Submission Guidelines

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Submission Guidelines


Dissertations should be handed in to Business School Reception

on the date of submission. Work submitted after this date
(electronic or hard copy) will be considered late.
Copies may sent by post but students should ensure that they
arrive by the deadline. Copies sent by post should be addressed
The Business School
BMS0013 Submission
University of Huddersfield


TWO identical hard copies should be submitted. These will not be

returned to the student so it is recommended a third copy is also
produced to be retained by the student for future reference.
Additionally, an electronic copy should be submitted on using the
Turnitin system. You must submit the final copy of your work to this
section. Once you have submitted via this section, you will not be
able to make any further submissions. This is the version of the
work that we will mark and scrutinise. The work should be saved
as one file as a Word File or a PDF. Microsoft Publisher or
Microsoft Works files will not be accepted. They must meet the
exact specifications detailed below. If not, they will be returned for
amendment and counted as late with a maximum mark of 40%
only available.


Copies must be submitted in a single-side typewritten or printed

form on paper of international standard size A4.


The copies of the dissertation must be bound using either tape

or spiral binding. You are not required to have a hard cover.
A clear PVC sheet (acetate) should be used at the front. The back
cover should be black card. If you cannot find a black finish, then
white or neutral is suitable.
Students are advised to check with their proposed Binders prior
to submission to ensure that they meet their deadlines for
submission (normally needed several days prior to the
submission date) and provide the binders with all the
information/material that they require binding the dissertation.

Front cover

The dissertation must be prefaced by:

1. A title page giving the full title and a statement as follows: A

dissertation submitted to the University of Huddersfield for the
degree of MSc/MA* (* as applicable), the year of presentation; the
candidates name and, if appropriate, the name of the candidates
A dissertation which is resubmitted must bear the year of resubmission on the title page and not the year of original
2. A declaration stating:
EITHER that no portion of the work referred to in the dissertation
has been submitted in support of an application for another
degree or qualification of this or any other university or other
institution of learning;
OR: what portion of the referred to in the dissertation has been
submitted in support of an application for another degree or
qualification of this or any institution of learning.

Dissertations must be written in English; quotations, however,

may be given in the language in which they were written.
Dissertations should ALWAYSALWAYSALWAYS be written in
third person and passive voice.


Any abbreviations should be those in normal use. Where

necessary a key to abbreviations should be provided.


The default colours are black and white. Other colours should
only be used where appropriate and where they help the reader
to understand the data better.


Left (binding edge)

Bottom margin
All other margins


1.5 spacing should be used in typescript, except for indented

quotations where single spacing may be used (and the size of the
type font dropped to 11point).


The font should be Times New Roman (12) or Arial (12).


A consistent style of Heading and Sub-headings should be used.

For example:
Second Level Headings
Third Level Headings
Use a double return between paragraphs.
Use a double return before a heading and a single return after.
Use single return before and after a single spaced quotation.
Use a double space between sentences.

40 mm
20 mm
20 mm

Page headers
and footers

These may be used to indicate the page number. It is acceptable

to use a header to indicate a chapter number, but not necessary.
Fancy headers and footers including logos (e.g. a company logo
or university logo) should NOT be used.


Footnotes should be in font size 8.


Bold and 1.5 spacing. Indicated above the Table/Figure/Graph.

For example: Figure 1. Conceptual Model

Bullet points

Bullet points should be used only where they are strictly

necessary and should be a simple circle shape. Fancy bullet
points should be avoided.


All pages of the work, including appendices, references and

bibliography, should be numbered consecutively. The page
number should be at the bottom of the page either centred or


The word length of a dissertation should be no less than 15,000

and no more than 20,000 words excluding bibliography or
reference list, footnotes and appendices. Where appropriate the
inclusion of interview transcripts and/or complex datasets would
be outside of this limit and should be therefore included in the
appendix. A dissertation that only just made 12,000 words is
unlikely to being doing justice to the subject and the author. We
would always suggest at least 15,000 words.

Citations /

All citations should be at the end of the work. No chapter-end

citations should be used.
The APA 6th referencing conventions should be used. A guide for

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