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Mayberry Daily News

September 17, 2014

Mayberry Daily News

The Sheriff has Gone Missing!!!!

Missing Mayberry Sheriff
The search goes on for missing Mayberry Sheriff Andy Taylor. It has
been a week since the beloved small town Sheriff has been gone. Deputy
Barney Fife has been working tirelessly to locate the Sheriff. Fife says,
"Everyone is a suspect and I have put my bullet in my gun." Aunt Bee
says she saw a mysterious van with some kids and a dog the day he
disappeared, on the side the van read, The Mystery Machine. Could
Sheriff Taylor be under cover? Or was he kidnapped by some hippie kids
and their dog?. Meanwhile Otis, the town drunk recalls hearing some
bongo drums and seeing a red headed lady. An outside investigator, Mr. Matlock has tracked down this red head
named, Lucy Ricardo and believes she may be holding Sheriff Taylor to help her smuggle her Cuban relatives to
the U.S. This is all speculation at this point and the search goes on. Deputy Fife says, " We will leave no stone un
turned. We will find the criminal responsible for this, lock him up and throw away the key." He invites the world to
come on get involved until the mystery is solved. We leave you with the lovingwords of Sheriff Taylors son Opie,
"Come home soon Pa.

Written By: Christine Hansen

Mayberry Daily News

September 17, 2014

Whats Barney Done Now???

Deputy Barney at it again

Deputy Barney was given at tip about some
beer smuggling going on down at the fishing
hole. As we all know Barney gets the action
going. He calls his partner Sheri Andy to let
him know about the mischief. While he
gathering his belongs Aunt B is saying, "Now
Barney don't go getting your self your
all worked up, you don't know what's going
on." Barney as we all know him is, AT IT
AGAIN. In the process of going to fishing
hole he runs into Goober that appears to be
acting suspicious, and as we all know Deputy Barney, well he's AT IT AGIAN finding
himself snooping to see what Goober is doing. While Barney is snooping over by
Goober its a brawl that breaks out in the local bar; which he hears about it, and as we
know it; he's AT IT AGAIN. In the mean time he meets Sheri Andy, and Andy asks,
"Well Barney did you go down and check out the beer smuggling at the fishing hole?"
Barneys response is; "well Sheri I been trying and its one mess after another." The
Sheri told him that he better get down there and stop letting his mind get the best of
him. As Barney is approaching the fishing hole he see's young Opie and tells him,, "No
son you go on home it maybe some things gonna happen." He goes on home. He is
in fact right and it is some smuggling going on, so he tries to sneak up, but trips over
himself, but in the end he gets the smugglers. As Barney is bringing the smugglers in
to jail house he hears of another crime, and as we know it Deputy Barney IS AT IT

Written By: Deena Banora

Half Off any Pie Down at Good Ol

Aunt Maes

Free Shave with any



Mayberry Daily News

September 17, 2014

Aunt Bea is at it Again!!
Real Pie, or Fake Pie...That is the Question...
The town of Mayberry has been full of whispers
and rumors the past few days. As many people
already know Aunt Bea has been selling her world
famous blueberry pies for the past year. Demand
for the pies has been high. Neighbors and friends
line up in the wee hours of the morning just for a
chance at purchasing one of Aunt Beas delicious

The town went into a state of chaos last Saturday

though, when someone accused Aunt Bea of
buying pre made pies at the grocery store and
selling them as her own. A source who we will
refer to as Bill said, I was waitin for some yummy
pie and I happened to look to Aunt Beas trash and
there I saw it, Bill fought back tears as he
continued, it was a brown box that said Wal-Mart
on it and had a picture of a blueberry pie!

This isnt the first time Aunt Bea has been in the hot seat when it comes to her pies. As
I am sure we all remember, last April Aunt Bea was accused of using pre made crusts
on her pies instead of homemade. This rumor was found to be true when Aunt Bea
herself came forward. She made a public apology and promised to cook her own

We confronted Aunt Bea with these rumors and she adamantly denied them. Rumors
like these are preposterous. Yes I used store bought crusts last April, but I have been
nothin but honest with my pie makin since, Aunt Bea said. She claims the box Bill
claimed to have seen in her trash was actually her neighbor's trash. Aunt Bea claimed
that her neighbor and her have shared a trash can since there's blew away in the last
twister. Aunt Bea ended her interview with a message for the town, I love makin pies.
I love makin people happy. I would never jeopardize that by lying to yall. I work day
and night makin my pies and Im proud of em! I wont let a silly rumor bring me

Aunt Beas pies are delicious but, are they to delicious? Could they be store bought or
is one of Aunt Beas customers angry he couldnt get his hands on a pie. That is up to
the individual to decide. Until then the town will still be filled with the sweet scent of
blueberry pie!

Written by: Kaylee Conradi

Mayberry Daily News

September 17, 2014

More Clues on the Sheriff

It should have been a typical quite night in Mayberry. Unfortunately, it was not.
Deputy Fife still has not been able to locate the missing Sheri. All they know is he
went missing, after he responded to a break in at the Old Simmons Mansion. That
building has been the speculation of hauntings, after the gruesome murder of Old Man
Simmons. It has also been the gathering place for every ghost hunting crew out there.
The Sheri`s Department has responded to several reported break ins, and reported
spurious activity. It had gained popularity, after appearing on the Travel Channels Ghost
Adventures series. The new owner of the Mansion, Lucy Ricardo, has been reported to
have made thousands of dollars in fees she has charged for allowing filming within the
mansion prosperity.

The Sheri`s Department has declined to give up to much information, fearing it

would hinder the search. They did say, however, that people of interest will be named.
The group known as Mystery Incorporated has been named as a person or persons of
interest. So has the owner of the Simmons Mansion, Lucy Ricardo. Where is the
Sheri? Who would have taken him? Why would they have taken him? What other
reason may there be for his disappearance?

Written by: Shaun Walker


Otis: One Too Many

On September 17, 2014, Otis locked his keys in his car. He was trying to get in his car
to drive to the jailafter having one too many beers. Thankfully he was not able to drive.
Lucky for Otis, he was in the parking lot of Goobers shop (town mechanic). Goober
was outside talking to Deputy Fife when they noticed Otis trying to get into his car.
Goober and Deputy Fife walked over to Otis. The first thing Otis said was, take me to
jail Deputy Fife. Deputy Fife complied with
Otis request and walked him over to the jail
next door. Otis was happy that the deputy
took him to jail, telling him, Aww thank you
this is my home away from home. While
Deputy Fife and Otis were at the jail, Goober
was trying to get the keys out the car, and
wouldnt you know the car door was never
locked. Otis just had one too many to realize
that he was not pulling on the handle the
correct way.

Written by: Nicole Gerhardt

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