KRL Questions

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Q1- energy stored in an inductor? (1/2 LI2)

Q2-buccholz relay is used for? large internal faults, overcurrent protection, any of them.....(flux saturation)
Q3- breathing in transformer is used for.......
Q4- wattmeter is used to measure ? active* , reactive, real, total power....
Q5- if shunt resistance is increased in parrallel with galvalnometer, then
current sensitivity decreases, current sensitivity increases, deflection torque increases, resistance increases.....
Q6- jogging is used for......
breaking, motor running and then stopping, loading motor in steps*....
Q7-emf of dc generator is
Eg= 4.44 fN F, Eg=120f/P, Eg= PFNZ/60A*
Q8- in bus var protection, differential bus bar scheme has a series resistance, it is due to
limit voltage that can damage relay,dissipate power across the resistance, for proper functioning of relay, All of them
Q9-for parallel function of 2 transformers, it must have
same polarity*, same capacity, same voltage ratio, same efficiency
Q10-form factor is
rms/avg*, peak/rms, avg/rms........
Q11- output of auto-transformer is
input(1-N2/N1) , output (1-N2/N1), output (1-N1/N2)
Q12- power of 2 phase sine signal is
VIcos F/2, VIcos F, sqrt (2)VIcos F
Q13- speed of induction motor is
Ns, 0.5Ns, sNs, Ns(1-s)*
Q14-megnatic field of straight line conductor is
NI/(2*pi*r) , NI/ l(length), third option i don't know
Q15-if core loss =600W, copper loss =900W, then at which percent load , efficiency will be max
75%, 100%, 50%, 25%
Q16- for microwave frequency, which core of transformer is used
carbon, silicon steel, ferrite, ferromagnetic
Q17-if frequency increases, hysterisis loss will
increase, decrease, unchanged
Q18- ohm's law is not applicable on
high current, low resistance, high power, semi conductors
Q19- at resonance, the angle is
45 degree, 90 degrees, 180 degrees, 0 degree*
Q20- pf of transformer is
always leading, lagging, 0.8, depends on the nature of load*
Q21- pf of synchronous generator is dependent on
load, angular speed, armature loss, core loss
Q22- efficiency of distribution transformer is maximum at
no load, 50% load*, 75% load, full load
Q23- magnetising component of the transformer is
always lagging*, leading, any of these
Q24- total current in unbalanced phase is
algebraic sum of Ia+Ib+Ic, vector sum of Ia+Ib+Ic*, zero.
Q25- capacitor is always designed for
peak voltage*, average voltage, rms voltage
Q26- spark is produced due to
high resistance, high inductance, high power, all
Q27- for 6 pole sync generator, electrical degrees in one revolution is equal to degrees
360,720, 1080, 2160
Q28- max efficiency of syn generator is when which configuration is used
salient poles, non-salient poles, any of these
Q29- if 1000W heater is in series with 60 W lamp, now 100W lamp is connected with heater, what will be the effect
heater output will decrease
heater output will increase
heater output remains constant
Q30-if 220 V dc series motor is given 220 V ac, then what will happen?
motor will burn, it will not start, it will work smoothly, it will function but at low power*
Q31- Ac is preffered over dc due to

easy transformation*, low losses in long transmission lines, high power

Q32- if voltage is doubled in the transmission line, then the conductor material used will be
halved*, one fourth, doubled, four times
Q33- if P=1000W, voltage is 200 V, then resistance will be
20 ohm, 40 ohm, 400 ohm, 4000 ohm
Q34- which will have the least value of resistance
220V1000W , 220V 500W , 115 V 1000W, 115V 500W
Q35- if resistance of tungsten is 10 times the cold resistance; if 200 V is applied and P=1000W then resistance of cold resistance will be
Q36- 3 phase induction motor has f=50Hz, 220V, 200W and s(Slip) = 3%, then rotor frequency will be
1.5 Hz, 2 Hz, 4Hz, 3Hz
Q37-P=200hp,200V,50Hz, 3-phase induction motor, full load current will be
( i don't know the options)
Q38- in 3-phase delta configuration, I=40A, what will be current in Y configuration
40A, 28A, 21A, 55A
Q38- core loss can be taken out by test
short cct test, open cct test, ( 2 other tests i didn't study in engineering)
Q39- if load on the transformer changes, then
core loss is unchanged, copper loss changes, core loss changes
Q40-jogging is used due to
Breaking, step by step motor speeding*, ( 2 other options)

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