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Worksheet N 40

Month: November

Name: .......................................................................................

Grade: 5 Bsico.

I.- Compare some things or people in your classroom. Write down your sentences.
Follow the example.
Im older than Julia. Marys taller than me.
My copybook is bigger than Johns copybook.

II.- Write the number next to each picture. Follow the example.
1.- dangerous

5.- noisy

2.- boring

6.- old-fashioned

3.- exciting

4.- modern

7.- quiet

8.- safe

III.- Write sentences using the adjective and the words from the previous exercise..
Follow the example.
1.- It`s a dangerous shark.. 4.- ..
2.- . 5.- ..
3.- . 6.- .. VillaEduca - Crecer. Educar. Innovar English 5 BSICO


IV.- Pair work: Talk about things in your life. Use adjectives from the previous
exercise. Follow the example.
My house is modern, but I like old-fashioned houses.

V.- Pair work. Use the topics given below to make comparisons. Follow the example.
Student A: Snowboarding is a dangerous sport.
Student A: I think skiing is more dangerous than snowboarding.

A sport

a film

a school subject

a place in town

A TV programme

a type of transport

VI.- Look at the advertisement for a competition. Then write your entry for the

Do you want the chance to win 500 dollars for your school?
Enter our competition
Write a short text to compare your life now to your life as it was eight years ago.

... VillaEduca - Crecer. Educar. Innovar English 5 BSICO

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