow
On a hot day, a thirsty crow flew
over a field looking for water. For a
long time, she could not find any. She
left very exhausted, almost giving up.
Suddenly, she saw a water jug below
her; she flew straight down to see if
there was any water inside. It was a
surprise because there was some
water inside the jug.
The crow tried to push her head
into the jug. Sadly, she found the neck

of the jug was too narrow. Then she

tried to push the jug down for the
water to flow out but she found that
the jug was too heavy.

Now the fly decided to land on

the bulls face to make the bull notice
him. He waited for the bull to say
something, but the bull kept quiet.

The crow thought hard for a

while. Then looking around her, she
saw some pebbles. She suddenly had
a good idea. She started picking up
the pebbles one by one, dropping each
into the jug. As more and more
pebbles filld the jug, the water level
kept rising. Soon it was high enough
for the crow to drink. its working
she said.

The fly shouted angrily, Oh

bull, if you find that I am too heavy for
you, let me know and Ill fly away!

1. Why did the crow fly over a field

a. Because
b. Because the crow was thirsty
and tried to find water
c. Because there was water in the
d. Because the jug was too narrow
e. Because the crow found some
2. How could the crow finally make
the water in the jug rise
a. The crow flew to a field
b. The crow tried to push the jug
c. The crow threw the pebbles
toward the jug
d. The crow dropped the pebbles
toward the jug
e. The crow picked up the jug
3. What the moral value can you learn
from the text above
a. We must be patient
b. We must give up on our dreams
c. We must be smart
d. Dont wory to try
e. Success is gained trough a hard
The Fly and The Bull
There was one a little fly who
thought he was very important. He felt
proud of himself. One sunny morning,
he flew around looking for someone to
talk to. He saw a bull grazing in a field.
He decided to fly down to talk to him.
The little fly flew down and
buzzed aroun the bulls head. The bull
did not bother him. He went on hewing
The fly then whispered right the
bulls ear. The bull continued chewing
grass. The fly thought, what a stupid

The bull laughed and said Little

fly, I dont care if you stay or leave.
You are so tiny that your weight does
not make any difference to me, so
please quiet and leave me alone.
1. The following were some efforts the
fly did to make bull speak,
a. He flew down to the field
b. He buzzed around the bulls
c. He whispered near the bulls ear
d. He ate the grass
e. He landed on the bulls face
2. Why did the fly land on the bulls
a. Because he wanted to be a very
important animal
b. Because he wanted the bull to
notice and speak to him
c. Because he wanted to disturbed
the bull
d. Because he flew down to the
e. Because he was too tiny for the
3. He saw a bull grazing in a field
(paragraph 1)
The underlined word has the same
meaning with
a. Breaking
b. Eating
c. Shaving
d. Touching
e. Scratching

Barrack Obama
Barrack Obama is the 44 th
president of the United States of
America. He is also the winner of the
2009 Nobel Peace Prize. He made
history in 2008 when he won the US
presidential election. He is the first
African-American to be president.
Obamas charisma, intelligence, and
powerful speeches have made him






He was born in Hawaii in 1962

to a black Kenyan father and white
American mother. His parent divorced
Indonesian man. Barracks family
moved to Indonesia in 1967. He
attended schools in Jakarta until he
was ten years old, when he returned
to Hawaii. Obama majored in political
science and international relations at
Columbia University in New York.
After 4 years in New York,
Obama moved to Chicago. There, he
worked as the director of a community
project from 1985 to 1988. He entered
Harvard Law School and became the
first black president of the Harvard
Law Review. Obama taught law at the
University of Chicago Law School for
12 years. He became an Illnois
Senator in 1996.
In 2004, Obama was elected as
a US Senator. He supported legislation
on conservation, energy, immigration,
and honest leadership. Obama is
currently battling with serious issues
such as the economy. He beat Mitt
Romney to win a second term in office,
despite a poor economy and high
unemployment. He thanked voters by
promising to spend his second term
honoring their support saying :
Theres a lot more work to do.
1. Which of the following does NOT
make Obama very famous among
a. His popularity
b. His messages for change
c. His addresses
d. Intelligence
e. Charisma
2. When did Obama leave Jakarta to
return to Hawaii
a. In 1962
b. In 1967
c. In 1972
d. In 1985
e. In 1988
3. Which statement is TRUE about
president Obama
a. Obama studied law at the
University of Chicago Law
School for 12 years
b. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in
c. He lived in Indonesia for 5 years

d. He was 35 years old when he

became senator in illnois
e. In his second term, he promises
to more jobs to the citizens
Bung Hatta
Dr. Mohammad Hatta was born
in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Dutch
East Indies (now Indonesia). He was
Indonesias first Vice President, later
also served as the countrys miniter.
Known as the proclamator, he and a
number of Indonesian people including
the first President of Indonesia
Independence of Indonesia from
Dutch, Despites his efforts to gain
Indonesian independence, he studied
in the Netherlands from 1921 until
education, he studied in Dutch Schools
in Indonesia. He is more remembered
as Bung Hatta (Bung is an affectionate
tittle used to address colleagues,
popular in the early 1900 and is still
used by Indonesian)
1. Why was Mohammad Hatta called
Bung Hatta
a. To make him popular
b. To address colleagues
c. To gain his education
d. To find his name easily
e. To despites his efforts
2. Based on the text above, we know
a. Ir . soekarno is usually called by
Bung Karno
b. Bung Hatta studied in Indonesia
after 1932
c. Bung Hatta and Bung Karno
were close friends
d. Bung Hatta was the first
President Indonesia
e. Bung Hatta born in Netherlands
3. Known as the proclamator, he
(paragraph 1)
The underlined word means a
person who
a. Announces officially and
b. Is popular in Indonesia
c. Helps president duty
d. Leads a country and nation
e. Is popular in Netherlands


Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today... Aha-ah...
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace... You,..
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world... You,..
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
1. What does the song tell you about?
a. tell about imagine the world
b. how to achieve the world peace
c. to be a hero of peace
d. to imagine a world at peace
without the barriers of borders,
divineness of religions and
e. to entertain the song listeners
2. What would you do to achieve the
world peace?
a. keep clean our environment
b. study hard
c. always come early
d. sing an imagine song everyday
e. read books about the world
A Fish I wish
Oh how I wish I was a fish to swim in
the deep blue sea.
I would swim up and down and all
around in laps of two or three.
There would be no rules to follow, all
fun down here.
On land rules are trouble, a constant
source of fear.
Humans are not wanted down here
andfor them you must always look.
For they only want to see us fish
dangling from the hook.

A sea full of wonder, yes, thats the life

for me.
Oh how I wish to be a fish and one day
soon I will be.
1. What is the poets wish?
a. swim without rules to follow
b. to swim in the deep blue sea
c. see a sea full of wonder
d. wish to be a fish
e. wish all fun as a fish
2. How does the poet express his
a. Oh how I wish I was a fish to
swim in the deep blue sea.
b. I would swim up and down and
all around in laps of two or
c. For they only want to see us fish
dangling from the hook.
d. A sea full of wonder, yes, thats
the life for me.
e. Oh how I wish to be a fish and
one day soon I will be.

Do you want to buy mobile
phone? Dont be hasty. There are
First, you can start by asking
equipment. The question might be,
Do I want it for prestige or
Then, you should make a choice
on the type of the mobile phone.
There are various choices in the
market, so you should the one that
meets your needs and wether you can
afford it or not.
The consequence of using
mobile phone is its high operational
costs. You have to pay more for a
mobile phone compared to a fixed
telephone. Therefore, you should only
use the mobile phone only for
important talks.
1. The communicative purpose of the
text is
a. To describe the way things are
with reference to a range of

b. To present at least two point of

view about an issue
c. To describe how something is
d. To give entertainment or
amusement to the readers
e. To persuade the reader or
listener that something is the
2. What is the text about
a. Things to consider before
buying a mobile phone
b. The various types of mobile
c. The consequences of using
mobile phone effectively
d. How to use mobile phone
e. The advantages of using a
mobile phone
3. Do I want it for prestige or
usefulness? (Paragraph 2)
Prestige has the same meaning
a. Fame
b. Difference
c. Position
d. Reputation
e. Devotion
Everybody should change their
way of life to reduce global warming.
There are several things that we can
do. One of them is buying and
consuming fresh local groceries as
much as possible. It of course includes
local vegetables, fruits, bread, etc.
Local groceries dont need
much transportation to get it into the
market. It of course means the amount
of carbon dioxide produced is less
than the groceries from other region.

Therefore, by buying local groceries

we are helping reduce the amount of
carbon dioxide produced. Consuming
fresh groceries instead of frozen ones
are helthier for us. Furthermore, fresh
requirements for it to be freeze up. It
means that no electricity is needed
and saving energy means reducing
carbon dioxide and money.
So, from now on we should
consume fresh local groceries to
reduce global warning.
1. The text give us information
a. The ways to minimize global
b. The ways to increase global
c. The effects of global warning
d. The importance of consuming
local groceries
e. The importance of knowing
global warning
2. To reduce global warning we
a. Buy import product
b. Buy expensive clothes
c. Consume frozen foods
d. Consume fresh foods
e. Not use electricity efficiently
3. We are helping reduce the
amount of global warning
(Paragraph 2)
The underlined word can be
replaced by
a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Improve
d. Add
e. Maximize

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