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The growth in civilization is having direct impact on transport sector. Consumption of

fossil fuel i.e diesel and petrol is increasing day by day and it is predicted that by the
year 2020 around 80% of fossil fuel will be consumed. Vehicular pollution which is
approx 70% of total air pollution is a major concern now days, creating various health
hazards. Fresh air is a dream of the citizen of big cities now days. Though there are new
technologies are invented to reduce carbon emission, but it is not fully controlled due to
variation in operational conditions and improper engine maintenance. So there is a need
of development of an alternative fuel which can be used in existing engine with little or
no modification and simultaneously it must take care of harmful effect of exhaust
emission. History shows, Rudolf diesel, the inventor of diesel engine used peanut oil as
fuel in his initial experiment. He believed that the utilization of a biomass fuel was the
real future of his engine. In a 1912 speech, Rudolf Diesel said, "the use of vegetable oils
for engine fuels may seem insignificant today, but such oils may become, in the course of
time, as important as petroleum and the coal-tar products of the present time." Biofuel is
gaining importance day by day not only it is a environment friendly, but also it is having
direct impact on enhancement of engine life due to better lubricating properties. There
are different variety of plants seeds from which we can manufacture biodiesel . These are
Soyabin oil, Peanut oil, Sunflower oil, Corn oil,which are edible in nature and Jatropha
oil, Karanja oil, which are non edible. As in western countries like USA, the corn oil is a
major feed stock for manufacturing of biodiesel, and corn is used as food in different
form, the negative impact of this will be the shortage of food. So the non edible oil like
Jatropha and Karanja are the other options which can be cultivated in barren land. In
India people are encouraged by govt. for cultivation of Jatropha. The method of
manufacturing biodiesel is catalyzed transesterification. From 1050 ltr of raw jatropha oil
we can get 1000 ltr of biodiesel by this process. At present biodiesel may cost more than
standard diesel, but cost will be lowered if massive cultivation of feed stocks and
economic production method will be invented.

The industrialization and growth of civilization is having direct impact on fossil fuel as
the transportation becomes essential part of life. Every year there is addition of a large no
of fleet of transport vehicle of different capacity consuming huge amount of gasoline or
diesel. It is predicted that if the hydrocarbon fuel /oil is consumed at the current rates,
then by 2020, we will be consuming 80% of the entire available resource. The source of
crude petroleum is limited to few countries and huge amount of foreign exchange is being
invested every year. Besides the cost of fuel vehicular pollution is a major concern now a
days, creating different health hazards & global warming. Around 70% of total air
pollution is contributed from transport sector alone. The carbon emissions is expected to
increase in the coming years due to the rapid pace of urbanization, shift from noncommercial to commercial fuels, increased vehicular usage and continued use of older
and more inefficient coal-fired power-plants So there is a need of alternative fuel for
following reasons.
i) Depletion of fossil fuel
ii) Reduce Emission
Biofuels/Biodiesels have been gaining worldwide attraction as an alternative energy
source of transport vehicle because they are environment-friendly and renewable in
nature. Moreover, it operates well in a conventional diesel engine with very few or no
engine modifications and can also be blended with conventional diesel while still
achieving substantial reductions in emissions.

What is Bio Diesel?

Biodiesel is an alternative to petroleum-based diesel fuel made from renewable resources
such as vegetable oils, fats, or algae. It has very similar combustion properties to
petroleum diesel, and can replace it in current uses. However, it is most often used as an
additive to petroleum diesel, improving the otherwise low lubricity of pure ultra low
sulfur petro diesel fuel. It is one of the possible candidates to replace fossil fuels as the

world's primary transportation energy source, because it is a renewable fuel that can
replace petrodiesel in current engines and can be transported and sold using today's
Transesterification of a vegetable oil was conducted as early as 1853, by scientists E.
Duffy and J. Patrick, many years before the first diesel engine became functional. Rudolf
Diesel's prime model, a single 10 ft (3 m) iron cylinder with a flywheel at its base, ran on
its own power for the first time in Augsburg, Germany on August 10, 1893. In
remembrance of this event, August 10 has been declared International Biodiesel Day.
Diesel later demonstrated his engine at the World Fair in Paris, France in 1898. This
engine stood as an example of Diesel's vision because it was powered by peanut oila
biofuel. He believed that the utilization of a biomass fuel was the real future of his
engine. In a 1912 speech, Rudolf Diesel said, "the use of vegetable oils for engine fuels
may seem insignificant today, but such oils may become, in the course of time, as
important as petroleum and the coal-tar products of the present time."
During the 1920s, diesel engine manufacturers altered their engines to utilize the lower
viscosity of the fossil fuel (petrodiesel) rather than vegetable oil, a biomass fuel. The
petroleum industries were able to make inroads in fuel markets because their fuel was
much cheaper to produce than the biomass alternatives. The result was, for many years, a
near elimination of the biomass fuel production infrastructure. Only recently have
environmental impact concerns and a decreasing cost differential made biomass fuels
such as biodiesel a growing alternative.
In the 1990s, France launched the local production of biodiesel fuel (known locally as
diester) obtained by the transesterification of rapeseed oil. It is mixed to the proportion of
5% into regular diesel fuel, and to the proportion of 30% into the diesel fuel used by
some captive fleets (public transportation). Renault, Peugeot and other manufacturers
have certified truck engines for use with up to this partial biodiesel. Experiments with
50% biodiesel are underway.

From 1978 to 1996, the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory experimented with
using algae as a biodiesel source in the "Aquatic Species Program". A recent paper from
Michael Briggs at the UNH Biodiesel Group, offers estimates for the realistic
replacement of all vehicular fuel with biodiesel by utilizing algae that has a greater than
50% natural oil content.

Biodiesel isn't toxic.
Biodiesel is biodegradable.
Biodiesel is safer to handle compared to standard diesel.
Biodiesel can be easily blended with standard diesel, and it can be used in most of
today's vehicles even in form of pure biodiesel B100.
Biodiesel can help cut our reliance on fossil fuels, and improve our energy security
and energy independence.
Biodiesel could be massively produced in many parts of the world, the US alone has
the capacity to produce annually more than 50 million gallons of biodiesel.
Production and use of biodiesel accounts for significantly less emissions compared
to standard diesel, approximately 78% less emissions compared to standard diesel.
Biodiesel has very good lubricating properties, significantly better than standard
diesel which can prolong engine's life.
Biodiesel has shorter ignition delay compared to standard diesel.
Biodiesel has no sulfur content, and so it doesn't contribute to acid rain formation.

Biodiesel is currently mostly produced from corn which could lead to food
shortages and increased food prices. The end result of this could be more hunger in
Biodiesel is 20 times more susceptible to water contamination compared to standard
diesel, and this could lead to corrosion, rotten filters, pitting in the pistons, etc.
Pure biodiesel has significant problems with low temperatures.
Biodiesel is significantly more expensive compared to standard diesel.
Biodiesel has significantly less energy content compared to standard diesel, around
11% less compared to standard petroleum diesel.
Biodiesel can release nitrogen oxide which can lead to the formation of smog.
Biodiesel, despite emitting significantly less harmful carbon emission compared to
standard diesel, still somewhat contributes to global warming and climate change
Comparision with standard diesel
Biodiesel is the type of the diesel fuel that is mostly manufactured from vegetable oils.
Biodiesel is very similar to diesel though there are some differences It can be used in its
pure form or it could be blended with petroleum diesel at any concentration in most
injection pump diesel engines, and though this is its main use it is not the only one as
biodiesel could be also be used for some other purposes (for instance like heating oil).
If we compare biodiesel with standard diesel we can see that biodiesel has significantly
better lubricating properties, which will increase diesel engine's life. Biodiesel also has
higher cetane number which is a measurement of the combustion quality of diesel fuel
during compression ignition. Having higher cetane number means that biodiesel fuel has

shorter ignition delays that provide more time for the fuel combustion process to be
Most diesel engines will have no problem with using biodiesel though some diesel
engines may require few modifications, especially older diesel engines. Most diesel
engines could use pure biodiesel (B100) but in most cases biodiesel is used together with
standard diesel fuel (in most cases this mix consists of 20% of biodiesel and 80% of
standard diesel fuel, known as B20).
Biodiesel produces fewer emissions that standard diesel. It is also very important to
mention here that biodiesel has virtually no sulfur content meaning that it cannot
contribute to formation of acid rain like this can be the case with standard diesel.
Source /feed stock of biodiesel:
We can get biodiesel from follwing vegitable plant.

Jatropha oil


Karanja oil


Soyabin oil


Corn oil


Sunflower oil


Rapeseed oil


Palm oil


Peanut oil


Linseed oil

But in India jatroha based biodiesel are more prominently than any other .
Production process
The processing steps for the most commonly used method viz. base catalyzed
transesterification would be as follows:

Generally following procedure can be followed to produce biodiesel from fresh SVO and
methanol in a base catalyzed environment.
The following resources are required (all quantities are expressed per liter of J OIL:
i) 1liter of J Oil;
ii) 5 grams of lye(caustic soda); NaOH > 95% or KOH > 85%
iii) 220 ml of methanol (> 99%).
1. First dissolve the lye into the methanol. Shake or swirl until all the lye has
2. This may take 10 minutes. It is normal that temperature rises. This mixture is
called sodium methoxide. Now make sure the J Oil is in a vessel large enough (at
least 150% of its volume), preferably with a valve at the bottom, and heat it to
about 60 C, then stop heating. Then add the methoxide mixture and make sure it
is mixed well for at least 10 minutes. Leave the vessel and let the different
constituents separate by sedimentation
3. The glycerin will settle out at the bottom. After 8 to 24 hours the sedimentation is
complete and the glycerine can be drained off.
4. What remains is raw biodiesel. If the reaction went well and the biodiesel is clear,
it may be used straight, although its quality may be inferior because of impurities.
Water washing will remove most of these impurities.
Transesterification, also called alcoholysis, is the displacement of alcohol from an ester
by another alcohol in a process similar to hydrolysis. Methanol is most commonly used
for the purpose since it is the cheapest alcohol available. Ethanol and higher alcohols
such as isopropanol, butanol etc. can also be used for the esterification. Using higher
molecular weight alcohols improves the cold flow properties of biodiesel but reduces the
efficiency of transesterification process. The reaction is as follows:

Methods commonly used for producing biodiesel are batch and continuous processes. In
general, smaller capacity plants and variable feedstock quality warrant use of batch
systems. Continuous systems generally lead the operation on a 24x7 basis, requiring
larger capacities to justify larger staffing needs and also requiring uniform feedstock
The transesterification works well when the input oil is of high quality. However, quite
often low quality oils are used as raw materials for bio-diesel preparation. In cases where
FFA content of the oil is above 1%, difficulties arise due to the formation of soap, which
promotes emulsification during the water washing stage. If the FFA content is above 2%,
the process becomes unworkable.
The factors affecting the transesterification process are
1. Oil temp.
2. Reaction temp.
3. Ratio of alcohol to oil
4. Catalyst type & conc.
5. Intensity of mixing
6. Purity of reactants
The approx. process constituents are listed hereunder:


1050 liters

150 liters

3.8 kg




1000 liters

Transesterification: Industrial Practice - Lurgi Process

Lurgis process of transesterification is used most widely in the world. The process
involves intensive mixing of methanol with the oil in presence of a catalyst and then
separation of lighter methyl ester phase by gravity from the heavier glycerol. The process
flow chart for production of biodiesel is illustrated in Figure below.
Oil, methanol and sodium methylate catalyst are mixed in the reactor and allowed to
separate into two phases. The lighter methyl ester/oil phase is mixed with additional
methanol and catalyst in the reactor (R-II) followed by gravity separation. This second
reactor stage maximizes the biodiesel yield and quality. The lighter phase is washed with
water to remove residual glycerol or methanol dissolved in the ester phase, followed by
vacuum drying to yield biodiesel.
The denser glycerol phase from R-II containing excess methanol and catalyst is recycled
to the front end of R-I. The denser glycerol phase leaving R-I still containing excess
methanol is distilled for its recovery in the Methanol Recovery Column and sent back to
R-I. The wash water from the Water Wash Column is used in the Methanol Recovery
Column. Thus the entire methanol is consumed in the production of methyl ester. The
heavier fraction from the Methanol Recovery Column is processed in the Glycerin Water
Evaporation Column to recover crude glycerin (conc. 80-85%) as a byproduct. This can
be further upgraded to pharmaceutical glycerin by distillation, bleaching, if required, and
vacuum drying.
The key features of Lurgis biodiesel process are:
1. Technology applicable to multiple feedstocks
2. Continuous process at atmospheric pressure and at 60?C
3. Dual Reactor System operating with a patented Glycerin Cross flow
configuration for maximized conversion
4. Recovery & recycling of methanol

5. Closed loop water wash recycle to minimize waste water

6. Phase separation by gravity process (no centrifuges necessary)
Almost all the biodiesel is produced using the base catalyzed transesterification process
as it is the most economical one requiring only low temperatures & pressures with 98%
Physical Characteristics
Specific gravity
Kinematic viscosity@ 40C
Cetane number
Higher heating value (Btu/lb)
Lower heating value (Btu/lb)
Sulphur wt %
Cloud point C
Pour point C
Iodine number

0.87 to 0.89
3.7 to 5.8
46 to 70
16,928 - 17,996
15,700 - 16,735
0.00 - 0.0024
-11 to 16
-15 to 13
60 - 135

Emission characteristic

The ozone (smog) forming potential of biodiesel hydrocarbons is less than

diesel fuel. The ozone forming potential of the speciated hydrocarbon emissions
is 50 percent less than that measured for diesel fuel.

Sulfur emissions are essentially eliminated with pure biodiesel. The exhaust
emissions of sulfur oxides and sulfates (major components of acid rain) from
biodiesel are essentially eliminated compared to diesel.

Criteria pollutants are reduced with biodiesel use. Tests show the use of
biodiesel in diesel engines results in substantial reductions of unburned
hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter. Emissions of nitrogen
oxides stay the same or are slightly increased.

Carbon Monoxide -- The exhaust emissions of carbon monoxide (a poisonous

gas) from biodiesel are on average 48 percent lower than carbon monoxide
emissions from diesel.


Particulate Matter -- Breathing particulate has been shown to be a human health

hazard. The exhaust emissions of particulate matter from biodiesel are about 47
percent lower than overall particulate matter emissions from diesel.

Hydrocarbons -- The exhaust emissions of total hydrocarbons (a contributing

factor in the localized formation of smog and ozone) are on average 67 percent
lower for biodiesel than diesel fuel.

Nitrogen Oxides -- NOx emissions from biodiesel increase or decrease

depending on the engine family and testing procedures. NOx emissions (a
contributing factor in the localized formation of smog and ozone) from pure
(100%) biodiesel increase on average by 10 percent. However, biodiesels lack of
sulfur allows the use of NOx control technologies that cannot be used with
conventional diesel. Additionally, some companies have successfully developed
additives to reduce NOx emissions in biodiesel blends.

As a substitute for fast depleting fossil fuel. Bio diesel had come to stay. In future, it
should also serve to reduce and maintain the price of automobile fuel. The under
exploited and un exploited vegetable oils are good sources of biofuel. Our country is
endowed with many such plants. Research is being carried out now to convert vegetable
oils into biodiesel through biotechnological processes using biodiesel. With a
concentrated and coordinated effort. Wide use of bio diesel in our country is going to be a
reality in the days to come.
A national mission on Bio-Diesel has already been proposed by the committee
comprising six micro missions covering all aspects of plantation, procurement of seed,
extraction of oil, trans-esterification, blending & trade, and research and development.
Diesel forms nearly 40% of the energy consumed in the form of hydrocarbon fuels, and
its demand is estimated at 40 million tons.


Therefore blending becomes the important National Issue which apart from giving the
dividends, it saves the country's exchequer. India has vast stretches of degraded land,
mostly in areas with adverse agro- climatic conditions, where species of Jatropha , Mahua
etc can be grown easily.
Even 30 million hectares planted for bio- diesel can completely replace the current use of
biofuels. The production of Bio fuels will also boost the rural economy which will bring
more enthusiasm in more than one billion lives in the area



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