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Am nu RRR rrr ert errr eaeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI TTT JOURNAL of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY Regular Session of 1986 Volume IT pao sOURNA Section 2. That the Cet cf the House is directed! 10 Senda copy ofthis resolution to Dr, Harvey L,Stoane, County Tudge/Exevutive of efersan County andto the County Commissions, rv Maze, Chris Gorman sn Darsl Ovens. HR 160 was adopted by voce vote Representative McBee moied thatthe ules he suspended oct upon a Resolution, Aareed Representative McBee moved he adoption ofthe fllowing HR 152 HR 152, A RESOLUTION urging the Ciy of Cincinnati to amend city Ordinance 869 10 promote competion between Cinelaratand Nore Kentucky towing operators WHEREAS, in order o operate within the ity lite of Cincinnati, Ot, all wrecker operatorsae requized to purchase a fort dollar hvensey show proof of insurance, post ond and submit all equipment for Snspections an WHEREAS, despite mesting these requiemants, Nosthern Kentucky based towing operators ate not includ sn the pole cal netaion and ca gay be summoned oan intestate highway upon the request of inci ang WHEREAS, customers involved in an automobile accident in Cineinnat wishing to patronize a Norther emtuhy iomiog business ust finda pay telephone in order o have their vehicle removed rather than che onenicnce of being radio spached as provided to Cincianali based operators: ad WHEREAS, ‘owing opentors in Northern Kentucky ae required by the Commonwealth of Kentucky to nam proof of instance before ceases seueb and Crninna's bond requirement dupes this safeguaré, thereby increasing cst fo Rentucky operators: and WHEREAS, these additonal requirements for Northern Kentucky towing operations and thet customers dscoutages competion wehin the {owing business and further discriminates against Kentucky Businesses tthich mest al rgulrementsof the ordeance, but fal to receive equitable estment; NOW, THEREFORE, Beir resolved bythe Houseof Representatives ofthe General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky Section {Tha the Hous: of Representatives urge the City of Cincinnati to consider amending ordinance 89 toallow for equiable teatment of ts etzenso patrons who may aed (owing serves win Clncinna Section 2. That the Hous of Representatives urge the leilatve body of Cincinnati to review te epuatony ecatment of towing operas’ wisting to do nothing Mot than pickup a shee need of mechan Eepits, {fsinurance and bonding equiements and nouication of owing service y ity employees Section 3. That the Clee ofthe House of Representatives be directed to transmit a copy of hi reson 0 the mayor of Cinelnoa, ite coubell and the Tr State Towing Asoeation HR 152 was adopted by rove vote. Representative Hines moved thatthe rales be suspended to at upon a Resolution. Agted. Aepesentative Hines moved the adoption of he following HR 159 HR 159, A RESOLUTION adopting the modern version of thestaresong "My Old Kentucky Home WHEREAS, born in Lawrenceville, Pennsylvania on July 4, 1826 Sephen Collins Foster penned ove 290 songs, words aswel musi, before is death on January 13, 1865 and WHEREAS, the popular minstrel songs and sentimental ballads composed by Stepien Foster ensured Nm sn honored place he NStory of music inthe United States; and WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19,1986 mn WHEREAS, Stephen Foster gsined international re sition for his compositions of “Ob, Susanna”, eausiful Dreamer”, "Jeanie wit the Light Brown Hai "Nelly Bly" and "Cempiown Races”; and WHEREAS, Foster is most noted for his insite composition known a5 “My Old Kentucky Home” which is now the tatesong forthe great Commonyealth; and WHEREAS, “My Olé Kentucky Home” i sung around the world and by milions of visitors 10 our tate porto te runing of racing's nox prestigious even, the Kentucky Derby: and WHEREAS, the syle and verbiage used by Foster while penning “My Old Kentucky Home” was ‘comtemporary of ther whith inladd the rai dvsion of Ameticuns nthe Civil War; and WHEREAS, some ofthe phrasts included in the original rendition of "My Olé Kentucky Home convey connotation of rail deriinaton that ate not aceptale in our present society: NOW, THEREFORE, Dee reolved by the House of Representatives ofthe General Assembly of the Commonweath of Kentucky Section [That the House adops the modern version of our state song "My Old Kentucky Home” whose lyrics rea lows: 1 “The sun shine brih onthe old Kentucky home; “isomer, the eople are gay. ‘Thecorn tops rie and the meadow'sin the bloom While the bnds make musi all he day ‘Theyoung folk all on the litle cabin oor; Almerr. all haps. and brig. By by hard tines comes a Knocking at the door: ‘Then, my old Kentucky home, good might! chorus: Weep nomore mya ‘ne no more oday. ‘Weng one ong (oF te od Kentucky home Forthe old Kentucky home fara, 2 ‘They hunt no mare ‘or the possum and the oon ‘On the meadow, de hil and the shore ‘They sng no mor: bythe glimmer ofthe moon; Onthe tench by he old cabin door ‘Theday goes by tke a shadov oe he hearts With sorow whe all was delish ‘Thetine as come when the people have to pats ‘Then, my old Kentucky howe, good might (Choros) 4 The head must bowand the back wllhaveto bend; ‘Wherever the pecple may 0 ‘Atew more daysand the rable al wil nd in he elds wheve the sugar canes gro ‘few more days fort ote the weary loads ‘Nomatter,ullaever be light ‘Aleve more dastill we ole onthe road; ‘Then, my old Kentucky home, good might! HR 159 was adopted by vice woe. Representative Noe moved tha the hnee day posting equrement be waived on SBI and SB 198. Agree The following members tequesed that their votes be recoded as follows. Al requests were agreed 10

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