Grab A Apuca, A Înhă A, A În Făca Ț Ș

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Grab = a apuca, a nha, a nfca

grasp or seize suddenly and roughly.
"she grabbed him by the shirt collar"
sinonime: seize, grasp, snatch, take hold of, grip, clasp, clutch, take, glom on to
attract the attention of; make an impression on.
"how does that grab you?"
a quick, sudden clutch or attempt to seize.
"he made a grab at the pistol"
sinonime: lunge, snatch

track = a urmri, cale, pist, direcie

follow the course or trail of (someone or something), typically in order to find them or note their location at various
"secondary radars that track the aircraft in flight"
sinonime: follow, trail, trace, pursue, shadow, stalk, keep an eye on, keep in sight, tail
(of wheels) run so that the back ones are exactly in the track of the front ones.
"I've just had my wheels tracked 'cause I thought that was the problem."
(of a tunable circuit or component) vary in frequency in the same way as another circuit or component, so that the
frequency difference between them remains constant.
"The system will contain a more sophisticated heading sensor as well as more advanced tracking and stabilizing
assign (a student) to a course of study according to ability.
"Tracking pupils by skill level as early as age 9 worked."
tow (a boat) along a waterway from the bank.
a rough path or minor road, typically one beaten by use rather than constructed.

However = oricum
used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or seems to contradict something that has been said previously.
"People tend to put on weight in middle age. However, gaining weight is not inevitable"
sinonime: nevertheless, nonetheless, but, still, yet, though, although, even so, for all that, despite that, in spite of
that, anyway, anyhow, be that as it may, all the same, having said that, notwithstanding, still and all
in whatever way; regardless of how.
"however you look at it, you can't criticize that"
sinonime: in whatever way, regardless of how, no matter how
hen = gin
stag = cerb

turmoil = turbulen, dezordine, agitaie

a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty.
"the country was in turmoil"
sinonime: confusion, upheaval, turbulence, tumult, disorder, disturbance, agitation, ferment, unrest, disquiet,
trouble, disruption, chaos, mayhem, uncertainty

precedence = prioritate preceden

the condition of being considered more important than someone or something else; priority in importance, order,
or rank.
"his desire for power soon took precedence over any other consideration"
sinonime: priority, rank, seniority, superiority, primacy, preeminence, eminence

figure out
puzzle out, solve, lick, work, work out

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