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People and Place Exam Revision: Use pgs 41-56 in the book & your classwork to fill in the

gaps. Answer the questions on pgs 57&58.

Location: Rocinha, Rio de Janiero, Brazil. An urban area in an LEDC

What does the case study show? How housing has been improved in an LEDC
How services have been improved in an LEDC
Description of Self Help Schemes:
Description of the Scheme in Rocinha, Rio de Janiero:
Self-help scheme is where groups of people are
All wooden buildings have been changed to brick.
encouraged to build or improve their own homes.
Water pipes have been installed.
Each group does the basic work like digging foundations,
Streets have been paved and lit.
digging ditches for pipes and building the home.
Around 1000 new homes have been built.
The government provides the materials like bricks, tiles
Schools have been set up.
and pipes.
Basic health care has been bought to the area
The money the government saves by getting local people
to provide the labour is used to provide other things the
local residents want like electricity, clean water, schools,
paved roads and community centres.
How the Quality of Housing has been improved:
Walls made of brick, instead of junk.
Roofs made of tiles, instead of junk.
Floors of concrete, instead of mud.
Separate living, sleeping and cooking areas.
Clean water and sewage.
How peoples Quality of Life has been improved:
Better living conditions can use TV and electrical items.
More pride in the area, so more likely to look after it.
More time to work and study as less time is spent fetching
water and cooking.
Less disease due to clean water and sewage.

How the Quality of Services has been improved

Rocinha now has more schools with more teachers.
Rocinha now has basic health services with doctors.
Rocinha now has a community centre with sports.
Rocinha now has electricity, clean water and sewage.
Rocinha now has paved and lit roads.
Rocinha now has a waste collection service.
How peoples Quality of Life has been improved:
People have a better education so are more likely to get a formal,
paid job with their qualifications.
People are healthier so their life expectancy is longer and infant
mortality is lower.
People are wealthier as more firms locate in the area now there are
paved roads, electricity and educated workers.

People and Place Exam Revision: Use pgs 41-56 in the book & your classwork to fill in the gaps. Answer the questions on pgs 57&58.

The land use structure in LEDC cities:

What are the causes of the spontaneous settlement of a favela:

Why do rich people live near the centre and poor people live near The problems does urbanisation causes for LEDC cities like Rio
the edge of LEDC cities:
de Janiero:

Where favelas are located in LEDCs:

How greenbelts stop counterurbanisation

and urban sprawl:

How new towns stop counterurbanisation

and urban sprawl:

How building on brownfield land stops

counterurbanisation and urban sprawl:

People and Place Exam Revision: Use pgs 41-56 in the book & your classwork to fill in the gaps. Answer the questions on pgs 57&58.

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