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The Nagas

The nagas army

The inhabitants of the seas only appeared roads for the naga forces.
recently during the last great war against Naga men, stronger and tougher than women,
chaos, and many country still see them as a act as front line soldiers and as bodyguards.
myth. However the naga exist and few They are adept at using the terrain to their
survived to say it. In the name of their Queen advantage, and their lack of ranged weaponry
Azshara, they sweep aside all their enemies, (it’s not very useful under water) makes then
for none can stand against them. canny about sight lines and flanking
maneuvers. Naga myrmidons are strong melee
The naga have an army composed of various combatants and willingly come to grips with
races. Murlocs slaves are used as staging the enemy. Naga royal guard, as their name
troops and cannon fodder, with artillery implies, serve as protection for important
support from mighty dragon turtles. individuals.
Naga males serve as shock troops; they deploy Naga women take the field as spellcasters,
as infantry in close formations wielding
usually magi drawing from the most ancient
scimitars, tridents and nets while females arcane legacy in the world. Some few are
stand back hurling spells at the enemy. Males priestesses of the tides. Naga women act as
may have command over small numbers of both a source of support magic for their allies
troops but females will always be in overall and as offensive magic punishers. Naga leaders
command of any Naga force. tend to be women adept at both strategie and
The naga have a powerful military, though magic — naga sea witches are some of the
they have yet to truly make their presence felt most powerful champions the race has to offer.
in the world. So far, their efforts are limited to Naga sirens are more common but still deadly,
certain select engagements (such as against the using their magic to incapacitate foes so the
high elf during the last great war against naga myrmidons can sweep in and finish them
chaos) and various exploratory missions along off.
the old world's coasts and other removed As far as anyone knows, the only real naga
locales. Rumors say that the naga are armies that currently exist are beneath the
preparing for a major invasion of the land; waves, in Nazjatar. Other, smaller groups are
they are now building their forces, securing scattered across the world, where they
strategic locations, claiming important items investigate items and places of importance to
and information, and probing the defenses of the naga’s mysterious purposes. These forces
the High elves, the lizardmen's, the empire, usually have a single leader — a powerful
and their numerous other rivals. Whispers say spellcaster (female) or warrior (male) — a
that Azshara seeks to regain her position as dozen or so naga myrmidons, and a few naga
queen of the land. sirens. They may have some murlocs slaves to
Naga society is ancient and cunning, and their serve as expendable troops and do the dirty
warriors are the same way. All naga enjoy work, and some groups include a couple of
using their aquatic natures against their foes, snap dragons, or couatl, depending on the
particularly against generals who have not nature of the mission. In addition to these
fought naga. A naga commander attempts to groups, naga explorers travel out from the
maneuver her forces to meet the enemy on a coasts and from naga bases, gathering
battlefield with rivers, lakes, marshes or information for their queen.
similar features; such bodies of water are no
impediment to naga, but serve as barriers for
land-based forces as well as hiding spots and
What is in this book ?
The book breaks down into the following

History of the nagas

This describes the origins of the nagas, and
dwelves into the mysterious and esoteric

Collecting a nagish army

This section shows you how to begin collecting
and painting your own army. It features the
nagish glyph and colour schemes of the nagas
to aid you when deciding how to paint your
own army. You will also find a host of
« superbly » painted models from the « W
team » to inspire your own modelling

A realm underseas
here you can read about the recent history of
the nagas after the time of the first encounter
with land walkers, examine the detailed
timeline of this mysterious realm.

The army of the seas

Here you will find all taht you need to take
your nagas army onto the battlefild. In this
section, you will find the rules for mystical and
powerful magic items as well of the secrects of
the potent magics practiced in Nazjatar.

At the end of this volume are details on some

of the migthy heroes of the nagas: Illidan the
traitor, Lady vashj the queen's servant and of
course Queen's Azshara.
History of the nagas

Naga are sinister, ophidian humanoids that presumably in nagaryth, and was supposed to
dwell beneath the ocean. Theirs is an ancient be led by Morathi. Many city fell under the
and mystical culture, for five thousand years crontol of the cult one of those city was named
ago they were Asurs..... . Azshara.

The Sundering The city of Azshara

The Cult
The history of the nagas begins with the The city of Azshara was named after
Sundering, about five thousand years ago, at the name of their beloved princess Azshara,
that time the nagas where still beautiful and said to be one of the most beautiful women in
graceful elves, that lived for the most of them the world rivalising with Morathi's beauty.
in Nagaryth. Altougth few knew it, she was also a powerful
After the death of Aemarion and the sorceress. During The Sundering the cult
end of the great war against chaos, the elves gained the city and soon Azshara herself used
her power to help the cult to gaine in power. It
where begging for peace, that is why Bel-
Shanaar was chosen by the Council of Princes is said that Aszhara, fell in love with slaanesh,
has she thougth that only him was her equal.
over the more obvious successor, Prince
Malekith, the son of Aenarion. In spite of great She was so eager to see more of her perfect
support from his homeland and his insidious chaos prince that she created a magic well,
mother, Malekith did not contest the ascension that was draining the chaos energie and
and Bel-Shanaar was crowned king. Initially concentrating it into is Dark water. Soon
Demon camed out of the well and served the
Bel-Shanaar's reign was peaceful and
prosperous: Malekith made contact with the princess as a personnal guard, perfect guards
for the perfect princess. Soon it seen that she
dwarves and together established many
settlements in the lands that would become the had complete control under the demons as she
Empire, destroying hordes of Orcs, Daemons took over their minds, only responding to her
and other creatures of Chaos in great battles. oders and no more to the demons heralds. Yes
Trade flourished between the two realms and the power of the princess was great. And her
army and power would be a great help in the
Bel-Shanaar and Snorri Whitebeard, High
King of the Dwarves, signed a treaty of eternal upcoming civil war.
friendship between Elves and Dwarves.
A golden age had began, the city where The death of the Phoenix king
made of gold, and jewelerie, no one where able
to defeat the elves in battle and many colonies
where founded. The elves where living in a When Malekith returned to Ulthuan the
perfect world. However, the chaos was coming purged against the cult began, Morathi was
back, in a way where the invincible swords of said to be the cult leader, and soon even the
the elves would be useless. A canker began to Phoenix king was said to be a follower of the
infect Ulthuan: cults dediated to slanesh and cult, by Malekith. Before this claim could be
pleasure began to flourish and spread, despite ratified, Malekith murdered Bel-Shanaar and
all efforts to curb their excesses. claimed he had killed himself. Malekith
demanded the crown pass to him, but the
Council was sceptical: unfortunately, this
The birth place of the cult was didn't stop Malekith, and he tried to take the
crown by force. To prove his right to be king save themselves. They are knowed today as the
Malekith passed through the sacred Flame of dark arch.
Asuryan, but the flames terribly burned him. However Azshara wasn't willing to end
As his followers fled with their badly injured the spell to break the vortex and she didn't
master, they left Ulthuan without a king and even realised that the city was drawned into
poised on the brink of civil war... . the deepth. As many other elves of nagaryth
and tiranoc.... .
The civil war
The first encounter with nagas
Civil war gripped Ulthuan. Imrik, the
prince of Caledor, was chosen and crowned to
oppose Malekith. He gathered an army of pure You can find many tales on seapeoples
elves, and upon his coronation took the name in all the tavern of marienburg. How they
Caledor the First. Caledor was a silent and survived the wrath of 4 feets tall seamens,
resolute elf, but he was also a mighty leader, armed with a 7feets tall triden, or how they
and unequaled warrior. The united elves where charmed by the song of a siren. But
started to win against their dark brother. And those are only drunk tales and can't realy be
soon the Dark elves asked for the help of the taked seriously.
demons. The demons of the Azshara city The real first encounter of the nagas on
joined there forced to the other dark elves and a battlefield, is during the last great war
demons and figth back the high elves in battle. against chaos. High elves chronicles talk about
But with Caledor still alive the high elves an encounter with snakelike mosnter on the
could'nt be defeated. As part of a final, coast of some nagaryth city ruins. It was said
desperate plan; Malekith attempted to collapse that they where most likely looking for
the vortex created by Caledor Dragontamer, something.
thus releasing the minions of Chaos fully into
Since then many repport can be found
the world again. The earth was trembling an d
on skirmish with snakelike creatures around
the mountain shaking. Once again a brigth
the world. But they always bisappear after the
ligth covered the sky and all Ulthuan. In the
figth. Those Skirmish attack are usually
far north the chaos realm was boilling, eager
unclear, what are their goals, are they testing
to crush the world once again. In the high elve
the defences? Or looking for artefacs?
camp caledor prayed for help.
Anyways skirmish attacks are not realy
As all the dark elves wizards Azshara
considered, except maybe by the high elves,
and her minions casted the incantations, by
who are mostly trouble by the rare names of
doing this she was sure to meet her love and
nagas in the reports.
live an immortal life with him. But as the sky
turned red and the laugh of the dark gods
could be heared, the wizard inprisonned in the The Surannar event
vortex camed out of it and launch a powerful
spell upon nagaryth. The spell was so powerful In the year 2524 of the imperial
that many of the dark elves wizard were calendar, the eternal queen revenge a high elves
instantly change into rock, the sky was only galley patroled in the north west coast of
thunder and the dark elve's land were Ulthuan and found out, some mysterious
destroyed by many earthquakes, soon a migthyarchipelago, that wasn't on any map. The
waves high of more then a thousands feets captain of the the eternal queen revenge,
submerge the most of the land. Fëanor, landed is mens on the coast of one of
During the last hours when the country the island, the vegetation was exotique, jungle
was flooding the most powerful wizard of the like but in the same time you could see some
dark elves casted a spell on their donjon to coral and algae as if you where underwater.
make them fly above the seas and that way Eager to know more about this strange land
History of the nagas

Fëanor and is man push forward in the jungle They run back to the coast where they
and found out some ruins, in some way left the galley, the rest of the mens where
familiar. They entered what it seen to be a figthing more of those snake like monster and
temple and find out some high elves glyphs. where about the take off. Somehow Fëanor
They were no more doubt. This was ancient and is mens found a way in the galley and fleed
nagaryth ruin, Fëanor presumed it was the the Snakemens who suprise Fëanor by not
ancient city of Surannar, that he once saw. poursuing them. However the reason wasn't
They had to go back to there galley and report far away, something like a mermaid was
to the phoenix king. But it was too late some, standing in front of them on a migthy rock.
strange bipedal creature ambush them from She yelled at the high elves and said « Pitiful
the bassin of the temple, throwing javelin to land walker, who are you to enter queen's
suprised high elves. They were too much of Azshara domain, you must be punished for
them for the litle troop, they retreat in the follishness, for are we the nagas» and then she
sanctuary closed the door and barricaded it. started to cast some spell the water was
When they fanally look at something else then boiling, moving, agitating, each of the
the door they where amazed to see a statue of mermaid word changed the current and finally
some high elves « modified » , they were she changed the sea into somekind of vortex
haded snake tails and tridens. It was more that draw the galley into the sea's depth.
likely the work of the aquatic creature they Three days later an other galley found
just saw, but why would they do such things? Fëanor incoscious, deriving and the sea. And
After a while the creature stop trying to told all about the surannar event to the
push there way in, a complete silence followed, captain.
broke only by a loud snake noise followed by Weeks later the king was informed,
some word in a strange language, answerd by and the council was troubled by the name of
one of the creature. It was like the creature Azshara the wicth, and those snakelike mens
feared him or maybe worship him, the elves that call themselves the nagas.
couldn't tell. But a few second after the
creature answerd the voice, something just
smashed the door away in just one blow of a 7
feets triden. The elves still dazed by the power
of the attack, began to see the form of their
ennemi, He was about 4 feet tall, big arms, no
legs but something like a snake body with
dorsal fin and handing a massif triden. The
monster charge and easly smashed Elwë who
was too scared to move, Fëanor grab is
magical sword and jumped on the creature,
wounding his shoulder. Fëanor dodge the
triden and this time kill him by stabing him in
the back 3 times before he finally fell down to
the floor. Fëanor was exhausted, but seeing
their master die in front of them made the
bipedal creature flee. It was their chance to get
back the the galley. Some of Fëanor mens
where poisonned by the javelin of the little
creature, too weak they where left behind for
the sake of the others.
History of the nagas

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