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Journal article review introductory template

Note: the questions on this template are very basic and this template is only suitable at the very
beginning of a project. As you progress, you should be asking more complex questions about
what you are reading.
Give the full details of the article: name, year, journal, authors? What journal is this in? Given the journal that it
is in, what is the likely slant of the article? (Tip! You can use the Citation feature from Summon to copy and
paste here).
Blomstrm , M and Kokko, A (1998), Multinational Corporations and Spillovers, Journal of Economic Surveys, Vol 12,
Chan, A. and Fu, J. (2000). Institutions and Investments: Foreign Direct Investment in China during an Era of Reform. The
China Journal, (47), p.95-96
Driffield, N.L and Love, J (2007). Linking motivation and host country economy productivity effects: conceptual and
empirical analysis, Journal of International Business Studies, vol 38 (2) 460-473
Farrell, R. (2008). Japanese investment in the world economy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Greenaway, D and Kneller, R (2007). Firm Heterogeneity, Exporting and Foreign Direct Investment. The Economic
Journal, 117(717), F134-F61
Javorcik, B. (2014). Does FDI Bring Good Jobs to Host Countries?. The World Bank Research Observer, 30(1), 74-94.
Lipsey, R. (2002). Home- and Host-Country Effects of Foreign Direct Investment. Challenges to Globalization Analyzing
the Economics, 333-379
Moosa, I.A (2002), Foreign Direct Investment: Theory, Evidence and Practice. Palgrave MacMillan Ltd, New York.
Moran, T.H (2005), How Does FDI Affect Host Country Development? Using Industry Case Studies to Make Reliable
Generalizations: Institute for International Economics Center for Global Development.
OECD (2008), Do Multinationals Promote Better Pay and Working Conditions?, OECD Employment Outlook, Paris.
Why have you selected this text and what do you want to achieve from reading it?This is a fundamental
question that you ask yourself. What you want to achieve will inform you on how to read the journal
article. Typical information you might want to extract is: theories that I could use in my own study; what
methods are used in this subject area?).
I select these article because they provide a wide view about Foreign Direct Investment ( definition, reason for FDI,
advantages as well as disadvantages of FDI to the host country
What type of literature is the paper?(e.g. theoretical, research (reporting an empirical study), practice, policy?
are there links with other types of literature?). If the paper is empirical (reporting a study), give a very brief
summary of the methods used (e.g. survey, panel data, interviews etc).
Theoretical and research
What theories are the authors using in the paper? Tip! Good dissertations have links to theory.

List any keywords or concepts that help you from this paper.
Economy growth, spillover effect of FDI, technology transfer, productivity, employment rate, environment
pollution, labor skill.

Write a two sentence summary of how useful this paper is in helping your refine your choice of dissertation
These article help me to broaden my knowledge about FDI, I found the way FDI affect the host country and the
benefit as well as drawback from FDI
Do you need to keep or ignore this paper for future reference?
I keep it for future reference if they are essential for my research.

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