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Experimental Design Diagrams Name HR

A. How will the rocket's distance change if you change the launch angle ?
B. If the rocket's launch angle is bigger (less than 90º) then the distance will be larger because if the
angle is small it would hit the ground faster and if it is 90º then it would go straight up.
C. Create a data table.
The Distance Depends on The Angle of the Rocket when launched
Angle (º) Distance (meters) Average distance
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
45º 66 72 69º 69º
50º 69ª 63º 60º 64º
55º 69 78º 81º 76º
60º 66º 66º 60º 64º
65º 72 84º 75º 77º

D. Amount of pressure, same amount of water in the rocket both top and bottom, number of fins, cap
on, duct tape
E. launch, 2 liter bottle, 20oz bottle, 3 fins (6x4), water, meter stick, duct tape
F. -get two bottles, one 2 liter, one 20oz bottle

D. Amount of pressure, same amount of water in the rocket both top and bottom, number of fins,
cap on, duct tape
E. launch, 2 liter bottle, 20oz bottle, 3 fins (6x4), water, meter stick, duct tape
F. -get duck tape
-tape the two together with top of bottles on the top and bottom.
-cut out 3 wings (6 by 4 inch.)
-tape on wings
-make sure caps are on the bottles
-fill the top bottle 100ml of water
-fill the bottom bottle 650ml of water
- (look below what the rocket should look like)
-put the bottle on launch item at a 45º angle
-shoot the rocket with the top cap on
-then change the angle to 50º
-shoot the rocket at an angle of 50º
-change the angle to 55º and then launch
-put the rocket back on the launch item at a 60º angle
-one more time but launch it at 65º
-after each launch record how for the rocket went in meters

G. Fill in the data table.

H. Graph your data on Excel. (Use the graphing guidelines.)
I . Write a conclusion.
1. Angle difference- Our data somewhat supported our hypothesis because at the lower launch
angles the rocket stayed on a line and did not go as far. And when we had the rocket set at a
higher launch angle it went farther to an extent, and eventually went strait up and back
down. But our data didn't totally support our hypothesis because of the changing of
weather. One launch we had at 55º the rocket went 81m and that was the farthest it ever
went but the rest of the trials at 55º only went around 60m. In conclusion the weather has a
huge toll on the way our data played out.

2. If we were to do the experiment again I would have done more trials and tried to get more
information on how far the rocket launched at what angles. Also we would like to get the
exact same amount of pressure into the rocket every launch at all the different angles so that
the rocket doesn't fly farther when it shouldn't.

Our Rocket:

launch angle: 45º

-45º -top cap on
- duct tape -3 fins

- right triangle (6 in long x 4 in out)
- 100 ml in top
- 650 ml in bottom


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