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Unit Plan

Course: Ag Tech B
Grade Level: 9
Teacher: Katherine House
Unit Title: Welding
Course Description: In this course, the students will learn about the mechanical aspects of
agriculture including, but not limited to alternate current electricity, direct current electricity,
welding, and machinery. The students will leave with an overall knowledge to help educate
them on careers available so that they can make sound decisions about their career choices.

General Learning

Time Frame

Unit 1. Welding
Learn and apply safety precautions using all equipment, as well as
analyze why they are used.
Comprehend the differences between the types of rods as well as
explaining the meaning of the four numbers used to identify the
Properly display how to lay a bead.
At the completion of the unit plan, the students will be able to
demonstrate knowledge of safety practices and general welding
knowledge on a written test as well as creating a pad of beads with
up to 85% accuracy.
3 Weeks (15 class periods)
Student questioning
Daily evaluations of progress
Safety Tests
End of unit test
End of unit project
Participation- 25%
Daily Evaluations- 25%
End of Unit Test- 25%
Unit Project- 25%

Title of Course: Ag Tech B

Level: 9
Teacher: Katherine House
Unit Title: Welding
Aligned Standards:
Lesson Title: Introduction to Welding
Time Required: 40 minutes (1 class period)

Instructional Performance Objectives

Overall Objective: The student will be able to successfully demonstrate knowledge of electrical
current as well as general knowledge of welding on a test with up to 85% accuracy.
Enabling Objectives:

The student will be able to explain the concept of SMAW welding.

The student will be able to explain how electrical current flows into the welder and how
this causes an arc.
The student will be able to explain the basic safety standards involved with SMAW.

NY Standards:
FFA Activity:
Equipment/Materials/Resources Needed:

Overhead projector
Packet- 1 for each student
Lincoln Welding disc


Teaching Tips/Strategies

Set Induction:

Review: There will be no review as this is the start of the unit.

Overall Objective: See Cover Sheet
Enabling Objectives: See Cover Sheet

1. Pass out packets of definitions to students.

2. Introduce students to welding by showing a video on
youtube made by EdisonTech Center which discusses how
arc welding works.
3. Introduce students to SMAW, Shield Numbers, Flux, and
4. Use Lincoln Welding CD to demonstrate the flow of
electricity and discuss with students.
a. Use Lincoln electric lesson plan to explain the Basic
Concepts of Welding portion.
b. If there is time, also include basic electrical
concepts also provided by Lincoln Electric

**write objectives on board**

Title of Course: Ag Tech B

Level: 9
Teacher: Katherine House
Unit Title: Welding
Aligned Standards:
Lesson Title: Introduction to Welding Safety
Time Required: 1 Class period (40 minutes)

Instructional Performance Objectives

Overall Objective: The students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of safety precautions
on a written and verbal test with up to 100% accuracy.

Enabling Objectives:

The student will be able to demonstrate proper safety attire.

The student will be able to discuss the rod they will be using and how many pounds of
pressure it will hold.

NY Standards:
FFA Activity:
Equipment/Materials/Resources Needed:

Safety Glasses


Set Induction:

Review: Review electrical concepts covered in class.

Overall Objective: See Cover Sheet
Enabling Objectives: See Cover Sheet

1. Discuss a few more definitions such as electrode,

electrode numbers, arc length, and rod angle. Be sure the
students get the definitions as discussed in the previous
period and on the key definition sheet.
2. Have a student model safety gear and dress them up to
demonstrate to students how to properly equip
themselves with the gear.
a. Be sure to include safety glasses, gloves, helmet,
jacket, expected shoes and pants.

Teaching Tips/Strategies

Title of Course: Ag Tech B

Level: 9
Teacher: Katherine House
Unit Title: Welding
Aligned Standards:
Lesson Title: Welding Demonstration
Time Required: 1 Class period (40 minutes)

Instructional Performance Objectives

Overall Objective: The students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of safety precautions
on a written and verbal test with up to 100% accuracy.

Enabling Objectives:

The student will be able to demonstrate proper safety attire.

The students will be able to properly exhibit safety standards

NY Standards:
FFA Activity:
Equipment/Materials/Resources Needed:

Safety Glasses


Set Induction:

Review: Review safety covered in class.

Overall Objective: See Cover Sheet
Enabling Objectives: See Cover Sheet

1. Suit up all students in required safety gear as well as

assign them booths. They will work in those booths with
their chosen partners for the unit.
2. Explain to the students where the welding rods will be
kept as well as the metal they will be using to weld.
3. Demonstrate a few beads to the students exhibiting too
high amperage, too high an arc length as well as suitable
amperage and arc length.

Teaching Tips/Strategies

Title of Course: Ag Tech B

Level: 9
Teacher: Katherine House
Unit Title: Welding
Aligned Standards:
Lesson Title: Welding Practice
Time Required: 6 Class periods

Instructional Performance Objectives

Overall Objective: The students will be able to exhibit welding skills and improvement upon
them on a formative assessment with up to 90% accuracy.

Enabling Objectives:

The student will be able to demonstrate proper safety attire.

The students will be able to properly exhibit safety standards.
The student will be able to strike an arc.
A student will be able to lay a bead using proper arc length and amperage.

NY Standards:
FFA Activity:
Equipment/Materials/Resources Needed:

Safety Glasses


Set Induction:

Review: Review safety covered in class.

Overall Objective: See Cover Sheet
Enabling Objectives: See Cover Sheet

1. Review safety standards and expectations with students

by going over safety test with them.
a. Have students complete safety portion of packet
and review with them.
2. If there is remaining time, have students work with myself
or my cooperating teacher to begin welding and to answer
any questions they may have.
3. Be sure that by the end of the period, the students have
cleaned up their booth and work area and that is it
inspected by myself or my cooperating teacher.
4. As the students progress in their experience with welding,
be sure to place beads for them to compare their progress
with, and show them how you do them.

Teaching Tips/Strategies

Title of Course: Ag Tech B

Level: 9
Teacher: Katherine House
Unit Title: Welding
Aligned Standards:
Lesson Title: Grinder Safety
Time Required: 1 Period

Instructional Performance Objectives

Overall Objective: The students will be able to display proper safety practices involved within
the shop while using the grinder on an oral and written test with u p to 100% accuracy.

Enabling Objectives:

The student will be able to demonstrate proper safety attire.

The students will be able to properly exhibit safety standards.
The student will be able to properly use the grinder as well as understanding
precautions associated with this.
The student will be able to identify parts of a grinder.

NY Standards:
FFA Activity:
Equipment/Materials/Resources Needed:

Safety Glasses
Piece of metal with a bead
Vice grips
Grinder Safety Sheet


Set Induction:

Review: Review concepts discussed within class pertaining to

electrical theory.
Overall Objective: See Cover Sheet
Enabling Objectives: See Cover Sheet

1. Present safety information pertaining to grinder safety

within a packet which will be handed out to the students
that includes a diagram of a grinder as well as a safety
2. Have students go into the shop, bringing their safety
glasses and a writing utensil (while suited up in proper
welding attire).
3. Discuss the parts of the grinder as well as why they are
functioning to help with our protection.
a. While using a formative assessment, question
students individually about the grinder as well as
safety that is associated with it. Once the students
have accurately answered the questions, you may
sign off on their progress.
b. Collect the tests from the students and put them
into a file along with their welding safety sheets.
4. Demonstrate to the students the proper use of a grinder
as well as what is expected of them and how to conduct

Teaching Tips/Strategies

Title of Course: Ag Tech B

Level: 9
Teacher: Katherine House
Unit Title: Welding
Aligned Standards:
Lesson Title: Electrical Theory and Beginning of Project
Time Required: 1 Period

Instructional Performance Objectives

Overall Objective: The students will be able to explain the concept of basic electrical theory and
how it related to welding as well as exhibiting the proper use of a sheer machine on a test with
up to 80% accuracy.

Enabling Objectives:

The students will be able to properly display the safety requirements involved with
using the sheer machine.
The student will be able to properly cut the correct amount of metal for their project.
The student will be able to explain the process of electronic theory.
The student will be able to analyze how electronic theory relates to welding.

NY Standards:
FFA Activity:
Equipment/Materials/Resources Needed:

Safety Glasses


Set Induction:

Review: Review safety covered in class.

Overall Objective: See Cover Sheet
Enabling Objectives: See Cover Sheet

1. Google Miller Electric Basic Electronic Theory and pull up

the website shown. Pull this website up onto the
overhead to assist in explaining these concepts to the
a. This provides the student with a visual that will
assist them in their understanding of the concepts.
2. Introduce students to the sheer machine and explain how
it works. Be sure to identify safety precautions and proper
use of the machine.
a. Have each student use the sheer machine while
being observed to cut the metal for their projects,
which should be 3 X 5.
b. As students cut their piece of metal, they are to go
into the welding booths and work on their project.
3. After the projects are complete, the students can take the
test provided.

Teaching Tips/Strategies

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