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SECTIONS (3.1 3.3):


Extrema on an Interval

Extrema: The (absolute) minimum or (absolute) maximum of a function.

Absolute Minimum: Lowest point on an interval. Also called the min.

Relative Minimum: Minimum on an open interval.

Relative Maximum: Maximum on a closed interval.

Absolute Maximum: Highest point on an interval. Also called the max.

Extreme Value Theorem

If f is continuous on a closed interval [ , ], then f will always have a max or min on [ , ].

This is not necessarily true the other way around.

Definition of a Critical Number

Let f be defined at c. c is a critical number if one of the following is true.


( )=0

( ) is undefined

A functions min or max will ALWAYS occur at a critical number.

However, critical numbers are NOT always a min or max.

Rolles Theorem

f is continuous on the closed interval [a, b]

f(a) = f(b)

f is differentiable on the open interval (a, b)


There exists at least one c on (a, b) such that f(c) = 0.

Mean Value Theorem


f is continuous on the closed interval [a, b]

f is differentiable on the open interval (a, b)


There exists at least one c on (a, b) such that

( )=

( )

( )

In other words, the derivative at c equals the slope of the

line passing through a and b.
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Increasing and Decreasing Functions


be a function that is continuous on [ , ] and differentiable on ( , ).

( ) is positive,

is any number on ( , ).

is increasing on [ , ].

( ) is negative,



A function is strictly monotonic if it is either increasing or decreasing on the entire interval.

This test helps you find all relative extrema of a function.

If f is differentiable on I, except possibly at c, then f(c) can be classified as follows.

is decreasing on [ , ].

( ) = 0,

is constant on [ , ].

The First Derivative Test

Let c be a critical number of a function f that is continuous on an open interval I containing c.




( ) changes from positive negative,

( ) is a relative maximum of f.

( ) changes from negative positive,

( ) is a relative minimum of f.

( ) does not change,

( ) is neither.

Sketching the Graph of a Derivative

When given a function and asked to sketch its derivative, consider the following,
1) Where is the function decreasing?

Here, the derivative is negative.

2) Where is the function increasing?

Here, the derivative is positive.

3) Where does the function have a relative min or max?

Here the derivative equals zero.

4) If the function is a polynomial, what is its degree?

The derivative is one degree less.

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SECTIONS (3.4 3.6):


Definition of Concavity

Let f be differentiable on an open interval I.

The graph of
the interval.

is concave upward on I if

is increasing on

The graph of is concave downward on I if

on the interval.

is decreasing

Inflection Points: Points at which the concavity of a graph changes.

, ( ) is an inflection point of f if either

( ) = 0.

( ) does not exist at

= .

Concavity Test

Let f be a function whose second derivative exists on an open interval I.


Find the second derivative of f. Find the critical values of the second derivative. Set up a number line
using these values. Your intervals I range from each critical value.


is positive on I,

the graph of f is concave up on I.

is negative on I,

the graph of f is concave down on I.

The Second Derivative Test

The Second Derivative Test tests for extrema.

Find the first derivative of f. Find the critical numbers.

Let f be a function such that

containing c.

( ) = 0 and the second derivative of f exists on an open interval

Find the second derivative of f. Plug each critical number (c) into the second derivative.



( ) is negative,

there is a relative maximum at (c, f(c)).

( ) is positive,

there is a relative minimum at (c, f(c)).

( ) = 0,

the Second Derivative Test Fails.

You must use the First Derivative Test to see if there is an extrema at ( c, f(c)).
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Horizontal Asymptotes

The line

is a horizontal asymptote of the graph of a function f if one or both of the following is true.

lim ( ) =


( )=

Evaluating Limits at Infinity

The following are guidelines for finding limits at infinity for rational functions.

If the degree of the numerator is smaller than the degree of the denominator,

the limit is 0.

If the degree of the numerator is equal to the degree of the denominator,

If the degree of the numerator is larger than the degree of the denominator,

the limit is the ratio of leading coefficients.

the limit does not exist.

Tips for Curve Sketching

When you are asked to sketch the graph of a rational function, consider the following tips.

1) Use the original function.

Find any vertical, horizontal, and/or slant asymptotes.

Find any x- or y-intercepts.

2) Find the first derivative.

Find the intervals on which the graph is increasing/decreasing.

Find any extrema of the function.

3) Find the second derivative.

Find the concavity of the graph.

Find any inflection points (where concavity changes).

4) Construct a summary line.

Draw a number line that summarized everything you find in steps 1) 3).

Slant Asymptotes

A rational function has a slant asymptote if the degree of the numerator is one more than the degree of
the denominator.
Use long division to divide the numerator by the denominator.
If we call the quotient is S, then there is a slant asymptote at
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= .



SECTIONS (3.7 3.8):


Definition of Optimization

Optimization is a common calculus application to determine maximum and minimum values, including

greatest profit

smallest cost

smallest size

largest distance

Optimization Guidelines

1) Identify all given quantities to be determined. If possible, make a sketch.

2) Write a primary equation. This equation is for whatever quantity is being optimized (ex: area, distance).
3) Reduce the primary equation to having a single variable through the use of a secondary equation.
4) Consider the feasible domain.

5) Determine the maximum or minimum by using calculus.

Newtons Method

Root: A solution to a polynomial function.

Sometimes, the zeros of a function are not integers. In such cases, you can use Newtons Method to
approximate the zeros.

Zero: A solution to a polynomial function that equals zero.

Newtons Method Instructions

Lets say that c is a zero of ( ). To estimate c, use the following instructions.

1) Make an initial estimate

that is close to c. You should look at the graph of ( ).

2) Determine a new approximation using

3) Repeat step two until

is within the desired accuracy.

Note: Each successive application of step two is called an iteration.

Newtons Method Calculator Instructions

You can use a calculator to perform an iteration.

1) Select Y= and enter your function ( ) into Y1.

2) Find the derivative
3) Type

( ) and enter

( ) into Y2.

into the calculator. Press STO> and then press X.

4) Type X Y1 / Y2 STO> X.

5) Repeat step 4 to do another iteration.

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