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Melissa Gresko

Edu 280
Final Project
How do you celebrate the holiday?

Describe the Class

Second grade, class size 19 students


Subject/Skill: Writing and Speaking

The class will need to know there are different cultures other than their own
and that everyone celebrates holidays different from their own. They also need
to know how to write complete sentences and use proper grammar.
Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant,
descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences.
Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short
sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings,
use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure.


Objective(s): After reading to the class Holidays Around the World they
should know how different cultures celebrate Christmas.
After the class shares their holiday traditions they will have an understanding
that everyone has different ways of celebrating the holiday.


Procedures: First read the class Holidays Around the World. After you are
done reading the book pass out a writing paper and share with the class one of
your own holiday traditions to give them an example on what you are wanting
them to write about. Have the students write how they celebrate the holiday.
After they finish have them draw a picture about what they wrote and when
everyone is done they will share their tradition with the class.


Materials: Writing paper, a piece of drawing paper, crayons


Grouping Structures: The students will gather on the rug to hear the story
then they will go back to their desk. This will be done on an individual basis
and each student will share with the class how they celebrate their holiday.


Allow as much time as needed and if there are any special needs or learning
disabilities follow their IEP.


Assessment: If you notice students are not understanding what is being asked
of them give a few examples on how your family celebrates the holiday.

Web Resources (100 Points)

1.) Take an Internet Field Trip to Mexico Grade level 3-5
This lesson will teach students about our southern neighbor Mexico.
Students will learn about Cinco de Mayo, the ancient Mayan pyramids,
Aztecs and the Toltec, Mayan civilizations of ancient Mexico, culture,
art and painting. After the class discusses all they learn the students
will write a paper on what they learned and draw a picture of the
Mexican history.
2.) Konnichiwa: Hello Japan Grade level 1-2 grade
This lesson is designed to introduce students to the ideas of
"similarity" and "difference" in identity and community relationships.
Students will learn about Japan, Japanese customs and traditions, and
Japanese people to understand how Japanese cultures and
communities and U.S. cultures and communities are similar and
different. Students will become aware of the role Japanese culture has
played in their own community/communities (Chin).
3.) What Can We Learn from a Box of Crayons? Grades K-3
You have each student pick one crayon form the teachers box of
crayons and draw a picture just using that one crayon after about five
minutes give the class another piece of paper and have them take out
their crayons and draw another picture using as many crayon colors as
they wish. After they are done ask the class to pick which picture they
would want to hang up in the classroom or at home. All the students
pick the colorful one then read the students the story The Crayon Box

that Talked. They then had a class discussion and the teacher wrote
on the board the answers to the questions she asked. The teacher
ended the class discussion with this quote, We could learn a lot from
crayons. ... (They) all are different colors, but they all exist very nicely
in the same box." A great diversity lesson.
4.) America, a Home for Every Culture Grade 3-4
Through teacher-guided discussion and hands-on activities, students
will explore how various cultures have contributed to making the
United States the unique and diverse country that it is today (Haden).

5.) Calendars and Time Measurement Grades 3-5

This will teach the students the history of time and measurements. It
gives you different calendars from history to review with the students.
Measurements are different in some parts of the world and this lesson
gives the students a good multicultural math lesson.
6.) Celebrate Your Heritage Grade level 3-5
Each student will interview there relatives about their heritage, make a
family tree and map their ancestors migration. Students will learn what
country they originated from, listen to a story of their family history,
map at least two other generations on their family tree, and display all
that they learned.
7.) Be True to Yourself Book Grade level K-3
First you read the class a book The Story of Ferdinand After having a
class discussion on some of his cultural characteristics the students
will make a book about themselves and their cultural

8.) Foods and Languages of the World (Grades 5-6)

The students will learn that there is other countries out there than just
their own. They will learn about 3 different foods from 3 different
countries and be able to sample each of the foods. They will also
learn to count to 10 in 3 different languages and learn 10 words in
those 3 different languages. After this lesson they should be able to
speak 3 words in 3 different languages and count to 3 in these 3
different language and know what food comes from which
9.) Buffalo Hides
Students will learn about the American Indians culture. The Anasazis
inhabited the southwest 2000 years ago. The Anasazi Indians left
Petroglyph drawings on rocks and cliffs. The students will
familiarize themselves with the symbols they used and make their
own petroglyph. The will get brown paper and crumble it up to
make it looked ages and draw the symbols they choose.
10.) Totally Us Grade level 3-5
The class will be split up in groups of four but everyone in that group have to have a
common letter in their names. The group needs to come up with a word using that
common letter that describes everyone in the group. For example if the names are
Graydon, Alexander, Alexis and Becca the common letter is an A so they can use
Alert, active or acrobatic, but it needs to describe everyone in the group. Then the
students need to finish off their name with other words describing themselves. After
they are done the group needs to answer a few questions the teacher gives them and
then will share with the class.

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