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I would like to tell you this poor experience that I had with Blue Star Movers and Packers. I had to move my entire household to Jaipur on 29th June. I called
Blue Star Movers and Packers some 10 days before that date for quotation. The company executive came and surveyed the house hold items and quoted
16,200 and got the quotation copy signed from me. He mentioned nothing about insurance. I did not ask anything as well. However I confirmed from him if
that is the total amount that I need to pay, he said yes.
4 days before actual moving date, I called their executive Mandeep and requested for discount and he said that he will finalise it in Rs 15,000. I then
confirmed my order and fixed the date and time for moving. I also asked for him if they offer insurance service, they said yes. However I did not give my
confirmation for that.
They were scheduled to arrive at 12.00 PM noon, but they arrived at 2.00 PM, however I don't have complaints for that. For a 2 BHK household, only 3 men
were sent for packing. Fourth person arrived at the time of loading the truck. As they were only 3 men to do the packing, they took 7 hrs to complete the
packing and were done by 9.00 PM. Then they kept calling the truck driver who became too late and reached at 10.15 PM.
Once the truck was loaded with the packaging in an hour,one of the 3 workers started paperwork and said that I will need to pay for insurance. I said, I did not
give my confirmation for that and I do not want to go for that. He asked me talk to their person Mandeep at their Gurgaon office. I called him and he kept
forcing me for insurance. On my denial, he said that I should mention in their papers that I understand the damage risks during transportation and still do not
want to go for insurance and sign it. I did that. After that, supervisor gave me the bill of Rs 20,500. I was furious at this. I told the supervisor that the total
amount was finalised for Rs 15000.He said that, its clearly mentioned in the quotation that it does not include service tax and some other charges. I said, I
have confirmed the total and final amount from their employee Mandeep 3 times on phone. Neither the person who visited my home for survey mentioned
the total amount nor the office employee. My question is, why can't they write total amount? Is the household supposed to calculate the service tax and
other charges himself. I have asked the total amount 3 times from them. But the final answer from Mandeep on phone was Rs 15,000.
I again called Mandeep and even after several arguments, I had to surrender with final amount as Rs 20,500 as it was 11.15 PM at night now. He insisted that I
need to make the full payment before the truck moves , while the supervisor said that I can pay 80 % amount. So, I paid Rs 16,500
The household items have been moved to Jaipur successfully and the full payment has been made.
I felt cheated. I would not only like to get my Rs 5,500 back but also to get compensation for the mental harassment that done to me at the time of loading
the truck.

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