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Realtime data from NOW,


1 Preface
2 System Requirements
3 Setup 4
4 Setup for AmiBroker Users4
6 ODIN to Excel
7 Trade Tiger to Excel
8 Yahoo to Excel
9 Google Finance to Excel 9
10 Getting Realtime Feed to AMIBroker 11
11 Realtime feed to FCharts.......... 11
12 Realtime feed to Metastock
13 Backfill with NOWBackfill14
14 Backfill with NOWHSBackfill
15 Backfill with Trade Tiger 20
16 Backfill with ODIN 20
17 Backfill with Data Downloader 21
18 Troubleshooting
1. I am not too good in computer related stuff, please help me.
2. I did everything as per instructions but I am not getting charts. Please help. 23
3. Backfill is not happening. 23
4. Microsoft visual basic Run -Time error '429' ActiveX component can't create
5. I did everything as per instructions but I am not getting data from NOW/Nest to
Excel. 23
6. In RTXXXX.xlsm the rates are changing. Symbols appear in AMIBoker but I am
not getting charts. 23
7. AmiBroker does not open automatically when I click on Start. 23
8. When I click on start RT data, AmiBroker opens up, but blank and no symbols in
it. It gives me an error: formula file not found or empty- no chart to display. 23
9. I got a message from nest trader is that "scrip RTD attribute is not licensed" 23
Amibroker does not open correct database. Every time I have to choose
data folder where past data is saved !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 23
Run time error 76 path not found, when asked to debug, following line is
highlighted 23
Run time error 1004 (If you work in another Excel book while getting Real
time Data Feed)

Run-time error '-2147024770 (8007007e) Automation error. The specified
module could not be found
I am getting #N/A in RTNOW/RTNest after doing Link to Excel. 24
I get error saying limit exceeded in RTNow/RTNest 24
Amibroker hangs while closing/throws exception error
I cannot open any other Excel sheet while RTxxx.xlsm is running. My
charts get messed up.
RTNest/RTNow hangs while closing. I have to close it by Ctrl+Alt+Del and
end process. Some times I loose my data in Amibroker. 24

1. This utility was originally developed to feed real time quotes from NOW
(Neat on Web) to Amibroker and distributed it freely with source code. After
using it for some period, it was realised that with some further coding, it can
be used to feed real time quotes from NEST, ODIN, Trade Tiger, Google and
Yahoo to charting applications like Amibroker, Fcharts Qtstalker and
Metastock also. This utility was upgraded to various versions. and now it has
become stable.
2. The utility gives RT quotes in Ami from the time you click on- Start. It does
not give RT from beginning of the day. So start RT and then open backfill.
Copy data upto the time you logged in into Backfill. When backfills warns
you, save database and do backfill. Your data will be current.
3. You do not have to record any excel macro.
4. Since you are reading this, it means you have downloaded the zip file
containing the utility and extracted it. This help file is accompanied by
following files. Use the files appropriate for your setup.

RTNOW.xlsm Real time feed from NSENOW

RTGoogle.xlsm Real time feed from Google
RTYahoo.xlsm Real time feed from Yahoo
RTOdin.xlsm Real time feed from Odin
RTTiger.xlsm Real time feed from Trade Tiger
RTNest.xlsm Real time feed from Nest
NowBackfil.xlsm Backfill from NOW/Nest Trader
NowHSbackfil.xlsm - Backfill from NOW/Nest Trader Hourly
OdinBackfil Backfill from ODIN
Nest3.format This file is used by Amibroker to import backfill data
RTG3.format This file is used by Amibroker to import real time data
RTMS Real time feed to Metastock
Arbitrage.xlsm Sample for ODIN users
Snap.xls Sample for Trade Tiger users

System Requirements
1. Minimum requirement is Excel 2007 32 bit and Windows XP or above.
2. Tested on Windows XP and Windows 2003 x64 Server, Windows 8 , Windows
3. If you get N/A in RTNOW/Nest after Link to Excel - For those who
are using windows 7 and above, installing excel, Amibroker and
NEST(or NOW) in D: drive folders allows one to start programs as
normal user and get data feed with Josh utilities with out admin
In normal installation, C:\Program Files folder is used. That needs
admin privileges to access. (Originally Posted by lvgandhi). You will
have to open Nest Trader as well as Excel as administrator. To open
them as administrator, Right/Click on these programs and then click
on Run as.
Alternately, click on Properties. In the Properties
dialog box, click the Compatibility tab. select the- Run This Program
As An Administrator check box, and then click OK. See below site for
4. For NOW/Nest Trader Users - OS may be 64 bit but MSOffice must be 32
bit. 64 bit MS Office does not support RTD function as yet. It will not work
until Microsoft enables RTD.

1. There are two stages involved in getting real time charts with this utility.
First - Getting the realtime feed from Trading software or Google/Yahoo to
Second - Getting the realtime feed from Excel to Charting software.
2. Files of type *.xlsm can be kept anywhere in a separate folder. However, I
recommend keeping them wherever your Trading Software/application
resides. Users of NOW should move them to C:\Program Files\NOW or
C:\Program Files (x86)\NOW depending upon your version of windows. Users
of Nest Trader should move them to C:\Program Files\Omnesys or C:\Program
Files (x86)\Omnesys depending upon your version of windows. Users of Trade
Tiger should move them to C:\Program Files\TradeTiger
3. Files of type *.format ( Nest3.format and RTG3.format ) should be moved to
'Your\Path\to\Amibroker\format folder' since Amibroker requires them there.
4. Open Excel. Click on the Office icon on top left
5. Click on Excel Options- Trust Center - Trusted Locations - Add New
Location and give the path of folder where your Trading Software resides.
Also give the path of folder where you kept the *.xlsm files. For example, if
you have kept the excel files on 'desktop\RTNOW' folder, then include that
folder in trusted loactions. This way, excel will open the .xlsm file with
macros enabled. Otherwise, you will have to enable macros every time.

Setup for AmiBroker Users1. Before trying anything in AmiBroker, create new database e.g.
2. Give database folder path to create database. Thereafter, do all the settings
as shown above. Those who want to combine EOD data should check against
-Allow mixed EOD/Intraday data in Intraday settings.
3. GoTO Tools Preferences-Do settings in preferences as shown below.



1. Request your Broker to activate RTD feature for your account. If RTD is not
activated, you will get "RTD attribute not licensed" error......
2. Always open applications in this order
1. NOW or Nest
2. RTNOW or RTNest
3. If you open excel first, you will see #N/A in all cells because it cannot find
referenced quotations.
4. Open NOW - > Right click In market watch, reposition columns OR (Shift + R)
, get the following columnsTrading Symbol | Last Traded Time | Last Traded Price | Volume
Traded Today |Open Interest | Symbol
5. Order of the columns is not important. However, if you keep the same order,
it will become convenient to paste in Excel.
6. Save the columns.
7. Select the scrips you want in Marketwatch by Shift+click
8. Right Click Marketwatch and navigate to Link to Excel . See figure below-

9. Click All Items or selected items.

10.Paste in RTNOW.xlsm in Cell A7 in the Sheet "RTD".
11. You will see Realtime feed in Excel. The prices and time will be
12.Link the cells in Sheet NOW OR Nest to the appropriate cells in sheet
RTD . Do not change order of the fields in Sheet Nowor Nest
else you will not get live charts in AmiBroker.
13.You are free to add/delete/change the scrips given in original Sheet once you
are comfortable with it. Users should note that Nifty Spot data is not
available in NSENOW.
14.Some times, realtime feed stops when Excel Sheet is tinkered with. Just save
the book, close excel and reopen. RT feed will start.
15.NSE NOW seems to have a limit of 55 scrips at a time. Hence you will get
error in NOW if you exceed that number and RT feed will not start for excess
16.Do not change the order of columns. For ease of linking, keep the order of
columns same in NOW or NEST TRADER.
17.You can add/delete columns if you wish. You will have to edit the
RTG3.format file. However first four columns are mandatary.
18.Check the database path in cell B1. If your database is at a different location,
enter that in cell B1. In my case, it is on H drive.

ODIN to Excel
1. Please note that ODIN ver is minimum requirement.
Versions before that do not have capability of Open to Excel.
2. There are three stages for getting RT feed in Ami from ODIN.
1. Getting RT feed in Arbitrage.xls from ODIN.
2. Getting RT feed from Arbitrage.xls to RTOdin.xlsm
3. Getting RT feed from RTOdin.xlsm to AmiBroker.
1. Getting RT feed in Arbitrage.xls from ODIN.


Login to Odin and open the desired market watch

Right click in the market watch and select open in ms-excel
Small box appears asking for select sheet. Select sheet1
A file named Arbitrage.xls will open with all the
scripts/futures/options and you will see the rates changing. This is
your source.

2. Getting RT feed from Arbitrage.xls to RTOdin.xlsm

7. Click on Office Icon and Open RTOdin.xlsm from within same instance of
Excel. Change the database path to Your\Database\folder\Path.
8. We want Trading Symbol, Last Trade Time, Last Traded Price, Last
Traded Qty, Open interest in columns A, B, C, D, E respectively.
In Cell A7 type "=[Arbitrage.xls]Sheet1!B2", (Replace B2 with cell
reference for Description in Arbitrage)
In Cell B7 type "=text (Now(), HH:mm:ss) , (Odin does not give
trade time so we use system time)
In Cell C7 type "=[Arbitrage.xls]Sheet1!L2", (This is normally Last
Price in Arbitrage)
In Cell D7 type "=[Arbitrage.xls]Sheet1!M2", (This is normally
Volume in Arbitrage)
In Cell E7 type "=[Arbitrage.xls]Sheet1!N2",
9. Sample Arbitrage file is provided. RTOdin contains sample formulae for
10. If you see the rates changing, you are done.
11.If Excel does not allow linking like this, Open Excel by clicking StartPrograms-Microsoft Office-Excel2007 and Click on Office Icon and Open
RTOdin.xlsm from that instance.
12.If you see $ signs in cell reference, remove them. Copy the entire row in four
rows below. You should see other scrips and their changing prices. Check the
format of the columns once. Column B should have Time format and columns
C, D, E should have number format.
13.If you are not getting Open Interest in ODIN, Keep that column empty. Open
the RTG3.format file in notepad.
Change the line - $FORMAT Ticker, Time, Close, Volume, OpenInt, Skip
to this - $FORMAT Date_MDY, Ticker, Time, Close, Volume, Skip, Skip
and save.
3. Getting RT feed from RTOdin.xlsm to AmiBroker.
14. Change the database path in Cell B1 to Your\AMIBROKER

15. If you installed RAM disk, then give Drive Letter in Cell B2 other
wise leave it blank.
16. Click on Start RT Data.
17. AmiBroker Should open automatically and you will see live charts
18. Once you start getting data feed in AMIBroker, save the
arbitrage.xls in ODIN folder. Next time, open/load the same
arbitrage.xls file. Otherwise you will not get realtime feed.

Trade Tiger to Excel

1. Trade Tiger has a provision "Snap to Excel" from Market watch. The
necessary instructions are given on site here
This is similar to what is offered by ODIN. Therefore, once an excel sheet is
opened through it, rest of the procedure is similar to that of ODIN as
explained above. Link all the respective cells in Snap.xls to the cells in
RTTiger.xlsm. Sample formulae are given there. Save the excel sheet as
2. There are three stages for getting RT feed in AmiBroker from Trade
1. Getting RT feed in Snap.xls from Trade Tiger.
2. Getting RT feed from Snap.xls to RTTiger.xlsm
3. Getting RT feed from RTTiger.xlsm to Ami.
1. Getting RT feed in Snap.xls from Trade Tiger.
3. Login to you TradeTiger and open the desired market watch
4. Right click in the market watch and select Snap to Excel.
5. An Excel File will open and you will see your Market Watch in it and
rates changing.
6. You have to save this Snap to Excel. Now the saved excel will show all the
scripts/futures/options and you will see the rates changing. This is your
7. Save the Snap to Excel file ( in this case the example - we save it as
8. Next time open/load the saved Snap.xls file. Do not open new
9. Please note that you are not supposed to tinker with Excel Sheet opened
through TT. You have to link cells in RTTiger.xlsm to the necessary
cells/columns in that sheet by way of formula.
Thereafter you will get quotes in RTTiger.xlsm
10.Most important- put the RTTiger.xlsm or other excel files under
Sharekhan\Tradetiger folder and the format files under Amibroker\format
2. Getting RT feed from Snap.xls to RTTiger.xlsm
11.Open Excel by clicking Start-Programs-Microsoft Office-Excel2007
12.A blank workbook opens with name book1. Ignore it and Open RTTiger.xlsm
from within Excel. Change the database path to Your\AMIBROKER

13.We want Trading Symbol, Last Trade Time, Last Traded Price, Last
Traded Qty, Open interest in columns A, B, C, D, E respectively.
a. In Cell A7 type =[Snap.xls]Streaming_Stock_Watch!B9
b. In Cell B7 type =TEXT(NOW(),"HH:mm:ss")
c. In Cell C7 type =[Snap.xls]Streaming_Stock_Watch!E9
d. In Cell D7 type =[Snap.xls]Streaming_Stock_Watch!D9
e. In Cell E7 type =[Snap.xls]Streaming_Stock_Watch!V9
14.(actual cell content of Snap.xls will vary as how u save it - but most of the
case its same. and if u dont put Open Interest in your market watch, then
cell E7 in RTTiger.xlm will be skipped) do not interfere with its working.
15.In the excel sheet RTTiger, in the database path of Amibroker , use the
following Amibroker Databae Path = C:\Program Files
(X86)\Amibroker\RTDATA. If ur program files does not contains the (x86) part
u can safely omit that part, in that case it will be Amibroker Databae Path =
C:\Program Files \Amibroker\RTDATA. Here "RTDATA" is for example, you can
use any other meaningful name
16.Copy the entire row in four rows below. Check the format of the columns
once. Column B should have Time format and columns C, D, E should have
number format.
17. If you see the rates changing, you are done.
18.When all done, 1st open the Snap.xls (every time open new snap to excel file
or otherwise it will not work) and then open RTTiger.xlm in the
Sharekhan\Tradetiger folder. RTTiger.xlm will be linked with Snap.xls and
RTTiger.xlm will be active, that is it will show the live rate taken from
Sharekhan Trade Tiger.)
19.Please do it yourself before asking for help as this will help you to rectify any
problem you may face when something goes wrong. If you feel that the
installation is corrupt, then delete all the respective files and reinstall and
follow the procedure. This will help you to get streaming quotes from
TradeTiger to Amibroker via RTTiger excel files
3. Getting RT feed from RTTiger.xlsm to AmiBroker.
20. Change the database path in Cell B1 to Your\AMIBROKER
21. If you installed RAM disk, then give Drive Letter in Cell B2 other
wise leave it blank.
22. Click on Start RT Data.
23. AmiBroker Should open automatically and you will see live charts
24.Once you start getting data feed in AMIBroker, save the Snap.xls in
TradeTiger folder. Next time, open/load the same Snap.xls file. Otherwise you
will not get realtime feed.

Yahoo to Excel
1. This option is available in RTYahoo.xlsm. Yahoo gives realtime quotes for
^NSEI that is Nifty only. Rest of the quotes are 20 minutes delayed, useless
for intra-day trading. Hence, I use it to get realtime chart of Nifty only.
2. This utility was built with the help of The url of the site and
url of Yahoo from where quotes are fetched is given in the sheet.

3. Open your browser and login into Yahoo. The utility will do rest of the work.
Yahoo does not give RT quotes. Login is done to ensure that Yahoo does not
block you from accessing their site.
4. Open Excel by clicking Start-Programs-Microsoft Office-Excel2007
5. A blank workbook opens with name book1. Ignore it and Open RTYahoo.xlsm
from within Excel. Change the database path to Your\AMIBROKER
6. If you installed RAM disk, then give Drive Letter in Cell B2 other
wise leave it blank.
7. Click on Start RT Data.
8. AmiBroker Should open automatically and you will see live charts

Google Finance to Excel

1. Thanks to Ramdas for his site - > where he has given all the URLs of
Google from which data can be obtained.
RTGoogle.xlsm fetches Google RT feed from this URL:",NSE:ACC"
you can just add more script ,NSE:ScriptName
2. I compared the time lag in Realtime quotes from each source and found that
the above URL gives quotes within a time lag of 2-3 seconds which I feel is
quite acceptable.
3. There is no limit to the number of scrips that can be monitored.
4. Realtime Quotes of other exchanges can also be obtained. Keep database
for each exchange separate as their working hours are different.
5. Open your browser and login into Google. The utility will do rest of the work.
Login is done to ensure that Google does not block you from accessing their
6. Open Excel by clicking Start-Programs-Microsoft Office-Excel2007
7. A blank workbook opens with name book1. Ignore it and Open RTTiger.xlsm
from within Excel. Change the database path to Your\AMIBROKER
8. If you installed RAM disk, then give Drive Letter in Cell B2 otherwise
leave it blank.
9. Click on Start RT Data.
10. AmiBroker Should open automatically and you will see live charts
11.There are three down sides 1. FnO quotes are not available.
2. Volume is not available through this URL
3. Data comes in text format. It has to be processed. Hence there is some
processing overhead. I have kept the time interval for refreshing at 5

10 Getting Realtime Feed to AMIBroker

1. Once you start getting realtime quotes in Excel, next step is to get them in
AmiBroker and see the charts moving. Your source can be any of NOW, Odin.
Trade Tiger, Yahoo or Google. Method of feeding data to AmiBroker is similar.
Here is a snapshot of RTNOW.xlsm.
2. If you installed RAM drive, then give Drive Letter in Cell B2 other
wise leave it blank . If you are not sure what is RAM Drive, keep this
field blank
3. Give Your\Database\Path in cell B1.
4. Click on Start RT Data.
5. AmiBroker Should open automatically and you will see live charts

11 Realtime feed to FCharts..........

1. FCharts is another application for stock charting. There are two versions of
this application. 1. FChartSE is free for all users and 2. FChartPRO is paid
versions. I had used the free version about two years ago. I found some
discrepancies in weekly charts. That is why and also because I had money to
spend, I bought AmiBroker. I installed the latest free version about a month
ago. It seems to have improved a lot and added some excellent facilities in
two years. New Traders are advised to use this application. FchartSE is very
easy for intraday charts.
2. All the files of type *.xlsm work out of the box with FCHARTSE the free
charting software.
3. Those who are not getting Last Traded time in data feed(diet ODIN) will have
to click on "Start RT Data" to get current time. All others just have to start
data feed application like NOW or NEST and get realtime feed to FChartSE.
4. Open NOW or Nest or which ever software
5. Open RTNOW/RTNest/RTGoogle/RTYahoo/RTODIN/RTTiger.xlsm whichever you
want and check whether rates are changing. (Trust Centre settings to be
done as given earlier in this thread)
6. We will have to add Date Column since it needs that. Do not add any
column. Use the "Symbol" column instead. Erase its contents and type
"=Today()" without quotes against each scrip in that column.
7. Open FChartSE
8. Click on Intraday and select Excel as source.

9. Click on Refil List and It will show the name of excel file.
10.Column settings as given in the image. They are self explanatory.
11.1st Data Row in our case is 7.
12. Click on Start. You can see one minute bars getting updated
live in FCharts.

12 Realtime feed to Metastock

1. Install Metastock Pro (version 8 or above required).
2. This was created with the help of M.R. Kanitkar. You have to download
asc2ms.exe from below link to feed real time data to Metastock.
3. This file is to be downloaded kept in folder C:\RT.
4. Note: Metastock is not as flexible as AMIBroker for Real time Feed. Hence it
is likely that it will crash or hang many times.
5. You will have MASTER and Fxxx.DAT files created in "C:\RT\msr" folder .
Before running this program if you already had MASTER and Fxxx.DAT files,
the records with same date, or with same date and time for intraday data
files, would be replaced with the data in the ASCII file. If refresh is less than 5
sec, MS do crash sometimes. This is limitations of MS. You can use
Metarefresh to refresh Metastock charts.
6. Run Metastock in Offline Mode.
7. Open Any Chart you want from the folder C:\RT\ms
8. Now your realtime chart in Metastock will be updated automatically
tick by tick.
9. AmiBroker also will be able to read C:\RT\ms if you replace data source "Local
Database" with "Metastock Plugin" and configure the plugin to look at
C:\RT\ms. You will have to Import symbols first time and every time you add
new symbols.


13 Backfill with NOWBackfill

1. Approx. 15 days 1 min. OHLC data is available from NOW/Nest plus/Nest
Trader. These can be used for FnO and index. I am not aware what is offered
by Trade Tiger. Users of TT will have to explore.
2. For Cash scrips, Data Downloader by Joydeep can be still used. It can
download 10 days 1 min. OHLC data from Google. Good for bulk
backfill.Operating Instructions
3. If you want to have backfill from Now, activate the Launch Plus Radio
Button. Login in to Now. You have to be registerd on Omnesys Nestplus
4. Right Click on any of the scrips or press Shift+P - select Plugin commands
Select Plus Chart.

5. If Nest Plus has not started, following window will open. Login into Nest Plus.
6. Nest plus will start and intraday chart will be seen. If chart does not appear,
repeat previous step.
7. Click on the chart and select Data Table or press Ctrl+D.

8. Data window will open. This contains intraday data of last fifteen days. Click
on any row. Press Ctrl+A to select all rows.

9. All rows will become blue. Press Ctrl+C to copy data.

10.Open separate instance of MSExcel by clicking on Start - Programs in Windows

and then open NowBackfil.xlsm from File -- open Menu in Excel. Do not open by
double-click on the file. Click on the Masters Sheet. Correct the Database Path in
cell C1 to Your\Database\Path. Save file.

11.Go to the Sheet1. Press Ctrl+V into cell A1 of Sheet1. If Coloumn B shows
###### instead of date, increase its width and you will see date time. You
are ready to backfill data.

12.See image below. Look at the Column B, Excel recognised date time and
right aligned it. If it is left aligned, there may be problem.

13. Click on the Push button "Click me to backfil".

14. A pop-up window will warn you to save database if Realtime feed is running.
Go to AmiBroker and save database by Clicking on File and then on Save
Database. Thereafter, come back in NowBackfil and click on OK or press
15. Another Pop-up window will ask you whether you want to split Date and
Time into separate columns. Click on "Yes" if they are combined and "No" if
Excell has already put them in separate columns.
16. Backfil will be done and you will get message "Data imported".
17. Do not save changes to the file when closing.
18. You can use Alias in Scrip info to backfil correct scrips

19.You can Change Scrip Name in RTNest while linking to Nest sheet so that it
matches with name in Data Downloader. I have given sample formulae in
RTNest for that. See all formulae.
20. Use simple find replace for scrips where name does not match.

14 Backfill with NOWHSBackfill

1. This file is used to backfill current days data from Hourly statistics of NOW
or VWap statisticks from Nest.

2. The whole process will take about 10 seconds for each scrip. It can be used
for FnO scrips for upto 10 scrips and more if you do not get fatigued by
pressing Ctrl+P and Ctrl+D. For Cash scrips or for bulk backfill, you may use
Data Downloader by Joydeep that gives 10 days data from Google.
3. Note: If scrip name in NestPlus is different than your scrip name, you will
have to merge the two scrips in AmiBroker to integrate the data. For
example in my case Nifty future will be backfilled as NIFTYYMMMFUT. So
after running NOWBackfil I find a new scrip NIFTY12MAYFUT in the database.
I have to merge NIFTY with NIFTY12MAYFUT in AmiBroker. This can be done
from Symbol-Merge menu of AmiBroker. Target is NIFTY and mrge with
NIFTY12MATFUT. Overwrite Duplicate Quotes.
4. Working in Excel on other applications while realtime feed is running....
5. You will have to open separate instance of Excel from Start--Programs-MSOffice--Excel. do not open any file by double clicking on it.

15 Backfill with Trade Tiger

1. Double Click on scrip name of your choice in market watch (say SBIN) that is
2. SBIN chart opens.
3. On the SBIN chart bottom right you will find 2 little boxes > click on the one
below (with Z symbol) this will open a pop-up. In pop-up click on 0 & then
on custom. Change the date to max or your choice & then click on plot. A
tick chart has now been plotted.
4. Now on the SBIN chart - Right Click > Show > Data Listing. This will open a
Data Window showing the tick data. Save this Scrip as CSV with file name
SBIN to a location of your choice.
5. Import data from SBIN.csv file into AmiBroker using Import Wizard. In the last
step of wizard, it will ask you whether you want to save this format for future
as Custom format. Save the format as TTformat. AmiBroker will import
the data into SBIN using file name SBIN.csv. You can use import ASCII for rest
of the scrips using TTformat. It is that easy.
6. Sharekhan gives data in - Date, Time, volume, Open, high, low, close,
average format.
7. Actually the trick lies there, save the file in the ticker name (as it appears in
Ami), delete the average part via macro or while importing, keep the
average as skip. Then import via ASCII is easier as the data is imported in
respective ticker files in Amibroker database

16 Backfill with ODIN

1. In ODIN right click any scrip which you want backfill, click on intraday chart,
2. On chart space right click, in the sub menu click save, and click save chart
as xls then you can import via import wizard.
3. Save the file in the ticker name (as it appears in Ami). Then import via ASCII
is easier as the data is imported in respective ticker files in Amibroker
4. You can do last 5 day data and as well eod. In odin tick data available for 5
day only. first you need to set in Odintools--Preferance Chart Preferance -intraday chart-- type(min) 0 and intraday historic days 5. Then right-click
scrip and intraday chart, then right-click in chart space save as Excel and
import in AmiBroker.
5. You need to set, in Odin, click tools-preference-chart preference tab and set
there what you want and do previous explained steps

Method given by Rohitb

1. Select the scrip you want then go to Market>Market movement>Market
movement (derivatives) or simply press CTRL+F12 for Derivatives and
Market movement (Equity) or simply press SHIFT+F12 for Equity
2. You may/will see a box opening asking for different settings just put
1 minute time interval and hit ok
3. Another window will open showing you time, open, high, low, close, volume,
value, ATP
4. Right click in that box and select copy
5. Now Open one more blank workbook in ms excel and there click on cell A1
and right click it and select paste
6. You will see the data from the market movement pasted to excel. Now add 1
blank columns before time column by click right clicking A which is on the
top of the column and selecting Insert
7. Now type date in B1 which is blank. Type your ticker name which should be
exactly the same in amibroker in cell a2 and date which is current date in b2.
fill the entire columns A and B with Ticker and Date till the line where the
other data ends
8. Now right click the C column which is time in 12 hour format and select
format cells
9. Iin format cells box under tab Numbers select time and in type select
13:30:55 ie the 24 hour format. now click ok. you will see the time in 24 hour
10.Save this workbook as csv.
11.Do this for other scrips
12.Now in amibroker go to file>import wizard click pick files button. select the
file/files you just created. then hit next button
13.In column 1 select ticker, column 2 select dmy,mdy,ymd as per the date you
have manually typed in excel i use dmy format, column 3 time, column 4
open,column 5 high column 6 low,column 7 close. select more columns and
in column 8 select volume. for columns 9,10,11,12 select skip.
14.Now hit next button. Save this format as ODIN format.
15.Now hit finish button. Data will be imported.
16. Since everything is set, you can import other scrips thru ASCII
importing using ODIN format that you created.
17.For same day backfill, use RTOdin.

17 Backfill with Data Downloader

1. Data Downloader is created by Joydeep Mitra and it is hosted on
2. A video is hosted on You tube for backfill. Link is here
3. Apart from the video, do following settings in Data Downloader

4. You can link Nest sheet the symbol will be RELIANCE-EQ, use following
formula :
=IF(RIGHT(RTD!A13,3)="FUT",RTD!F13&"_F1",IF(RIGHT( RTD!A13,3)="-EQ",RTD!
5. and now the symbol will exact match of NSE symbol i.e. RELIANCE,
6. after that using Joydeep Mitra DataDownloader,
format the intraday download as per nest column along with date i.e.
dd/MM/yyyy ,
7. Edit google intraday.txt. Add the scrips (symbol should be exact as per NSE
along with .NSE i.e. RELIANCE.NSE) ,
8. Download intraday data from ->INTRADAY->GOOGLE ,
9. Import all txt files in amibroker using import wizard. Save the format as
Google Intraday.
10.BINGO all scrips backfill done in seconds.
11.Next time use Google Intraday format and import ASCII.

18 Troubleshooting
1. I am not too good in computer related stuff, please help me.
You need not be good in computers to follow this. Follow all the instructions.
If you do not understand any instruction, ask me. Sorry, I cannot do spoon
feeding. Please help yourself first and thereafter I will help you.
2. I did everything as per instructions but I am not getting
charts. Please help.
What do you mean by that. I cannot help you with one like information.
Check whether you followed all the steps as given. Give me the exact step
where you are not getting desired results and ask specific question.
3. Backfill is not happening.
What do you mean by that. I cannot help you like that. Check whether you
followed all the steps as given and ask specific question. You do database
setting only once. Be sure that you give same database path to RT utility and
Backfill utility.
4. Microsoft visual basic Run -Time error '429' ActiveX
component can't create object"
Solution- This error occurs because of missing system files or registry
entries. See these sites for repairing
5. I did everything as per instructions but I am not getting data
from NOW/Nest to Excel.
This utility may not work on Windows 7 since there are some permission
issues on Windows7. If you get N/A in RTNOW/Nest after Link to Excel and
Paste in Windows7, nothing can be done.
6. In RTXXXX.xlsm the rates are changing. Symbols appear in
AMIBoker but I am not getting charts.
This in most cases occurs due to incorrect date setting. Date format should
be dd/mm/yyyy. Either correct date format of your PC in regional settings or
open RTG3.format file and change Date_DMY to Date_MDY in $Format line.
That file should be in AMIBroker\Format folder
7. AmiBroker does not open automatically when I click on
Your macros may not be enabled, enable it. When you open RTxxxx.xlsm,
excel asks you whether macros should be enabled. Also copy RTxxxx.xlsm in
to your Trading program folder and do Trust Center Settings.
8. When I click on start RT data, AmiBroker opens up, but blank
and no symbols in it. It gives me an error: formula file not
found or empty- no chart to display.
Copy RTG3.format and Nest3.format file into "formats" folder below
broker.newcharts This file is created by Amibroker in your database folder.
File containing references between chart layouts and formula files used. If
you delete it you will see "formula file empty or can not be found" in your
charts because reference between chart ID and formula is lost. You will NOT
however lose your formulas because formulas are separate. You will be able
to reinsert them into your charts.
9. I got a message from nest trader is that "scrip RTD attribute is
not licensed"

This means you are not allowed take live quotes. Contact your broker and
tell him to activate RTD feature for your account. Nothing can be done before
10. Amibroker does not open correct database. Every time I
have to choose data folder where past data is
saved !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This means you have not given correct database path. Open database
settings of correct database and give the same path in RTxxxx.xlsm.
11. Run time error 76 path not found, when asked to debug,
following line is highlighted
Set a = fs.CreateTextFile(FileName, True) 'Here we create the file MyCSV.csv
You have to keep cell B2 empty if you have not installed RAM Disk. Otherwise
you are bound to get that error. If it is empty, then try to create folder RT
on C: drive manually. You can also give some path their to create temporary
12. Run time error 1004 (If you work in another Excel book
while getting Real time Data Feed)
This error occurs when you open another spreadsheet from the same
instance. Do not open another spreadsheet from same instance or by
double-clicking on it.
If you want to work in another Excel book while getting Real time Data Feed;
Open Excel by clicking Start-Programs-Microsoft Office-Excel2007. Then Click
on Office Icon and open another spreadsheet from that instance.
13. Run-time error '-2147024770 (8007007e) Automation error.
The specified module could not be found
This error occurs when some DLLs in windows are unregistered. This is
solved by registering the DLL module in Windows.
%\system32\scrrun.dll and press Enter.




14. I am getting #N/A in RTNOW/RTNest after doing Link to

You did not read System Requirements . Please read it fully and follow in
15. I get error saying limit exceeded in RTNow/RTNest
This will invariably happen if you add scrips during runtime. Whenever you
add scrips, you will have to close all apps and restart. That is a bug with
16. Amibroker hangs while closing/throws exception error
Close Amibroker directly after saving and then close RTNest with/without
saving, this sequence is working well without leaving any instance or process
of Ami.
17. I cannot open any other Excel sheet while RTxxx.xlsm is
running. My charts get messed up.
Always open Excel in a new instance by clicking on StartPrograms
Microsoft Office- Excelxxx. Thereafter you can open your desired worksheet
and work in it.

18. RTNest/RTNow hangs while closing. I have to close it by

Ctrl+Alt+Del and end process. Some times I loose my data in
Always close applications in reverse order of opening. That is Amibroker
RTNow/RTNest/RTOdin/RTTiger Nest/Now/ZT/Odin/TT. Save Amibroker
Database while closing.

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