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2011 ltfrb rules

Procedure Before the Board En Banc

Rule on Failure to Appear (Rule 10, Section 5)
If the Applicant fails to appear on the scheduled hearing without justifiable cause,
the application shall be dismissed for lack of interest. However, if it is physically
impossible for him to appear, he may send an authorized representative to appear
on his behalf (as referred to in Section 6, Rule 8).
If the oppositor fails to appear on the scheduled hearing without justifiable cause,
the opposition shall be dismissed for lack of interest. However, if it is physically
impossible for him to appear, he may send an authorized representative to appear
on his behalf (as referred to in Section 6, Rule 8)
Rule 11, Section 7
Failure to Appear
If the complainant fails to appear on the scheduled hearing without justifiable
cause, the complaint shall be dismissed for lack of interest. However, if it is
physically impossible for the complainant to appear, he may send an authorized
representative to appear on his behalf (as referred to in Section 6 Rule 8)
If the respondent or authorized representative files an Answer but fails to appear on
the scheduled hearing, the hearing of the complaint shall proceed as scheduled.
Rules of Practice and Procedure Before the LTFRB of the DOTC
Rule 19 Applicability of the Rules of Court
Sec. 1 Rules of Court. The provisions of the Rules of Court applicable to
proceedings before the Regional Trial Court, which are not inconcsistent with these
Rules, shall apply in an analogous and suppletory character whenever practicable
and convenient.
Rule 18 (Pre trial) Sec. 5 Effect of Failure to Appear the failure of the plaintiff to
appear when so required pursuant to the next preceding section shall be cause for
dismissal of the action. The dismissal shall be with prejudice, unless otherwise
ordered by the court. A similar failure on the part of the defendant shall be cause to
allow the plaintiff to present his evidence ex parte and the court to render judgment
on the basis thereof.

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