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Sabina Smith

Sabina Smith
EDU 220
13 October 2013

PEPSI screening study

Younger school age, also known as late childhood lasts is from 6 to 12 years of age.
During this period child begins to attend school and classes I - III. The first year of primary
school is sometimes regarded as a transitional stage between preschool and school age. Children
joining the school differ sometimes very significantly, the level of child development and their
degree of maturity to study at school are very different for each child and this phenomenon has
been observed worldwide. Child success in school depends on many factors, including school
maturity, but is not limited to it. Child success in school also depends on the forms and methods
of teaching use by teachers. A significant role in development is played by the conditions of life,
education, health and relationship with the teacher and peers. In late childhood school becomes
an environment in which it acquired many new skills. To meet the expectations of the school, the
child must have reached an appropriate level of maturity. School maturity is to achieve mental,
emotional, social, physical, philosophical and intellectual degree which allows him to take part in
school life and mastery of content class I. The term maturity " refers to the level of development
of the child , while the term " school " allows us to understand that we have to do with the level
of development, which would make the child ready to cross the threshold of the school and meet
expectation in school tasks and responsibilities. School maturity is the result of proper
management development in preschool children.
Considering the willingness to learn, we should take into account the development of
cognitive and motor processes that allow the school to master the basic techniques of reading,

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writing and numeracy, social development, emotional and physical as well as resource skills and
knowledge, forming the basis for learning in the classroom. Physical maturity is expressed: good
mobility, health and proper functioning of the nervous system and analyzers, the overall activity
of the student. Mental maturity is expressed in fund of knowledge about the world, the proximal
and distal environment, the life of nature and people skills going into the thought processes of
concrete to the abstract, the capacity for analysis and synthesis of visual-motor, mental alertness
and ability to express themselves, the meaning of the content of concepts, awakened curiosity
and the desire to acquire knowledge about the world.
Emotional and social maturity is expressed in interaction skills with colleagues to learn
and play, in experiencing the joy of the achievements of the group, taking responsibility for
assigned tasks, the display of emotion of gratitude, friendship, kindness, self-control in difficult
situations. From a child's maturity will depend on the quality of the school start , so if start
learning it will be a difficult situation only temporary or whether it will be an event of crisis ,
exerting a profound influence on his development. Child starting school is a big change in his
life. The beginning of school changed his daily life. He moves from the dominant activity in preschool playgroup to school. The systematic acquisition of knowledge becomes the primary form
of its activities. Every day, take permanent duties related to school, and how to comply with
them shall be subject to continuous evaluation. The school becomes the most important thing for
a child, educates and nurtures him, gives him a series of knowledge and skills, practicing his
mental functions and shapes his personality. When to go to school child enters a new stage of
development. Systematic instruction and participation in school life, more vibrant and more
direct contact with the wider environment are strong incentives for development. These
incentives cause rapid transformation in the consciousness and personality of the child in each of

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the spheres: intellectual, social and emotional. In conducting performance characteristics of

children in school age, you need to be aware that a significant impact on the overall development
of the child's school career and has a family environment, educational and pedagogical factors
and peer groups. It should be noted that the engine of change is taking place in the lives of
Younger school age is also a period in which the school is dominated by a variety of
problems. The difficulties stem partly from the shortcomings of intellectual diagnosed in
counseling psychology and pedagogy, abnormal physical development, resulting in impaired
socialization of the child and the emotional immaturity that makes it difficult for children to
adapt to the requirements and burdens of school. Failure for the school creates excessive
emotional tension, often with features of emotional inhibition. However, excessive tension
explodes onset or exacerbation of pathological habits, tics, stuttering, and the occurrence of
hyperactivity. Tensions associated with the school are the basis frequently occurring
phenomenon like a school phobia. It manifests the fear of going to school, from certain classes or
certain teachers. School phobia often accompanied by various somatic symptoms that impede the
fulfillment of compulsory education students . Failure to school also helps to have problems with
socially acceptable behaviors such as, truancy, escape from home or school.
I have done my case study on 6years old girl name Nevah. She comes from complicated
situation home. Her mom got pregnant in high school and in the beginning of her life till about 2
years old Nevah was leaving with booth parents in moms family home where a lot of valence,
screaming and stress had taken place. Nevah was born on time with no complication, when
Nevah was two years old her dad move out and got himself another girlfriend. Nevah was
visiting her dad every other week. She stayed with her mom in a 4 bedroom house where eight

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people lived. I had worked with Nevahs mom so I know her pretty well. I have seen her growing
from baby to girl she is today. This year she just started her first grade of elementary school in
which she has a lot of problems with.
Physical development
Younger school age which is Nevah is characterized by a predominance of internal
sprawl and maturing the body of the magnification in height. The annual increment of growth is
on average should be 1-2inches. The increase in height and body weight at this age is slow and
steady. However, at the beginning of this period, between 6 and 8 year old, phenomenon occurs
early, intermediate growth spurt, also known as school jump. At the beginning of school baby
proportion of body should disappear. Of course, the physical development of the child, the
development of body proportions and an increase in length and weight, is an individual matter
.Nevah is pretty short for her age 38inches and weighs only 30pounds Since the bodily changes
are less visible, and slow growth spurt, children gain control of motor abilities and improve those
among them who could not learn before. As a result, at this time increases the overall
coordination and balance, there is also improving various forms of physical activity. Children 6
years of joining the school moves like an adult. Most of the games movement in late childhood is
associated with the development of physical skills such as walking, jogging, kicks, jumping and
wrestling. Children at this age are very busy. Nevah perfectly fits for that description. She enjoys
swimming and gymnastics. She likes to stay busy doing same acrobatics and play sacker. The
increase in the strength and resilience of the child is related to the development, occurring within
the core systems: digestive, skeletal, respiratory and muscular. . Ossification of the carpal bones
in a child six -year-old is not yet complete, because children at this age cannot even force the
manual operations that require precision. Thus nervous system acquires the character of a

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balance, decreases in relation to the child restlessness and psychomotor coordination increases.
Nevah is very good in caching ball and throwing it she is rely good in getting ball in to the basket
witch seem little better than other kids her age. Over all I think Nevah body is not fully develop
for her age she is little under the norm for physical development. When someone who doesnt
know her sees her first time think she is 4 years old. Proper physical development depends on
many factors. The main ones are: congenital growth opportunities, morphological and functional
status of all organs involved in metabolism, environmental influences, rational nutrition, mental
well-being of the child and health.
Emotional development
Start of school marks a new period in the life of a child emotionally and socially
development. Life is getting richer. Child establishes numerous emotional bonds with their peers
and teacher. Learning in a class room stimulates the emotions associated with cognitive activity ,
and success at school become sources of emotional experience as positive .So at the beginning of
the excitement and conditioned by the actions are not impulsive, are affections, only gradually
under the influence of the social experience of the child , as well as science (rationalization of
emotion ) there are opportunities to experience on processes (inhibition of excessive emotional
reactions ), by analyzing the situation , predicting the degree of risk and success at work. Thus,
the child ascend the thresholds school outweigh the emotions and feelings of control. The child
has a more durable than in the nursery manifestations and forms of emotional reactions, which
are important for meeting the needs and aspirations. Initially, these are merely personal needs
and desires, with the development of social contacts, especially peers, as well as due to the
increase of knowledge about the world and its value system functioning. Average childhood
accompanied by greater emotional maturity. This means that following the transition from

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helplessness to independence and self-sufficiency. Emotional maturity is the acquisition of

emotional flexibility and greater emotional differentiation. Imagination is a source of fear, or joy
are at the basis of our own previously collected by the child are the result of experience and
verbal information that the child receives. Compares different experiences and learns to
recognize their common meaning. The child in the course of the development learns to master
and control their emotional reactions (ego, fear, anger). What matters is increasingly not only
with what you wish to adults but also with the opinion of their peers. The need for recognition to
colleagues , fear of disapproval forcing a child to hide certain feelings and emotions , such as
pain caused by getting a bad grade , the teacher's reprimand , fear of the dangerous situation.
With the development of cognitive child learns independently evaluate the harmfulness of the
futility of certain forms of behavior. If it creates the conditions and properly organizes this
activity, it appears the child's permanent, positive mood in other words, well-being, so that the
behavior of the child is clearly positive and balanced. However, in cases where the environment
is trying by all means stop welling activity baby starts to change in the child's well-being.
Behavior difficult to accept the other, it becomes a cause of dissatisfaction with the child himself,
and is the source of its negative emotional states.
Nevah emotional development is a bit different than the one I just describe. She seems
little behind in it. She shows big bended issues. Wont stay bay herself in the room or leave your
side. She is very afraid of being lost or alone. She is very shy and seems a bit too childish. When
you get to spend more time with her she gets really attach and dont want to leave. She is not
really emotionally unstable she can go from ecstatic euphoria to panic attic in one second. I think
she needs a lot of work on her emotions and issues. I think she is stuck in second stage of
Ericsons stages of development and is learning her autonomy because she is having hard time

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on deciding even what she wants to eat.

Philosophical development
Morality is the conformity with the moral code of a social group. This term comes from
the Latin word mores, which means customs and folk customs. Act in a manner that is moral to
follow the rules of behavior accepted by society. (Hurlock 1961:446) Moral development is the
interiorization of various rules of conduct and their application in relations between human
beings. Referring to the concept of Piaget in this century we can observe two phases of the
development of morality:
1 Phase - I - II grade - dominated by moral heteronomy. It is a compulsory morality, moral
realism. The child considers being fair to all the precepts formulated by adults. Adult authority is
so great that the child recognizes that parents should always prompt and strictly adhered to. A
sign of moral heteronomy is also treating threats and punishment, as the main reason why you
must follow the rules.
2 Phase - in classes III and IV of the child enters a period of moral autonomy. This kind of moral
orders to follow the standards professed by them, regardless of the circumstances (i.e., not
because of coercion, fear of punishment or the expectation of reward), but because the procedure
is considered to be correct. Satisfying the child is acting according to the same standard, so this
is commonly called a moral period of four principles.
Going to a higher level of moral development depends largely on the age of the child and
the educational impact that is subjected to. This process takes place gradually and goes together
with the development of socio- moral feelings. The moral standards of behavior of the child can
take from adults, to understand, and then make its own internal rules, provided that they are felt
to be appropriate. If you become aware of the moral standards of behavior accompanied by

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profound emotional experience, then the child likely to assimilate them and turns to act as a kind
of signpost proceedings.
Nevah is very good in listening to adults; She knows that if does something wrong there
will be consequences. Somme times she seem like she is too afraid to do anything on her own.
She has a concept of good and bad, because she is so afraid of anything whenever she chose to
do anything it a good, polite behavior.
Social development
For social development is understood as a series of changes taking place in the
personality of an individual, resulting in the fact that the body becomes capable of meaningful
participation in the life and activities of society. The child's social development plays a very
important role in the environment. Environment includes all individuals, circles, groups and
other communities with whom the child is in contact and which affect his behavior. The younger
school age for social development is important relations system, atmosphere, attitudes, beliefs
and way of life in the family home, the impact of teachers in the classroom and school, and
interactions with peers. The family is the first environment where a child starts socializing.
Family influences on personality development, shaping the specific needs and attitudes.
Interacting with parents and siblings establish permanent contacts child emotional and behavioral
learning. Family forms in the child a number of social feelings, which are essential in life: a
sense of duty and responsibility, helpfulness, love of family, respect for labor and the
environment. Every child develops in a particular family situation. The interaction of parents to
children and children to parents and siblings influences produce a specific style of behavior and
family atmosphere. Family passes the childs cultural heritage, meets his emotional needs, a
major factor in shaping his attitudes toward school and social life. The impact of education takes

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place in the course of everyday life. The effects of this impact depends largely on:
family structure and the structure of interpersonal relationships;
How to perform the associated roles of all members of the family;
the degree of awareness of parents' educational role of the family for the child .
An important role in socializing child during this period, in addition to the family, a
school and a teacher, average childhood is a period of active development. At that time, the
interaction between the child and the society expands and becomes more complex, which
concerns the conditions prevailing in the peer group, school activities, sports or family. These
social relationships, children learn that in order to address the many needs and demands of
society must adapt their behavior to them. In addition to the teacher, the school and its
surroundings have a significant impact on the education of the child's social philosophy. Crossing
the threshold, it first encounters difficulty of his transition from playgroup activities for school
duty. Children going to the first class still want to have fun, while it involves the process of
learning, are that they have school supplies, the desire to satisfy the needs of the teacher, to
achieve a certain position in the peer group. Upon crossing the threshold of the school the child
becomes a full-fledged member of the team and informed the class. By participating in the
common experiences of the class child has a strong sense of connectedness with his group.
Nevah likes to play games with her friend she encourages collaborative action. She like every
students in the first years of school looking for his company and aim to work together , but do
not yet have a sense of community that is very visible . She doesnt have problems in
establishing contacts with children in school as well as the one that live close to her. I have watch
her sitting together on the bench and have fun together her main form of contact with peers is
fun. Her and her friends imitate the behavior of teachers, and typical of this age play team games

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, both associative (common , no division of labor , the leaders , the children help each other , talk
to but each has its own separate purpose ) and co-operation , which are clearly identified
objectives, principles and the child interacts with others. Most are sports games, board games,
and intellectual computer. I think if it comes to Nevah social development she is right on track
with other children her age.
Intellectual development
Unwrapping mental skills along with experience in school allow cankered new
developments. The main role is played by cognitive processes. Thinking, unlike other cognitive
processes, is the process of cognition intermediate and meets an important role in everyone's life.
Thinking is regarded as the highest form of regulation of relations between the organism and the
environment. In the early school age , mainly due to the new nature of cognitive tasks posed by
the school children and teachers are all transformed cognitive processes , in particular based on
these and closely related thinking. It becomes an independent internal cognitive function and
operates the concepts articulated in words and extending accordance with the principles of logic.
This new form of thinking is called thinking, conceptual, abstract, symbolic or verbal and
logical. The development of children's thinking in this century made gradually, by interiorization
of external actions (based on the perceptions and representations of objects), and the
transformation of the work in the mental operations. A small child reacts to stimuli that act on the
senses. Adult, through processes of thought, can break away from what is perceived at the time
anticipating what is yet to come. It turns out that the higher level of thinking; the more indirect is
our vision. Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget did a lot of experience in the development of
thinking. He showed that the ability to perform reverse in mind, the operation develops
gradually. For children of preschool age thinking is preoperative characteristics. Then, around the


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age of 6-8 years, they begin to develop specific operations, but very closely related to actions on
objects (called manipulation) and the perception. Specific operations are a necessary preparatory
step for abstract reasoning. Operation of thought - by J. Piaget - this is the internal mental
activity that allows combining opposing action together. It should be remembered at the same
time that the internal function as opposed to practical activities outside is done in the mind and
can relate to previous observations (perceptions) and symbols, and the external action is
performed on objects and is directly related to the perception. Reversibility - is a specific feature
of the operation, which interconnects the opposite actions in one mental function (as a whole).
For the development of thinking it is not only a statement of what is given in the observations,
but the anticipation of what is yet to come. This is particularly important with regard to
mathematical thinking. An extremely important issue for the development of thinking is that the
child's actions were done intentionally and directed to a specific purpose. Multiple repeating the
steps leads to automatic execution, which in turn hinders the concept of thought. The earlier a
specified activity is automated, the lower part in it consciousness. Therefore, it is important that
in the initial period of the child's learning situations and create optimal conditions necessary for
the development of thinking, especially mathematical thinking.
The main activities affecting the process of thinking include analysis and synthesis,
abstraction, generalization and systematization finally. In connection with the appropriation of
concepts and reading the contents of the new develop thought processes show up new ways of
reasoning and proof, a new approach to the phenomena, which in turn allows the inclusion
content of the concept in an increasingly complex. In the process of learning under the guidance
of a teacher resource ideas and concepts your child is still growing, and transforms. According to
Piaget, a necessary condition for the development of the concepts is to achieve reversibility of


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thinking. Research has shown that psychological, mental reversibility is achievable only slowly
during the stage of concrete operations.
Nevah intellectual development is little slow she has a hard time with expressing her
thought or telling a short story. Her mathematic skills are not good at all she needs guidance even
in the problem she already learn but she tries.
In my opinion Nevah need her parents and teacher to spend some more time on her
development issues. She is a bit behind on everything besides social development because she
really wants to spend time with others. Nevah has big potential couching up to her peers in every
aspect of her development. She really trays to make people around her happy, and looks for
acceptance for whoever she can get it.


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normal age


PEPSI chart


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Normal age (3-3, 5) is where Nevah should be in her development. Like we can see here she is
little behind in most of it.

To write this paper I had use information learn in EDU 220:
Educational psychology; Robert E. Slavin (2012) chapter 2-3.


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