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Theres a great movie playing at the

Scene 1
In the cafe, Nstor, Eduardo, Iris, and Christian make plans for the
Nstor: Do you guys want to go out this weekend? Theres a great
movie playing at the Cinepolis.
Christian: A rock concert sounds better to me.
Eduardo: Id love to see a play.
Iris: How about an opera?
Nstor: OK, Theres a rock concert Saturday night at 8:00 P.M. Zo
is playing.
Christian: Zo. I love them! Sounds good.
Eduardo: Not my style.
Iris: I dont like rock.
Nstor: OK. Theres a play tonight at midnight at the Juarez Avenue
Theater. Its called Conversations with Food.
Eduardo: Sounds great!
Iris: At midnight? Thats way past my bedtime.
Christian: No, thanks.
Nstor: OK. Carmen is playing at the City Opera. 8:00 P.M.
Iris: Great! How much are the tickets? Youre kidding!
Christian: Whoa!
Eduardo: No way.
Nstor: Great! Its a movie then! Stars Wars is playing at the
Cinepolis at 7:00 P.M.
Waitress (Dalila): Stars Wars Oh, dont go to that. Its just awful.
Nstor: OK. How about Intensa- mente Its playing at the Cinemax,
also at 7:00 P.M.
Waitress: Its terrible.
Nstor: Avengers?
Waitress: Please.
Nstor: Jurassic World?
Waitress: No.
Nstor: Fast & furious 7?
Waitress: I think there are no more tickets.

Nstor: So whats a good movie to see?

Waitress: Theres a French film playing at the Cinepolis at 8:00 P.M.
Nstor: Im not a French film fan.
Waitress: Its a film about an opera singer
Iris: Perfect!
Waitress: And a rock star...
Christian: Great!
Waitress: Who meet at a play.
Eduardo: Wonderful! Thank you.
Nstor: Yeah. Thanks a lot.
Waitress: Youre very welcome.
Eduardo: Itll be fun, Iris.

Scene 2
A tourist enters the cafe and asks Christian for directions.
Nstor: But Im not a French film fan.
Tourist (Jorge): Excuse me. Im looking for the Cinepolis.
Christian: The Cinepolis. Lets see. Thats on the corner of
Independencia Street and Tinico Street. Or is it Garcia Vigil? No,
I think its on Murgua between Juarez Avenue. OK. So. Go
around the corner. Walk three blocks, no, five blocks to Heroico
Colegio Militar Street. Turn left. Sorry. Right. Go another two
blocks. No. Yes. Two blocks. To Nios Heroes Avenue. Go straight
two more blocks. The cinema is on your right. No. Sorry. Your
Iris: Christian.
Christian: What? (Iris whispers in Christians ear.)
Youre looking for the Cinepolis.
Tourist: Yes.
Christian: Go across the street.
Tourist: And?
Christian: Its across the street.
Tourist: Thank you.
Nstor: And youre a tour guide?

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