WSFC Charter

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Charter Washington State Fusion Center

May 2009

Washington State Fusion Center - Charter - May 2009

Washington State Fusion Center Charter


This document sets out the charter for the Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC), describes its mission, organizational principles, authorities, and governance structure.


It is intended that:

Article 1. The WSFC will operate consistent with the overall framework of the Statewide Integrated Intelligence System (5115), which includes the WSFC, the Regional Intelligence Groups, other state, regional and local agencies, and private sector partners. The Washington Association of Sheriff's and Police Chiefs (WASPC) will exercise overall strategic guidance and direction of the SIIS, including setting policy parameters forthe overall system. WASPC does not manage or direct the functions of the WSFC, which shall remain vested in the WSFC Executive Board. The WSFC Executive Board retains the authority to make policy, set strategic priorities and to manage and direct the functions of the WSFC. The WSFC does not manage or direct the functions of the Regional Intelligence Groups, which are managed and governed by their respective regional governance boards.

Article 2. The WSFC shall collaborate with multiple agencies and non-governmental partners in support of a unified capability for pursuit of state, local, tribal and federal public safety and homeland security objectives.

Article 3. Upon formal adoption of this WSFC Charter, the WSFC shall succeed to and henceforth function in the place and stead of the Washington Joint Analytical Center (WAJAC).

Article 4. WSFC governance shall be vested in an Executive Board comprised of agencies and representatives participating in Public Safety and Homeland Security missions.

Washington State Fusion Center - Charter - May 2009


Article 5. The mission of the WSFC is to support the public safety and homeland security missions of federal, state, local, tribal agencies and private sector entities by:

1. Serving as the state's single fusion center.

2. Detecting, deterring and preventing terrorist attacks.

3. Detecting, deterring and preventing significant criminal activity.

4. Performing threat assessment and information management services, including supporting the protection of critical infrastructure and key resources.

5. Providing support to all hazards preparation, planning, response and recovery efforts.

Article 6. Specific objectives and priorities of the WSFC shall be initially set and subsequently refined by the governance structure defined in Section V of this charter.

Article 7. Personnel assigned to the WSFC shall operate in accordance with the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Washington as applicable.


Article 8. The WSFC's multiple agencies and organizational components shall be organized and managed under one unified structure.

Article 9. Agency participation shall be decided by the governance structure defined in Section VI of this charter.

Article 10. The WSFC shall have a· Director appointed by the governance structure defined in Section VI of this charter.

Article 11. The WSFC shall be organized and staffed to effectively and efficiently manage the intake, analysis and dissemination of information and intelligence.

Article 12. The WSFC will operate according to a concept of operations and standard operating procedures approved by the WSFC Executive Board.


Article 13. WSFC Governance shall be vested in an Executive Board with authority to make policy, set strategic priorities and provide overall direction to the WSFC Director and staff.

Washington State Fusion Center- Charter- May 2009


Article 14. The Executive Board shall elect by a majority vote a Chairman from among its membership to serve for a two-year term, WSFC Executive Board's permanent membership shall be comprised of:

1, The Washington State Homeland Security Advisor

2. The Chief of the Washington State Patrol

3. The Chief of the Seattle Police Department

4. The King County Sheriff

5. One at-large Eastern Washington law enforcement representative appointed by WASPC

6. The FBI Special Agent in Charge, Seattle Field Office

7. The President of the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC)

8. The u.S. Attorney (rotating between Eastern and Western Washington Districts bi-annually and beginning with the Western Washington District)

Article 15. WSFC Executive Board membership may be adjusted by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

Article 16. The WSFC Executive Board shall be responsible for authorizing agencies to participate in the WSFC.

Article 17. The WSFC Executive Board shall develop bylaws governing its activities, membership and exercise of authorities.

Article 18. The Washington State Attorney General's Office shall serve as the legal adviser to the WSFC Executive Board.

Article 19. The WSFC Executive Board may form a multi-disciplinary WSFC Advisory Board comprised of public and private partners to provide advice and recommendations concerning WSFC performance and services.


Article 20. Subject to WSFC Executive Board direction in accordance with Article 13, the WSFC Director shall have the authority to direct the day-to-day operations of the WSFC including, but not limited to the following functions:

1. Setting operational and tactical priorities.

2. Directing and approving the development and issuance of reports, products, warnings, alerts and bulletins consistent with the Third Party Rule and other applicable laws and regulations.

3. Allocating and assigning tasks and resources.

4. In strict compliance with policies and standards approved by the WSFC Executive Board, the Director may approve external agency and personnel access to WSFC networks and data sources.

Washington State Fusion Center - Charter - May 2009

5. In accordance with polices and standards approved by the WSFC Executive Board, the Director shall review and selectively approve personnel nominated for assignment to the WSFC.

Article 21. Consistent with applicable interagency agreements and the Third Party Rule, the WSFC is authorized to exchange information and collaborate with all federal, state, local, tribal, and private sector entities unless otherwise restricted by legal authority.

Article 22. The WSFC Director shall report to the WSFC Executive Board for all matters related to the WSFC.


Article 23. An interagency agreement shall govern mutual responsibilities, obligations and conditions of participation between the WSFC and participating agencies and entities. Interagency agreements will be approved by the Executive Board and executed by all appropriate parties.


Article 24. A goal of the WSFC Executive Board will be to ensure the sustainability of the WSFC.


Article 25. Nothing in this Charter is intended to infringe upon established federal or state statutes or regulations. Where the Charter's provisions may pose conflicts, the provisions of established regulations and statutes shall take precedence.

Article 26. This document is not intended, and should not be construed, to create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or otherwise by any third party against the parties, the United States, or the officers, employees, agents, or other associated personnel thereof.


Article 27. This Charter may be amended by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

Washington State Fusion Center - Charter - May 2009

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