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Final review for poli sci

Allow citizens to remove democratically elected person from office before their term expires:
The major central agencies in the Canadian government: Prime ministers office, (small things
like the PMs office)
In December of 2008 Harper, commits the governer general to prorogue to parliament nobody
can do anything
The factors that contribute to the influence of an interest group (3-5 of them)
What says the _____________ Government that is chosen form the legislation that requires the
support of the legislator to government
__________ strategies are by definition strategies in which interest groups appeal to the public
for support to put pressure on the government (know both strategies)
The Member of Parliament responsible for ruling on procedure in the House of Commons is
called the speaker
In a minority government the ability of the executive to control the House of Commons will be
limited and the negation with others is necessary
The members of parliamentary executive in the consecutive in a parliamentary what are you
in relation to parliament? Members of parliament
A party which elected members with a majority member in a government (most of the seats)
what kind of a government do you have? Majority
Framing in the news media refers to the process of selecting and highlighting some facets and
events or issues and making a connection in those events or issues, creating a solution, issue etc.
Be able to define globalization, federalism, international realism
Civil disobedience strategy chosen form Gandhi in India form the 1920-1940s to get out of
Political opportunity structures are the openings that political institutions protest offer to or
withhold from movement and if theyre not available typically one gos outside the political
process and becomes a protest
Historically, most people have been ruled by what kind of government? (early romans had this
type of government) Monarchies
The charter allows courts to strike down that legislation that violates the charter
What est. the fundamental rules and principle of the form of government? Constitution
A ____ _____ is one of which two or more jointly form a government sharing a cabinet position?
Collation government

Political (P)______ refers to a system in which there are centers of power that are independent of
government (can be business, media, interest groups, civil society, unions)
The incremental model of the policy process involves making minor changes to existing
India economic miracle has been resp. for Indias growth: services

What school of international relations would believe in these did catch but answer is realist
What is a turbot? Type of white fish
The turbot war occurred in the pacific ocean of Vancouver island between
The grand banks
Who developed the idea that government could smooth out the ups and downs of the free market
John Maynard Keynes
In selecting members of cabinet a Canadian PM is likely to be most sensitive to what basis of
rep.? Religion, gender, geography, culture
Geography each province should have at least one cabin
Common law is by definition a system of laws that is a) focused on private matters b) codified in
a unified law c) based on court judgment d) used in many jurisdictions
Based on case law looks at previous court agreements first precedent
Which of the following is the core element of the Canadian constitution? a) Constitution act b)
meech lake accord c) clarity act d) act of union
The tendency of news and public affairs programming to treat news as infotainment is the result
of what? a) News management from the government b) state ownership of media c) government
regulation of media d) urge to attract large audiences for profit
Public interest groups use two types of strategies need to know the type of each strategy
examples of each
Need to know what the Canadian Court Challenges was set to do
Important of holding government accountability is a) transparency (be able to see what they are
doing to hold them to account) b) nepotism c) corruption d) participation
What did the French revolution challenge? a) Privileges of the autocracy b) dictatorship of the
proletariat c) divine right of the pope to rule d) divine right of kings to rule

Need to know the difference between public interest groups and self interest groups and what
each is primarily concerned with
The free rider program occurs when individuals a) ride public transit without paying fair b) enjoy
the benefits of group w/o contribute c) belong to groups they dont believe in
The term lobbying a politician came from old practice of a) utilization the airways for public info
campaign c) approaching MPs in the British House of Commons d) imposing questions in
question periods
Practice of grabbing someone in the lobby in house of commons of west minister
The CBC was est. as:
According to the text what is one of the chief causes that contributed to the recession in 2007 and
2009 a) the inability of congress to reduce regulation b) lack of spending and too much bell
tightening c) government over spending in debt d) lobbying by American finical institutions
If a news organization chose the types of stories that they are going to broadcast a) violence b)
facts c) news worthy d) entertaining
American survey conducted 2010 found that what % of 18-29 reported that the internet was their
main source of news? 10% 30% 40%
March of 2012 of Quebec universities students took to the streets to protest what? Tuition
Need to know why people chose political protest appose to working inside the system
The FLQ incident and flight 182 are examples of terrorism occurring where? Canada
The term democracy comes from the ancient Greek words that can translate as: Rule by the
What Greek philosopher viewed democracy as evolving the mass of people of the rich - the poor
people talking about the rich peoples stuff: Plato
Need to know the principle that law applied to all
What gives the people an opportunity to vote on a separate opportunity? I.E. Quebec
Traits for totalarism system
What province threaten to use the notwithstanding cause for the same sex marriage
Which province subjected to the constitution act of 1982
Who appoints judges in the supreme court of Canada?
Define classical federalism
Equalization payments preformed in Canada
Who controls municipalities in Canada what level of government controls?

Who appoints Canadas governor general?

Bill Clinton was thought to be appeached by the American congress? Why did they appeach
him? What did he do?
Keynes and balanced budget and what American Economist said there should be a balanced
Need to know what State-Centered theory is
In Ontario safe drinking water became really important why? What happened?
Geopolitics what is the third world referred to?
Basic understanding of ways of calculating how a country is doing GDP etc what they stand
for and what they mean
Asian model of development consisted of
Trying to decide if a country has a liberal democracy need to know characteristics of a liberal
What country is the best example of a theocratic government at present?
Define constitutional government
Need to know what of the following right is not in the charter: aboriginal, language, equality,
Which countries are confederation and what is one central government w/o provinces?
Central government gives a little power to regions what is that called?
Why a country might adopt a federal system of government primary advantage of federal
opposed to unitary
What is a-symmetrical federalism?
Benefits of unitary system
U.S.A Obama is head of state and government Canada one is head of state and one of head of
government name of head of government (PM) and head of state
If the legislation wants to bring down something in Canada what is the procedure
Roosevelt was 4 terms it is now restricted how may terms in U.S?
The fact that power is separated in executive and legislation branches dont agree what is that
problem called? Because nothing gets done. Gridlock
Need to know what monetarism is and to what extent it was described in the video
The government stimulated the economy in Canada what did the US do?

The Meyers company sued the Canadian government under NAFSA what did they sue for?
We hope for a country goes from poor to rich, sometimes it does not reverse development
need an example from text that show reverse
When countries provide to an aide to a poorer conditions they provide conditions what country
does not do that?
Need to know definition of failed state

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