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April 27th, 1865

Little Rock Gazette

Abraham Lincoln Murdered in cold blood!

Little Rock Gazette

April 27th, 1865

The sixteenth president, Abraham Lincoln, is shot on April 14th. Former President
Lincoln dies soon after in the morning of April 15th, 1865. Authorities have since
identified the killer as none other than the stage actor, John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln
was attending a performance at Fords Theatre, in Washington D.C. Booth made
his way to the Presidents box where Lincoln, Lincolns wife, Mary Todd Lincoln,
and few others were sitting watching the play, entirely unaware of what was soon
to come. Booth stood outside of the Presidents sitting place, waiting for a moment
in the show at which many in the audience would laugh so that he could make his
way to the President undetected. Soon after Booth made his move, armed with a .
44 caliber derringer and a knife, Booth shot point blank at the back of Lincolns
head, and slashed at Lincolns guest, Union officer Major Henry Rathbone in the
shoulder with his blade. Then proceeds with leaping off the box and onto the stage
below. Booth had broken his left leg when he made impact with the stage. Before
Booth makes his escape, he shouts a phrase which the audience is unsure of what
he said, Booth either said Sic semper tyrannis which translates to Thus always
to tyrants, the motto of Virginia, or The South is avenged!. Booth then makes
his escape by disappearing through a door at the side of the stage where his horse
was being held for him. Booth made a quick getaway and left Washington in hopes
of no one finding him. Lincoln was immediately treated by doctors in the audience.
After the doctors had done all they could Lincoln was moved across the street to
the house of William Petersen. Lincoln was officially pronounced dead at 7:22AM
on April 15th. Eleven days later, one day ago, Booth was found at a barn near Port
Royale, Virginia where Sergeant Boston Corbett shot Booth, and John bled out
three hours later. On the April 15th, former vice president Andrew Johnson is now
the 17th president of the United States of America.Editorial
By: Danielle
Dani California

General Robert E. Lee Surrenders

The surrender of the confederate general ends the hated Civil War. I hated the civil
war, I had never witnessed or experienced a war first hand before. Once I heard the
war was over I was thrilled, my family was thrilled, everyone I knew was thrilled.
Ive always hated slavery, it was cruel, it was unfair to all of the lives having to
work as slaves. I can only imagine how bad that must have been. Ive always
thought that everyone should be treated equally and only treated based on their
decisions, and if you dont share my thoughts on the matter, imagine that your best
friend had to be a slave, for no reason, you probably wouldnt think that is fair, but

Little Rock Gazette

April 27th, 1865

if thats the case then there should never have been slaves in the first place. They
are people too, and these people that are forced to be slaves. Now imagine all
slaves were that best friend, you would now think that slavery is unfair, because it
is. Whether it is your best friend, or someone you dont even know slavery is
wrong. Being born in Mississippi, no one shared my ideals. Maybe if I were born
in Minnesota, people would have listened, and I could have made a difference, but
with the Generals surrender it doesnt matter. The everlasting battle is over, but I
fear more problems are to come. I think it was the best possible outcome for Lee to
surrender, for everyone. All my life I was told that with a name like Dani
California and with the crazy stuff Ive been speaking (not my words), there
was going to be a day where they were going to mourn me, but I dont think thats
true, many have died to prove ideals similar to mine, and right now, it has paid off
greatly. Without the Generals surrender many more people would have died, I am
truly thankful that those lives will be not be lost because of war, and we, as a
nation can finally stand united.

General of the confederate army, Robert E. Lee surrenders to Union General, Ulysses S. Grant, effectively ending
the American Civil War.

Andrew Johnson New President?

After the death of Lincoln, former vice president Andrew Johnson,
becomes the 17th President of the United States of America. The
inauguration took place on April 15th, 1865, the day of Lincolns death.
Johnson is very disliked by the public, as he is the first president after
Lincolns assassination. It is difficult for Johnson to gain trust and
respect among the people, as reports say that it took many minutes to
wake Johnson the day of the inauguration. When Johnson was finally
awake, accounts read, he had puffy eyes and his hair was caked with
mud from the street, accounts tell that a barber and doctor were brought
in to help clean up the president
before the ceremony at ten-oclock.
Fortunately, the ceremony went
smoothly. This has made the public

Little Rock Gazette

April 27th, 1865

uneasy about the new president, hopefully he will be as good as, or

better than Lincoln.

Little Rock Gazette

April 27th, 1865

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Q: Jay, what do I do when Im
struggling in math?
A: Well, Unknown, you ask me of
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Heres how you do it!
Send a letter to Little Rock Gazette HQ
With your name and question,
Addressed to Jay,
And your question might be chosen!

Little Rock Gazette

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