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Define Soft Computing

How SC is different from hard/traditional computing
Advantages of SC over hard/traditional computing
Components of SC
Demerits of SC methods

Define Artificial Neural Network

Three characteristics of ANN
Three similarities between ANN and BNN
Three applications of ANN

Types of Architecture of ANN

Draw a 3-2-4-2 feedforward network
Recurrent networks

What is learning/training of an NN
Three types of learning
Difference between supervised and unsupervised learning
Type of learning in perceptron
Type of learning in backpropagation
Type of learning in ART
Difference between binary and bipolar input signals

Define Activation Function

Purpose of its use
Formula for logistic (unipolar) sigmoid function, bipolar sigmoid function and
hyperbolic tangent function
Five types of activation functions
Preferable choice of activation function for perceptron
Preferable choice of activation function for backpropagation
Condition for an activation function to be selected for the BP algorithm

Examples of McCulloch Pitts architecture

Perceptron network architecture
Linear separability of patterns
Examples of linearly separable patterns
Examples of patterns that are not linearly separable
Definition of bias






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Use of bias
Biggest limitation of perceptron
Perceptron learning rule or Perceptron weight adaptation equation
Perceptron training algorithm
Use of perceptron to train AND and OR patterns

Advantage of Backpropagation over Perceptron

Main disadvantage of BP
Generalised delta rule
Examples of activation functions preferred and reason
BP algorithm
BP Learning Rule
Sequential and Batch training of BP
BPTT ( BackPropagation Through Time )
Effect of momentum term on BP

Define Fuzzy Logic linguistic variables

Define Fuzzy Logic fuzzy sets
Examples of Fuzzy Sets
Three differences between crisp and fuzzy sets
Properties of crisp sets
Definition of Fuzzy set
Two representations of fuzzy sets
Membership function
Triangular and Trapezoidal membership functions
Define : empty fuzzy set, fuzzy singleton, universal fuzzy set, equality of two
fuzzy sets, cuts, strong and weak cuts, Support, Core, Height, Normal and
sub-normal fuzzy sets
Differentiate with examples : strong and weak cuts, Normal and sub-normal
fuzzy sets, Support and Core, Centroid and Center of Sums defuzzification
Explain with examples the following fuzzy set operations: Complement, Union,
Intersection, Difference, Disjunctive sum, Product with a crisp number, Product
of two fuzzy sets, Cartesian Product, Exponent, Concentration, Dilation
Basic properties of fuzzy sets
Two properties of crisp sets not satisfied by fuzzy sets
Define with example a fuzzy relation
Explain with examples the following fuzzy set operations:



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