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Qualities of a True Leader

When I was asked to write on the topic of "qualities of a true leader", my

initial reaction was that I don't want to write about this mundane and over
talked about concept. Then I stopped myself and questioned as to what is my
take on the subject and do I really know what Allah (s.w.t.) and our beloved
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) have said about leadership?
Having changed my role from a writer to a student of learning helped me set
my mind and I embarked on my journey of understanding what leadership is
all about and what kind of leadership does Allah (swt) expect from His
It was indeed an eye opener to discover that in our beautiful Deen, everyone
is expected to be a leader. Abdullah ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of
Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, Every one of you is a
shepherd and is responsible for his flock. The leader of people is a
guardian and is responsible for his subjects. A man is the guardian
of his family and he is responsible for them. A woman is the
guardian of her husbands home and his children and she is
responsible for them. The servant of a man is a guardian of the
property of his master and he is responsible for it. Surely, every one
of you is a shepherd and responsible for his flock.
Source: Sahih Bukhari 6719, Sahih Muslim 1829
According to the above hadith, each person in his/ her own role and capacity
is a leader. So leadership in Islam is all about taking responsibility and this
characteristic is not dependent on caste, creed, colour, race or wealth or
even gender. Every man and woman is expected to take responsibility of his/
her role and strive to do their best in leading his/ her flock.
The fact that position and wealth are not the criteria for leadership can be
understood from the incidence that is mentioned in the Quran when Bani
Israel asked for a leader after Musa (a.s.) so that they may fight in the way of
Allah. However, when Allah (swt) chose a leader for them they did not accept
him because they thought that he does not have the right credentials like
status and wealth. This is recorded in the Quran in Surah AlBaqarah 2: verse
'And their prophet said to them, "Indeed, Allah has sent to you Saul
(Talut) as a king." They said, "How can he have kingship over us
while we are more worthy of kingship than him and he has not been
given any measure of wealth?" He said, "Indeed, Allah has chosen
him over you and has increased him abundantly in knowledge and
stature. And Allah gives His sovereignty to whom He wills. And Allah
is all-Encompassing [in favor] and Knowing."'
The above verse clearly indicates that instead of wealth and position, Allah
(swt) favours knowledge and physical strength/ fitness when it comes to

choosing a leader. Knowledge helps the leader to assess all situations and
make wise decisions and his physical strength gives him the power to
implement these decisions. The two are essential for each other because
wise decisions without power are just a dream and power without correct
knowledge can be very disruptive.
Interestingly, even the size of the flock that one leads is not a correct
measurement of the strength of the leader. I say this on the basis that Allah
(s.w.t.) repeatedly emphasises in the Quran about following Millat e Ibrahim,
which shows that Allah (s.w.t.) acknowledges Ibrahim (a.s.) as a great leader.
However, Ibrahim (a.s.) did not have many followers in his lifetime but his
faith in Allah (s.w.t.) was so complete and his wisdom had made him
farsighted enough to ask Allah (s.w.t.) for a progeny, a flock, that would be
the flag bearers of tawheed which Allah (s.w.t.) granted him in the form of
prophets in his lineage. Moreover, Ibrahim (a.s.) is accepted and
acknowledged by all followers of divine revelation, whether Jews, Christians
or Muslims.
If we look deeper into the personality of Ibrahim (a.s.) we can identify that he
was a nation in himself. Allah (s.w.t.) has called him Haneef, which is
loosely translated as having an upright character. However, a haneef is much
more than that. Haneef is the one who through personal realization, and an
inner awakening, finds pure tauhid and surrenders completely to the One
and Only God, Allah. A Haneef is totally focused so he does not deviate when
society deviates - he does not follow where society leads - he is not drawn
this way and that by the trends and fashions in thought and religion, nor
does he bend to the inclination of the times in which he lives, but clings to
the truth that he knows with certainty. Hence, being Haneef is an essential
quality of a true leader. In fact, Allah (s.w.t.) commanded our Prophet
Mohammad (peace and blessings be upon him) to be Haneef in Surah Yunus
10: verse 105. Allah (s.w.t.) says: "And Direct your face (O Muhammad)
entirely towards the religion Hanifa, and never be one of
the Mushrikun.
May Allah (s.w.t.) make us all true leaders who take responsibility of fulfilling
their roles in leading their flocks with courage and determination, superior
communication skills, justice and compassion, patience and endurance,
commitment and sacrifice in addition to being Haneef, aameen.

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