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ate, QUA Silecrl Regs + Bichage , 1 Vile SE Bidwell MY 1FI0 ~ Sidesestest URANIAN ASTROLOGY rective | Buz Overbeck There 1s a reluctance among many astrologers to investigate methods or systems which, to them, appear illog- ical while at the same time chastis— ing those outside the astrological community for their reluctance to in- vestigate astrology, This is under- standable, There is also a tendency among many astrologers to label a system by its most illogical feature and then dismiss it due to the illog- icality of its label. This is inex- cusable. An example will illustrate this point. In 1973, my friends Iwas asked by one of ‘what I thought of the Ur- anian system of astrology. Now the only thing I knew about the system was that they used planets that had not _been discovered Astronomically, so I replied, - dedicated siderealist that I was, - that I thought the sys- tem absurd’ due to the fact that it was based on non-existent planets. That would have been that, but for an unusual chain of events which led me eventually to an indepth study of the system and the conclusion that I couldn't have been more incorrect Essentially, this study revealed that Uranian Astrology had more in common with Sidereal- Astrology that. -any other system in use. Further, the tools and techniques developed by Witte, the founder, were immediately applicable to siderealists while. many. of his theories were in line with Fagans, This article attempts to show the similarities between the two systems in the hope that those of you who have heretofore dismissed it, might take another look, Various tools and materials will be discussed with an eye to their adoption as labor-saving devises. Additionally, some of the literature on the Uranian system will be reviewed so that those interested in persuing the subject will know where to turn, The origin of the Uranian system begins with Alfred Witte, (1878-1941) and it is hard to believe that one man could develop so many innovations the least of which are the so-called TRANS NEPTUNIAN PLANETS, or TNPs, A discussion of these "planets", their @iscovery and relevance will come later, Witte's real accomplishment was to revive certain techniques, develop others, and mold everything 50 A partial in into a homogeneous system. list of Witte's accomplishments elude: 1, Revival of mid-point: techniques 2. Development of "planetary pic- tures" Creator of the 360°, 90°, & 15° movable discs Revival of Anticia and Solstice Points 5. Use of six house systems 6, Disregard of Sextiles and Trines 7. Emphasis on intrinsic planetary natures Promoter natural 9. Promoter of the " zodiac of tight orbs Abra Rising" 10, Importance of angularity and personal point contact 11, Popularizer of solar arc direc- tions 12, Developer of the "Book of Rules” 13, Use of Cardinal Points in delin- eation 14, Use of midpoints in delineation 15. De-emphasis of sign rulerships 16. Use of TNPs There is more, but this will do for openers. Some of the above may be familiar to you, and they should Much of it was promoted by Fagan who came to his conclusions working on totally different lines. Others might have picked up some of this through COSMOBIOLOGY and this is as good a time as any to mention Ebertin and his group. Reinhold Ebertin was a student of Witte and adopted ‘most of his methods. In other words, Cosmobiolo- gy = Uranian ~ Houses & TNPs. All the dials, the solar arc, the midpoints, etcetera, are Witte's, not Ebertin's! Even Ebertin's classic, Combination of Stellar Influences 18 derived from Witte's Rules’ for Planetary Pictures. Ebertin's contribution, as I see it, Mes in the modernization, or stream- lining,of Witte's essential theories, taking a more "scientific" approach and producing material of extremely high quality, Ebertin has made much of the Uranian's use of the TNPs and has ommitted them from his system. He has also abandoned houses due to the lack of-evidence for their support Still, Cosmobiologists are now exper- imenting with a NP of their own; TRANS PLUTO, and include its position in their-ephemerides while at the same time interest is picking up with houses and the system invented by Dr. Walter Koch, known as the GOH or KOCH system so the differences are narrow= ing. ‘There 1s no intent here to be- little the work of Ebertin or his group as they have accomplished much and contributed greatly to the devel- opment of astrology, The point is that much credit 1s given Ebertin for innovations that are really not his. Those wishing a more complete treat- ment of this subject can find it in the introduction of Ebertin's Combin- ation of Stellar Influences Returning to Witte and his theo- ries, if there is one fundamental un- derlying theme to this system, it is the concept of SYMMETRY. The revival of midpoints and anticions, as well as the concept of planetary pictures are a direct result of the search for a symmetrical model of astrology. His mid-point theory states that, given two planets, A&B, there exists a point, X, where the influences of A & Bmeet, and this point is the arith- metical average of A.&k B. Expressed mathematically, X=(A+B)/2, | Should this point be occupied by a third point, C, then an astrological state~ ment can be made: C=A/B, The notation A/3 48 shorthand for(A+B)/2. C, then, takes on the nature of A & B. In oth- er words, a symmetrical configuration 1s formed, Although this concept is familiar to most of us now, it is worthwhile examining the theory be- hind it as this theory is fundamental to what follows, Consider the following diagram: 52 Diagram I Here planets A & B, This can be thought we have an opposition as an electrical current wired to empty, but live, light socket, which is at the mid-point, A/B, or degrees from A, and 90 degress from B, This point, X, is called the"conjunc- ting" mid-point, There is another point, X',which is also 90 degrees a- way from A & B and this is called the "opposing" mid-point. A line drawn from X to X' 1s. the AXIS OF SYMMETRY between A&B, A planet; natal, tran- siting, progressed or directed, would act as a lightbulb, completing the circuit and lighting up the entire configuration, The important point here is not the opposition between A & B, the mid-point X or X', nor the planet C, It is the XqX' Axis! For Witte went further: Diagram II In Diagram II, have been added. points C,D,C,& F Notice that Points are unoccupied, yet the sym- axis, X-X' still exists! Di- is an-example-of a PLANETARY. PICTURE and shows that even though planets C&D andE& F are not in major aspect to A & B or each other, the following relationship exists: C+D=A+B=E+F, All of this through the symmetrical axis X-X', In fact, all points share a symmetrical relationship with each other, X and xt metrical agram IT According to Witte, an axis of symmetry exists between any two fact~ ors in the chart and comes to lif when filled in (mld-points) or share (planetary pictures) by other bodie or sensitive points, regardless the relationship between the two boc des, For-example, the SUN at 14° Ar des and the MOON at 5° Taurus shar the axis 24.5° Aries-Libra, (14° + 3¢ = 9°, 49/2 = 245° = aries 24.5 Any other two'bodies equidistant t this axis, or on this axis, are syr metrically related to the SUN ar MOON even though there exists no tre ditional aspect between the two lun inaries, This is one of Witte's mos important theories. Another point to note 1s the e> pression of planetary relationshiy through algebraic equations. Thi represents an attempt by Witte to re duce astrology to succinct, short but pertinent statements, logicall based on the intrinsic meanings the planets. ‘This further led to method of synthesizing the meaning of various combinations which Witt called "baby talk" In the Uraniz system, the SUN represents the physi cal body, and in transits and direc tions, the DAY. So transiting Sl with natal Venus means pleasant day in "baby talk", Similarly, the Mer idian represents the "I" and the No¢ represents connections. So the con bination Meridian/Node means "My re lationships", Examples of this abour in both Witte's and Ebertin's wor and the method 1s surprisingly effec tive. Regarding aspects, Witte abar doned trines, sextiles and semi-se> tiles as worthless and concentrate instead on the "elght-fold cross", < conjunctions, semi-squares, square and. sesquiquadrates, (0°, 45°, 90¢ 135°, 180°),using orbs of about 3 de grees for all bodies, Uranians als use the 22.5° aspect and find it vez effective, This, of course, if tt 16th Harmonic ‘and the edight-f cross is the 8th, Examining all ¢ the aspects, mid-point axes, ar planetary pictures would be an ex tremely tedious procedure but for or of Witte’s most useful innovations ‘THE DISC. ‘The search for symme- try led to the development of the 360° dise and later the 90° dial. Most serious astrologers are familiar with the 90° plastic disc, popularized by the Ebertin school, but the 360° dial actually has greater util- ity, The first Witte disc was cut from stiff card- board, about 5 inches in diameter and had a pin hole in the center through which one could put a thumbtack. The face of the dise had markings for each degree of the zodiac, 12 equal divis- ions representing houses and various aspects printed around it, (see 1llustra- tion in next column), When the chart was properly set up, as described below, the resulting measurements were easily accomplished. 1, Find all mid-points and planetary pictures, 2, Find all major and minor aspects. 3. Instantly convert Tropical posi- tions to Sidereal, or vice versa 4, Instantly display three major systems of domification: Morin- us, Meridian, and Equal House, 5. Display other house systems at the turn of a dial; l.e. Solar houses, Draconic houses, ete. 6, Instant solar are directions, converse or direct. 7, Find all anticia or solstice points. 8, Find harmonic arcclengths. These are the usual applications; others are used by different practi- tioners, The chart itself was set up as follows: The dise was placed on a blank piece of paper and a thumbtack pushed through the paper from the back and into the pinhole in the disc. The =e an inns Gisc could then rotate freely aroun the tack. 0° Cancer on the disc wa put at the top of the paper and th planets’ symbols were placed on th paper at the proper degree marking o the disc. If Tropical positions hav been entered, and 0° Aries had bee marked also, the Sidereal placement could be found as’ follows. If th longitude of the SVP was 6° Pisce 42", the disc would be rotated count er clockwise until 6° Pisces 42' © the disc is at 0° Artes on the pape and altplanets wili then be at SRST sidereal positions, Working directl with the ayanamsa, which, for th above SVP, would be =23°18' ,one woul simply rotate the disc by this amoun - again counter clockwise - and th same result is achieved, If one 4 using sidereal positions to begi with, and wishes to see the tropica placements, the procedure is reverse and the dise 1s rotated clockwise un til 0° aries on the disc is at th SVP on the paper. ‘This feature wa singled out as being of particula 4 interest to sidereal astrologers, and 4s particularly useful when working in the sidereal zodiac with someone who knows their tropical positions. (Other applications are covered in the materials listed in the appendix) Another advantage of working with the disc 1s this: Traditionally, all Uranian charts are drawn with 0%can~ cer onthe dise at the top of the paper, This, because Witte, like Fagan, though for different reasons, maintained that the Ist house related to Libra, the 4th to Capricorn, the 7th to Aries and the 10th to Cancer. Witte's reasoning is too involved to go into here but it 1s quite logical and his disc was set up this way. Having Cancer at the top of your chart, rather than the MC, takes a little getting used to but it's worth the trouble for this reason: Say you have 15 charts on earthquakes and you want to look at all of them at once. Without using the disc, you can spread them all out on a table and instantly spot placements common to all charts. Thus a stellium in Leo will always be in the south-east sec- tion of any chart in which it occurs This is especially useful in studying the charts of families. Another is in application the field of Harmonics, Say you are 1 vestigating 9th harmonic relationsh within the chart, The equivalent ar length for the 9th harmonic is 360 = 40°, By setting the pointer, (disc on-each chart factor, (paper) ,it wi be immediately seen whether any oth factor stands 40°, 80°, 120°, or 16 away on either side of the disc. Th is quite a time saver. Both the 360° and 90° dials ar in reality, circular computers ca able of manipulating such equatio as C = A/B A+tB-D=C, or even (A/D (C/D)=(E+FJ=6, One of the more controversi features of Uranian Astrology 1s t use of houses, Through the use the 360° disc, each factor in t chart can become the foundation its own house system! At firs thought this seems absurd, but so thought reveals. that there might more to it than meets the eye, What more,it is here that Witte and Dona Bradley come toa meeting of t' minds, although Bradley apparent was unaware of it, But before di cussing the houses, it is first ne essary to mention the uranian conce; ae In the Uranian system there are six personal points of "personal points" which 1s so 1 portant to what follows. in each chart which all mid-points or pictures must be linked to be valid In order of importance, they are: 1, The MERIDIAN or M which represents 2, The CARDINALS * " 3. The SUN " " 4, The ASCENDANT or A" ® 5. The MOON * * 6, The NODE " " In directions and for timing, the Meridian indicates The Personality, "I", Soul - The Generality, "THEY", Masses - The Body, Male persons - Acquaintances, Others, Environm - The Mind, Female persons - Unions, Connections, Relationsh the moment , Moon indicates the Hour, the Sun indicates the Day, and the Ascendant repr sents the place of the event. These are the points accurately "personal" to the person or event. It pictures must be connected to one o! narrow orb, (not more than 5! of are to be meaningful. Witte worked with quite blasphemous in the post-Alan Le Placing various points on the di rise to the following "house systems" POINT (Disc) on —- Poin 0° Cancer 0° cancer oe 0° Libra 0° Capricorn 0° Cancer 0° Libra These are the basic house system: initially apparent, many are in use b: But Witte reasoned that be built on equally valid again went further and if valid systems could the personal points, systems of a less pe: sonal nature could be built upon the remaining planets. This he accom- plished by placing 0°Capricorn of the dise on the desired planet. But 4t 4s the Meridian system which 1s, by far, the most important and is, in fact, the only one actual- ly calculated. The calculated M hous= es are similar to the Morinus, or dise generated M houses; the differ- ence being equal houses from the mer- idian in right ascension, not longi- tude, and are calculated as follows Once the ST of the chart is found, the llth, 12th, lst, 2nd, and 3rd house yh, 6h, tively. cusps are found by adding 2h, 8h and 10h to the ST respec- One then takes the appropri- ate longitude and sign fromthe MC colum of the Tables of Houses at each of these new STs. is the exactly Thus the 1st House cusp MC given for a sidereal time 6 hours greater than the ST of the chart. This Ist House cusp is not the Ascendant, but is called the Equatorial Ascendant, or EAST POINT. defined by the time of birth and a d-point configurations, or planeta r more of these points by an extreme in directions, or 3° natally), for th 1,5° orbs in the natal chart which w © period of World War I. se on these factors on the paper giv % (paper) = = HOUSES " Meridian Cancer Earth A Ascendant Sun Solar Moon Lunar Node Draconic s of the Uranian system and though n y non-uranian astrologers. The Ascendant is calculated in usual way and placed in the chart its ecliptical position, And here where Don Bradley comes in! t In Perspectives in the Sidere column of American Astrolory(Nov.'7 Bradley, writing as Garth Allen, de eribes * the exeeffence a clarity of the Axial system of hou division propounded by W, Bauce LLo and supported wholeheartedty by you tnuly by dint of overwhelming ev dence in its favor", He goes on give the method by which this syst is calculated and Lo and Behold it the Meridian system! Now Witte d not invent this system; it was act ally proposed by Zariel, the Austra jan.astrologer, What Witte did, w to adapt it to this system and bul the framework of his other syste around it through the use of t disc. Consequently, this has be the principle house system of the U anians since 1915, This system has drawn a lot eriticism due to the fact that it latitude dependent; it treats ever body as having been born on the Equ tor. However, Cyril Fagan, writi in SOLUNARS, (American Astrolory/Ju 56 1959), makes an interesting point. In a nutshell, Fagan points out that, measured against the great distances of space, being born on the equator is synonomous with being born at the center of the Earth; i.e., Geocentri- cally, and as the ephemeris positions of the planets are also Geocentric, this might validate an equatorial as- cendant, for to declare the Topocen- tric coordinates should be taken for man would be to suggest. that plene- tary positions, especially the Moon, be corrected for parallax which, ac- cording to Fagan's experience,is def inately incorrect, In the Uranian system, symmetry is also brought to the houses through the use of "reflective action" based on the axis of each system. Thus in the Meridian houses there exists re- flective action between the Ist and 12th houses, as well as_ the 2nd and llth, 3rd and 4th, etc, It 1s import~ ant to remember ‘that all of these areas are easily investigated through the discs, and follow a logical order within the system, How we come to the major issue. By now it should be apparent that Witte was no crackpot, throwing wild and untested theories about randomly On the contrary, he was a brilliant man who revived effective techniques from the past and innovated tools and methods of great use to the modern astrologer of today. So why the THPs? Here again, symmetry steps in. Witte honed his astrology on the battlefields of World War I by doing daily charts and matching them to the events. To this day, 4t is an axiom of Uranian Astrology that the key to the understanding of how everything fits together lies in the investiga- tion of mundane events, Consequently Witte's astrology was empirical rath- er than theoretical, founded on the reality of day to day events. Through the years, and thousands of charts, Witte noticed that certain configura- tions applying to specific events were ASYMMETRICAL. In other words, A¥B-C = nothing! Further, this "noth= ing" moved along the. E¢liptie at a predictable rate, He subsequent postulated that this "nothing" wa indeed something as yet undiscovered and also seemed to have an intrinsi meaning all of its own, When thi something was inserted into the equa tion, a planetary picture resulte which fully described the set o events he was+ studying. What thi something was, - a sensitive point SGEmee area, black hole or what, = didn't know, What his charts’ tol him was that it behaved like a plane so he chose to treat it as such Witte proposed four such points; nam ing them Cupido, Hades, Zeus an Kronos, and developed @ perpetua ephemeris which has recently been ex amined and found to be completel consistent with Newtonian mechanics Sieggrun, a friend and student o Witte, developed four more bodies us ing similar methods, Sieggrun's bod des also obey the law of Newtonia mechanics and readers interested 1 this point are referred to The Orbit of the Trane Neptuntane, James Weely Journal of Geocosmic Research, Vol. No. 2, Since their introduction 1 1919, these "planets" have been use and tested in thousands of charts an have not been found lacking by thei users. The above does not show tha there are indeed undiscovered plan ets. What it does show, however, i that these bodies are no mere whims but rather the result of empirica and astrological research, and fo this reason, Siderealists should tak note! It behooves us all to remembe that the SVP we all know and love ,an which is fundamental to our syste was refined in much the same way Bradley took Fagan's Vernal Point an rectified it through astrologica techniques and then validated it er pirically. In other words, the SV is the result of empirical and astro logical research, We who live 4 glass houses... No attempt is being made here t prove the existence of the TPs, bu rather to show them as an embelish rather in the there nent of than the the Uranian system foundation, Also, light of current developments is another point of interest, The latest. findings on Pluto show that things aren't always what they appear to be, As Neely pointed out to me, Pluto's mass 48 now estimated to be 1/140,000,000 whereas a mass of 1/360,| 900 was used in the Astronomical Pap- ers XII, This means that its mass is close to 400 times smaller than orig- inally thought, which gives its radi- us as less than 1/7 of its original value. ‘leely speculates that this is not nearly enough to disturb Nep- tune's orbit to the extent that has been observed. This is not to suggest be a historic account trology, nor of Uranian As- a biography of Alfre¢ Witte. ‘Specifically, it was meant tc show how the prejudiced Judgement of a system based on one issue can cause much of value to be missed. It was shown that the TNPs, far from being the foundation of the Uranian systen, tually came later; that they were not discovered psychically, but em- pirically through astrological meth- ods and deserve to be investigatec for that- reason. It is submitted that there 1s much in common between Uranian As- trology and Sidereal Astrology, as well as the thoughts of the founders that unknown bodies exist; only that | of each system, For those interestec the final word has not yet been ut-| in investigating the system further, tered on the known bodies, the following discussion of the avail able literature will be helpful. ‘This article was not intended to ¢ APPENDIX The Language of Uranian Astrology, Roger A. Jacobson, 1975, Uranian Pub, P.O, Box 114 Fransville, Wisconsin 53126 This is perhaps the best single volume "text book" on the subject. The book is extremely readable and well produced, and covers in text and diagrams all the fundamentals of the subject. Mr. Jacobson also addresses certain contemporary techniques such as the Vertex, Mean Node and True Node, relocation charts and the 2nd differencing of the Moon. No stranger to Sidereal Astrology, having written for Spica, Mr. Jacob- son also discusses precession in relation to Transits and the merits of the Sidereal Lunar Return, As representative of the Hamburg School, a splinter group whose methods and approach differ in certain respects from the traditional Uranian method, his book is therefore more repre- sentative of that school, This book is highly recommended and can only be faulted for its lack of indepth coverage of the delineation process, Uranian Astrology Guide Plus Ephemeris, Sylvia Sherman and Jori Frank, 1976, American School of Astrology Inc., West Orange, New Jersey 07052 This is more a handbook than a text, but valuable in as much as it includes an ephemeris of the INPs from 1900-2000 by Neil Michelson. The ephemeris is the actual output from his computer and lists the geocentric longitudes of the TNPs for every 10 days throughout the time span, Although the authors take some liberties in their text which leads one away from the strictly traditional, still this hand- book is almost a requirement for someone coming into the system for the first time, The guide comes in a 9"x7" 3-ring binder which is very handy to work with, Also included are grids, forms and wheels (paper), which makes it possible to get started, With this guide, and Jacobson's book, one will have everything they need to begin working with the Uranian system, Journey into Death, Robert C. Donath, 1978, Geminian Institute, Dayton, Ohio 45459 Sub-titled "The Uranian rectification of the birth time of Bishop James A, Pike", this booklet is much more than that. It is an example of what results when an intelligent astrologer applies his tools to a subject which interests him greatly. Former ROSA member, Donath sets an example for us all in how to use our craft. To my mind, the actual rectification is incidental to the clear, logical and sensitive devel- opment of his theme, This is not so much an example of the Uranian technique of recti- fication; here Uranian methods are integrated into a system that would be of use to any astrologer, In fact, but for the single mention of the TNPs in #2 of his RULES FOR RECTIFICATION, these rules would serve for any system or astrologer which makes use of a 90 degree dial, This is not to criticize; on the contrary, for this reason the book might be the best way for one to become aware of the power of the TNPs with~ out first acquainting themselves with the intricacies of the entire system, The book is beautifully laid out. After a prelude wherein the general tone of Bishop Pike's life is laid out, the technique of rectification is discussed. The method if then demonstrated using 5 events from the life, Each step of the process is clearly shown with tables listing all values and elements. All in all, this is a most impressive demonstration of thoughtfully considered rectification and should interest all astrologers of whatever persuasion, THE WORKS OF HANS NIGGEMAN 1, Rules for Planetary Pictures 2, The Key to Urantan Astrology 3. Principles of Uranian Astrology 4, Uvantan Astrology The works of Hans Neggeman are in a class unto themselves. Hans is the only person living in the States who was a student and friend of Witte, and it is here in his books that one reaches the true essenc of the system, First, the bad news! These books are horribly produce difficult to get and over-priced if you can get them, impossible to cc prehend on the 1st or 2nd reading and full of typographical errors, Nc that that is out of the way, we'll add that they are absolutely essen- tial to anyone seriously interested in the pure system. The lst volum gives the meanings of every possible combination of planets including the TNPs in a format later borrowed by Ebertin for his "Combinations". There is another edition of the rules available elsewhere which falls apart after a little use, Han's edition is 8% x 11 and is well put te gether. This is the one to get. The Key is the same book in reverse, In the Rules, you enter it with the combination and exit with the mean ing. In the Key, you enter with the meaning, or "event" and exit with the combination!’ Say you are studying the chart for an Earthquake and need to know the Uranian planetary picture for it. By turning to Eart quake in the Key, you will find the combinations you're looking for. The Key is therefore a Dictionary, pure and simple. The Principles of Uranian Astrology discusses the setting up of the chart, the meaning of the planets in the houses, lots on delineation and much more, in- cluding the use of mid-points in declination, The 4th book is a col- lection of news letters that were originally sent out to students and cover just about everything that-was missed-in the first three books! The books are all 8: x 11, paperback, and now average around $20 each, (the Key alone is $30!), Some of the books have been re-typed and are ready for off-set printing, which is very good news, But forget the cost and everything else. These books are classics. They are only available from the author, so address your inquiries t! Hans Niggeman, 1097 Walton Ave., #55, Bronx, N.¥, 10452 For those who want the whole system in the form of 30 lessons, then the answer is Richard Svehla's Correspondence Course, These lessons are a gold mine of information and represent also the true Uranian method. Everything is here, from the linear horoscope through delineation to rectification, They come as looseleaf, Zerox copies of good quality. Each lesson is complete unto itself and were written by one of the true pioneers of the system in America. When he passed awa the rights to the course were given to Hans Niggeman and the course is now available from him only. The complete course is available for $100, which is inexpensive considering the content. The course fully explores all of the complexities of the original system and is there- fore recommended to serious students only. Discs and supplies are available from various sources including AFA, Metal 360 and 90 degree discs such as are used in Jacobson's book, are available from the publisher, These come pre-drilled with a% inch hole like Ebertin's plastic disc. Cardboard discs close to Witte's original design are available from Niggeman who also has card- board 90 degree discs with markings for every 15' of arc. A very func tional laminated cardboard disc can he had from ITU FUTURE; a new com- pany run by Wayne Booher and Gary Christen. ‘This company is recommend to those who seek more information of any kind regarding Uranian Astro ogy as both Wayne and Gary are far more knowledgable than I am in this area, They are working on a new 90 degree disc with markings every 7.5 degrees which will free one from calculations altogether. You may write to them at: ITU FUTURE, 8508 Fifth Ave,, North Bergen, N.J. 07047 For those of you with computers, programs are available which will calculate the TNPs (and of course the other planets as well) in Geocentric longitude, Heliocentric longitude, Tropical and Sidereal, If interested, contact Michael Erlewine at - Matrix Software, 1041 North Main St,, Ann Arbor, Mich, 48104 There is certainly other material out on the market concerning this system, What is included here is what is thought to be essen- tial to a thorough understanding of the Uranian system; Donath's book to any astrologer, Jacobson's and Sherman's book to the interested newcomer, and Niggeman's offerings plus Svehla's course to those who find the system to their liking. Hopefully, this discussion has whet your appetite to the extent that you will investigate this unusual, sometimes mysterious, system.

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