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1 € 270 - 73 a Standard Specification for MORTAR FOR UNIT MASONRY’ ‘This Standard is issued under the fixed designation C 270: the number immediately following the designation indicates the ‘year of original adoption or, inthe case of revision, the year of lust revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval 1. Scope 1.1 This specification covers mortars for use in the construction of unit masonry structures. Five types of mortar are covered in each of two alternative specifications, as follows LLL Property Specifications in which the acceptability of the mortar is based on the properties of the ingredients (materials) and the properties (water retention and compres- sive strength) of samples of the mortar mixed and tested in the laboratory (Sections 3 to 8 U1, and 12). 1.1.2. Proportion Specifications in which the acceptability of the mortar is based on the properties of the ingredients (materials), the Proportions of these ingredients, and the water retention of samples of the mortar mixed and tested in the laboratory (Sections 3, 4 and 9 to 12), 1.2 Unless data are presented to show that the mortar meets the requirements of the property specifications, the proportion speci cations shall govern. Mortar shall be accepted under only one set of specific: 2. Applicable Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: C5 Specification for Quicklime for Struc- tural Purposes? C91 Specification for Masonry Cement? C144 Specification for Aggregate for Ma- sonry Mortar® ¢ C 150 Specification for Portland Cement? € 207 Specification for Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes? C595 Specification for Blended Hydraulic ‘Cements? A tentative rev 243 3. Materials 3.1 Materials used as ingredients in the mortar shall conform to the requirements specified in 3.1.1 to 3.1.6 3.1.1 Cementitious Materials—Cemen- titious materials shall conform to the follow- ing ASTM specifications Portland Cement—Type 1, 1A, I, IIA, III, or IIIA of Specification C 150, Portland Blast-Furnace Slag Ce- ‘ment—Type IS or ISA of Specification C595, Portland-Pozzolan Cement (for use in property specifications only)—Type IP and IPA of Specification C 595 when fly ash is the pozzolanic material. Slag Cement (for Use in Property Specifications Only)—Type S or SA of Speci- fication C 595, Masonry Cement—Specification cor. Quicklime—Specification C 5. Hydrated Lime—Specitication C 207, Type S. Type N lime may be permitted if shown by test or performance record to be not detrimental to the soundness of the mortar. 3.1.2 Ageregates—Specification C 144. 3.1.3 Water—Water shall be clean and free of deleterious amounts of acids, alkalies, or organic materials. 3.1.4 Admixtures or Mortar Colors—Ad- mixtures or mortar colors shall not be added to "This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C-12 on Mortars for Unit Masonry and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C12.03 on Speciica- tions for Morte Current edition approved Feb. 12, 1973. Published March 1973. Originally published as C'270 "SIT. Last previous edition © 270-7 S Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 13. *Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Part 14 ‘Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 16, 2m appears atthe end of this standard. «alb the mortar at the time of mixing unless pro- vided for in the contract specifications, and af- ter the materials are so added, the mortar shall conform to the requirements of the property specifications. 3.1.5 Antifreeze Compounds—No anti- freeze liquid, salts, or other substances shall be used in the mortar to lower the freezing point. Note 1—Calcium chloride, when provided for in the contract specifications, may be used as an ‘accelerator in amounts not exceeding 2 percent by weight of the portland cement content of the mortar. 3.1.6 Storage of Materials—Cementitious materials and aggregates shall be stored in such a manner as to prevent deterioration or intrusion of foreign material 4. Measurement and Mixing 4.1 Measurement of — Materials—The method of measuring materials for the mortar used in construction shall be such that the specfied proportions of the mortar materials can be controlled and accurately maintained Nore 2—The weights per cubic foot of the ma- terials are considered to be as follows: Weight 1b/¢ke/m?) 94,1505) 94 (approx) (1505), Material Portland cement Portland blast-furnace slag cement Masonry cement ‘weight printed on bag Hydrated lime 40,640) Lime putiy* 80 (1280) ‘Send, damp and loose 80 Tb (1280 kg) of dry sand All quicklime should be slaked according to the manu: facturer's directions. All quicklime putty, except pulverized {quicktime putty. should be sieved through 1 No, 20 (880-ym) sieve and allowed to cool until it hus reached 3 temperature ‘of 80 F (26.7 C). Quicklime putty should weigh at least 80 1b/f? (1280 kg/m?). Putty that weighs less than this may be used in the proportion specifications, ifthe required quantity of extra putty is added 10 meet the minimum weight requirement 4.2 Mixing Mortars—All cementitious ma- terials and aggregate shall be mixed for at least 3 min the maximum amount of water to produce a workable consistency in a mechani- cal batch mixer. Nore 3—Hand mixing of the mortar may be permitted on small jobs, with the written approval of the purchaser outlining hand mixing procedure 4.3 Mortars that have stiffened because of evaporation of water from the mortar shall be retempered by adding water as frequently as 244 270 needed to restore the required consistency. Mortars shall be used and placed in final position within 21 h after mixing. PROPERTY SPECIFICATIONS 5. Mortar 5.1 Mortar conforming to the property specifications shall consist of a mixture of cementitious material and aggregate conform- ing to the requirements of Section 3, the measurement and mixing requirements of Sec- tion 4, and, in addition, the requirements in Sections 6 to 8, 11 and 12. 5.2 No change in the proportions estab- lished for mortar accepted under the property specifications shall be made nor shall materials, with different physical characteristics be uti- lized in mortar used in the work unless compli- ance with the requirements of the property spécifications is reestablished. 6. Aggregate Ratio 6.1 The damp, loose volume of aggregate in the mortar shall be not less than two and one fourth times nor more than three and one half. times the total separate volumes of cementi- tious materials used. 7, Water Retention 7.1 Mortar of the materials and proportions to be used in the construction, mixed to an initial flow of 100 10 115, shall have a flow afier suction of not less than 75 percent 8. Compressive Strength 8.1 The average compressive strength of three 2-in. (50.8-mm) cubes of laboratory prepared mortar shall be not tess than the strength given in Table | for the mortar type specified. Mortar mixed to a flow suitable for use in laying masonry units shall not be required to meet the strength given in Table | for the mortar specified PROPORTION SPECIFICATIONS. 9. Mortar 9.1 Mortar conforming to the proportion specifications shall consist of a mixture of cementitious materials and aggregate con- forming to the requirements of Section 3, the Aah measurement and mixing requirements of Sec- tion 4, and in addition the requirements of Sections 10 to 12. The mortar shall be propor- tioned within the limits given in Table 2 for each mortar type specified 10. Water Retention 10.1 Mortar of the materials and propor- tions used in the construction, mixed to an initial flow of 100 to 115 percent, shall have a flow after suction of not less than 70 percent. TEST METHODS AND COSTS OF TESTS 11. Test Methods IL. Water Retention—Determine water retention in accordance with the requirements of the latest revision of Specification C91, except as noted in Sections 7 and 10. 11.2 Compressive Strength Test—Deter- mine compressive strength in accordance with the latest Specification C91, with the follow- ing exceptions: 11.2.1 The mortar shall be of the materials and proportions intended for use in the con- struction, mixed to a flow of 100 to 115. TABLE 1 ¢ 270 11.2.2 Keep mortar cubes for compressive strength tests of mortars of Types N and O in the molds on plane plates in a damp closet, maintained at a relative humidity of 90 percent or more, for from 48 to 52h in such a manner that the upper surfaces shall be exposed to the moist air, Remove them from the molds and place in a damp closet until tested. Keep the cubes for compressive strength tests of Type K mortar in the laboratory air at a temperature of 70 & SF (21.1 + 2.8C) for the entire curing period. 12. Costs of Tests 12.1 Unless otherwise specified in the pur- chase order, the costs of tests shall be borne as follows 12.1.1 If the results of the tests show that the mortar does not conform to the require- ments of this specification, the costs shall be borne by the seller. 12.1.2 If the results of the tests show that the mortar does conform to the requirements of this specification, the costs shall be borne by the purchaser. Compressive Strength of Cubes For Mortar Types Sl Mortar Type* ‘Average Comprenine Strength at 28 Days sl (MPa) rozeg 2500(17.2) 1800(12.4) 750(5.2) 350(2.4) 15(0.5) a *Moctar type designation: former type designations in Is A-1, A-2, B,C, and Dare the elfect prior to 1954, 245 4glb 270 TABLE 2 Mortar Proportions By Volume eae oleree Parts by Portand Cement Parts by Volume of Mortar Typet Cement elumest —ygrated Lime or Azeregate, Measured ina Damp, orPortuna Masonry ime Putts 7 Blast Furmace Slog Cement, M 1 1 not ess than 2nd ot more than 1 i times the sum ofthe voles of thecements and lie ved s M ' 1 over to N i 1 over to 0 i : cover 11410 2! K 1 aver tod © Mortar type designations A-1, A-2, B,C. and D are th EDITOR The following tentative revision of this standard has ‘ticisms of which due cognizance will be taken before riticsms should be addressed to the Society, 1916 Race St. APPI XI. SELECTION X11 The performance of masonry is influenced y various mortar properties such as workability, ‘ater retentivity, bond strength, durability, extensi- ty, and compressive strength, Since these prop- rties vary with mortar type, itis highly important hat the mortar type selected for a particular ap- lication is the one that best meets the end-use 1 former type designations in effect prior to 1954 AL NOTE been accepted by the Society for the purpose of eliciting the revision is approved for incorporation in the standard. Philadelphia, Pe. 19103. ENDIX OF MORTAR TYPE requirements. Table X is a general guide for the selection of mortar type for various masonry wall construction. Selection of mortar type should also be based on the type of masonry units to be used as well as the applicable building code and engineering practice standard requirements such as allowable design stresses, and lateral support. 246 ‘ih c270 ‘Table X1_ Guide forthe Selection of Masonry Mortars? Location Building Mortar Type Segment Recommended Alternative Exterior, above grade load-bearing wall N SorM ‘non-load bearing wall o NorS parapet wall N s Exterior, at or below grade foundation wall, retaining wall, ‘manholes sewers, pavements, s MorNe walks. and patios Interior load-bearing wall N SomM ‘on-bearing partitions 3 Korn jem’ table does not provide for many specialized mortar uses. such as chimney, rcinforoed masonry, and aad resistant mortars a © mortar is recommended for use where the masonry is unlikely to be Irozen when saturated or unlikely to be subjected to high winds or other significant lateral loads. Type N or $ mortar should be used in other eases cpiiasonry exposed 0 weather in a nominally horizontally surface is extremely vulnerable to weathering. Mortar for such masonry should be selected with due caution, Tentative resision accepted June 27,1975, The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted irggumection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users ofthis standard are expressly advised that derernincnae of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights 8 emirely thelr om Fespenebie 247

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