Website Magazine - Issue 11

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Free Podcast Production: Inside Audiacity Page 34

May 2008

The Magazine for Website Success

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Inside WM

Cover Story:

Mobile Web
Has the mobile Web finally arrived? There are many arguments to support
the usefulness of the mobile Web and to detract from it. We take a look at
both sides of the debate and get some expert advice along the way.

6 Exploring the Semantic Web ’Net Briefs

38 Insurance 2.0, Bacn, Increasing
It’s being called Web 3.0 and promises to change the way we search and
how consumers find our websites. The Semantic Web attempts to make Website Stickiness, SEO vs. PPC
sense out of users’ search language and deliver even more meaningful and more.
8 Anatomy of a Datacenter 15 Top 50: Domain Registrars
16 Who’s Who: Patrick O’Keefe,
Datacenters are truly a modern marvel. Take a
look behind the scenes and see how the world’s
iFroggy Networks
information is being stored and delivered. 17 SEO Corner: Proper Link Requests
23 Conversion Cache: The Decision

12 The First 10 Seconds

Making Process
43 Commentary: Microhoo,
You work hard to drive traffic to your website. Learn how to leverage the Yahoocrosoft and You
first 10 seconds of a visit for the best chance of turning browsers into 44 Website Magazine Marketplace
consumers using personas, wireframes and a little common sense.

18 Press Release Optimization DIGITAL EDITION

Building an Opt-In Email List, How Web
The press release is an age-old promotional
Servers Work, SproutBuilder Software
tool that has adapted well to the Internet Review, Mastering Local Search, Marketing
age. Effective distribution is the name of the to the NASCAR Enthusiast, Leveraging
game. Explore your options and choose Event-Based Social Media and more is
what works best for your business. available in Website Magazine’s digital edi-
tion. You MUST be a subscriber to access
this exclusive content — sign up for free
33 Web Design Agreements today at

Whether upgrading your existing site or creating a brand new one, you
need a good design and a talented designer. Find out what should be NEXT ISSUE:
included (and avoided) in a proper design agreement. E-commerce is always on the minds of
Web professionals. And it’s never too

34 Podcasting 101 with Audacity

early to start planning for the busy end
of the year online holiday season of
2008. The upcoming issue of Website
Adding rich media to your website is always a good idea, especially when Magazine will address the challenges
it’s easy. Step-by-step instructions show you how to add podcasting to your and opportunities present today, and
site with free software from Audacity. the technologies that will transform
Internet-based commerce forever.

2 | WEBSITE | MAY 2008

From The Editor:

Inside the Online World

Long anticipated, we are clearly entering a new era when the mobile
Web moves from a curiosity to a part of our daily lives. As technolo-
gies are rapidly evolving, what remains unclear is just what the mobile
Web will bring in real value and on what timetable. It is clear that inno-
vative applications are absolutely necessary. Developers, designers and The Magazine for Website Success
entrepreneurs are scrambling to find ways to take advantage of the 3952 N. Avondale Ave., Chicago, IL 60641
possibilities, or brace for another year of letdowns. Toll Free: 1.800.817.1518
International: 1-773-628-2779
The feature article of this issue shines a virtual spotlight on the Fax: 1-773-272-0920
hope the mobile Web brings, while providing an equally critical look
at the hype that has plagued the mobile Web and its proponents for so PUBLISHER:
very long. Whether you’re a believer or a skeptic of the mobile space Susan Whitehurst
as a legitimate business opportunity, it’s hard to deny that the Web is
truly on the move. Preparing your business and your personal life for Peter Prestipino
this seismic shift will allow for greater efficiency and connectivity in
Visit Website Magazine
at these upcoming the future. SENIOR EDITOR:
industry trade shows: As always, Website Magazine features in-depth content about a Mike Phillips
wide variety of topics that are essential to website success. It is my
May 13th-15th firm belief that this issue of Website Magazine is the most extensive in
Tim Ash
Rosemont, IL terms of general knowledge. From practical advice on leveraging Dr. Pat LeMay Burr
semantic marketing and deploying user experience design, to the ins Jeffrey Cohen
AdTech Andrew Cohn
June 3rd-4th and outs of data centers, search engine optimization for press releas- John-Scott Dixon
Josh Ewin
Miami, FL es and podcasting with open source tools, our expert writers have Joseph Kirby
truly exposed every corner of the Web. Charles Kreitzberg
Internet Retailer Milind Mody
This issue also fits nicely into our mission at Website Magazine — Dante A. Monteverde
June 9th-12th Deborah Sauter
Chicago, IL that it’s important for our readers to be well versed in all aspects of the
’Net, not just specific niches. We believe that the more knowledgeable ART DIRECTOR:
Search Engine you are in all fields, the more success you will have in all endeavors Jesse Erbach
June 17th-18th you undertake.
Toronto, ON Janet Crouch
Best Web Wishes,
Chicago, IL Troy Pickett
AdTech Peter Prestipino — Editor in Chief Kelly Springer
August 5th-6th
Chicago, IL Christian Wilson
Website Magazine

Things are About to Change … For the Better
Our website has served our readers well for quite some time.
But is about to get a whole lot better Website Magazine, Volume 3, Number 3, (ISSN# 1942-0633) is
with a redesign that will follow in the footsteps of our print published quarterly in February, May, August, and November by
Website Services, Inc., 3952 N. Avondale, Chicago, 60641-2971.
publication as the premier destination for Web professionals. Periodical Postage Pending at Chicago, IL and additional mailing
Feature-rich and socially focused, Website Magazine online offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Website Magazine,
3952 N. Avondale, Chicago, 60641-2971.
will invite readers to collaborate and communicate with greater
Canada Post: Please send undeliverabe items to: 2835 Kew Drive,
efficiency on their path to Web success. Stay tuned. Windsor, ON, N8T 3B7
Copyright 2008 by Website Magazine. All rights reserved. Materials
may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permis-
sion. For reprints of any article, contact the editor.

* The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily

those of Website Magazine.

4 | WEBSITE | MAY 2008
What can be done today
and how do we prepare
for tomorrow? Here are
five suggestions:
1. Connect with the right people. Imagine your com-
pany has a product that takes advantage of mobile
telephony for use in automobiles. And, one of your
most promising conversations was with an execu-
tive at an automotive company who previously
worked in the telecommunications industry. With
technology like ZoomInfo, you might be able to
build a list of executives who meet that profile. That
hasn’t been possible before. Available Today.

2. Make industry data available for public inquiry.

Using the power of ENTH or a similar technology
enables people to find relationships in your data
that you might not have otherwise found. The
benefit is the association of your brand as the
source of helpful information. Available Today.

The 3. Educate semantic search engines by defining your

commercial space to ontology engines like WordNet
from Princeton University (
As an example, Fender Guitar Company may want
to teach the semantic search engines that Fender
manufactures acoustic and electric guitars, and

Web within the electric guitar category is the Stratocaster,

Telecaster, etc. The idea is when somebody searches
for “Best Electric Guitar,” the search engine might
find a blog where a guitarist claims his Stratocaster
Understanding Web 3.0 and is the best guitar ever made. A semantic search
engine, like Powerset, would understand a reference
Preparing Your Business to a Stratocaster as “best” is related to the search
for “Best Electric Guitar.” It would know the
By John-Scott Dixon Stratocaster is an electric guitar and a user says it’s
the best. Available Today.

My five-year-old son recently asked me, 4. Create landing pages to welcome visitors who
represent market segments most likely to visit
“What is ground?” I responded with, “It is the your website. A common example is a competitive
surface of our planet.” He said “No, ground.” shopper — someone visiting the websites of your
Puzzled, I pressed on with, “Well, when they competitors and, more importantly, browsing
make hamburger, they put steak into a specific categories, products or services. If you knew
they were comparing your product or service to a
grinder, then it is ground into hamburger
specific competitor’s, how could you greet them to
meat.” Frustrated, he said, “No Dad, ground.” be more persuasive in the sales process? Detect
Finally, I replied with, “Are you talking visitors that match those specific market segments
about ‘grounded,’ like when kids get in when they arrive and display the corresponding
trouble?” He said, “Yes, what is ground?” landing page. Available Today.
We were dealing with semantics. 5. When Twine launches this spring, companies will be
able to create “twines” around commercial topics.
The Semantic Web, or Web 3.0, is about meaning — understand- This puts them at the heart of conversations about
their commercial space. It will also be important to
ing the context of a word or concept to offer relevant resources, there-
establish a Semantic Graph for your company. I
by making it easier for people to find what they seek. In the example am seeing Semantic Graphs as a form of digital
at left, my son was the user and I was the search engine, having trou- fingerprint. It might be the new way to express your
ble understanding the context of his query. brand. So people with certain attributes are attracted
As the Web and its available resources continue to expand, it is to companies that cater to those attributes.
becoming increasingly difficult to find what you want efficiently. It’s Available Summer 2008.
like stocking the shelves of your local grocery store with nothing but

6 | WEBSITE | MAY 2008

generic brands and expanding it to the size of five city blocks. We need now, but their mission is to apply their technology to every database
help making choices. that exists. And there are other semantic search engines changing the
way we retrieve information, well beyond the sports arena.
The Semantic Graph Each of us has a unique set of things that we value — people,
When I search, the list of results can be daunting — a search on places, experiences and objects we deem important. And although our
Google for “ground” returned over five million results. Over the last interests are personal and unique, there are countless others who may
few years, we have also been able to expand our searches to images, share some of these interests, or have interests related in some way to
podcasts and video as well as websites. With proper syntax, we can our own. That creates common themes across categories, and people
structure searches that give back information only — like how many who share common interests in each of those categories. There may
cups in a pint? But for anything other than weights and measures, the be relationships that we’re unaware of that exist, like people interest-
search engines are often lacking. ed in visiting Kauai who are also interested in vegetarian diets. This is
For example, if you want to find the earned run average (ERA) for what Nova Spivack, founder of Twine, calls a Semantic Graph. By
major league pitcher Randy Johnson for every season he’s played, it using the Semantic Graph, a new brand of search engines and Web
would take a massive effort on Google. Search “Randy Johnson ERA” applications can make suggestions based on our unique combination
and Google will direct you to websites that might contain some of the of interests and the interests of people in our networks.
information you are after, like,, the Arizona
Diamondbacks’ website or Those websites will
certainly contain data about Randy Johnson and his ERA, but you will What Semantic Search Means
have to do some more digging to find a list of his ERA from the begin- to Your Business
ning of his Major League Baseball career through last season. Recently, So why aren’t we seeing much in the way of semantic search from
I spent some time with John Grace — CEO of ENTH, a next genera- Google? A likely theory is that it would hurt their core business of
tion search engine ( We performed the Randy Johnson advertising. Russell Glass, general manager and senior vice president
search, and the result was an ordered list of his ERA from 1988 of advertising for ZoomInfo says, “if their search results were perfect,
through 2007, rather than a list of websites that might, or might not who would click on the ads?” That’s a valid point, and one that pres-
have the information. ENTH is only making sense of Major League ents an opportunity for new search engines. The challenge is creating
Baseball, the National Basketball Association and College Football for a business model where contextual advertising is less powerful.
Continued on page 32

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Anatomy of a Datacenter

As designers and developers, Datacenter operations have evolved over the maintenance. Annual downtime is 28.8
our scope of work and our field past two decades and now the design and hours.
operation of these facilities have become
of view rarely go beyond our highly standardized. The land rush of the • Tier 2 – 99.741% uptime
screen and the client’s website. 90s, which fueled the rise of the Internet as Tier 2 facilities have some redundancy but
we know it, was supported by the expansion still have a single path for power, requiring a
Seldom do we think about of network communications and infrastruc- shutdown for preventative maintenance.
our hosting, except from when ture like the hosting datacenters that dot the Annual downtime is 22 hours.
installing a script or the server world and the fiber optics that connect them
to the Internet. • Tier 3 – 99.982% uptime
starts lagging. The mechanism
Tier 3 datacenters have sufficient redundan-
that makes our jobs possible The Nuts and Bolts cy in place to allow for planned maintenance
in the first place needs to Datacenters vary widely in size from one without downtime (N+1 redundancy.) Tier 3
be studied carefully; not only small room to a multi-floor facility. But datacenters are required to have at least 13.2
regardless of size, planned design is para- KV (kilo volts) of power. Annual downtime
because our livelihoods depend mount to successful operations. Datacenters is 1.6 hours.
on it, but also because… need to be built with white space and avail-
able annexation areas for growth, access to • Tier 4 – 99.995% uptime
it is amazing in its design.
network providers and ample power. Tier 4 DCs are the top tier. They are built
Design standards were set to create effi- with multiple paths to power and AC and are
by Josh Ewin ciencies in operation of hosting facilities; designed to cope with a worst-case scenario
however they also assist in defining the cal- with no critical impact. Tier 4 datacenters are
iber and reliability of a datacenter. “Tiering” required to have at least 26.2 KV of power.
is a method to grade datacenters according to Annual downtime is 0.4 hours.
their design and redundancy. Below are the Today’s DCs are designed with redundan-
four specific tiers of datacenters: cy, security, disaster recovery and expansion
in mind. If the power goes out, redundant
• Tier 1 – 99.671% uptime power or battery backup and a diesel genera-
Tier 1 datacenters are basic computer rooms tor should kick in. If a network provider goes
that require a full shutdown for preventative Continued on page 10

8 | WEBSITE | MAY 2008

Continued from page 8

Josh Ewin:
down or fiber is cut, redundant connectivity between your visitors and your data, and
needs to pick up the slack. If a piece of equip- faster connectivity.
ment fails and catches fire, fire suppression Like datacenter tiering, networks are
needs to be designed to quickly eliminate the tiered as well. Network tiering, however, is
threat and minimize the damage involved. dependent on peering and transit. Larger
Datacenter security covers both physical networks, like Verio, Sprint and Global
security as well as network security. Closed- Crossing are known as Tier 1 networks.
circuit TV and keycard access set the mini- Smaller networks, such as local ISPs and
mum for datacenter security. Many facilities some datacenters are known as Tier 4 net-
also employ biometric access, log facility works.
access, and catalog equipment for entering
and exiting the facility. • Tier 4 — most data centers are tier 4
There’s good reason for these high secu- networks. They have their own internal net-
rity measures — a single piece of network- work but they pay other networks for IP
ing equipment within a datacenter can cost transit outside of the facility.
more than $100,000. Add that to the com-
Company: DedicatedNOW puter hardware housed within the network • Tier 3 — tier 3 networks are regional
operations center (NOC, synonymous with providers. Larger datacenters are typically
Established: 1997 datacenter) and you’ve just begun to tier 3 networks and build redundancy
scratch the surface of the overall value held through redundant POPs (points of pres-
Employees: 30 within a facility. But beyond the monetary ence) outside of their facilities. Past the
value of equipment is something priceless POPs, these providers pay for IP transit.
Servers Managed: 3,500 — the data. Protecting that data and equip-
ment from threats like fire requires elabo- • Tier 2 — tier 2 networks have a nation-
Network: 99.99% uptime rate extinguishing systems. These systems al or international footprint, but still pay
with redundant connectivity are designed to detect fire early, at the first IP transit to reach some portions of the
to six Tier 1 providers. sign of smoke particles in the air and extin- Internet.
guish the fire with as little collateral damage
Facility: Tier 3 facility with 13,000 as possible. • Tier 1 — tier 1 providers do not pay IP
sq. ft. of raised floor space and transit, meaning they have a global presence
55,000 sq. ft. of annexation space Network Infrastructure and don’t pay other providers for any
available. Controlled environment portion of their connectivity.
Every datacenter, in order to provide connec-
with eight 20-ton Liebert AC units.
tivity for its clients, must connect its internal
The facility is protected by smoke A datacenter’s connectivity, its network,
network with the rest of the Internet. Just as
and heat detectors and secured needs to be redundant. At the POP or NOC
there is a difference in the redundancy and
with security badge entry/exit on level, a datacenter connects with its network
security of datacenters, network infrastruc-
all doors. DedicatedNOW uses peers through core routers. Redundant net-
ture between facilities varies significantly.
two 225KVA Libert UPS units, works will carry multiple core routers to
Why is network infrastructure impor-
one 160KVA Powerware UPS ensure connectivity during maintenance
tant? For starters, visitors to your website
and a 1-megawatt Caterpillar periods and in the event of broad network
probably come from all corners of the earth –
generator for power backup. outages. Should one router experience hard-
that means they will be coming from differ-
ent networks. More network providers peer- ware failure, a redundant router is available
Services Offered: Fully managed to route the traffic to the appropriate switch
ing at your datacenter means shorter routes
hosting, load balancing, clustering, and ultimately to your website.
high-availability, backup solutions,
grid hosting and monitoring.
Location: 100 Delawanna Ave., To ensure maximum uptime, constant con-
Clifton, NJ 07014 nectivity and support for equipment and
management of any infrastructure issues,
Phone: (973) 572-1078 you need people. As the industry has
matured, standardization, competition and
Website: years of price wars have essentially com-
moditized the hosting industry. These days,
what sets competitors apart, more than their
network or hardware, is staffing.
160KVA Powerware UPS battery backup –
A top-tier hosting facility needs to have
designed to provide immediate power in the 24/7 onsite support, no exceptions. If a hard
event of power failure. drive in your server fails at 2 a.m., you need

10 | WEBSITE | MAY 2008

A well organized datacenter. 1 mega-watt Caterpillar generator; provides Inside the Dedicated Now Datacenter.
sustained power in the event of power loss.

someone there to swap it out for a fresh one — While your datacenter doesn’t need to be provide support to the hosted website. This
someone with experience using the hardware in your backyard, physical proximity is help- doesn’t mean that your experience with a
you happen to need. In addition to the folks in ful. When trusting your company’s online reseller will be unfruitful. Many resellers add
the trenches, a full administrative and man- presence to a particular facility, you’ll proba- significant value for customers with hosting
agement staff to support overall operations bly want to see their operations. Ask your- support and add-on services like domain
and planned company expansion is needed. self: Is the facility well staffed? Is it free of names and scripts. However, as your compa-
clutter and are the racks organized and well ny grows you’ll need to start dealing directly
maintained? If you are shopping locally, any with a datacenter at some point to save cost
Choosing a Datacenter datacenter in your area should welcome you and gain control.
Selection of a datacenter should be a well with open arms for a tour. So, as you shut down your PC for the
thought out process; due diligence up front One thing to keep in mind with regard to night, as you upload that file to the server,
can save you many precious man-hours and hosting — and this is relatively simple — is think about the complexity, capital expense
ensure that you find a facility and pricing that not all hosts have datacenters. A large and the dedication that support the massive
structure that best fits your organization’s part of the hosting market is reseller hosting. global infrastructure needed to make your
needs. Essentially, value-added resellers resell and website accessible.



10 SECONDS By Charles B. Kreitzberg, Ph.D.

Through a combination of brilliant marketing and careful SEO, you can be surprisingly helpful in focusing your design.
finally got your targeted user to your site. Now your visitor is about As simple as these personas are, you can see how they make the
to see your landing page for the first time. users more concrete. When creating personas, it’s always best to talk
Online, you have just seconds to capture a visitor’s interest before to actual customers or prospects. If you can’t do that, try talking with
they hit the back button and find your competitors. While there are secondary sources — people who know the actual customers well.
no hard and fast rules to guarantee success, approaching the design In our example, good secondary sources might be travel agents.
carefully can help create the stickiness you need. Once you have created the personas, show them to knowledgeable
When users come to your site for the first time, their goal is to people who can help you refine them.
understand what you are offering and how they can benefit. So the
landing page must convey that information in a format that is easy FIRST IMPRESSIONS
to comprehend. When users first encounter your site, they will form an immediate
As with all Web design problems, the best place to start is by first impression. Some of the factors include:
understanding the user. What is your best guess of who will come to The visual design — does the site look interesting? Are the
your site and what are their expectations? graphics appropriate for the audience? Bob and Sandy, for example,
are unlikely to appreciate a grunge style. (see box below)
A good way to get a handle on your visitors is to create two or The information architecture — is the information organ-
three personas that describe the main user segments you expect to ized so that its structure is immediately understandable or does it
visit. A persona is a brief fictional biography that captures the take too much effort to figure out what’s important?
essence of the individual you are targeting. Creating personas can The site’s mission — does the site proclaim its purpose or does
be a complicated process. Large companies spend a great deal of the user have to figure it out?
effort researching and creating personas. But you can benefit from The goal for the first 10 seconds is to orient the users, make them
simple, quick personas based on your knowledge and best guess- feel that the site is worth exploring, and get them to click on a link and
es. I call these “assumptive personas,” because they are based on go deeper in the site. An exciting visual design will get you a few sec-
assumptions rather than data. But even without hard data they onds of initial attention but unless your visitors engage with some-

Imagine we are creating a site for people looking to find bargain vacation cruises.
You might come up with these three personas:

Susan, age 24, engaged Lisa, age 50, single Bob and Sandy, age 66, married
Susan is getting married to Greg in a few Lisa is an adventurer. She wants to cruise Bob and Sandy are newly retired and are
weeks and would love to honeymoon on to interesting and unusual places. She looking for long cruises at a bargain price.
a cruise ship. Susan and Greg are on a would prefer to be with many other sin- Because they are not working, they can
budget so she wants to find a fun cruise gles so she will have a choice of people take advantage of last minute discounts.
with interesting ports of call at a reason- to talk to.
able price. “We’re retired now and want to spend
“I love seeing new places. I like nature a time vacationing with each other and
“I want to able to find a romantic cruise for lot and I’m an avid photographer. I’m still occasionally with our friends. We prefer a
my honeymoon that we can afford.” friendly with some of the people I met on cruise with others like us.”
past cruises.”

12 | WEBSITE | MAY 2008

A wireframe is a first draft that sets positions for all the engaging elements and
serves as a guide for the designer, who will take it to the next level.

thing on the site, they’ll soon move on. So creating engagement is the initial
design goal.

Many designers produce wireframes in a highly schematic form with no
graphics. There is a good argument for doing this. If you are not a skilled
graphic designer people you show the pages to may not get the full picture.
In addition, when you pass the wireframes on to a visual designer, your ini-
tial attempts at graphic design may bias the designer and you might end up
with a less creative design.
Despite these arguments, I generally use some graphic elements in my
wireframes. There are two reasons for this:
1. I need to see the site with graphics so that I can gauge my own reaction to
it and refine the design. The visual design affects the user’s behavior and I
want to understand what elements are important for the particular site.
2. Customers and others I show the wireframes to may not be able to visu-
alize how the design would look without some graphics.
I use clip art because I’m not an artist. Then, as soon as I have a first-draft
wireframe, I get a visual designer to work up two or three treatments. Once
customers see a professionally produced “comp” of a page or two, they are
reassured that the site will look good and that gives me more leeway on the
Another technique that I sometimes use is to create a few pages with
the customer’s input. Since we are working together, the customer sees and
helps select the clip art. However, many good designers are not comfort-
able with this approach, finding it too hectic and without enough time for


Remembering that our goal is to create engagement within 10 seconds, at the
top of this page is a wireframe that I created for our fictitious discount cruise
It’s not very exciting from a visual perspective — that will be the job of a
visual designer. In selecting visual designers, I look for highly talented artists,
often with training in the fine arts who also understand how to create usable
design. It’s important that the visual design make it clear which elements on
the screen are interactive. For example, I’m fine with the artist replacing my
ordinary but easily recognized underlined blue text links with something
Continued on page 14


3. The most obvious visual element on the screen. Note the simple and large text so the
page is the group of three buttons offering visitor won’t have to work hard to find a link
10 SECONDS three types of cruises. These buttons, of of interest.
Continued from page 13 course, were derived from the personas I As you can see, a great deal of thought
created at the outset. This is where I want went into the design of this landing page. I’ll
more interesting — as long as it remains the user to focus in the first 10 seconds. If make sure that the design works as intended
clear which text is clickable. It’s also impor- the personas are correct, there is a good with some simple, informal usability testing.
tant that all buttons or controls are obvious chance that visitors will click on the but- The wireframe is a first draft and while it is a
and that all text is readable (including by ton that reflects their interest. solid and usable design it’s neither exciting
people with less than perfect vision –— a Because of their importance, I have made nor innovative. Getting to the next level will
group that includes everyone over 40). these buttons brighter and more visually require more thought and more work. As
Other design elements in the wireframe intense than other elements that might com- design is a team sport, not a solitary activity,
that I want to preserve in the visual design: pete with them. Their shape, size, and I will seek input and ideas from others to
1. Initially the visitor will probably focus on arrangement create a cohesive visual group- make the site really stand out and increase
the area below the main menu, because ing for the buttons. I used faces to decorate my chances of keeping a user on the site for
the background picture is visually the buttons, because the human face is visu- more than a few seconds — ultimately lead-
stronger than the header. Because the ally compelling and tends to attract atten- ing to a conversion.
background photo presents a single, easi- tion. Hopefully, my visitor will identify with
ly recognized scene, the visitor does not one of the faces, and this will improve the Charles B. Kreitzberg, Ph.D. is founder and
have to interpret a lot of small visual ele- chances of a click. CEO of Cognetics Corporation, a company
ments but can focus on the text. Because not all users are looking for that, since 1982, has created award-winning
2. The phrase, “Fabulous cruises at discount cruises that fit what three buttons offer, I interactive designs. Charlie has designed user
prices,” positions the site’s mission in one, have provided a secondary area with text interfaces for such diverse products as auto-
easy-to-comprehend phrase. On another links. It is designed to be a bit less obvious mated teller machines, medical software, and
site I might have chosen to make the than the three buttons so it doesn’t compete knowledge systems as well as served on the
phrase more descriptive but that can with them. My intent is to capture visitors national boards of the Usability Professionals
make the screen busier, competing for the who are not engaged by the main offer and Association and the Society for Information
user’s attention. who go on to scan the remainder of the Management.

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14 | WEBSITE | MAY 2008


Website Magazine’s
Ranking of Domain Registrars 6.
There’s been a lot of movement in the world of domains 8.
over the past few months. Thirty-three million new 9.
domain names were registered in 2007 according to 10.
VeriSign’s March 2008 Domain Name Industry Brief. This 11.
brings the number of top-level domain names (TLDs: 12
.com, .net and .org) to 153 million worldwide — a 27% 13.
increase over Q4 2007.
Along with this growth has come a virtual explosion
of services to help professional domainers maximize their 15.
portfolios. February saw the official launch of Fusu, the 16.
world’s first domain stock exchange. The online service 17.
uses the concept of a traditional stock exchange and 18.
applies it to the Domain Names industry by providing a 19.
trading platform for owners, shareholders and investors. 20.
It’s not all rainbows and unicorns in the domain business 21.
though. The Coalition Against Domain Name Abuse 22.
released a study on drop catching — when expired
domains are released into the pool of available names and
are instantly re-registered by another party. Historically,
drop-catching is the first step to more serious abuses such 25.
as domain tasting, domain kiting and typo-squatting. 26.
But one thing hasn’t changed. In the competitive 27.
world of the Web, you need a domain and a good one at 28.
that. That’s why Website Magazine is proud to present its 29.
Third Annual Ranking of Domain Registrars, featuring 50 30.
of the top providers online. While you may or may not see 31.
the registrar that you used to purchase or manage your 32.
domain, keep in mind that the following is a sample of
one portion of the Web’s traffic and does not represent
how successful, ethical or economical one solution is 34.
compared to another. 35.
Research for this report comes courtesy of 36., the Web’s largest provider of website popu- 37.
larity metrics and detailed website information for more 38.
than one million online destinations. To suggest a Top50 39.
category for consideration in upcoming issues of Website 40.
Magazine, please visit our online forum or send an email 41.
Buying and Selling Domains on eBay: These registrars 43.
and resources may be the 50 most active, but many Web 44.
professionals are turning to eBay to buy and sell domains. 45.
Website Magazine’s digital edition features the first in a 46.
three part series on Buying and Selling Domains the eBay 47.
Way. Visit to see this valuable 48.
step-by-step guide outlining how any Web professional 49.
can leverage the world’s largest auction marketplace for 50.
domain profits.


Who’s Who:
Patrick O’Keefe, iFroggy Networks
Almost every Web user has been on a forum at some point during For many Web professionals, forums are little more than places to
their Internet experience. They cover every conceivable topic, from drop a few links and boost search engine rankings. As one that bases
Photoshop to Karate and everything in between. Some are thriving his earning power on the legitimacy of forums, O’Keefe has a much
communities in which to interact with others, get advice and net- different, much more valuable perspective. So why have forums
work your way to success. remained an active venue on the Web?
Forums can also be an excellent way to add value to your website “Social interaction is a big part of the Web,” says O’Keefe. “The
and build a community around your brand. The challenge for those most common form of this is talking with another person or group
administrating these bustling Web environs is that much like real life, of people. This is what forums are. You can discuss the latest news, a
users often need to be led (sometimes kicking and screaming), and topic of interest or a hobby; you can organize a group behind some
difficult users (and spammers) need to be dealt with quickly and sen- sort of effort; you can receive help with a problem you are dealing
sitively. Toss in legal restraints and technology exploits and the sheer with or a difficult period in your life, and more. Forums are simply
thrill of building something of value can quickly dissipate. people talking and interacting around a focus of some kind. It's hard
With the right guidance however, operating a forum can be much for me to see a time when people will not want to do that online.”
more than a hobby; it can become an outright passion and even a full- As beneficial as forums can be, there are also many challenges.
time career. One such forum master is Patrick O’Keefe, owner of the O’Keefe cites several which every forum and community administra-
iFroggy Network, an Internet network featuring content, communi- tor should take to heart. “Some people don’t realize that you don't
ty and e-commerce sites covering various interests in what other just put a community online and then come back once a week. It
than…forums. doesn’t have to be time consuming, but it's something best managed
if you pay it a little attention every day,
rather than trying to pay it a bunch of
attention on one day of the week. It can
be challenging to maintain your vision
and your goals as your forums grow. But,
having a good set of user guidelines that
are actively and fairly enforced goes a
long way to ensuring that you do so.”
With 21 forums in the iFroggy net-
work, O’Keefe has learned quite a few
valuable lessons that he’s sharing in his
new book “Managing Online Forums,” a
comprehensive and thoughtful look at
creating new stand-alone communities
and taking over existing ones. What’s
the most valuable lesson O’Keefe has
learned? “There are so many things you
pick up through experience. But I think
one of my favorites is to worry about
yourself, not so much what everyone else
is doing. It’s fine to recognize competi-
tors, learn from them and want to be bet-
ter than them, but if you get too wrapped
up in what someone else is doing, you
can fail to focus on yourself and you can
lose valuable time that you should be
using to improve. Steve Jobs said some-
thing that I think covers it well. He said,
‘Your time is limited, so don’t waste it liv-
ing someone else’s life.’”

16 | WEBSITE | MAY 2008

Corner Anatomy of a
With Dante A. Monteverde

Link Request
Developing good content as a means of baiting others to link to your website is a proven way to
generate quality inbound links. And other viable means still exist — mainstream media relations,
affiliate programs and even distributed widgets. But the older and time-tested method of simply
requesting a link directly from another website is still in use and, when done well, remains a viable
It’s easy to dismiss many link requests as spam, and rightly so. Unfortunately many less-than-
honorable website owners will send huge email blasts in the hopes of gaining a few links, even if
they are completely unrelated to the website. But many times a closer look through your inbox is
Dante A. Monteverde
warranted. There are plenty of professionals out there making a concerted effort to gain and trade
is a Search Strategist
valuable links — and you should too.
specializing in Search
Engine Optimization. He
founded Do Your Homework resources such as LinkedIn to get prospects’ names
The days of sending thousands of direct link requests and email addresses, even their phone numbers. Once
in 1996 and has over 10
all at once in the hopes of generating a few incoming you start building relationships within your chosen
years of SEO experience. links are over. Even if some websites do end up plac- networks, you can begin the process of requesting
ing your link, the probability of sending traffic on its links from them. When you have those connections,
own is often low and the value passed is even lower. don’t be afraid to use them. However, never engage
To ensure you get quality inbound links, you need to another without being prepared with the many rea-
get the right links. sons why someone should link to your website. Be
The first and perhaps most important steps are clear that you are not selling them anything but
investigating the audience and traffic depth of the adding value to both of your websites and therefore
sites from which you would like a link. Take advan- increasing traffic and hopefully conversions.
tage of resources such as Quantcast, Compete, Alexa If you have made some deep connections,
and to determine those websites’ remember that a personal touch still goes a long way.
standalone strength, and therefore their ability to One phone call or meeting could lead to long-lasting
drive visitors to your website. If they stand on their partnerships and business opportunities between the
own as a valuable asset to your promotional cam- two website owners.
paign, pursue them for your SEO needs.
Check to see if the site is diluted with dozens or Link Building is a Long-Term
hundreds of outgoing links. This will reduce the Commitment
value of the incoming link, especially if the site’s out- By targeting the right websites, properly researching
going links are unrelated to its own content. and personalizing your link requests — with the end
Finally, is the site using “Nofollow” tags on their goal of deeper business relationships — your success
outgoing links? If so, you might get some traffic but rate will justify the amount of time and effort required
the link itself won’t hold any value with the search for a successful link campaign. In the end, personal-
engines or your SEO efforts. ization and persistence are the key.
Finally, link requests are just one phase of your
Personalize Your Request link building strategy. It takes time, but think of it as
If your link strategy has been trying to attract hun- an ongoing project and a larger part of your overall
dreds or thousands of loosely-related incoming website promotion strategy. It should not replace but
links, then it's time to shift to targeting high quality rather augment your other link building practices
links related to your website and its content. Those such as directory submissions, writing compelling
carry the potential to more positively impact your content and participating in forums.
SEO efforts. As you might have guessed, the high Rescuing your website from obscurity and vault-
quality links are the hardest to obtain. An authorita- ing to the first page of search results — and large
tive site will get a slew of link requests every day — amounts of traffic — can be achieved with hard work
so it is important that your link request stand out and a good strategy. While the link request is not dead,
from the rest. it has most certainly changed. A good SEO will adapt
Thorough research helps determine who might to these changes and get the quality links required to
actually be in charge of SEO and link building. Use continue to rank well.

Visit’s SEO Experts blog: for more useful resources on a variety of search topics.


Wire Services and an Online
Wire services distribute press releases to tradi-
tional media outlets like newspapers, magazines,
radio stations and news agencies like Reuters
and the Associated Press. If your main objective
is to target journalists, then use a traditional wire
The other option is online distribution —
targeted to journalists or bloggers who sign up to
receive emails from a particular industry, catego-
ry or sub-category. Popular news aggregator
websites like Google News and Yahoo News are
also targeted. Additionally, many bloggers sub-
scribe to distribution and news feeds. Chances
are one press release from a good online distribu-
tion service will get you multiple listings spread
across Google News, Search and Blogsearch. For

Effective Press Releases the widest reach, consider both wire services
and online.
The difference in distribution methods can be
and Distribution Channels summed up as push vs. pull. Wire services push
press releases to media outlets, while consumers
It is widely believed that the first press release was issued over 100 years ago by Ivy Lee pull information from online services like PRWeb
on behalf of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which had just suffered a tragic accident. The through email alerts and RSS feeds.
press release was issued to prevent alternate versions of the accident from being spread
among the press. And, 100 years later the intent of a press release hasn’t changed. It Press Release Basics
remains a valuable resource in any marketer’s tool kit. But its importance in the Most wire distribution services charge by blocks
Internet age and the world of search engine optimization has never been greater. of 375 or 400 words. That includes title, a brief
summary, body of the release and contact infor-
By Milind Mody mation. If the release is more than the word limit,
you will be charged extra per 100 words. Images,
video, documents or podcasts are also charged
extra. But many online PR distribution sites do
Top 5 reasons to write a Press Release not have the typical 400 words limit. Image and
document attachment is also commonly provid-
1) Organic Traffic: With their Universal Search protocol, Google has started ed with the basic service.
showing press releases in organic search results. If your press release is Before turning loose your press release, decide
well-optimized, it can rank for two to three days in Google organic results. The where you will make the most impact. Wire dis-
press release can also get traffic from Google News and other news aggregator tribution services classify a press release into:
websites. 1) National Release: Targets all national media
outlets for a particular industry like Automotive,
2) Link Building: You can use your important keywords as anchor text and link Consumer, Sports, Technology or Travel.
them to relevant pages on your website. When the press release is distributed
2) Regional Release: The four main regions are
these links will be picked up by distribution partners. Links from many of these
Northeast (includes New York and New Jersey),
sites will not be counted, but some of them will.
Southeast (includes Florida and Virginia),
3) Reputation Management: If someone has criticized your company, one sure Midwest (includes Illinois and Ohio) and
way to get the criticism off the first page of Google Blog Search or Google search West/Southwest (includes California and Texas).
results is to issue multiple press releases. Of course, if you want to do a profes- 3) State and Local Release: New York State and
sional job, then you need to get external links to your press releases and bookmark New York Metro can be two different options. In
and tag these releases. general, New York-related distribution is expen-
sive, because of the high number of media outlets
4) Bloggers and Web 2.0 Audience: Many bloggers subscribe to online press
in the region.
release distribution services like PRWeb. If your press release interests them, they
might blog about it and give a link to your press release or your website. If you 4) International Release: Again, there are many
consistently reach out to this audience, you can get significant links, traffic and classifications and sub-classifications of an
sales from them. international release based on countries and/or
5) Traffic from Traditional Media: If your press release interests journalists, they Apart from the above categories, some wire
will follow up with you and write a story about your business. This will most services also target Hispanic, African-American
certainly lead to a short term boost in your website traffic and sales. and North American Chinese media outlets.

18 | WEBSITE | MAY 2008

Keep in mind that you should draft and submit
your press release two days in advance, because Distribution Services
most wire services will call for a verbal confirma-
tion before distributing. PR Newswire:
With online services you can specify 5-10 PR Newswire is the biggest name in press release distribution service. It is also the
industries to target. By default, the region is set to most expensive. A 400-word national release can cost $680 and $185 for additional
global but if your release applies to a specific city 100 words. A 400-word release with a photo will cost $1,325. Regional distribution
or region, you need to choose the appropriate set- will cost less. The national release includes SEO, but for other distribution options,
ting. Any journalists or bloggers who have sub-
add $255. If you don’t want a national release, search for PR Newswire partners
scribed to releases for that region will then receive
like WebWire, which offers a 15 percent discount.
your release.
Now that you have decided what type of dis-
Business Wire:
tribution service you will use and where you will
Business Wire was taken over by Warren Buffet’s Hathaway Berkshire last year. In
target your audience, it’s time for the most impor-
tant part — creating effective, compelling press general, Business Wire costs 8-10 percent less than PR Newswire. Business Wire
releases. has partnered with Vocus/PRWeb which powers their Enhanced Online News Text
optimization tool. Through PRWeb, Business Wire can produce SEO-friendly press
Seven Tips for Writing a Press Release releases while PRWeb can now provide traditional wire service to their clients.
1) Unique Value Proposition: Instead of writing
a press release for simply the launch of your prod-
uct or service, create a press release around your A 400-word national release on Marketwire costs $460 with $150 extra for addition-
unique value proposition. This should include al 100 words, less for regional and state/local distribution. Additional photos cost
those special attributes making your service better $50, SEO enhancement costs $75 and audio/video links cost $75 each. Customer
than the competition. service is good, making Marketwire is a nice option if you are price conscious.
2) Avoid Hyperbole: Keep your language natural
and tone conversational. Nothing is more count-
er-productive than a jargon-filled sales pitch. PRWeb is not a wire service, but an email-based service. Journalists or bloggers
Report facts. who signup with PRWeb receive a daily email from PRWeb based on their prefer-
3) Optimize your Press Release for Search:
ences. The release is also distributed to other websites that subscribe to PRWeb
Include your most important keywords in the feeds. The basic service at PRWeb starts at $80 per release. Their SEO visibility
press release title and first paragraph, but not at service starts at $200 and there is a podcast interview option for $100, where one of
the cost of important information. Hyperlink PRWeb’s staff will conduct a four to five minute interview with you. This is a great
important pages with suitable keywords as anchor option for business owners who want their press releases to stand out but don’t
text. have time or energy to produce their own podcast.
4) Create an Online Press Room: Because only
limited information can be included in a press Free Distribution:
release, it’s a good idea to create an “Online Press Apart from these main services, there are some free online distribution services
Room” on your website. It should list your media like and These websites are regularly crawled by Google
contact with an email address and direct phone News. But a word of caution: These free sites make money by displaying Google
number, contain a high-resolution logo of your AdSense ads alongside your press release. It’s entirely possible that your competi-
company in various formats (JPEG, PSD, CDR) tor’s ads are shown alongside your press release!
and high-resolution photos of key people in your
organization. Point links to important products, can ask their permission to include their stock
case studies, client comments, press releases and ticker in your press release. This will help you get
media coverage. Provide a link to this page on all visibility across all journalists who will be search-
press releases. ing for the listed company.
5) Create Google and Yahoo Alerts: Create Press releases can be extremely valuable for
Google and Yahoo alerts with your company or both short- and long-term purposes. If you are
individual name. This will help you see which not yet convinced or feel that you need some
websites are covering your press releases. practice, start with a free service, then move on to
6) Decide your objective: If the primary objec- professional service. However, a single press
tive of your press release is online reputation man- release will not give you much exposure. Try to
agement, then you might want to go for a service write at least six press releases a year that will
like PRWeb. However, if you think there is an cover your unique value proposition, good cus-
angle in your press release which can appeal to tomer experience, and awards and recognitions.
journalists, use a wire service that also has SEO
options. Milind Mody is founder CEO of SEO firm eBrandz
7) Use Stock Tickers: If your company is not Inc. Part of eBrandz’s service performs search
publicly listed, but associated with a listed compa- marketing for a division of United Business Media,
ny (i.e. if the listed company is your client) you parent company of PR Newswire.


Conversion Cache:
With Tim Ash
Landing Pages
and the Decision Making Process
Landing page optimization and testing are com- It is also helpful to realize that AIDA applies
plex activities that require knowledge of many to different scales of tasks and different time
fields — usability, copywriting, math and Web frames. If I am a consumer researching a new
design are a few. But at its core, we are still try- computer, I might take days or weeks to make
ing to influence the behavior of people, and a decision. And over the course of that process,
human nature does not change. my interaction with your website may be only
In 1898, Elias St. Elmo Lewis pioneered a one of dozens. I may have long ago forgotten
framework for describing stages of consumer about your website by the time I make my ulti-
interest and behavior. In effect, he created the mate decision — depending on when I visited,
modern concept of the sales funnel. All people the intervening research that I have conducted,
were thought to progress through four stages and the uniqueness of your company and its
covered by the acronym AIDA. selling proposition.
Awareness — Someone realizes that some At the other extreme, the Web supports
number of possible actions is available to them small-scale and short-duration micro-tasks.
Sometimes a desired conversion — or, a user’s
Interest — They actively self-select and show a task — is to simply click through to another
preference for a particular course of action page on your site. Yet the same four steps must
Desire — Their enthusiasm grows as they still happen during the visit for the conversion
investigate the course of action action to occur.
Ultimately, you must answer two questions
Action — They are moved to act and reap the
for a visitor to pass through all of the AIDA
benefits of the course of action
The key to properly applying this model to
landing pages is to ensure continuity and ease of • Do you have what I want?
flow through each of the steps. All four steps • Why should I get it from you?
must be completed in order and none of them
This process may not happen during a sin-
can be skipped. That is not to suggest equal
gle visit or interaction. The ultimate goal may
emphasis should be placed on each within your
be weeks or months away. But you must pro-
landing page, nor that visitors will spend an
vide a clear path to that goal. If your conversion
equal amount of time in each step. But there
action typically has a long delay, try to provide
should be a clear path and proper support to
mechanisms to record your visitors’ progress,
keep them moving forward toward your conver-
and restart them in the most recent and relevant
sion goal.
state upon their subsequent visits to your land-
In his book Submit Now: Designing Persuasive
ing page.
Web Sites (New Riders Press, 2002), Andrew
The typical time spent in the Awareness
Chak closely follows the AIDA model and
and Interest stages on the Web is very short.
applies it specifically to website visitors. He cor-
Most of the question “Do you have what I
rectly suggests that the website or landing page
want?” is answered during the Desire stage.
should be designed for four main types
However, without attention and interest,
of users corresponding to the mind-set of
Desire does not happen. Similarly, although the
each stage:
bulk of “Why should I get it from you?” is
Tim Ash is the President of Browsers: May not know exactly what they answered during the Action stage, it cannot be, a performance-based want, but have an unmet need reached without passing through the other
landing page optimization and testing Evaluators: Know enough to compare the three stages in order.
company that specializes in large- available options and are looking for detailed Taking some time to consider AIDA and
scale tests with its non-parametric supporting information how it relates to your unique selling proposi-
TuningEngineSM technology. He is the tion, along with some creative landing page
author of Landing Page Optimization: Transactors: Have made a buying decision optimization will provide a solid framework to
The Definitive Guide to Testing and and need to quickly go through the mechanics creating effective pages. When you facilitate
Tuning for Conversions of the actual transaction known consumer behaviors, chances are good
( Customers: Have completed their transac- you will have success converting visitors into
Tim can be reached at tion and need to sustain their satisfaction level customers. until their next transaction


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Cover Story

Mobile Web
By Mike Phillips, Senior Editor

When was the last time you turned off your mobile phone? Do you
feel vulnerable when you leave the house without it? Have you
ever used your mobile screen as a flashlight to find something in
a dark room?
If I were to ask, who is the largest manufacturer of digital cam-
eras, would you say Canon? How about the largest manufacturer
of music devices? Apple? The answer to both questions is Nokia.
The point is the mobile phone has become as essential to our
daily lives as getting dressed in the morning. Our mobile devices
are with us at all times and rarely out of reach. For
many, the thought of losing a mobile device
instills a level of panic greater than losing
a credit card or an entire wallet or purse.
A February article by Joel Garreau in
The Washington Post cites this statistic:
“From essentially zero, we’ve passed a
watershed of more than 3.3 billion
active cell phones on a planet of some
6.6 billion humans in about 26 years.
This is the fastest global diffusion
of any technology in human
history — faster even than the
polio vaccine.”

26 | WEBSITE | MAY 2008

Mobile Web Usage
The single most popular application to date for mobile devices is SMS
text messaging — over six billion were sent in the U.K. alone in
December of 2007, according to the Mobile Data Association. That’s
more than 193 million per day. In February, research firm Research And
Markets predicted over two trillion will be sent worldwide in 2008.
But there are plenty of other, more advanced applications for the
mobile Web, ranging from the quirky to the practical. Vodafone’s Otello
is a search engine that works by sending a photo taken with your mobile
device, then receiving relevant information regarding the image that was
sent. GeoPedia uses an iPhone’s positional data to find your approximate
location and then sends Wikipedia articles about points of interest
around you at that moment. GyPSii uses GPS, user-generated content,
social networking capabilities, photo and video sharing and geo-tagging
to instantly connect and track people all over the world. Twitter has
already seen wild success in the mobile space by answering the question
“What are you doing?” It’s essentially a way for people to follow each
other’s daily or even hourly activities through a network of friends. Some
swear it’s a great networking and marketing tool, while others see it as
an enormous waste of time.
Clearly the mobile Web is growing into an everyday utility. But is it
a viable business opportunity?
Google seems to think so. They have set aside $10 million for a con-
test for outside developers to create mobile applications. And Google is
hardly alone. In February, AOL announced plans for a mobile develop-
ment platform using an SML-based markup language with the intent
to run on any mobile device. Even traditional media are getting in
the game. Hearst Publishing (Cosmopolitan, Esquire, O., et al.)
joined Nokia’s ad network, essentially giving advertisers access to
more than 100 million subscribers. Research firm Gartner pre-
dicts that worldwide mobile advertising revenue will balloon
from $1 billion in 2007 to $11 billion in 2011.
But there are some serious questions surrounding the via-
bility of the mobile Web. And the biggest of all is, when? It seems
that every year is proclaimed as the year of the mobile Web. But it
has yet to happen. Slow (if any) connections, lagging load times, tiny
screens, unrealistic business models and most of all, lack of user inter-
est have plagued the industry from day one.


Cover Story
Evolving Devices and 3G
Mobile Expectations These days, just about every mobile device can connect to the Web, but
What are Web professionals to do? That depends on what users are speed and overall usability vary widely. Third generation (3G) technolo-
prepared to do. Is it realistic to expect consumers to make purchas- gy aims to up the usability factor for all mobile devices — promising
es or transfer money through a mobile device? Security remains a faster connections and the ability to transfer large amounts of data in
top concern among mobile users. Something about sending impor- order to bring the mobile experience closer to browsing by PC.
tant, personal data over a wireless connection through something as According to a January report from Forrester Research, three in five
easily misplaced as a telephone doesn’t sit right with many con- mobile users will have signed up to 3G by the end of 2010. The same
sumers. report found that the UK and Italy will lead the way with 3G penetra-
Also not to be overlooked is the personal connection between tion rates of 68 percent and 72 percent, respectively.
users and their mobile phones. People have come to embrace the Along with 3G technology we’re seeing major advancements in
mobile device as an extension to their everyday lives. It’s no surprise
mobile devices and therefore, usage of the mobile Web. Of course, no
that surveys consistently show users don’t take kindly to advertise-
ments invading their mobile space. This has made many advertisers discussion about mobile devices and the Web is complete without men-
wary of entering this uncharted territory. tion of the iPhone. Love it or hate it, the iPhone has changed the game
For Web professionals, the mobile Web presents some chal- — both in mobile Web usage and the standard by which all future
lenges, along with serious potential. It has become more critical mobile devices will be measured. In March 2008, M:Metrics, a leader
than ever to have your company and website listed prominently in in mobile media measurement released the findings of a survey show-
local directories – where one of the top utilities for mobile Web ing a staggering 85 percent of iPhone users regularly access content on
surfers is searching for local businesses, directions, hours of opera- the Web, compared to 58 percent of smartphone users and just 13 per-
tion and telephone numbers. Included in many of these searches is cent of overall mobile phone users. The same study found 59 percent of
critical information about your business. With Google Local, for iPhone users visited a search engine, compared with 37 percent of
example, users can read reviews and leave comments, in addition to smartphone users and a miniscule 6 percent of overall mobile phone
getting directions and telephone numbers, all from Google Maps. In
users. This corroborates information Google released in February that
the same way, it’s important for your website to rank highly in search
engines — perhaps even using paid mobile advertising to draw traf- saw on average 50 times more search requests coming from Apple
fic. The reason is that the third screen is still small for most mobile iPhones than any other mobile handset.
users, meaning a limited number of results will show on the first These numbers and the fact that the iPhone has quickly become one
page. And mobile users rarely go beyond the first page of results. of the top-selling mobile devices in under a year of circulation suggest
Emerging technologies present some other interesting opportu- that consumers are ready to start connecting to the mobile Web. All
nities. 2D bar codes allow a company to print a UPC-like image on they need are a proper connection and the right equipment.
virtually any surface — a poster or magazine page, for example. In Manufacturers are now scrambling to release iPhone competitors, and
response to some enticement, users some are already finding success. A joint effort by Sprint and Samsung
snap a photo of the bar code with their has resulted in Instinct, a new device that recently won Best in Show in
mobile device, send the photo to your the Emerging Technology Award competition at CTIA Wireless 2008 in
website where it is decoded and the
Las Vegas. Instinct has many of the same features as the iPhone and
appropriate information is sent back
to the user. The idea is to engage users even a 2.0 megapixel camera. In the meantime, Apple is set to release
into a “pull” initiative, where people the second generation of the iPhone this summer, which promises
are drawn to request more informa- greater capability, memory and a high price tag — inevitably one of the
tion, rather than having it forced upon factors keeping new devices from expanding usage of the mobile Web
them — a very useful tactic for a per- even farther.
sonal device.
A 2D barcode used by So is the mobile Web finally upon Hope factor:
us? And will it become the next great
mobile Web surfers to
business avenue? There are plenty of
retrieve information on a arguments for and against it. Read on
given product or promotion. to explore a few of them.
Mobile Tip: Design
Graphics and advertisements slow down load time
and force users to navigate a page before seeing use-
ful content. Mimic the colors and select key elements
of your normal website, but strip graphics and
Google Maps for Mobile complex navigation. More clicks may mean more ad
impressions, but at the cost of the user experience.
Google Maps for Mobile shows some of the best the mobile
Web has to offer, and also some problems. Read a full Remember, you're dealing with an audience that has
review in Website Magazine’s Consumer Corner, limited time, patience and bandwidth.

28 | WEBSITE | MAY 2008

Limited Devices and Slow Development
Third generation, fourth generation, fifth generation — technology is never going to stop evolving, so it might end up that the devices that we carry
everywhere with us will end in their current manifestation as we know and understand them – mostly used for simple communication and the
occasional weather forecast. What users do with their mobile devices should not surprise anyone, and it hasn’t changed much in the past several years.
A 2007 M:Metrics study of overall mobile phone users found that while 73 percent sent text messages, only 7 percent had browsed news
and information on the Web.
The strongest argument for the mobile Web has not changed: when the owners of the world’s mobile phones get online their numbers will vast-
ly outweigh the number of mobile PCs accessing the Internet; therefore, the market will tilt in the direction of mobile. The problem is that these users
have not yet connected to the Internet in big numbers and, for those who do it's only on occasion and for very specific reasons and very limited
amounts of time. For example, in the past week, how many times have you searched Yahoo on your mobile? Compare that with how many times in
the past week you searched Yahoo from your PC. Take into account proxy data charges and slow speeds today and you start to see the clear picture
of why genuine adoption has been so slow. Users have not yet become accustomed to using their devices to their current but
limited potential. Even when they do, the overall experience leaves much to be desired – both from the connections and the limited capabilities
of the overwhelming majority of devices in circulation.
Smartphones are a reality and the advent of the iPhone did open up new possibilities and show consumers the potential of the mobile Web. But
technology keeps us continually moving forward and you can bet that there will be casualties. The openness of Android will take years to be real-
ized and the same goes for the iPhone Software Development Kit (SDK). Developers are only starting to build applications that will bring the mobile
Web to fruition. Let's just hope that happens before another device comes out that changes how we think about the mobile Web ... again.

Hype Factor:

Mobile Markets and Sheer Numbers Who is using the mobile

Numbers can be deceiving, but sometimes hard to ignore. When it comes to mobile statistics, some
Web and what sites are
of the data are simply astonishing.
they browsing?
According to Gartner Research, mobile phone sales topped 1.15 billion units in 2007, contribut- The chart below shows five top genres of
ing to a total of 3.3 billion handsets worldwide – or half of the world’s population. Of course, a frac- mobile-accessed content and the top five
tion of those are suitable for mobile Web use. However, if iPhone sales are any indication of mobile mobile search portals in the United States.
Web adoption, the stage is set for a virtual revolution. Over 4 million iPhones were sold within the
first six months of production, 2.3 million of which sold in the last quarter of 2007 alone. Total mobile subscribers: 226,000,000
As the Web is truly a global presence, it is important to look at mobile adoption as a whole.
India is the fastest growing mobile market and has claimed second place next to China as the Top browsed Genres:
world’s most mobile nation. According to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), more Accessed Web Search: 14,800,775
than 8 million subscribers were added in October 2007, bringing the total to more than 250 million Accessed Weather: 14,235,817
— and that number is expected to double by 2011. Accessed News: 13,581,158
Of course the mobile Web doesn’t exist without proper coverage. Increasingly, networks are Accessed Sports Information: 12,142,079
providing coverage at major community hubs (yes, Starbucks included) and some U.S. cities are Accessed Entertainment News: 10,084,300
still attempting to provide free WiFi access across the board. Many mobile carriers have started to
introduce flat-rate mobile packages, including unlimited data transfer essential to widespread mobile Search Brand Reach
Web browsing. The Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) is the current, and Google: 9,329,940
for some the only method of connecting to the mobile Web and has a reported coverage of around 80 Yahoo: 5,267,956
percent. According to the GSM Association, mobile penetration is expected to reach 90 percent by Current Mobile Network: 3,712,454
2010. MSN/Windows Live Search: 1,509,919
Developing countries present an interesting dynamic. Reaching these populations presents a chal- AOL Mobile: 844,864
lenge for marketers and advertisers, even though they represent some of the fastest growing markets.
While many of these regions may lack the technology (or resources) available to much of the mobile
world, they also represent one of the most captive audiences. Many developing nations’ residents Data courtesy of M:Metrics, and averaged over
a three-month period ending in February 2008.
don’t have access to a PC, leaving the mobile device as their only way to connect to the Internet. Such
is the case for MyGamma, a social network run by BuzzCity. Based in high-tech Singapore, they draw
most of their 2.5 million users from developing nations in Asia and Africa.
In the end, the mobile space is seeing unprecedented growth and penetration. The numbers are
enough to catch anyone’s attention and the opportunity is simply too great for marketers, carriers,
manufacturers and developers — and yes, website professionals – to pass up.

Hope factor:


Cover Story

The Current Mobile Web is Not the Future

One cannot argue against the pervasion of mobile devices and technology into all corners of the world. It’s theoretically true that a farmer in rural
Bangladesh is able to access the mobile Web in the same way as a teenager in Tokyo. However, the mobile Web represents two very different things
for its respective users.
While the teenager might be watching video, snapping photos of 2D bar codes or downloading a new hit song, the farmer might just as likely be
simply checking the week’s weather, reading email or looking for the day’s closing numbers on rice futures.
One of the dangers this presents is a mobile digital divide. Those with the resources to obtain the latest devices and the data packages needed
to run them will see a version of the mobile Web consisting of advanced functionality – streaming video, social networking, e-commerce functional-
ity, etc. It’s less likely that a rice farmer will purchase merchandise from or order theatre tickets from his phone. Therefore, marketers
and investment dollars will funnel to early adopters and high-end consumers, leaving a neglected and archaic mobile Web to the rest.
Adding to the problem are the devices themselves. The iPhone has shown that the familiar PC-based browsing experience can translate to a
device without the need for specialized pages and websites. And what we’ve seen is only the beginning. As devices improve, the need for a sepa-
rate, mobile Web begins to disintegrate. That’s significant, as the millions of dollars currently pouring in for mobile applications and websites will one
day no longer be necessary.
While the lucky owners of advanced devices will be accessing a ubiquitous Internet, those without the latest technology will likely see special-
ized mobile pages and services slowly disappear, increasing the divide. Developers will certainly create applications better suited to developing
nations and their users, but that runs the risk of creating an entirely separate mobile Web and mobile economy, making trade and commerce difficult
between the two mediums. In short, the current iteration and projected omnipresence of one mobile Web and its applications are not sustainable.

Hype Factor:

Mobile Applications
If there’s a current battleground for the mobile Web, the arena is in the applications.
Developers are rolling out new applications as fast as they can generate ideas. Everything from
mobile social networking and GPS-enabled services to music downloading, mobile games and
video streaming are vying for users’ attention.
However, it seems that some of the most widely adopted mobile applications are the sim-
ple ones. Several manufacturers including Blackberry, Nokia and Apple have the ability to place
a Google search box directly on a user’s home screen, negating the need to open a browser,
navigate to Google, then enter a search query. Some of the most visited sites on the mobile
Web are quick hits — like for news headlines, for sports scores or for weather updates.
Yahoo jumped head-first into the mobile fray, forming several strategic partnerships with
carriers and recently, while working hard to make a strong first impression
with the mobile audience. "Just like they were a Web 1.0 leader, now they're a mobile 1.0
leader," says Canaccord Adams analyst Colin Gillis.
Perhaps one of Yahoo’s most promising applications is voice-enabled search and com-
mands with OneSearch 2.0. A recent demo at CTIA Las Vegas showed a voice command of
“British Airways 287” returning arrival times, “March Madness” retrieved college basketball
scores and “3600 Las Vegas Boulevard” led to a street map and driving directions. That’s the
kind of usability perfectly fit for a mobile device. Nokia has already committed to offering the
Yahoo service on its Series 60 phones.
The biggest hurdle of mobile apps is the disconnect among devices, carriers and develop-
ers. Some apps work on some devices and not others, while other apps don’t work at all or
have no foreseeable business model. Most applications take some level of tech literacy to even
implement on a mobile phone, disqualifying an enormous segment of the population.
Google is attempting to resolve the issue through Android and the accompanying Open
Love it or hate it, the iPhone has Handset Alliance. These efforts hope to stabilize the mobile application marketplace by setting
changed the game — both in standards that will allow apps to work on any device and with any carrier. However, until that
mobile Web usage and the standard day, the mobile application space remains highly fragmented and limited in reach.
by which all future mobile devices
will be measured. Hope factor:

30 | WEBSITE | MAY 2008

What do the experts think about the
E-Commerce and Wary Consumers mobile Web and its potential?
Perhaps the greatest challenge to total mobile Web domination is e-com- We asked Laura Marriott, President of the Mobile Marketing
merce. Moving from an environment which acts as a communication tool Association a few questions. The Mobile Marketing
and forcing that same device to become a transactional tool has been chal- Association (MMA) is a non-profit association dedicated to
lenging to say the least. As Web media companies such as Yahoo and stimulating the growth of mobile marketing and its associat-
Google and large e-commerce vendors pour millions into the mobile Web, ed technologies. The MMA is a global organization with
consumers remain leery of buying products or services through a mobile more than 500 members including agencies, advertisers,
device. manufacturers, retailers, developers and more, representing
over 40 countries.
Those who have genuinely tried to purchase products through their mobile
devices often become frustrated with the entire process, including page after WM: The mobile Web has been predicted to take off
page of confirmations and user ID and password entries. When a motivated for several years, but it has yet to happen. What is tak-
shopper finds she has to type in 16-digit credit card numbers, expiration dates ing so long?
and CVV numbers, she may just walk away from a loaded shopping cart. In
Marriott: The mobile Web is happening - and we are seeing
many cases, she might have avoided the aggravation with a five-minute phone
adoption rates climb faster in the last six months than ever
call or a drive to a local retailer using directions provided, ironically, through before. Faster data networks, better handsets and more com-
her mobile device. pelling services have certainly helped. However, I believe the
Surpassing logistical difficulties, the top barriers to mobile e-commerce biggest change and driver for adoption has been the unlimited
consistently cited by consumers are privacy and security. Wireless Transport flat-rate data plans that have been deployed by most carriers.
Layer Security (WTLS) actually offers more encryption than traditional trans- Consumers are no longer left wondering about the costs of
actions, but it is and will continue to be challenging to convince users of this their data packages and can now spend one amount for
fact. In a study released by Gartner in February, polling 2,000 U.S. and U.K. unlimited, anytime access.
consumers, U.S. consumers were twice as likely to check for prices on a
mobile device (24 percent) than to actually purchase something (12 percent.) WM: Is the mobile Web a real opportunity for small
Numbers were similar in the U.K.: 18 percent check prices and just 11 per- businesses? What can they do to prepare in 2008?
cent buy. Those numbers don’t bode well for mobile e-commerce in 2008 or Marriott: Yes, absolutely. The new consumer is always on,
even 2009. always on the go. Mobile Web allows the small retailer to con-
Promotional challenges for businesses persist as well. Coupons have tact and engage with the consumer wherever and whenever
been presented as one possible solution. Leveraged by Bluetooth proximity they are. Small businesses should, at the very least, establish a
services and even SMS, a business could deliver a coupon to a consumer very basic mobile Web presence that includes mobilizing their
existing site, or creating a new mobile presence. Costs are
just as they enter a certain proximity. For example, the message could be,
reasonable and providers like Crisp Wireless, Volantis and
“bring this message to Dave’s Deli in the next 30 minutes and receive a free Quattro Wireless are offering these services to companies of
drink with purchase of a sandwich.” But success could lead to big problems, all sizes.
of course, if consumers find their mobile devices overloaded with offers and
consider mobile coupons an invasion of privacy. In addition, savvy users WM: What are the major hurdles to widespread
might find holes in these promotional opportunities and begin faking their mobile Web adoption?
way to significant, undocumented discounts. Marriott: Perhaps the largest hurdle is consumer education
The best-case scenario is a happy medium where consumers are gently and consumer awareness of the more advanced data function-
coaxed into action while businesses effectively promote their services. Of ality on their device(s). One method to address this is to pro-
course, there is a worst-case scenario. As many mobile promotional offers vide greater access to more compelling content and services,
and coupons are stripped of images and identifiable branding, there are hence driving more consumer interactions and interest.
plenty of opportunities for scams. One widespread mobile e-commerce scam
could do major damage to the entire industry. WM: Has your position on the mobile Web changed
in the last few years?
Hype Factor: Marriott: Yes. The WAP 1.0 experience was very text heavy
and fairly boring. Mobile Web pages were purely functional
and addressed a desire to communicate with simple informa-
tional services. Fast forward to today, and we have graphic-
Mobile Tip: Navigation rich, highly compelling services that beg consumer interaction
and engagement. Interactive and highly entertaining - these
Mobile screens are small. When a user clicks on a link, new mobile Web applications are easy to navigate, easy to
the content should be delivered immediately, at the top understand and help to drive more engagement and longer
of the page. Keep navigation at the bottom of the content, usage cycles than in years prior. So yes, I am absolutely a fan
or small navigation links at the top. Don’t force users to today! Personally, I use the mobile Web at least once a day,
scroll down to find the content they are looking for. seven days a week (up from 1 time per month less than 3
years ago.)


The Semantic Web
Continued from page 7

ZoomInfo offers a $99 annual membership to perform people search-

es for sales and marketing personnel building prospecting lists. ENTH
will charge businesses a premium to mash internal databases with
external public databases. As for PowerSet, it is still unclear how they
will monetize semantic search.

More on Semantics
ZoomInfo (
This search engine is very business focused, allowing us to drill down
on companies, people and jobs through Q&A-based searching. The
results are better organized business information for sales and market-
ing purposes. As an example, you can search “Technology + Arizona”
and get over 100 profiles of technology companies located in Arizona. A
link to each of their websites is just a part of the information provided.

Powerset (
The Powerset service will launch in a few months. It is able to extract
meaning by reading documents like website pages, sentence by sen-
tence. So, if you’re interested in finding a list of swimsuit manufacturers,
Powerset would have already examined every website out there that
discusses swimsuits, bathing suits, bikinis, etc. It also has combined
those words with others like manufacturer, maker, designer, etc. So, the
result is a comprehensive list of swimsuit manufacturers. While Google
will return websites that list swimsuit manufacturers, the results are
intermingled with less meaningful results as well.

Semanticator (
ThougtLava’s Semanticator enables marketers to translate their
target markets or market segments into semantic personas which
can be detected moments before arrival. Each persona or profile
represents a combination of attributes like geographic location,
operating system, day of the week, search keywords, targeted websites
visited, etc. By detecting market segments before arrival, marketers
are able to introduce visitors matching a particular persona to their
products and services in a more meaningful way.

Twine (
This is a product of Radar Networks designed to help us discover our
world in ways that we’ll find interesting. As we organize and share
interests, we’ll discover new information within those interests and
people who are equally as passionate. As an example, I’m interested in
Arizona travel. So, I might post references to articles about places I’d
like to visit, like the Grand Canyon. Others on Twine may find me
because of my Grand Canyon post — and we may choose to connect
in order to share additional Arizona travel information directly. As my
relationships grow, I can immediately alert my Arizona travel group to
any new information I've found. As the library of content around
Arizona travel grows, newcomers will find it when searching.

John-Scott Dixon is the Founder of ThoughtLava. See a demonstration of

their patent-pending technology at

32 | WEBSITE | MAY 2008

Web Design Agreements
By Jeffrey Cohen

This month InternetLitigators has been presented Below are five important issues to
with several issues involving website development consider for every webmaster entering Learn more
and design. We represent both designers and into a design agreement:
Read a list of issues for
webmasters regularly so our experience and Web designers online at
comments on this issue are intended to address both Issues For Web Professionals
sides of this deal.
1 – The Payment Terms
While the examples here are presented from the
Pay special attention to the payment terms. The services provided can
website owner's point of view, a good agreement be limited, for example, to a number of hours or pages. The terms can
protects both parties. authorize the designer to perform additional work over and above the
contract price and bill you for it. Any extra work should be subject to
your approval only.
Put it in Writing
2 – Scope of the Assignment
This may seem obvious but we have been presented with many situa- Be certain that your agreement clearly and accurately states what you
tions when work was done without a written agreement, or an agree- expect from the designer. Consider specific references to the number
ment existed but was never signed. The process of negotiating the of pages, any special coding (flash etc), services that you expect to be
agreement is an excellent way to ensure that all parties involved included and any promises that have been made by the designer.
understand what is being promised.
Be sure that the agreement is signed by all parties. Keep a copy for 3 – Completion Date
your reference in the event that you should ever need it during the Define a clearly stated completion date. Watch out for complicated
course of the project or at any time afterwards. terms that allow the designer to delay completion indefinitely.
4 – Final Approval
Read, Understand, Negotiate and THEN Sign Make sure that before final payment is due that you have the oppor-
tunity for final approval of the website. Ideally, this approval should be
Typically, the designer provides the form of agreement for Web
given throughout or in stages so that you remain involved with the
design services, usually drafted by an attorney. As would be expect-
project. If the design or any component thereof does not meet your
ed, when a designer hires an attorney to prepare such an agreement,
approval, promptly notify the designer of your exact concerns. Be cer-
the terms will most likely favor the designer — sometimes strongly
tain that there is no penalty to you or requirement to pay until the site
and sometimes unfairly. An astonishingly high number of agree-
meets your approval and functions the way it is supposed to on your
ments we have seen, particularly those that appear somewhat infor-
selected hosting provider or server.
mal are filled with terms that should send a website owner running.
It is not uncommon — particularly for smaller projects — to have 5 – Copyright
people tell us that they simply didn’t read the agreement and instead This can be a complicated issue. In general terms, you want to be cer-
relied upon what they were told by the designer. This is a poor prac- tain that you own the completed site. Rights less than ownership
tice for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that including a license to use the site are limited rights and may not allow
many design agreements contain a standard provision stating that any- you to use the site or all of its components the way that you want and
thing you have been told in negotiations by the designer is irrelevant could subject you to additional fees or costs. An unfair license agree-
— that the written agreement terms are all that matters. ment could force you into an ongoing relationship with the designer.
By way of illustration, we recently were provided with an agree- Language such as “work for hire” can drastically change the nature of
ment filled with unfair (and in one instance unlawful) provisions. We the rights vested in either party. Seek legal advice when you are not
made significant changes for our webmaster client, making the agree- absolutely clear as to your specific situation.
ment fair and forcing the designer to take responsibility for his work.
We expected the designer to flatly refuse the new terms but, to our
surprise the designer signed the agreement including all of our
changes — it seemed as though he didn’t bother reading it! Jeffrey Cohen is a Partner in the Law offices of
The point is that when there is a term in an agreement that you do Chapman, Glucksman & Dean apc in Los Angeles,
not like, don’t be afraid to make a change. Remember that you are the California. He chairs the firm’s Internet & Technology
customer and the designer needs your business. If a sticking point Practice Group and represents Internet companies
arises, be certain that you understand the explanation. If the explana- nationwide on all business law issues. He is also the
tion does not make sense do not sign the agreement. If the designer director of InternetLitigators. This article neither constitutes legal advice
offers an explanation of the term, put it in the agreement or ask that nor creates an attorney client privilege with the reader. Mr. Cohen can be
it be put in another writing. reached at


Free Podcast Production for Your Website
By Dr. Pat LeMay Burr and Joseph Kirby

If you are the least bit intrepid you can add value to your website with a podcast in a matter of
minutes. The tools you need include free, open source Audacity software and a good headset
microphone costing less than $30. If you have these items, then you’re ready to go.

Audacity Software The podcasts may also be added to various pages and may feature dif-
ferent voices, in addition to your own.
Audacity reproduces recordings — ranging from voice memos to arias
and compressed business podcasts — making them ready for posting
online. Getting Started
You can download, install and use Audacity without any associat- Audacity records the podcast to an AUP file extension, and as long as
ed costs or licensing problems. As is common with open-source soft- you stay in the AUP file extension format, you can continue to edit the
ware, there exists a loose-knit community in cyberspace offering help file you have created. When you are satisfied with the final product,
and adding improvements. export the AUP file using the option under FILE. The LAME software
Audacity is an ideal utility for use in growing businesses with lim- encodes it, and it becomes an MP3 compressed file. More on this later.
ited budgets, by moderately experienced techies who have no new For now, the two download sites are:
software phobias, and is particularly fun for people who are not afraid
1. Audacity 1.2.6:
to delete first efforts then try again.
2. LAME MP3 encoder:
The Audacity installation file is only 2.1MB, so the download
Audacity Applications for a Website should be painless.
Audacity allows you to create, compress and post a variety of online Step 1: Download Audacity and LAME MP3 Encoder
audio podcasts to tell your organization’s story, explain how to use In your browser, navigate to Click on
products and services, describe how to find your place of business and the “Download Audacity 1.2.6” link. After the new page loads, go to
detail how to take advantage of special offers of the week or month. the recommended download link and click “Audacity 1.2.6 installer.”
Such product demonstrations, how-to podcasts and simple repair Choose SAVE FILE when the download window pops up.
advice audio can enrich a site immensely. Next, navigate to a location where you would like to save your
Interviews with happy clients, advance notice of new services, files. At this location, create a new folder in which you will store your
offers of qualifying for free delivery and directions for how to place new file. Type in a name for your new folder— something like “POD-
orders can also act as positive shopping reinforcements for customers. CAST TEST”— and ENTER. Then, double-click the folder, give your
first test file a name and SAVE. After completing these steps, close any
open windows
To complete the download process, you must download the LAME
MP3 encoder. This file is linked from the Audacity Web page, so
return to the sourceforge site.
After navigating to,
click on the “Download Audacity 1.2.6” link. Go to
the “Optional Downloads” area and select
“LAME MP3 encoder.” On the new page,
choose to go to the “LAME Download Page”
under the Windows subheading.
Next, choose to download the file, and click OK to
save the file to disk. Store the file in the folder
that you created earlier, (where the Audacity
file is already stored) and SAVE. Finally, close any
open windows and prepare for the next step.

34 | WEBSITE | MAY 2008

Step 2: Install Audacity Step 5: Ready Set, Go!
Both software files are now downloaded, but neither is yet Finally, Audacity and LAME are ready for use. Start the Audacity
installed. So, in this step, we will complete the Audacity installation. program by double-clicking its shortcut on the desktop. Press
Go to the location where you saved the file and double-click “audac- RECORD and read from a prepared script that tells online customers
ity-win-1.2.6.exe.” Then, in a sequence of three clicks, choose NEXT, where your business is located and how long you have been in busi-
then (after reading) I ACCEPT THE AGREEMENT, then NEXT. ness. Press STOP. During this test, users often like to use the built-in
Continue to click NEXT until you get to the INSTALL option then microphone on their computer, but production for a finished MP3 file
choose INSTALL to begin the installation of the main files. depends upon a dedicated headset microphone for quality.
After you complete the step above, uncheck the box for “Launch As you are speaking during this initial test, you will see sound
Audacity” and click FINISH to close the installation program. Finally, waves — measurements of your own voice being recorded. If you see
delete the installation file that is no longer needed and go to the next a flat line, nothing is being recorded, so press STOP, then EDIT,
step. UNDO RECORD, then RECORD to start over.
After you have recorded this test podcast, click PLAY and you will
Step 3: Extract the Lame MP3 Encoder hear your first podcast recording in its AUP uncompressed format.
Note: This section assumes that you have WinRAR, an extraction
utility, installed. This utility, or one like it, is needed to extract the The Final Export to the MP3 Compressed
LAME MP3 from its ZIP format. WinRAR 3.71 is recommended and
may be downloaded from
Podcast Format
Now that Audacity is installed, extracting the LAME MP3 encoder Now, just for fun, step through the process of exporting the AUP pro-
is next. This encoder “exports,” or converts the AUP file extension duction file (meaning converting and compressing it to a smaller size
sound recordings into a compressed MP3 format. file) into an MP3 file format.
Go to the location where you saved the LAME MP3 encoder zip A major purpose of this export and compression process is to
file and double-click “” Close the purchase decrease the file size. In Audacity, three file extensions are possible —
box window that pops up, then double-click the “libmp3lame-3.97” AUP, WAV or MP3. The largest file size is the production mode of AUP,
folder. and the smallest is MP3. If you remember the many times you have
Highlight the “lame_enc.dll” file that sits within the zipped abandoned a website that took too long to download because of large
archive, and then click EXTRACT TO in the menu bar area. Select the file sizes, then you know why you always want to compress the fin-
location where you would like the extracted file to go, click OK to ished podcast to an MP3 format before posting it online.
begin the extraction and close any open windows. To export the AUP file, click FILE in the Menu area and select the
When you have completed the above steps, the “lame_enc.dll” file EXPORT AS MP3 option. Navigate to the preferred storage location,
should be in a folder called “libmp3lame-3.97.” This folder will be type in a name for the file and SAVE.
located in the storage location that you specified earlier. Remember Read the box and click YES to help Audacity locate the
where this file is located, because you will need to access it later. “lame_enc.dll” file location. Then, navigate to the location where you
stored the file — the location you wrote down earlier.
Step 4: Set up Sound Properties Select the “lame_enc.dll” file and click OPEN. Type names in the
Now is the time to set up the speaker and microphone sound title and artist prompts, then click OK. Your AUP file just became an
properties. This involves first checking the sound properties in MP3 podcast!
Audacity, then checking the sound properties in Windows. The last task in Audacity 101 is to save the podcast file containing
First, start the Audacity program by double-clicking its shortcut all aspects of the sound clips into a master folder that might be labeled,
on the desktop, then check the audio settings in the menu bar to for example, WEBSITE PODCASTS. This master folder is your per-
ensure that speaker and microphone volumes are set at the desired sonal reminder that while any files still in your Audacity folder named
level. Before testing your settings with a recording, ensure that PODCAST TEST are in production mode, the files in your WEBSITE
Window’s sound properties are also correctly configured. PODCASTS folder are the finished products.
To audit Window’s sound properties, right-click the speaker icon Go to FILE in the menu and select the SAVE PROJECT AS option.
located in the Taskbar, and select “Adjust Audio Properties.” Ensure Navigate to the location where you want to store the now-MP3 file,
that the “Mute” box under “Device Volume” is not checked and that type a name for the project, and SAVE. Congratulations, you now have
the volume-slider is positioned to a level that is audible. completed your first professional podcast, and you did it with free
Click the “Audio” tab at the top of the window and ensure that the software!
proper “Sound Playback” and “Sound Recording” devices are select-
ed. Next, click “Volume” in the “Sound Recording” area of the win-
dow and ensure that “Mute All” is not checked and that the micro- Dr. Pat LeMay Burr teaches podcasting in the MBA program at University
phone is at an audible level. Close the top window and click OK. of the Incarnate Word, where she is building a volunteer group to help
Test the recording and playback volume by doing the following: institutionalize the XO Laptop (One Laptop per Child Program) in
• Press RECORD (the red icon at the top) and say a few words developing nations.
into the microphone. Joseph Kirby completed his BBA in Information Systems at University of the
• Press STOP (the amber square icon) to discontinue recording. Incarnate Word in May 2008, where he was named an HEB International
• Press PLAY (the green arrow icon) to listen to the recording. Peace Scholar, served as president of several organizations, and wrote numer-
If you like what you hear, continue on to the next section. If not, ous columns for The Logos campus newspaper. See a complete online video
experiment to adjust your sound properties settings. tutorial about Audacity produced by Joseph at


by Andrew L. Cohn

As a Web professional, you are moving up in the world. You are accessing new markets,
selling to old, established industries and providing them with new technology. However, being
on the cutting edge doesn’t mean you’re not exposed to age-old liabilities. In fact, it’s quite
the opposite. It’s time to start protecting your companies and your unique liabilities. It’s time
for Insurance 2.0.

When all you could really do on the Web was access basic informa- Internet liability insurance covers very specific wrongful acts as
tion and communicate with friends and colleagues, you couldn’t get defined by the policy forms. Here are some examples of such coverages:
into too much trouble. But since then, we’ve seen the Web go from 1.0 • Infringement or unauthorized use of any advertising material, copy-
to 2.0 and now 3.0. And as quickly as the Web and the applications right, slogan, trademark, etc., through the Internet.
progress, so do the risks involved.
• Failure to protect private or confidential information of others from
There are plenty of people on the Internet with malicious intent.
unauthorized access on or through the Internet.
Everyone has heard stories of hackers gaining access to websites,
obtaining private information, and holding companies hostage. • Making known to any person or organization material that violates
Identity theft, cyber extortion, viruses and worms — these were all a person’s or organization’s right to privacy or publicity right.
inconceivable just a few generations ago. • Plagiarism or unauthorized use of a literary or artistic format, char-
But it’s not just hackers causing damage. The Internet has also cre- acter or performance through the Internet.
ated a new venue for companies and individuals to easily make care- • Failure to prevent the transmission of a computer virus to author-
less but costly mistakes. Protecting yourself — from yourself — has ized users of a website or any private communication networks
always been a key component of liability insurance. It’s an essential such as customers, suppliers or supporters, on or through the
safeguard in a world where a simple point and click can expose a busi- Internet.
ness to any number of dangers.
Take a second to digest that last bullet point. As protection software
advances and viruses become more sophisticated, there may be an
instance when a company could get sued for not properly updating its
virus protection — thus causing everyone who legitimately uses the
site to download a computer virus. Can you ever be 100 percent sure
that a hacker will not install a virus on your site?
Viruses are not even the biggest threat hackers pose to your client’s
network. Identity theft is big money. Data breaches hit mainstream
news all the time, including recent breaches from the Veterans
Administration and TJX. We know the banks deal with it every day —
as famed bank robber Willie Sutton said, “…because that’s where the
money is.” However, many of your websites also store personal infor-
mation that can be used to access money outside of a traditional bank
heist. Think about the multitude of smaller companies whose systems
may be hacked and the potential profit for the perpetrators. It’s the
long-tail of theft.
So who needs Internet liability? Any company using the Internet
could benefit from the intellectual property protections and virus secu-
rity. But the real need is network security liability for those companies
conducting transactions over the Internet.
When considering an Internet liability policy you should ask a few
questions. First you need to know the policy’s definition of “Territory.”
This is where your policy protects you. The Web is worldwide, and so
should be your territory. Second, you should know the insurance com-
pany’s rating; one standard rating institution is A.M. Best. Third, you
need to make sure that you and your agent understand exactly what is
covered and what is not. All companies write their Internet liability
policies differently, and there is typically not a standard policy form.
Ask for a copy of the policy before purchasing, and go over it with
your agent.
As an Internet company, a good liability policy could be the most
important protection you have. It’s as essential as a condo’s building
coverage, a construction company’s workers compensation policy or a
doctor’s malpractice insurance.

36 | WEBSITE | MAY 2008


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Website Magazine Blog Briefs
Let's Hear It For become repeat customers after a promote their affiliate program
positive experience, compared to independently through the
Engagement Mapping! those that had a negative, or eBay Partner Network. The new
even a neutral experience. They in-house program will allow
Microsoft announced that it would begin testing a new were four times more likely to eBay to more closely align the
way to measure the effectiveness of Internet advertis- recommend a company after a program with the needs of its
positive experience. Of the busi- publishers and the eBay
ing. Engagement mapping, currently in beta, takes into nesses surveyed, just 38.9% said Community, and will eventually
account all Internet interactions that lead consumers to they offered an advanced search engage all of eBay’s assets to
function for customers create one of the most robust
purchase products, giving advertisers a more accurate affiliate networks in existence.
assessment of how to plan their online marketing Ebay and CJ Part Ways The eBay Affiliate Program has
Ebay shocked many in the more than 100,000 members
campaigns and better convey how each ad exposure affiliate community by dump- globally and continues to be
(display, rich media, search — seen multiple times on ing Commission Junction and one of the most successful tools
ValueClick — opting instead to for driving buyers to eBay.
multiple properties) influences eventual purchases.

Yahoo Launches Top-ranked video property

Live and Shine Google Sites saw substantial Website Magazine Consumer Corner
Seemingly unthreatened by a growth and extended its video
looming Microsoft takeover, market share gains, now account- Mobile Browser Opera Mini Gets Big Upgrade
Yahoo unveiled several services ing for nearly one out of every Good news for mobile Web users — Opera Mini 4.1 was launched in early
the past quarter that could three videos viewed online. In April in beta. The Opera Mini browser has long been touted as one of the best
highlight the strength of its user late March, YouTube launched a for mobile devices — it’s been downloaded by more than 40 million people
community. The Yahoo Live free Web analytics tool dubbed worldwide — and now looks to make some significant improvements. New
service enables anyone with a YouTube Insight. The solution server upgrades claim to make the browser 50% faster. Some other new
Web camera to create their own enables marketers to see the pop- features include URL autocomplete (wherein the browser will suggest a URL
live video stream (similar to ularity of videos over time and as you type, saving time) and “find-in-page” which lets users search for
BlogTV, Mogulus and how often specific terms on a Web page and highlight it for you. Users of Opera Mini
and broadcast, lifecast or webcast a video was viewed in different can also save pages for offline viewing and even upload photos to Flickr or
until their virtual hearts are con- geographic areas, as well as its their weblog, making for an excellent development in photoblogging.
tent. Yahoo has also created a net- relative popularity to all videos in
work for women in Yahoo! Shine, a market over a period of time.
dubbing it a “smart, dynamic TV On Your Mobile Device
place for women to gather, get Shoppers Not Receiving MobiTV is pioneering mobile television offerings and their service just keeps
info, and connect with each other Needed Information expanding. They’ve recently added Blackberry support for Sprint, Alltel and
and the world around them.” It's no secret that the vast majori- Verizon. You can add MobiTV to Windows Mobile devices, a slew of mobile
ty of online shoppers (74.5% phones (subscribers to Sprint, Alltel, AT&T, US Cellular and a few others
10 Billion Videos And according to ServiceXRG) visit including many of the most popular devices), Palms and your PC. There are
Nothing To Watch company websites to get informa- more than 35 channels available, including NBC, Fox News, ESPN, TLC,
comScore released December 2007 tion about a product or service. History, A&E, Discovery and more. And it all comes for $9.99 a month...not too
data from their Video Metrix But it seems that less than half shabby. Now, along with talking on your phone while waiting in line or on
service, which revealed that U.S. (44%) feel the information meets mass transit, there's an entirely different way to annoy those around you.
Internet users watched more than their expectations, according to
10 billion videos online during the the study, “Influencing the Online
month, representing the single Experience.” Around 1,000 com- Subscribe
heaviest month for online video panies and shoppers were sur-
consumption since comScore veyed. Some findings: Shoppers Subscribe to the Website Magazine Consumer Corner at:
initiated its tracking service. were three times more likely to .

38 | WEBSITE | MAY 2008

Bacn and
Social Media
Transactional Email for Social
Web Marketers
By Peter Prestipino

Most Internet professionals are in constant pursuit of the latest and to their community. However, relevance does not stop at the message.
greatest Web solutions. Along with the endless list of products and Developing dynamic landing pages (directly into an account for
beta invites, however, comes a new trend. The impact for some is example) is a good way for companies to facilitate action within the
greater connectivity to their online endeavors, while for others it’s a system. Including information such as most commented upon infor-
nuisance. It's called Bacn (pronounced bacon) and it's already mation, most recent and most frequently viewed or shared content
become a popular and powerful marketing tool. helps users discover what others are doing on your site and compels
You may not yet know about Bacn, but you’ve probably received them to take similar actions.
some in your inbox — an electronic message sent by a service that
you subscribe to and receive notifications from. Common examples Delivery and Visibility: The risk that most Bacn-centric servic-
include news alerts, messages from social networking sites and wiki es run is that these messages could potentially damage the value of
watch lists. It’s not considered spam (hence ‘Bacon’) because you their brand, should users feel they are being spammed. And,
originally signed up for the service. Bacn is often referred to as “email although far from a business-critical communication, most marketers
you want, but not right now.” Many messages are not read immedi- would agree that Bacn does provide a clear path into the mailboxes
ately, if at all, and users can become quickly inundated with them, and mindshare of consumers. Ensuring these messages are delivered
making it hard to keep up. But, taking some time to review these and acted upon is essential. Requesting white-list status for these
messages can reap significant rewards, especially in the social net- messages directly from the consumer and actually tracking the deliv-
working scene. erability rates will ensure the highest return on your investment.
Web users may find that filtering or setting handling rules within While real-time tracking is difficult to implement on an individual
your preferred email client is the best way to handle Bacn. Powering message basis, aggregate open-rate statistics offer insights into how
through these notifications when you have time to do so is a useful well these transactional messages are performing.
practice. Doing so means greater organization and gives your social
Flexibility: To be successful with any marketing effort, website
networking an extra push as you are able to handle your social busi-
owners need the flexibility to test creative approaches and quickly
ness quickly and without interruption.
adjust notifications accordingly. Getting locked into a static and for-
Creators of Bacn would be savvy to test these transactional
mal process or one that’s costly to change will render you powerless
marketing messages, analyze the results and advise their clients on
to take advantage of what you learn from your delivery and visibility
how to best maximize the information contained within them.
Unfortunately, little information is currently available for best prac-
tices with Bacn. If website owners look to transactional messages Bacn is most likely here to stay. Web users would be wise to start
from the e-commerce family, however, a good list of must-do’s can be managing their consumption to maximize their online relationships,
established. while Bacn purveyors would be wise to focus on the how these
important social and transactional messages are served — focusing
Integration Relevance: The best Bacn is seamlessly integrated on value for the end-user before these messages get relegated to the
with back-end processes and features dynamic, relevant content. spam bin.
Focusing on the system processes enable Bacn purveyors to trigger
timely, customized messages that ensure a consistent experience for
users while driving them to act on specific recommendations unique Peter Prestipino is the Editor-In-Chief of Website Magazine.


10 Ways to Increase and consistent manner. Less time will be spent administering the site
and more time can be spent planning and creating new content.

Website Stickiness 5. Produce Exclusive Content

Driving consumers to exclusive Web content is a great way to keep
users coming back. The World Poker Tour, for example, does a great
By Deborah Sauter job of publishing exclusive Web content to drive users from their
TV show to the site, creating a more robust brand experience for the
Not only are users browsing your website looking for a reason to
engage, but they are speaking to a coworker, watching TV, holding a
6. Reduce Ad Clutter
conference get the point. Internet users are notorious for
multi-tasking and, in addition, there are many options out there for There are creative ways to reduce visual ad clutter on your site without
users to find the same information on your Web pages. Increasingly, hurting your bottom line. Sponsorships and higher CPM ad place-
people are looking past a company or brand as a lone source of infor- ments can reduce the visual clutter of advertising while increasing
mation. They are looking to competing websites, message boards, inventory and ad revenue.
forums and each other.
So how do we compete and keep the users on our sites? 7. Start a Conversation with your Users
The best ways to capture a users’ attention and keep them com- Users need a place to voice their opinions about your content, servic-
ing back are to strategize and plan your content architecture, lever- es or products. If you don’t give them the option, they will most
age technology to assist in the effort, and incorporate the user’s voice. certainly go somewhere else to do the same. One of the most success-
ful examples I have seen is KPBS ( The San Diego-based
broadcaster leverages blogs to drive online discussions about on-air
Here are 10 ways you can start improving your content. About 60 percent of website visitors leave comments or blog
website’s stickiness today: on a daily basis, keeping discussions active and KPBS visitors loyal to
the site.
1. Make Initial Site Interaction Seamless
The initial interaction with your site is critical. By limiting bottlenecks 8. Leverage User Feedback
(e.g. forced flash intros and slow load times) your users will see the Listening to users’ likes and dislikes helps you to keep your site
content quickly and not bounce directly off your site. optimized for your user. Using a survey platform such as SurveyGizmo
will allow you to inexpensively and creatively capture user feedback
2. Make Initial Site Interaction Relevant
on a page and site level. Other options include,
The main door to your site no longer needs to be the home page. This and
all-encompassing uberpage gives a great overview of site offerings but
does a poor job of presenting user-specific content. Look at your site’s 9. Create and Optimize your Website’s Support Section
top referrers, search terms and campaigns and make sure you have
The support section is typically one of the most ignored areas of a web-
relevant landing pages. If a user is referred to your site from Google
site and typically consists of an antiquated anchor-linked FAQ. By
after searching “iPod skins,” the landing page content should be
leveraging technology, you can bubble up relevant support topics, have
highly relevant to “iPod skins” and not a general page that does not
users answer each others questions and foster discussion about com-
speak to the need.
plex topics. Vizio, a top-10 North American flat panel television brand,
uses new website support section methodology to help to reduce
3. Make it Easy for Them to Find Their Way
offline call volume.
A little known fact is that internal site search converts three times
better than traditional global navigation. A 10. Leverage Innovative Technology
prominent search box providing relevant
With the abundance of new technology avail-
results is essential. Spend time each
able, creating sticky sites is easier than ever.
month mining your internal search data
Creative video content, mashups and site-
for failed searches and misspellings to
based media players will keep your site
continually optimize your internal
sticky and fresh.
search engine and ensure that users
are finding what they need.
Deborah Sauter manages the analytics
4. Serve Dependable, team at Digitaria (, a
Fresh Content full-service digital marketing and tech-
Get your users addicted to what nology firm headquartered in San Diego.
you offer and serve it to them in a Digitaria is the only interactive agency to
consistent place on your site. Utilizing have in-house consulting practices for both
an advanced CMS system will ensure that Omniture and Visual Sciences. Deborah can be
you are able to serve content in an efficient contacted at

40 | WEBSITE | MAY 2008

Web Promotion Cagematch:
Internet marketers have a number of ways to promote their websites.
Engaging in social networking, email marketing, display advertising and
affiliate programs are proven methods of acquiring new visitors and
ultimately sales. But these methods pale in comparison to the top two
online promotional opportunities of search engine optimization (SEO)
and pay-per-click advertising (PPC.)

by Peter Prestipino

Proponents of SEO cite the ability to send source, and 3) offer insights on how to
large amounts of organic traffic without leverage budgets among the four main traf-
paying for each visitor. PPC advertising fic sources of SEO, PPC, inbound linking
networks and agencies alike decry the and branding.
complexities of SEO while touting the Three primary areas related to ROI and
high level of control and qualified leads brand awareness for these traffic sources
through paid advertising. Continued on page 42
Whether you choose SEO, PPC or a
combination of the two, it is important to
understand that visitors from both sources
of traffic have different motivations,
behaviors and buying characteristics.
Marketers need to understand how best
to maximize the value of each visitor
based on how they arrive at the site.
Engine Ready ( recently
announced the results from a two-year
study of 27 companies which measured
visitor metrics by traffic source in order to
1) gain an understanding of how visitors
behave based on how they arrive at a web-
site, 2) provide insights into customizing
the visitor experience based on traffic

Manage Your
Business Better:
Too much data? Can’t figure out what to do
with it? Look into VisualCalc — it could
make the difference in understanding the
data that defines your business. Without the
right tools, running a business can be near
impossible. The VisualCalc dashboard offers
an intuitive, interactive executive-level dash-
board and analysis software solution that
helps enterprises of any size and scope
manage their business more effectively.
We’ve done a full review, available online
and within the digital supplement of
Website Magazine.


Continued from previous page

were analyzed including the likelihood to convert a customer,

amount of spend by the visitor, engagement and visitor behavior.
Specifically, the metrics reviewed were average order value, bounce
rate, conversion rate, value per visitor, average time spent on site,
average number of page views per visit and the average length of time
spent on each page viewed.
The results of the study were truly intriguing. The most produc-
tive visitor arrives through direct access (type-in traffic or book- marks) which makes a great deal of sense. Since the visitors must
Learn more about search and have accessed your site previously, they were familiar with the com-
interactive marketing. Subscribe today pany’s product or service offerings. What this shows us is that repeat
visitors are more valuable than new visitors. In fact, according to the
and receive daily, weekly or monthly study, measuring an average sales dollar value per visit, Engine Ready
e-mails. found this group of visitors was over four times as valuable ($5.69
spent per visit) to those coming from an organic listing ($1.35 spent
per visit.)
So what about SEO versus PPC? The research revealed that visitors from PPC ads outperformed those from organic listings in every cate-
Designed to connect employers to gory except average number of page views per visit. The average sales
dollar value per visitor arriving from a PPC ad was $1.91, or 41 percent
interactive and search marketing higher than that of a visitor from an organic listing. In fact, paid traffic
professionals. converted at a 20 percent higher rate and experienced an average order
value 18 percent above that of traffic from organic listings.
What you may want to take away from this research is the impor-
tance of tracking and analyzing site metrics when formulating market- ing strategies and establishing budgets. Doing so will yield a clear
Have a search question? Get it understanding of which visitors are most effective to meeting your
goals and result in an opportunity to maximize the value of each cus-
answered, or discuss with your peers. tomer.

Website Magazine Readers Speak Out: PPC or SEO?
Access to premium content, discounts, In April, we conducted a survey asking our readers “If you were
videos and podcasts from recent forced to choose between SEO or PPC, which would it be?” A total
of 248 Web professionals responded and the results may surprise
Search Engine Strategies events. you. We also received several valuable comments. Mike Garland of said, "The real question is what is the right
strategy overall for the client? If immediate revenue is critical, and
site traffic is low, PPC may be the way to go. In addition, the lessons
learned from PPC will assist in SEO development. Obviously the
longer term value of SEO, with rated linking strategies will build
webcasts value into the site.”

57 SEO = 191
SEW Webcasts » PPC =

See the final poll results and reader comments on the daily
weblog at

42 | WEBSITE | MAY 2008


Microhoo &
The Importance
of You
By Peter Prestipino

What was the first action you took after within the digital trenches of the Web creat- SEO, email marketing campaigns, establish-
hearing that Microsoft made an unsolicited ing content, building applications, leverag- ing a viable e-commerce presence, leverag-
bid for Yahoo? If you’re a Web analyst, it was ing relationships and utilizing their own ing affiliate marketing, deploying the princi-
probably off to cavort with other analysts insights to move towards profitability, the ples of exceptional website design, explor-
about how this would change “everything” proposed takeover elicits little more than a ing the depths of analytics solutions and of
for everyone. Or maybe you joined in on the shrug. For Web professionals it’s not about course building, buying and learning to sup-
seemingly never-ending and often innocu- where you obtain visitors (Yahoo, Google, port the software that makes everything
ous stream of remarks in the blogosphere. MSN, Ask or even Sneaky Pete’s Discount come together. Should a merger happen,
It’s been dramatic (or melodramatic, Web Traffic Depot) or how (display adver- you can bet the farm that these companies
depending on your perspective) to say the tising, email advertising, PPC advertising, won’t throw away the billions they’ve invest-
least, with every capable suitor being called affiliate programs) but what you do with ed in offerings that force users to rethink
out and called on to help fend off the visitors when they arrive. their business models. You are more impor-
takeover. Speculation is running rampant In the end, the company which acquires tant to them than you might think. In the
and every professional is offering up their or merges with Yahoo (if it happens at all) end, users always pay the bills.
opinion on what it means to the future of matters little in comparison to how Web pro- So while mergers and acquisitions are
their industry. fessionals will leverage the opportunity in exciting and entertaining, until something
that new environment. As it has always been, actually happens and these companies (who
it comes down to users and how to reach are vital to the Web economy) announce a
Does it really matter? them. Yahoo and Microsoft have secured shake-up in their Web operations, Web pro-
It’s hard to deny that this is a big deal. In fact, massive email databases, so display advertis- fessionals should stay the course. This
just look at the numbers. comScore’s Top 50 ing might play a much larger part in our means not shifting your pay-per-click adver-
Properties (which analyzes unique visitors minds and budgets. And because of the huge tising budgets, not abandoning engine-spe-
from home, work and university locations) amounts of data they have acquired from cific optimization, and not avoiding the
reveals that a combined Microsoft and Yahoo their users, behavioral marketing might social communities managed or supported
would garner enough unique visitors to become a much more valuable and realistic by these organizations. In the end, what is
make Google look like a Silicon Valley marketing opportunity. important is your success; continue focus-
startup. The same holds true for a Yahoo We don’t regularly cover industry news ing on the proven tactics and techniques
and AOL merger. But don’t start digging or mergers and acquisitions in Website that have made companies successful since
a grave for Google just yet — a combined Magazine, which explains why, as regular the inception of the commercial Web and
Microsoft/Yahoo would not even come close visitors to our daily blog, you haven’t read you will secure your long-term success.
to matching Google’s impressive 60-plus much about the proposed buyout. The rea-
percent search market share. But what does son is simple — while it’s important where
all this mean for Web professionals? we invest our promotional dollars, it’s more Peter Prestipino is the Editor-In-Chief of
To those working day in and day out important to learn how to gain traffic using Website Magazine.


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Supplement May 2008

4 Buying And Selling
Domains The Ebay Way

9 Building an Opt-In Email List

11 Marketing to the Online

Nascar Enthusiast

15 Forum & Conversational


18 SEO Interview: Bob Thripathi

21 Mastering Local Search

24 Event Based Social Media

27 In Review: SproutBuilder

28 In Review: VisualCalc Adwords Dashboard

29 Internet Madness vs.

Collective Wisdom


Buying and Selling Domains

the eBay Way

t any given time, there are thousands of domains for main owner justifies the price? It’s not a good investment for a
sale on the Web’s largest auction marketplace. Some buyer – which forces us to ask an important question: why are
are listed by individuals looking to unload domains these domains being listed if no one ever buys them? The ques-
for a quick buck, while others are professional do- tion stumps many but it may be due to user activity on eBay
mainers with thousands of Web properties – this is their busi- – the traffic that a website receives from a listing is well worth
ness and by all accounts it’s working, as there is no lack of activ- the nominal listing fees.
ity within this venue for buyers and sellers.
While my wife has forbidden the purchase adult-related do-
So, should you try to buy or sell domains on eBay? There are mains, there are many creative options available. So if you’re
positives and negatives for both buyers and sellers so it is impor- considering a venture into this niche, eBay can be a good place
tant to understand not just how eBay works, but how we can to find a few good domain branding opportunities.
maximize our investment of time and money when considering
building or optimizing our domain portfolios. Buying a Domain on eBay

The upside is that you can find many good domains if you There is simply no better way to get familiar with buying do-
know how to use the service. There are often many keyword- mains on eBay than to jump right in and start bidding. You
rich domain names available twenty-four hours a day, many may even find that some of the domain listings support your
three- and four-letter domains and, of course, many misspelled current Web enterprise.
domains that aspiring professional domainers can pick up for
seriously discounted prices. There are two categories at eBay where prospectors can find
domains for sale. To locate the first, use the search term “es-
The downside is that if you know a thing or two about domains, tablished websites” – this will display entire Web properties
you might see the eBay auction as gathering place for the seri- for sale, not just the domain names. The second is the query
ously delusional. In fact, it is not uncommon to find domains “domain names” (also available in the “Web Domains and Ser-
listed in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. While meaning- vices” category) where the majority of individual domain names
ful three-letter domains are in short supply, I doubt that anyone can be found.
in their right mind would plunk down the $20 million that the
owner of was asking back in early March. Consider sorting the list by time left in the auction, finding
those newly listed or leveraging the “best match” sorting tool.
But it is not just three letter-domains on eBay that are known For example, use the best match sort and append a keyword
to be listed for exorbitant amounts. and such as “education” and you will find domain names that are (by all accounts interesting sounding do- listed with that keyword in the title of the eBay listing. Once
mains) were listed for tandem sale at a staggering $200,000. you have found a domain name that appeals to you, conduct a
You might be asking yourself, why would anyone in their right query at your preferred search engine for some cursory research
mind think this would be a good investment or how the do- on the number of inbound links that are present, its current
continued on pg 6
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Google PageRank and even consider uti-
lizing to see how that web-
site was being used in the past.

Since this article is about buying do-

mains on eBay, what better domain to
bid on than The
following is Website Magazine’s attempt
to purchase the domain. Did it work?
Did we win? What are we going to do
with it? Read on.

On March 6th we placed a bid on Se- The initial bid on
the domain was $11.97. I performed
some cursory research which revealed
virtually no inbound links outside of the
eBay listing and a few alternative domain
auction sites. Since time was of the es-
sence, I entered a maximum bid of $14
instead of spending the next few days in-
crementally increasing the bid by $0.50
or $1.00. I kept an eye on the domain
listing for other bids and bidders by set-
ting up an alert.

March 13th – Domain Won: What oc-

curred was shocking even to me over the
next few days – no bids were placed and
the domain was won without any addi-
tional bidding. I would be the first to
admit that this is not the standard series
of events in purchasing domains on eBay.
In fact, other domains I have purchased
in the past had a bit of competition in
the bidding, which gives a sense of what
others see in the value of the domain.
While this domain may simply have
slipped under the radar, it’s still a good
one in my opinion and it’s a good addi-
tion to the portfolio. ■

Due to constraints related to transferring

a domain name more than once within a
period of 60 days, the next issue of Web-
site Magazine’s Digital Edition will feature
the next installment of this article, “Selling
Domains The eBay Way,” where we will list for sale and docu-
ment the results.


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Building an
Email List
By Peter Prestipino

nce you have managed to create a
stream of steady traffic to your web-
site, you may find that you want
to or, more likely, need to contact
those that have purchased from you
in the past or even dropped a line to you to initi-
ate a relationship. There’s no better way to do this
than email, but getting started can be tricky with the
infinite number of options available. Add in the perceived
complexity of how to actually begin and most Web profession-
als become paralyzed with fear.
even outside or away from your site at trade shows, speaking
There are only a handful of steps necessary to building an opt- engagements, even your business card. Just because you build it
in email list. If you are not using a service that automates the doesn’t mean they’ll come, so get creative in where these signup
process for you in a soup-to-nuts manner, look no further than requests are placed.
your preferred search engine to find noteworthy vendors.
Barriers to Acquisition
But building an opt-in email list is not for the Johnny Come In today’s Web environment, consumers are inundated with in-
Lately’s of the Web world. Doing it right takes an immense formation. When you have a surplus of sources that can offer
amount of commitment, not only in terms of creating content virtually the same thing, it’s important not to knowingly imple-
but being creative with your list’s recipients. The more adven- ment barriers to the acquisition of subscribers.
turous you become in building an opt-in email list, the higher
chance you have of success. While it’s not possible to list all of Privacy Policy
the possible content ideas for everyone, what we can do is high- While you may not spend time checking out the privacy poli-
light a few of the simple, yet aggressive ways to generate not just cies of the various newsletters you sign up for, many do and
a list, but a large and active list. take it quite seriously. Obtaining permission with a double opt-
in method to keep track of contacts and user preferences will
Identify Touch Points provide great value when those same consumers complain that
It takes work to create an email customized for you readership, they are receiving unwanted email. Consider including a brief
but it should not take any work at all identifying touch points sentence or two of your privacy policy located near the submit
on your website. These are places to promote subscription to button on your form, as well as a link to the full policy.
your email.
Value Proposition
Whether you have designated a high profile section of your Most of us are willing to share our email address, especially if its
sign-up form or feature such an area on every page of your means that we’ll receive something of value in return. Growing
website, there are many additional places to effectively promote an opt-in email list requires that you carefully determine if you
your emails. For example, if you find yourself participating in should incentivize subscriptions. For example, if you are an on-
quite a few social networks (i.e. LinkedIn), consider creating line retailer, why not consider giving subscribers a discount on
a custom landing page specifically for the purpose of generat- their next purchase? If you’re a blogger, why not give something
ing subscriptions for those in your future network. There are away – a free link perhaps if your audience consists of similar
truly a whole host of opportunities to recruit new members bloggers and Web professionals. Selling electronics? Why not
to your list including transactional emails, shipping forms and give away one item each time an issue of your newsletter is sent?


Some of the more creative uses of this technique/approach in-
clude placing the winner’s name at the end of the email, forcing
recipients to scroll down to the end to see who actually won.

While incentives do generate a fair share of sign-ups, there are

some drawbacks. A number of people will sign up only to get
the incentives. You still have a large list to work with, but the
response rate tends to be lower.

Channel Noise
The volume of spam most users receive increases the challenge
of building an opt-in list. Channel noise downgrades conver-
sions and compromises your deliverability rates, as your mes-
sages are more inclined to be identified as spam. But the fact of
the matter is that email ROI has remained high. When people
decide what they want and are willing to hand over their email
addresses, you get a highly qualified audience. A nice, tight dou-
ble opt-in campaign will produce the best results long term.

It’s imperative to know that one-to-one marketing is an ongo-

ing process. Marketers need to know that cleaning their lists
is equally important. If there are underperforming segments,
separate them. The message has to get out there that this is a
subscriber medium and that you have to respect what the sub-
scriber wants.

Analyze Everything
Marketers need to measure performance of everything in tan-
dem. It often comes down to integrating solutions which help
you understand how people are interacting with the informa-
tion you are sending out. You need to ask how your email ser-
vice provider (ESP) is going to help you measure. You can look
at metrics like open rate or click rate, but they only tell you
about the vacuum of email. It does not tell you email leads
to search which leads to conversion. A lot of the impact is the
offline purchase. Email is a direct channel but it’s also an influ-
ence channel. ■


Marketing to the

Enthusiast By Carol Setter

tretching from February through October is the NA- • Read sports news online

SCAR season. The sport attracts fans from all walks of • Keep in touch through instant messaging and chat rooms
life and has emerged as a powerful community, captur- • Research family genealogy
ing the intense interest of Republicans and Democrats, • Play games online across all categories (fantasy sports,
men and women and marketers of all stripes, vying to arcade, board, casino gambling, puzzles/trivia, multi-
harness this active and savvy group. player console, sports/simulations)
• Exhibit an ease at various types of online buying, from
But who is the NASCAR fan? Are male fans different than fe- gift registries to online wallets
male fans in their online consumer behavior? Can their Web • Actively listen online to streaming music, politics/public
surfing habits be used to support or enhance your brand? With affairs, sports, business news, and live concerts
approximately 75 million NASCAR fans, and about 40-45 per-
cent estimated to be women (Sports Illustrated/ESPN), they With this background in car racing, let’s look specifically at NA-
are a large group with core behaviors that provide insight in SCAR fans. They comprise about 17 percent of a representative
how to market to them. online population – that’s about 32 million fans with a balance
online between the under-35 crowd and those 36-54.
At first glance it may seem that car-racing fans are no different
than the general population in their online habits — how they Online NASCAR enthusiasts are represented equally in all
access the Internet, the number of times they go online weekly, geographical areas and at diverse income levels, though there
and their use of broadband or dial-up. are more earning less than $37,000 per year, and fewer earning
$100,000 or more.
But dig deeper and distinct differences begin to emerge. It
probably comes as no surprise that they research car purchases This is also a group that likes to share their experiences. There
online, but there are a number of other behaviors that are of are more than 326,000 NASCAR hits on MySpace, including
interest to marketers. For example, they are more likely to: individual videos of racing, discussions of favorite drivers, and


personal accounts about memories of attending NASCAR rac- Consider brands who are courting the NASCAR woman en-
es. It’s apparent in reading the posts that NASCAR is a family thusiast, including such diverse brands as Tide and Harlequin
event, and many individuals follow NASCAR with great emo- books. They know the female audience is there, that she is in-
tion and affection. A passion for NASCAR is evident and expe- volved in NASCAR as a family event, and will respond enthu-
riences are portrayed with great enthusiasm and energy. siastically to the opportunity to have her own sources of NA-
SCAR information tailored to her other interests. Thus, these
What does this information tell us about brands find ways to connect with her.
attracting this group? Tide, for example, has a special site with racing updates, infor-
mation on the Team Tide charity, wallpapers, and NASCAR
• Focus on their relationships with family and friends –
buddy icons for instant messaging. All are aimed to help her
they like to be connected.
incorporate NASCAR into her life.
• Leverage their interest in reading and listening to sports
and events – they clearly want to be “in the know”
Harlequin Romance Novels, realizing that racing and romance
• Integrate their enthusiasm for gaming into your
was a natural bond, started with 3 books in 2006. This jumped
campaigns – it’s a pastime they engage across many types
dramatically to 16 books in 2007, and there are already 8 books
of single and multi-player games and having fun is
online for purchase in the first half of this year.
important to them.
Harlequin is also extending the relationship beyond books and
In what ways are these strategies into online sweepstakes. In partnership with Office Depot, a
illustrated online? man or woman can enter a sweepstakes to put a proposal or a
renewal of vows on the back of the Office Depot Ford Fusion
In focusing on their relationships with family and friends, St. car during the 2008 NASCAR Sprint All-Star race (getyour-
Jude Children’s Research Hospital (in their site RacingtoSave- This opportunity lets men and women en- has a unique way of targeting NASCAR enthusiasts gage in a romantic way to build emotional ties with NASCAR.
and working with them to support their favorite driver while
giving to a charity by forming “pit crews” (full disclosure, St. Already, Best Western has launched their NASCAR April 1st
Jude is a WhittmanHart client). contest, aimed at having families, friends, neighbors and co-
workers upload humorous pictures. As with Harlequin, the
winner will be featured on a car, this time at the NASCAR race
in Phoenix in April (

These illustrations show that forward-thinking marketers are

beginning to understand that the NASCAR audience is active
online and can be acquired and engaged by integrating NA-
SCAR with their interest in family and friends and having fun.

Additionally, attracting women who are NASCAR enthusiasts

is in its infancy and has a large upside, as Harlequin has found.
Targeting women has the potential to be a lucrative pathway for
marketers if they understand how to integrate into her daily life,
provide her with engaging opportunities to share with family
and friends, and bring racing top-of-mind through campaigns
In leveraging the NASCAR enthusiasts’ interest in all sports, and sweepstakes.
one of the most effective tools is to use media that traffics in
stats. For example, Yahoo! Sports offers ways to engage in the While there are numerous ways of attracting NASCAR fans of-
NASCAR conversation with stories and threaded discussions. fline, the online venue provides a fertile opportunity for mar-
Additionally, there is a wealth of opportunities for product keters to focus on fans’ specific online attitudes and behaviors
placement, sponsorship and word-of-mouth marketing using and intertwine those with their passion for racing.
NASCAR games. There are a number of fantasy games online,
including sites like Dream Racers. By reaching out to NASCAR moms, companies like P&G and
Harlequin have transformed their marketing messages into a
These illustrations showcase the variety of ways the NASCAR kind of social currency within the family, pulling family mem-
enthusiast can be acquired. However, an interesting insight re- bers together around their brands. ■
lates to the number of women who are following NASCAR
events. While the number of men who follow NASCAR ex- Carol Setter is National Director of Strategy at WhittmanHart Interactive (www.
ceeds that of women, the ratio between the sexes is much closer, a full-service interactive advertising agency. Carol leads the
when the groups compared had followed NASCAR more than company in Strategy, Analytics, Brand Experience, and eLearning. Contact her at
a year.


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Forum & Conversational
Marketing By Joe Whyte

71% of online shoppers read reviews before mak-

ing a purchase. (Forrester Research Group)

report higher satisfaction and 18%

21% higher loyalty from online reviews (Foresee
Results Study, January 2007)

of 2,000 shoppers surveyed deem customer

ince the very beginning of social media, this bright, new reviews as “extremely” or“very” helpful.
and exciting avenue for online marketing has exploded (eTailing Group)
all over the Web and is on the minds of almost every of consumers indicate they are more likely to
Internet marketer. First categorized as leveraging sites
like for traffic and links, social marketing has
matured. And with it comes a broader scope of Internet market-
63% purchase from a site if it has product ratings
and reviews. (CompUSA & iPerceptions
ing. If it has something to do with being social or conversational
and there is a marketing aspect behind it ... it can be categorized of respondents say they would trust a
as social media marketing. That being said, forum and blog mar- friend’s recommendation over a review
keting are some areas within social media marketing that have
been used for a while but not as effectively as they could be. 86.9% by a critic, while 83.8% say they would
trust user reviews over a critic. (Market-
Forums have been around since Alta Vista was hot. They are
places where people can post questions and get answers, share of adults say they regularly or occasion-
comments and concerns and the search engines love them.
AskJeeves, before it was turned to just used to pride 92.5% ally research products online before
buying them in a store. (BIGresearch)
itself on allowing the searcher to ask a question and return a
relevant answer. This is often how users decide to search, and
now that Google and other popular search engines are more
adequately indexing and ranking results they can provide this
26% of search results link to consumer-generated
content (Nielsen BuzzMetrics)
service to the end user. Often times, search results contain a large
number of forums. A Google search for “looking for a good af-
filiate program” returns a slew of forums and answer sites. And if
we expand the definition of forums to include user reviews, rec- >> This site allows us to find key-
ommendations and social conversations the list grows longer. words related to a phrase we enter as well as the search volume
of these terms.
These studies show the market is engaged in a constant discus-
sion. This means putting your company in the middle of those >> Google’s LIVE: search keyword suggestion: This is a great
discussions in a positive manner can greatly influence buyers. tool for Internet marketers. It allows us to see other searches
But getting involved in forum and conversational marketing that might help us find what we are looking for, therefore find-
requires some research, tact and plenty of time to be an active ing relevant results and more of them.
member of the community.
>>, &
Finding Your Audience These sites allow you to type in a search term like “iPhone re-
Because I am an Apple computer fanatic I will use Macs as an views” and get a list of forums that are discussing this topic, in
example through the different areas of forum marketing. If you order of freshness.
are marketing for Apple and you want to find your audience,
start by finding keywords that people are using. >> Purchase Sites: Diving into sites that sell these products
and posting reviews is a great way to get involved into conversa-
>> Google Keyword Selector: This tool provides a look into tional marketing. For example, check out the comment section
the search volume for related keywords in Google. Knowing for a particular product on a popular retail site like BestBuy.
this, you can better target the current most active forums. com.


Flying Under the Radar is the Key Added Benefits from Forum Marketing
When you are doing any type of forum and conversational An added benefit of forum marketing will be search engine re-
marketing the first rule is to stay under the radar. If you get sult pages pulling up your threads that you started or in which
called out for openly promoting your company, the conversa- you contributed. We have successfully built backlinks to forum
tion is going to get ugly. And because these are third-party sites threads we have started to help in two areas. The first is to in-
you won’t have control over what is said. crease the positioning of our positive comments in the search
engine results pages for a particular term like “iPhone user re-
Do not over promote. Add valuable feedbackon threads and, views.” The second is to increase the power of our backlinks
where appropriate, give your two cents on product reviews. If on these forums by building backlinks to these threads which
you are marketing on a Mac forum I would not suggest going increase the power and effectiveness behind this technique.
to 30 threads and saying “the iPhone is wicked awesome!” In-
stead, find threads that talk about the iPhone but also the iMac, When administering the forum and conversational marketing
G5, iPods and other topics. iPods too outdated? Comment that technique for your clients you will often find negative com-
there are ne wer iPods out there and that the iPod shuffle just ments about a product or service. This is a great time to use
had a price decrease. If someone is slamming G5s for being to your accoun ile appears to have been active before finding and
expensive say “They are expensive but I have one I use for video commenting this specific post. This shows that you are an active
editing and I wouldn’t want any other piece of equipment.” user, not just a marketer doing damage control.
Just be careful to not oversell. Also for forum marketing, if all
you do is go around to different threads and talk about one With these guidelines you will find success with forum and
topic you will get banned – its important to also write posts on conversational marketing. If you’re using forum marketing for
unrelated topics or a different vertical than what your company your clients, you will want to be able to show a return on their
is working on. investment. Choose an analytic system that shows your engage-
ment marketing and viral marketing stats. ■
Forum Marketing for Link Building
Link building within forums can be a great way to get new
links. The best part is that there is a cornucopia of forums out
there. This means that you will be able to obtain one-way links
with specific anchor text not only in your signatures but also
embedded within your content. The key here is finding sites
that allow “dofollow” links. Try the “search status” Firefox pl-
ugin – it shows you which sites allow “dofollow” links.


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Bob Tripathi
Discover Financial Services

Tripathi: In non-technology companies search is a hard sell

– not just in terms of budget allocation but establishing an in-
house search marketing practice. I have been very lucky that
my management believed in me and my passion for search
and, most importantly, they believe in search marketing. As
such, when you get your executives to “buy in,” your job is
half done. Search is a whole different world for people outside
our search industry and when I talk to them everyday I realize
Bob Tripathi is Discover’s in-house
Search & Social Marketing Strategist.
that, most times, search marketers are speaking a different
Bob manages enterprise wide SEO language. So for in-house search marketers it is important to
and PPC campaigns. Bob also sets start educating your internal stakeholders in a simple language
SEO strategy and provides education that is easy to understand. I spend a lot of time just educat-
to build SEO best practices into the ing different groups about search. I am a strong believer that
workflow of numerous business groups
across Discover Financial Services.
as an in-house person education is the best investment you
can make. Every company operating in this 2.0 world should
leverage search. It is amazing what search and social marketing
in general can do for businesses, regardless of the industry.
Website Magazine is pleased to announce an ongoing series of
interviews with the top search engine optimization and Web WM: How is the search team structured? Are some focusing
marketing experts in the business today. on search analytics, others on PPC, and others engaging in
social media?
We hope our readers will learn from those directly responsible
for successful SEO campaigns. As much as by practice, it is Tripathi: Organizations have to structure their teams in a
within the digital trenches that we learn the most valuable way that is appropriate to their business. For example, brand-
lessons about how to create search and social optimization centric companies do not need to structure their team the
campaigns that work to generate new business, develop mind- same way a B2C company does. I have tried to position
share among consumers and secure long-term relevance to our our team on a center of excellence model, where we are the
companies. Our inaugural interview is with Bob Tripathi, Dis- thought leaders on search marketing and consult different
cover Card’s in-house search and social marketing strategist. business units on search marketing best practices; educating
Tripathi manages enterprise-wide SEO and PPC campaigns and ensuring search is ingrained in the overall project manage-
and sets SEO Strategy, providing education to build SEO ment process. The advantage to this center of excellence model
best practices into the workflow of numerous business groups is that each team continues to meet their individual business
across Discover Financial Services. unit goals. Very few people are needed to handle enterprise
wide projects and this does not require you to hire an army of
WM: Traditionally, search marketing does not come natu- SEOs or SEMs. I have seen companies hire so many SEM’s,
rally to a financial services organizations compared to, lets they become an agency in itself.
say a technology company. How do you drive this behav-
ioral change and get these organizations to build in-house WM: Is there ever an instance when certain SEO/SEM
search marketing expertise? functions should be outsourced?


Tripathi: Absolutely! Since I do not have an army of SEOs or may have outsourced paid search to an external vendor you
SEMs at my disposal, it is essential that certain functions get simply cannot let the agency run the program at its will. There
outsourced. I follow a hybrid model of search where we man- are numerous instances where you can save your organization
age all SEO in-house and outsource certain bid management some money simply by helping manage it well.
functionality to agencies for paid search.
WM: What unique challenges has Discover Card faced as
If you are an in-house marketer thinking of transitioning from a larger enterprise that you do not feel you would face in a
agency to in-house, I would suggest bringing it in parts rather less competitive industry?
than everything at once. SEO can be the first part to bring in-
house, as lots of different factors go into SEO. Paid search, on Tripathi: Large enterprises always have their own challenges
the other hand, requires keeping up with bids, writing creative and as a company grows in size, the nimbleness of a start-up
copy and other practices, so it makes sense to manage it along is lost. A good analogy is that of the elephant that grows into
with an external agency. That being said, different models will size but loses flexibility.
work for different companies.
Larger enterprises have processes and multiple stakeholders
WM: How do you measure success as a company for SEO/ and, as such, each stakeholder must to approve any new or
SEM efforts within your organization? change request. I guess that is where the fun also lies, to work
through the system. It has its own joys. As far as the industry
Tripathi: At the end of the day, how much revenue your goes, when the stakes are higher the competition naturally
SEO/SEM programs generate is always going to be the Holy builds up. With search marketing, size does not matter much,
Grail. But there are many intangibles – like educating your so the playing field is leveled for the big and the small players
internal stakeholders, getting search marketing a place on the alike.
board room table, getting search inserted into the process and
the list goes on. There are advantages related to a certain brand. After all, in
PPC it takes only $5 to start competing, right? In the credit
There are also numerous architecture issues where SEO can be card market, there are many affiliates who are fighting for the
of great value, like domain migration, internal search, business same spot as the credit card issuers, so it has become a great
planning and marketing budget allocation to name a few. In battleground. Do all of them provide value to the visitor? It
all, SEO efforts should be viewed in totality and not just by depends. Financial services are some of the fiercest market-
rankings. The same is true with paid search. Even though you places online, mainly due to the stakes involved. ■

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ocal search is the flavor of the services: for example, “Crab legs Lewis- third party companies that can manage
day. But what is it? What is the ville TX,” or “Seafood Luzerne PA.” it for you.
buzz all about? Worst case is that you don’t show up but
your competitors do. Local search is a widely-used term, but
At its core, local search is simply un- when referring to search engine results
derstanding today’s consumer, their be- it’s the section that’s associated with a
havior and their needs, and providing map when a local qualifier is used.
a product or service where and when
they want it. It’s exciting because local
Where Are Consumers Organic listings, (SEO, also referred to
search works equally well for small- to
medium-size businesses trying to get
Searching? as free listings) show up after the paid
and local results. If someone searches
found, as well as big regional and na- your brand, then you will most likely
tional brands. appear. But if they use a local qualifier
then you might not. There are many
First, understand that in a search driv- companies jumping into the SEO/SEM
en world there are two types of user bandwagon who want to help. Make
searches: 1) consumers who are looking sure to do your homework before hiring
for your brand and 2) consumers who Traditional marketing methods include anyone who wants to convince you that
are looking for your type of services. For print yellow pages, TV, radio, billboards, it’s too complicated to explain what they
consumers, it’s all about being in control direct mail, email marketing and refer- will be doing for you.
and having choices. rals. But to ensure success in today’s
highly competitive market, advertisers Local landing pages or micro sites are key
Brand Seekers must embrace not only the major search in helping out businesses with multiple
If users are looking for your brand, they engines, but increasingly an array of oth- locations.
will most likely look for you on your er relevant and effective new media plat-
corporate website. But the trend is mov- forms such as local directories, corporate For businesses with multiple locations it’s
ing towards consumers entering in your websites, mobile devices and even por- important to have local landing pages to
brand name and a local qualifier (city table navigation devices. Casting a wide drive this online search traffic. If a con-
or zip code) directly into a major search net will ensure customers find you any- sumer searches for a local location, they
engine to find the nearest location: for time or anywhere they are ready to buy. won’t want to be directed to your corpo-
example, “Red Lobster locations in NJ” rate website home page. They will want
or “Coupons for Red Lobster in Illinois.” Major Search Engines location specifics. These landing pages
The worst-case scenario is if it doesn’t There are three distinct areas on a search can be used for paid search, local sub-
show up at all. The second worst case is engine results page (SERP.) It’s very im- mission and organic search. Reporting
that it shows up, but takes them to your portant to show up in at least one of should be set up in order to track where
corporate website home page, meaning them if not all three, called the Search your traffic is coming from (what search
they have to do the search all over again. Trifecta. engine and what area of the page) and
That’s not very user friendly. call tracking to evaluate ROI.
By now most of you know about Search
Service Seekers Engine Marketing or SEM. It refers It’s important to get listed in local
If consumers are looking for your type of to the paid search or sponsored listings directories that include Citysearch,
services (a restaurant, office supply, gro- that show up on the top and right side Yellowpages, and Superpages as well
cery store, sporting goods) then they will of most search results. Most of the ads as Google Local, Yahoo! Local and
most likely start their search on a major are Pay-Per-Click (PPC) or Pay-Per-Ac- MSN Live since they attract significant
search engine. The trend is going towards quisition (PPA.) The top search engines amounts of traffic.
consumers entering in your generic ser- that businesses set up campaigns with are
vices and a local qualifier directly into a Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask. You can Continued on pg 23
major search engine to find products and try to manage it in-house but there are


Corporate Websites devices in the US with more than 69
In this day and age every business has million people using mobile browsing
a corporate website. But you may not and 125 million people using text mes- More and more consumers are using
saging. Users are going to be searching Internet search to find local businesses
know of all the different ways to increase and offers - and Darden Restaurants,
your foot traffic or online sales. for your products and services, so it’s owner of Red Lobster and Olive Garden
imperative that you enter into this arena restaurants realizes the importance of
For retailers, it’s important that users soon. Around 80 percent of phones are driving online traffic to their local restau-
can quickly and easily find your loca- WAP enabled (versus smart phones with rants.
tions and the specific details of each. full internet access), so they will need
“We are excited about the opportunity
Interactive maps and driving directions reduced text for their smaller screens for to work with Where 2 Get It using their
(preferably without the user needing to finding a location. SMS text can be sent new Search Locator solution to help us
leave your site) is a must-have these days. to a phone from a PC (1-way SMS) or maximize our organic SEO efforts and
With Web 2.0 capabilities it’s the user text (for example a zip code) can be sent drive qualified local restaurant traffic.”
experience that counts. Content such as to a common short code (CSC, mysbux)
Michael Friedman
store hours, menus or flyers, credit cards to get locations text-messaged back. In- Director Interactive Marketing
accepted, brands carried and reviews can teractive Voice Response can also be used Services
help consumers with their search and to reduce overhead costs. For example, Darden Restaurants
items such as coupons or local events can call an 800 number, enter in your zip
add a call to action. You can also engage code to hear an automated response of
visitors with registration for e-newsletters the locations near you.
or club discounts. Send to Phone/Email
is a good way to track location traffic as What are Consumers Searching For?
well as provide driving directions. Re-
member that locator functionality is the From Retailers
top decision-making tool consumers use • Where is the closest location?
when visiting a retailer’s website. A cus- • Can I find locations along the way?
tomer who uses a locator is most likely • What hours are they open? Darden and Where 2 Get It
going to walk into your local business. • What credit cards are accepted? Darden has been using Where 2 Get It
locator technology since 2003
• Do they offer any discounts or
For manufacturers, embracing the new coupons? ►Restaurant “Business” Locator:
shopping trends of “Buy Online” and • Do they have wi-fi? •Red Lobster
“Buy Local” will give you a business • Do they have RV parking? •Olive Garden
edge. Compared with customers who • Can I send the driving directions to •Bahama Breeze
•Season’s 52
shop only at stores, multichannel shop- my mobile device?
pers buy 12 percent more often, and ► Search Locator
spend 32 percent more every year. That’s From Manufacturers •Organic Search
good news, if you ride the trend. Product • What products are offered? ▪ Search Engine Optimized (SEO)
locators, for example, will help you tap • Can I buy it online? landing pages for every Red
Lobster location so that Google,
into multiple sales channels, increasing • How does the price compare Yahoo!, MSN and Ask can crawl
opportunities for additional sales and ex- between retailers? the data and display it in the
panding your brand recognition. For buy • Is it in stock? organic search results
online, you need the ability to show mul- • Can I buy it locally?
tiple online retailers (etailers) complete • Where is the closest retail •Local Submission
▪Details on every Red Lobster
with inventory and pricing, as well as the location? location have been submitted to:
ability to take the consumer directly from • How do I get there? • Major search engines to
your product page to an etailer product show up in the local search
page so that the user doesn’t have to do Remember, today’s consumer likes to results/ sites
the search all over again. For buy local, research online, demands choices and • Internet yellow pages (IYPs)
• GPS in-car and portable
you need the same features mentioned wants to control the buying process. It navigation devices
above for retailers. doesn’t matter if you’re Seiko, Darden or
John’s Catering, every business must un- ► Mobile Locators
Regardless if you are a retailer or manu- derstand who they are and the needs they • Mobile Browser
facturer, your corporate website needs to fill. Mastering local search is not rocket • Local search results on web-
enabled mobile devices
be SEO-friendly in order for the search science but it’s an ever-increasing skill set • SMS Text Message - Send to
engines to crawl and find the data in or- required for marketers in today’s search Phone
der to have the links show up in the or- driven world. ■ • Send location information
ganic listings. directly to their mobile device
Manish Patel is founder and CEO of Where from their PC
Mobile Devices 2 Get It, Inc.
There are now over 255 million mobile


How to Leverage Event–Based Social
Media to Generate Web Site Traffic
and Brand Awareness
By Christopher Smith

oday’s online culture is about participating in conversa- ESTABLISHING YOUR PERSPECTIVE
tions and creating communities where people can share Since social media marketing takes advantage of the combina-
ideas. Similarly (and more traditionally), conferences tion of technology, social interaction and rapid dissemination
create conversations between people with similar inter- of your message, you have to get it right the first time. The first
ests and common goals. As marketers, we spend a lot of time step is research.
attending conferences – it seems logical that we should connect
these two like items together. There are many ways to create The role of a social media marketer is very much like that of
and leverage event-based social media to generate Web site traf- an anthropologist, using the evidence of a culture’s history to
fic and brand awareness long after the conference has ended. predict future behaviors. So, after choosing an event that you
feel would be of the most interest to your audience, begin by
Over the years, I’ve found that there are various types of confer- researching past events.
ences, tradeshows and events. I like to break them down into
two categories: I believe that the best starting point in your research is to es-
tablish a perspective or point of view that will be compelling
1) Shared learning events, where education and to your audience and will capture their attention, interest and
knowledge transfer are key, and imagination. Social media marketing is about being social, so
any successful campaign needs to be able to mingle with the
2) Vendor-saturated events, where the show floor community; generating insightful, unique and newsworthy
consists of companies introducing you to their dialogue at each event.
Second, establish a perspective that supports the mission of
The key to any social media marketing strategy is to first have your brand. For example, at SXSW, attendees might be artists
a keen understanding of your market and its tie-in with the that would like to increase the level of control they have in
event you plan on attending. For example, the recent South expressing, monetizing and distributing their content online.
by Southwest (SXSW) Conference held each year in Austin, Once you understand your audience and their objectives cre-
Texas – this conference brings together an extremely diverse ate a campaign that will empower them while driving traffic to
audience from the music, interactive and film industries. While your website. A smart idea could be to interview artists on their
an audience this diverse may seem advantageous, it can create passions and post the interviews exclusively to your site. In or-
a challenge for a marketer trying to start a conversation with a der to do this, you need to schedule time with these artists.
targeted portion of these folks. Therefore, before you get start-
ed, its important to understand how your marketing objectives CHOOSING YOUR WEAPONS
align with your conference goals. Once you understand this, In order to execute your campaign onsite, it pays to engage
you are ready to start planning your event-based social media. with attendees before the conference begins. At SXSW, attend
Continued on pg 26
ees were connecting to each other through Facebook, Twitter did upfront and use the communities that helped define your
and even company blogs weeks before the conference began. campaign goals. They are likely the ones that will be the most
The discussion had started, and companies that engaged in so- useful in disseminating your piece of the conversation.
cial media were already sending people to their websites and
promoting their brands. WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE
Using social media in your marketing execution is about mak-
GET IT TOGETHER ing the most of technology, perspective and interaction, in or-
Since a large portion of the SXSW conference focused on in- der to capture the attention of the end-consumer and relate to
teractive media, it was an efficient use of efforts to look at the them in a meaningful and relevant way. This helps build rela-
supporting website for clues as to what technologies were in tionships and connections with your brand. If your point of
play this year. We discovered that one of the key platforms this view for the campaign is relevant to your audience it will be
year was The team at Sched had imported the entire engaging, insightful and valuable.
SXSW conference schedule including panels, film times and
parties into their platform. After creating a simple username,
attendees were able to create individual and group schedules,
and could view the list of others that had selected the same ses-
sions. Attendees could export calendars that could be shared
to keep track of our meeting schedules, panels to attend, and
parties where we thought the next set of interviews might come
from. Effective, yet flexible scheduling is a key to any social
media marketing campaign. Use scheduling methods such as
this to find ways to locate your audience.


In 2007, Twitter made an enormous impact from SXSW and
emerged as the leader in micro-blogging at events such as this.
So it makes sense to include a Twitter component in social me-
dia campaigns. Employees can use existing Twitter accounts
to broadcast interview plans for SXSW and invite our Twitter
community to follow our interactions. Post messages to boards,
blogs and other social platforms that include a call for inter-
views, and ensure that your Twitter name is included. This year
at SXSW, Twitter continued to be the social GPS of the event The platforms and tools that you select must also be relevant to
with tweets like “Billy Bob Thorton is in the Dell Lounge right your audience or your message will be missed. Facebook, You-
now” or “@groovemonkey We are in line for the Rock Band Tube and MySpace are all established platforms for your social
Party. Password is drum solo.” media campaigns. Blogs and other micro-publishing platforms
such as Tumblr and Twitter will continue to grow in popular-
IT’S ALL ABOUT TUBES ity. Social Bookmarking sites will also continue to expand and
Once the interviews are scheduled and conducted, figure out show value in the tool box of the marketer that uses social me-
your initial method of distribution. Tubemogul provides a dia to participate in the conversation.
video distribution platform to over 15 different video sharing
websites, as well as a rich set of metrics to help measure the The final key to social media marketing is that there really is no
success of your campaigns. Users can publish once or distribute end to the conversation. Fresh voices will emerge, additional
widely, and then spend more time interacting with the com- perspectives will be added to the mix and new technology will
munities that inspired you to generate high-quality content in surface that will continue to push the notions of social media.
the first place. This will continue to challenge the marketer to find effective,
relevant, noteworthy events and tools to engage their consum-
ONCE YOU CAPTURE IT, SET IT FREE ers in the conversation. The question becomes, will you be
The final piece of every social media campaign is the wide- ready to participate? ■
spread distribution of the conversations that you have gath-
ered. It is not enough to just capture insightful interviews or Over the past decade, Christopher Smith has helped companies
well-positioned marketing pitches. Campaigns must be seen build brands online including Apple, Disney, Nextel, Phillips
and heard and interacted with in order to be successful. Tools and Quicksilver. Christopher is currently the creative director for
such as Digg, StumbleUpon, and are great examples MediaTrust, an ecosystem of online media properties. Visit www.
of social bookmarking. Video sharing platforms such as Blip. to see how MediaTrust leveraged social me-
tv, YouTube and Veoh continue to be used as a way to integrate dia at SXSW to generate Web site traffic. Please direct questions to
user-generated video in social media campaigns. Facebook will
continue to be an excellent place to provide and disseminate
your campaign, as well as the host of blogs, websites and plat-
forms that your audience follows. Leverage the research you


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An Interactive Application Maker for Everyone

he transition from the static Web to one rich in in- Sprouts Are Viral
teractive multimedia has been swift and significant. The beauty of Sproutbuilder is that these applications have a
There are hundreds of sites that give website owners tendency to go viral quickly. Site visitors can spread the ap-
and marketers the tools necessary to include function- plication to their own Web pages and into other communities,
ality to improve the experience of their users. Take YouTube for providing an evangelical force for your creations. Sprout build-
example, which enables anyone to share videos with others and ers can also track usage stats, such as number of copies made,
even integrate them into a website. number of times a sprout was viewed and more.

Leveraging video and audio and making this content interac- SproutBuilder in Action
tive gives websites a significant edge. Realizing this shift is im- There is no better way to see the power of SproutBuilder than to
portant and understanding how to incorporate interactivity on throw caution to the wind and create your own. Website Maga-
your own site through applications is essential to your success. zine has done just that. In an effort to promote our Replace
This is why SproutBuilder, a solution dedicated to help anyone A Tree Foundation (, our staff has created a
add rich, sophisticated and yes, interactive multimedia Web SproutBuilder widget (based on one of the examples provided
content, is such an important resource in the Web landscape. by SproutBuilder) that promotes forest conservation and ac-
cepts donations through PayPal. You can see an image below of
Building Sprouts that Sprout and in action at ■
SproutBuilder provides dozens of pre-built templates and even
offers users the ability to start from scratch. Drag-and-drop
shapes, text, images, video, and include components such as
slideshows, jukeboxes, and countdown clocks, even interactive
services such as chat (Meebo), phone (Ribbit), and fundraising

Publishing Sprouts
Publishing your “sprouts” couldn’t be easier. Cut and paste
sprout code into a Web page or use the “quick post” feature
to place the freshly-built application into blogs and social net-
working sites. Sproutbuilder even allows for publishing on its
distribution partners, including Clearspring, Gigya, and Spring


>> Reviews Continued
Elegant and Understandable
PPC Reporting

eaders of Website Magazine’s May issue were treat-
ed to an article that provided insights into which
worked better: pay-per-click advertising or search
engine optimization? The Engine Ready report
cited in that article noted PPC as the traffic source yield-
ing the best results. To find the reason why many fail or
become discouraged with the performance of their PPC
campaign we often need look no further than our own
expertise with analytics. There are solutions available that
can make understanding the performance of paid adver-
tising campaigns much easier – one such solution is the
VisualCalc ( AdWords Dashboard.

The VisualCalc AdWords Dashboard (other PPC provid-

ers are supported as well) is a Web-based analytics solution
that presents complex data into interactive, elegant and
understandable graphs and charts to explore key perfor-
mance indicators such as clicks vs. impressions, keyword
CTR and more. And when the data changes, so do the
charts and graphs with no reporting lag-time. This real-
time access to key metrics reveals the performance of cam-
paigns and answers important questions, such as which ad
groups perform best, how impressions, clicks, conversions
and sales are trending over time, and even causal factors
behind changes in account performance.

Advertisers that use the system (pricing starts at $50 per

month or $500 per year) are able to identify potential
problems and act on opportunities that may arise for the
benefit of their online business ROI and the effectiveness
of PPC programs.

But don’t Google and other PPC providers offer detailed

account reporting already? Of course! The problem is, this
raw data is often cumbersome to get through and often, by
the time you’ve mastered the ins and outs of PPC analysis,
you have already used up your budget. Exploring alternate
solutions, especially if you are just getting started, may be
the way to go and VisualCalc makes it easy. ■


Internet Madness
Collective Wby isdom
Susan Whitehurst

The collective wisdom of 787 Website Magazine subscrib-

ers doesn’t cover the experiences of 132,223 other readers to
whom didn’t send this survey invitation or who were slammed
with work that Tuesday.
Still, this is real research, albeit loosely interpreted here.
Odds are, you agree with our survey crew: To improve and
grow, we need to manage good content well, to design and
redesign websites to invite new customers and delight favor-
ite users, and to market websites effectively through search
engines. And while all those get done, simultaneously, we’re

putting top priority on besting our practices in email market-
wiseacre sportswriter in the Tribune once said, ing, online advertising, and e-commerce.
“Never go with public sentiment.” And why not? Not only are you all champs at multi-tasking,
Although he was talking about the University of you have a dedicated staff, a charged-up users group, and
Memphis and March Madness, his advice sure fits a couple of social networks – plus your mom – collectively
the New England Patriots and the Super Bowl this year and all advocating that all these priorities are essential right now. And
those lost wagers in Las Vegas. don’t forget blogging, CRM, and online video – top priorities
In your opinion, it fits success on the Web, too. Place your for one in eight of our survey crew.
bets on public sentiment about the Internet today, and you’re So where do you place your bets – on focused fundamen-
betting on mobile Web to be the next big thing. How do you tals, or on public sentiment?
like the odds for your own website? Or are you ready to bet Betting on the Super Bowl is so American, it’s about to
big on social networking? turn up in a Chevy commercial. Betting on the brackets in the
At Website Magazine, we’re always listening to the buzz office pool can make anybody look like a genius. Betting on
on the Web, aka, Internet Madness. At the same time, we’re the Cubs? Hey, this could be the year.
focused on what makes sense – the next steps to improve and Likewise, when it comes to betting on Internet trends,
grow your own website(s). public sentiment has had some winners. Plenty of people
That’s why in our survey last month, we asked you to tell bought Google stock, and there’s nothing evil in that. Fa-
us: What’s the public perception on how to improve and grow cebook now lets friends sell stuff to each other. Okay, not
the Internet? More important, what’s next for you to improve everyone wants to buy three pieces of ABC gum for $7.50.
and grow your own website? Thanks to all 787 of you who Somebody soon is going to figure out how to monetize all that
responded. You said the public perception is: traffic, and Google stock is on the rise again this week.
- Mobile Web’s the big thing. When it comes to the success of your website(s), setting
- If not mobile Web, then the big thing is social networking. priorities and betting on real potentials are not a game. The
- The next, next big thing is definitely search engine choices are up to you. ■
That’s where public perception intersects with reality. Susan Whitehurst is the publisher of Website Magazine
The collective wisdom of our real-world survey responders is
focused on improving and growing professional websites. You
said for your own website:
- Search engine marketing’s the big thing. Join the Collective Wisdom
- In addition to SEM, website design and content To add your wisdom to Website Magazine’s survey of web
management are big, too.
- Social networking’s going to be big, right after we get done professionals, visit For
doing six other things really well. And after we get social more information on survey results, contact susan.white-
networking done, and four more things, we’re going to take
on mobile Web.

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