Unit Teaching Summary Earth

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Unit Teaching Reflective Summary

Teacher Candidate for Science Endorsement: Chinita Allen

Instructor: Chinita Allen
School: Chalker Elementary Grade: 4
Unit Topic: Ecosystems

How well were the units student performance objectives

attained? Were there opportunities for the students to develop
conceptual understanding through engaging in the learning cycle
Student performance objectives were well attained. Students
were engaged in the 5E learning cycle. They were engaged with
literature, explored with scientific investigations, explained using
claims, evidence and reasoning, evaluated by using multiple
assessments such as oral presentations, website development,
Edmodo collaborative technology and paper/pencil test, and
extended lessons via the use of design and STEM challenges.

How did you use formative assessments to inform instructional

decisions during the unit? I used probes to assess
misconceptions and KWL charts to chart and document
information. Teacher observations and classroom projects with
rubrics were also used to formatively assess students.

Were the lessons/tasks scientifically worthwhile for all students?

Were there students that had difficulty achieving the goals of the
unit? Lessons/tasks were worthwhile to students as we
integrated math and language arts within most lessons.
Students spent time researching and writing summaries to
increase depth of knowledge as well as inquiry investigations.

Was there evidence of a classroom culture that honors inquiry,

wrong answers, personal challenge, collaboration, and
disequilibrium as opportunities for new learning by all students?
Yes, there was evidence of a classroom culture that honors
inquiry, wrong answers, personal challenge, collaboration and
disequilibrium as opportunities for new learning by all students.
Students were ok with not having or obtaining the correct
answer, they challenged each other to provide explanations with
evidence, worked collaboratively in groups, helped each other to

succeed and to establish and exceed expectations. Students

designed rubrics and provided feedback to each other to further
meet expectations.

When you have the opportunity to re-teach this unit, what will
you do differently (strategies, teaching tools, assessments, etc.)
to improve student learning for all students? When I have an
opportunity to teach this unit I would like to engage more
parents and peers in the lesson planning phase. Id like to seek
out more information from experts and create real authentic
problems and challenges that will extend into the future and
impact the greater community.

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