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Notices and Information

July 2016

Christians Together in
Combe Martin and

Church Wardens
Maureen Richards 01271 883880
Mike Thompson 01271 883269

Tuesday, 5th July

Prayer Meeting at 7.15 pm In the Church Hall.
Come and pray for the mission of Christians Together in our
Tuesday 12th
Planning Meeting at 7.15 pm in the Church Hall. This is open
to all and all are welcome.

Sunday, 17th July

3pm - 4.30pm
Christians Together walk followed
by tea.
Meet at the Methodist Church
Do join us!

Sunday Services
June 26th
Trinity 5

9.30 am

Holy Communion

July 3rd
Trinity 6

9.30 am

Parish worship

July 10th
Trinity 7

9.30 am

Holy Communion. Canon Michael

July 17th
Trinity 8
July 24th
Trinity 9

Also, dont forget that the Baptist church has Bacon Baps @
9.00 am every Thursday morning, followed by a coffee
morning @ 10.00
Also, the W.I. Will meet on Monday, 25th at 7.30 pm

July 31st
Trinity 10

9.30 am Parish worship

3-4.30 pm Christians Together Walk & Tea
9.30 am

Holy Communion. Canon Michael

10.30 am Combined service at Pip & Jims

Lifts available

Church Prayer Pointers

26th June

Wed 29th

Prayer 9. 3010.00 am Lady Chapel

Communion Service 10.00 am

3rd July

Mon 4th
Tues 5th

PCC 7.30 pm Church Hall

Christians Together prayer meeting 7.15 pm Church Hall
Tuesday Lay led worship group meeting 7.30pm Springside, Rews Close.
Prayer 9. 3010.00 am Lady Chapel
Communion Service 10.00 am
Messy Church 9.30 am Village Hall

Wed 6th
Sat 9th
10th July

Mon 11th
Tues 12th
Wed 13th

Meeting Deanery Synod meeting at Shirwell 7.30 pm

Christians Together Planning Meeting 7.15 pm Church Hall
Prayer 9. 3010.00 am Lady Chapel
Communion Service 10.00 am
Wed 13thFri 15th House for Duty interviews

17th July

Wed 20th

Prayer 9. 3010.00 am Lady Chapel

Communion Service 10.00 am

24th July

Wed 27th

Prayer 9. 3010.00 am Lady Chapel

Communion Service 10.00 am
FOSP Garden Party at Margaret Eames house

31st July

Wed 3rd Aug

Sat 30th


Meet & Greet

June 26th

R Gray
G Anderson

July 3rd


July 10th

J Chugg
Cathy Horder

July 17th

J Walker

July 24th

R Gray
G Anderson

July 31st

The whole matter of interviewing our house for

duty candidatesthe candidates, those providing accommodation for them, those interviewing
and that, with prayer, we may be able to choose
the right person for our needs.
Christians Together, that we all join and support
one another as we explore new ways of reaching
out into the community. Also all the events already planned for this month.
Our village and all those preparing for our summer visitors - hoteliers, shopkeepers, the museum/tourist office etc, that we may have a prosperous and safe summer.
Friends of St Peters celebrating their 10th Anniversary. Give thanks for all the hard work they do
on our behalf.

Prayer 9. 3010.00 am Lady Chapel

Communion Service 10.00 am




First Reading

Second Reading



Coffee Rota

Katy King

Margaret Eames
Gal 5 v1, 13-25

Luke 9 v 51 end

Margaret Eames

Val & Bruce Hicks

Karen Thompson
2 Kings 5 or Isa 66

Janet Taylor
Gal 6 v (1-6) 7-16

Luke 10 v 1-11,

Janet Taylor

Barbara Parker &

Katy King

Dave Richards
Amos 7 or Deut 30

Declan Beales
Col 1 v 1-14

Luke 10 v 25-37

Yvonne Howard

Naomi & James


Maureen Richards
Amos 8 or Gen 18

Ruth Gray
Col 1 v 15-28

Luke 10 v 38-end

Jeanette Squire

Gill Anderson &

Ethel Parkin

Jeannette Squire
Hos 1 or Gen 18

Cathy Horder
Col 2 v 6-15 (16-19)

Luke 11 v 1-13

Maureen Richards

Val & Bruce Hicks

2 Kings 2 v 1-2 , 6-14 or

1 Kings 19 v 15-16, 19end

Combined service at Pip & Jim, Ilfracombe 10.30 am

From the Mouths of Babes

Dear friends,
I am writing this on the day voting is taking place in the referendum on
Europe. By the time you are reading it we will all know the result.
I have been concerned at the amount of extreme language which has
been used during the period of campaigning. Listening to one side you
can be convinced that remaining in the European will be a total disaster, while the other side want to persuade you that leaving will be
equally awful. I think that there will be a lot of healing needed afterwards for people on these different sides to get on together.
One of the distinctive things about the Christian Church is (or should
be) that it encompasses a huge variety of people. We are from different social classes, we vote for different parties in elections, we are
very different in lots of ways and we wouldnt all choose one another
as friends. Jesus started it off like that. The twelve apostles included
Matthew, who had been collecting taxes for the hated Roman occupiers, and Simon the Zealot, who belonged to a group who believed in
inciting the Jews to rebel against the Romans. Yet, under Jesus,
these two could not only work together, but learned to love one another as Jesus demanded.
We need to allow Jesus to challenge us, too, to love one another without exception in the Church. And we are called to work whenever and
wherever we can to promote these values in society around us. I believe that this is a much-needed role at this time. Let us take it seriously.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Rogers.

Standing at the church door after the service, the minister asked a small boy
if he had enjoyed the service. Back came the reply: "The music was fine but I
thought the commercial was too long".
A bishop was astonished to hear a little girl say that you had to be brave to
go to church. "Why do you say that?" he asked. "Well, I heard my uncle tell
my aunt last Sunday that there was a canon in the pulpit, the choir murdered
the anthem and the organist drowned the choir."
The Anglican Digest
The young curate liked to involve the congregation in the family service sermon. "Who was the funniest man in the Bible?" he asked. A teenager promptly
replied: "Samson. He brought the house down".
I was attending a relative's wedding together with my son, daughter-in-law
and little granddaughter aged two. My daughter-in-law took a bag of "jelly
babies" so that if the little girl became restless she could give her one. During his talk the vicar was explaining about marriage and the creation of families when my granddaughter, having just finished her sweet, shouted out
loudly "More babies".
I'm Free
A little boy attended a church service for the first time with his grandmother. When the collection plate was passed along the pew, grandmother put
some coins in it. The little boy piped up: "I'm not five yet gran - you needn't
pay for me".

Deanery Synod Meeting

Intercessors needed.

This will be held on

Monday, 11th July
at Shirwell Church
7.30 pm
Subject: Street Pastors
Lifts are available if you would like to join us.

I will be making a new intercessions list from

August and would like anyone who thinks that they would like to
take the prayers on a Sunday morning to speak to me about joining
the rota.
The intercessions are taken in a variety of different ways and
contribute greatly to our worship. Please be encouraged to give it
a try.

The August Pew Leaflet will need to be ready for Sunday, 31st
July, so could you let me have items/info for it by Wednesday,
27th July, please?


You are all invited to a

Birthday cream tea
in Margaret Eames' beautiful garden.
Please help us celebrate 10 years of Friends on
Saturday 30th July.
Teas will be served between 3.00 - 5.30 pm
Tickets 6.00
available from Linda tel: 01271 883578
or catch me at church.

In case anyone missed this important information....

Churches weekend away @ Lee Abbey 24th to 26th Feb 2017

Following the huge success of our weekend away many folks have asked
if we are planning to go next year so we have decided to book the whole
house again by faith.
Rooms can be reserved for two weeks without a deposit but rooms will
only be booked with a 20.00 per person non refundable deposit and all
rooms will be booked on a first come first reserved basis. Next year
there will be a slight increase in costs if you request a sea view or country view room and again they will be allocated as soon as a deposit is

If weather is unkind we will be in the

church hall and, yes, there will be a
Hope to see you there, Linda

Please contact Jackie O'Malley if you want to book. call 0797 016 5027
or see me after the Sunday services. Combe Martin people can give their
deposit to Maureen, who will then pass it on.

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