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What Wealthy Women Do Presents © The Wealth Blue Print for a Millionaire Mindset By Robyn Toompion Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC + (352) 351-8061 + “le WWWD—The Wealth Blue Print for a Milionaire Mindset —Personal Study Guide @® Robyn has a few critical questions to ask you! @ 1. Do you believe you can become wealthy? 2. Is it possible for you to become a multi- millionaire? 3. Do_you believe there are a thousand ways to build massive wealth? Did you answer YES to any of these? If so, WHY aren’t you? The simple answer is that you are lacking the millionaire mindset. FACT: 95% of the wealth is in the hands of only 5% of the people! ‘Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LUC + (352) 351-8061 + 22. WWWD—The Weath Blue Prin! fora Milionare Mivxisel —Personel Study Guide @ Wealthy people think differently than poor people. The 3 critical steps to building abundant wealth are: 1. Believe: You must believe you deserve a better Life for you and your family. @ 2. Aations: Millionaires take actions that are differently than the average. Robyn is going to give you 15 wealth building principals to teach you how to build wealth. 3. Education: You must nourish your mind. ® Robyn Thompin& SADIM, LLC > G52) 351-8061» wow RobyaThompsoncom pe WWWD—The Wealth Blve Print for a Milionsire Mindset —Personal Study Guide © > There are 14 critical wealth beliefs that a person must possess to have an abundant life. You must be absolutely sure that you can create an abundant and great life. Poot people believe that they get what they get. They are victims. Wealthy people believe that they can @ create wealth and are in charge of their own destiny. Always Remember: Opportunity is Under Your Nose! Little Checks Lead to Big Checks! You Just Need to Add Another Zero to Your Current Paycheck! ——objn Tompson & SADIM, LLC* G52) 351-061 + ww RobyaThompeon com oe WAWAD—The Wealth Blue Print for 8 Mitionaire Mindset —Personal Study Guide You Must Say “I Can Do This!” Believe in Yourself. Take Action Today for a Better Tomorrow. Educate Your Mind Everyday! There are 1600 words pet minute that a person says subconsciously. These critical words actually program our conscious mind. Stop saying phrases like “I am a failure, I can’t do this” and start saying “I CAN DO ANYTHING I CHOOSE”! Say out loud: “I will have an abundant life!” In order for you to improve, your subconscious mind needs POSITIVE words. Caution: Garbage IN is Garbage OUT Remember: Little checks lead to big checks. Little improvements lead to big improvements. You are in control of your money. Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLG - (5) 381-8061 - a 0 bi ; : 2 ® The 14 Mindset Principles to Create a Millionaire Mind “J AM” statements reprogram the subconscious to create a millionaire mindset. 1. IAM 100% RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERY ASPECT OF MY LIFE. This includes Business, Family, Communication, Finances, and Relationships with others. @ Most humans make buying decisions on emotion, not logic. Slow down your buying decisions to stay in control of your logic. ¢ Exercise control of your spending. Every time you want to speed ahead, slow down. What does it mean to be abundantly wealthy? Take a few minutes to create your own definition of Abundant Wealth. ‘What would life be like if you could achieve your dreams? Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC + (352) 351-8061 + www <6: /O—The Wealth Blue Print fora Millonaire Mindset —Personal Study Guide @ Resilience: When you get knocked down, you get right back up! Abundantly wealthy means you can handle the expected and unexpected challenges. Robyn’s 3 magic words: RESERVES, RESERVES, RESERVES ‘The wealthy have deep reserves. Reserves lead to calmness. Reserves are mandatory for growth. If you are living paycheck to paycheck, you must start to put some away fora rainy day. Start a reserve account now! Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLG~ (52) 381-8061 = www.RobynThompsoncom WWW/D—The Wealth Blue Print lor a Millonalre Mindset —Personal Study Guide Abundantly wealthy people have enough in reserve to cover these 8 categories: Sufficient earnings to cover monthly obligations. Savings Retirement Account Large Acquisition Savings Account Debt Reduction/Debt Elimination Insurance Passive Income Donate to those Less Fortunate PANAME YN What would your life be like if you had the 8 categories above in abundance? Stop: Take five minutes and ask yourself what life would be like if you had substantial earnings, savings, and passive income, cash reserves and NO debt. Think about how you would act and think differently than you do today. Take a few minutes and visualize yourself as a Multi Millionaires How does it feel? Tan Thompson SADIM, LLC = @52)381-8061 > www. RobyaThompsoncom 3? wwo— ith Blue Prot for @ Milionsire Mindset —Personel Study Guide Caution: Goal Avoidance/Goal Ambivalence You avoid writing down your goals or you avoid dreaming about “what could be”! Is this you? Write down your financial goals now: PAID A YD mo So Olympians visualize winning the gold medal before they even compete. Close your eyes and visualize yout goals now. Take 2-3 minutes and dream with your eyes closed! Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC + (352) 351-8061 + 29 @ 2 IAMAWINNER! @ Th ib A winner knows that persistence leads to victory. Winners possess will power. Winners WILL NOT quit. You must play to WIN! How do you build the necessary will power that winners possess? ere ate 6 critical steps to building will power: Identify current obligations. Sit down and write out a detailed budget to know exactly how much you need per month to satisfy these obligations. “To improve, you must face WHAT IS!” 2. Identify the money making opportunities that exist all around you. It Rains Money! Remember: Little checks lead to big checks. 3. Evaluate the price tag of your goals. A little bit of hard work NOW is well worth the stress reduction LATER. ~~ Robyn Thompson é& SADIM, LLC (352) 351-8061 + =10- WWW> —The Wealth Blue Erint for a Milioneire 2! ide @ 4. Make your goals very specific & aim high! How can I come up with $50 per week to put towards savings and building reserves? 5. Revisit your goals daily and review them with your mentor. A great mentor will hold you accountable to obtain your goals. 6. Celebrate little victories as if they are triumphant achievements! Feel good about your little victories! It gives you the will power to move forward! @ 3. IAM NOT LIMITED BY MY SHORTCOMINGS. Surround yourself with people smarter than you! Lean on other people’s strengths. Wealth Tip: Never take financial advice from anyone unless they make 3 times the money you want to make. You want to be moldable talent! 4. 1AM RESPECTFUL OF PRECIOUS TIME. Time is my most precious asset that should never be abused or wasted. Yesterday is gone and there is no guarantee that we get tomorrow. All we have is today. @ Delegate All MWA’s—Minimum Wage Activities! Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC « (352) 351-8061 + sit The Wealth Blve Prat for @ Milionaire Mindset —Personal Study Guide @ _ Successful business women delegate MWA’s so they can recharge in the evening. The Less You Do the More You Make! Eliminating MWA’s reduces stress so you can focus on money-making activities. 5. IAM EXTREMELY ORGANIZED. Being extremely organized is a CHOICE! ©@ plan your day. The toughest challenges should be the first thing you focus on every morning when you are recharged. Do not let the phones derail you. Limit your phone calls to specific designated hours and don’t take calls from people who just want to waste time to chat. Achievers do not waste precious time. 10 Time Stealers that Keep Average @ People from Having Abundant Wealth: Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC + (352) 351-8061 + www =12- @ AWD — The Wealth Blu 2 Millonsire Mindset —Personal Study Guide 1 2. 3, 4, 5s 6. 7 8. 9. TV Email/Internet/Blogging Phone/Texting Household Chores Grocery Shopping Paying Bills Household Maintenance Negative Family Driving/Traffic 10. Reading Junk Important Fact to Never Forget: You are worth $500 per hour the minute you believe it to be true. 6. The Time Stealers must be ELIMINATED now!!! How do you become more productive? Stop letting the time stealers control your life. 2, Start a “delegation fund” to eliminate the MWA’s! No More Minimum Wage Activates! 1 AM A GREAT DECISION MAKER. Great decision makers take action quickly. "Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC + (352) 351-8061 + www, “Be @ WWWD—The Wealth Bive Priat lor a Millonsire Mindset —Pers Great decision makers understand that NO is the most powerful word in the English language. You must learn how to use the word NO. Ask this Powerful question frequently: What is the highest and best use of my time right now so I can start building a life with abundant wealth? 5 Steps to Making Great Financial Decisions: 1. Get educated before you jump into a business decision. 2. Look at many business opportunities so that you can “cherry pick” the highest profit opportunities. Remember wealthy people choose the highest profit with lowest risk. 3. Doa very thorough evaluation of the business opportunity by using the “worst case scenario”. Never get emotional about a business decision. 4. Have a contingency plan with sufficient reserves. 5. You must always be willing to walk away and wait for a better deal if the numbers don’t come out as good as expected. 7. 1AM DEDICATED TO HAVING A BALANCED LIFE. Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC > (352) 351-8061 « www Me Mindset —Personal vide WAWWD— The Wealth Blue Print fora Milos @ __ The 4 Components to a Completely Balanced Life: 1, Private Time/Alone Time 2. Family Time 3. Business Time 4. Fun Time This is the cortect order for a totally balanced life! Yes, alone time is the most critical because all growth and improvement happens in our private time! Go into your private space and ask yourself “What is not working perfectly in my life right now?” “Facing What Is” is the first step to improving! Important Fact: Spend a minimum of 3 hours a week alone in your private time to develop the plan to improve what is not perfect in your life! Private time alone allows you to plan so your dreams can become a reality not just a fantasy. Abundantly wealthy people have no problem spending time 100% alone!! Abundantly wealthy people demand it. 8. 1AM A GREAT LEADER. e@ A great leader is dedicated every day. ‘Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC (352) 351-8061 + wow =15- ®@ 2 Milionsire Mindset —Personal Study Guide A great leader never quits. A great leader has a strong work ethic. A great leader stays focused on future possibilities. A great leader is not held hostage by past failures! L-E-A-D-E-R: L-Loves their self from inside out E-Enesgy is focused on revenue ‘A-Agenda for the day is clear every day D-Delegates MWA’s out of their life E-Effectively communicates R-Rewards are based on results, not on hours worked A great leader has total commitment! C-Courage exists when times are tough Robyn Thompson & SADIMG, LLC = (52) 57-6061» woe Raby Thompson som a WAWD—The Wealth Blue Print fora Milionsire Mindset —Personal Study Guide @ 0-Opportunities to generate revenue ate zround you M-Marketing equals revenue M-Mental preparation is required daily I-Income producing activities are the focus T-Time is Our Most Valuable Asset M-Massive change is required E-Eliminate all negativity: You are the 5 closest people @ that you hang out with N-Never get distracted by MWA’s ‘T-Team players must be excellent Wealth is built from change! ‘9.1 AM A STRATEGIC THINKER. Strategic thinkers have a detailed business plan. @ Strategic thinkers revisit the plan every day. Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC + (352) 351-8061 + www. wI7= th Blue Prin fr: Guide @ They break your goals down into small steps. Strategic thinkers will take the first step toward success with the belief that the next step will appear. 10. 1AM FAILING FORWARD EVERY DAY. I cherish failure as my greatest learning lesson. Failure Is Not A Single Event. Failure Is A Process To Learn From! @ Failure Is Not: 1) Failure is nor avoidable. 2) People think failure is an event. It’s Not. 3) People think failure is objective. It’s Not. 4) People think failure is the enemy. It’s Not. 5) People think failure is irreversible. It's Not. The 7 Abilities Needed To Fail Forward: 1) Achievers reject rejection. @ 2) Achievers see failures as temporary. Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC + (352) 351-8061 + www.Robyn' ~ 18 @ WWW —The West Blue Pit for a Milionaie Mindset —Personal Study Guide 3) Achievers see failures as isolated incidents. 4) Achievers keep expectations realistic. 5) Achievers focus on strengths not weaknesses! 6) Achievers vary approaches to achievement. 7) Achievers bounce back with resilience. Achievers remove “you” from failure. Fear of Failure Circle " Inaction Inexpérience Inability Robyn's Definition of Resilience: When life knocks you down, bounce back quickly by asking this eritical question, “What Did I Learn that I Will Not Repeat?” Don’t make the same mistake twice. Fear Makes Come True That Which One Is Afraid Of Prior negative experiences will cause a person to develop a fear of failure and this is how “The Fear Cycle” begins. ‘wow Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC + (352) 3 “19 th Blue Print for a Milionaire Mindset —Personal Stu. @ _ Inaction comes in 3 forms: 1) Paralysi 2) Procrastination 3) Purposelessness Negative side effects of The Fear Circle: * Self-pity * Excuses * Misused Energy * Hopelessness How do you break The Fear Circle...? Feel the fear and take action anyway. “You must act your way into feeling first, @ then feel yourselt _” Take action. It will reduce your fear. ‘What objective to your success are you most afraid of tackling right now? ‘What actions are you not doing because the 3 failures above have ereated doubt & fear? ‘ind The Exit Off Of The Failure Freeway! If you think that failure is @ rut you are in, you are on the Failure Freeway. Robyn Thompson d& SADIM, LLG (352) 351-8061 - =20- Print ke * Failure Freeway — you make mistakes and refuse to admit them, ‘ Signs of the Failure Freeway ~ Blow up, Cover up, & Speed Back Up. Don’t waste energy trying to cover up failure. Lear from your failures and go on to the next challenge. It's okay to fail. If you're not failing you're not growing. “ Speed Up = Repect mistakes without learning the lessons- Circle of Sameness 4 Backup = 90% of ll those who fail are not actually defeated. They simply quit. 4 Gridlock = Giving Lip To fail forward, you've got to wake up and admit “I was wrong and made a mistake.” To exit the Failure Freeway, and see new opportunities, you must take full responsibility for yourself and your mistakes. Successful people have the ability to take responsibility & be accountable. It calls for character! Change Your Response To Failure By Accepting Responsibility “A man is not defeated by his opportunities, but by himself!” Roby Thompson & SADIM, LLC (52) 351-8061 wane RabyaThompsonsim “a WWW—The Weaith Blue Print for 2 Millionaire Mindset —Personal Study Guide > The first element of winning internal battles against failure is a positive outlook, > People who bounce back are optimists > Positive action and a positive attitude are the two ingredients to win the battle against failure, > No Handicap ~ you're only as handicapped as you want to be. > Real and lasting limitations are created in our minds, not our bodies. Failure is an inside job! Notes Don’t Let the Failure From Outside You Get Inside You! Is the past holding your life hostage? Remember even the best stumble! Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC + (352) 351-8061 + www. 22 Bue Bric indset —Personal Study Gui ‘The key is to forget about your bad shots. Remember you always move on and get another shot = This strategy positions an achiever to tackle current challenges with enthusiasm and a minimum of personal baggage. ‘The problems of your past will either lead to a breakdown or a breakthrough. Always ask yourself what did I learn from my failures that are the greatest a learning lessons and promise to never repeat the same mistakes. The 5 Characteristics of People Who Haven't Gotten Over Their Past Difficulties: 1) Comparison: seeing your life as tougher than others. 2) Rationalization: believing there are no good reasons to get over past difficulties. 3) Isolate themselves from others. 4) Living with regret. 5) Bitterness The 7 Steps to Failing Forward Are: Saying Good Bye to Yesterday What ure the wp three reyative events of your past that are holding you hostage? De honest. Write them down so you face your obstacles. L 2 3. r 7 ‘wow RobyaThompsor Guide WWWD—The Wealth Bu aire @ 1 Process to leing goof yesterday 1) Acknowledge the pain. 2) Grieve the loss. 3) Forgive the person who hurt you. 4) Forgive yourself. 5) Determine to release the event and move on. “All of the significant battles are waged within our self.” Don’t Quit: Move forward or sideways! ‘Not realizing what you want is a problem of knowledge. ‘© Not pursuing what you want is a problem of motivation. ‘+ Not achieving what you want is a problem of persistence, @ Nore Get Over Yourself - Everyone Else Has! ‘Tum your attention away from yourself and towards helping other people. * Stop taking yourself too seriously. "Recognize the fact that laughter breeds resilience. © Put the team fist. Selfishness ultimately produces failure [Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC + (352) 351-8061 + www 24 sonal Study Guide lth @ Ade value to others continually and you will get what you want: 1) Pat others first in your thinking, 2) Find out what other people need. 3) Meet the needs with excellence and generosity 4) Most critical step to failing forward: get over yourself and start giving yourself. Embrace Failure as a Friend experiences. 4 Grasp the positive benefits of neg: % A failure is a man who blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experience. “© To get ahead you must fail early, fail often, and fail forward, We overestimate the event and we underestimate the process. Every fulfilled dream occurred because of dedication to a process. “People tend towards inertia... that is why self improvement is such a struggle.” The Benefits of Adversity & Hardship 1. Adversity creates resilience to achieve your dreams. Embrace adversity and make failure a regular part of your Ifyou are not failing you are definitely not moving forward. 2. Adversity develops maturity. 3. Adversity pushes the envelope of accepted performance. Print nal. A trapeze artist can push farther because he has failed & dropped to the net below. Every fall allows ‘a trapeze artist to push further. 4. Adversity provides greater opportunities ‘+ Bernie Marcus, the founder of Home Depot, was fired by store called “Handy Dan”, Home Depot does over 30 billion dollars in sales per year. 5. Adversity prompts innovation. Lear how to fail, make adjustments, and try again. 6. Adversity brings unexpected benefits. ‘+ Kellogg’s Com Flakes were a fluke. The familiar crunchy flakes were created when a boiled wheat mixture was accidentally leftin a pan overnight. Adversity motivates. ‘What is the greatest lesson you learned from an adverse event? Steps to Failing Forward: Find the Benefit in Every Bad Experience ‘What is the last major setback you experienced? Major Setback: [Robyn Thompson & SADI LG = (383) 381-8051 - wow 26 Renefits of the experience: List the Benefits of that experience: What did you learn? » 2, 3) Do not skip this exercise! Remember: You have goal ambivalence if you are avoiding this exercise, Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLG - 938) 381-8061 ~ wow RebynThompson com ~27- ne Wealth 6 Take Risk: There is No Other Way to Fail Forward. While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other person is busy taking the mistakes and becoming superior. Risk must be evaluated not by the fear it generates in you or the probability of success, but by the value of the goal. ‘Two Types of Peop! Don't Dare Try it Don't Dare Miss It 1) They resist opportunities 1) They find opportunities 2) They rationalize their 2) They finish their responsibilities tesponsibilities 3) They rehearse impossibilties 3) They feed on impossibilties 4) They rain on enthusiasm 4) They fan the flame of enthusiasm. 5) They review their 5) They face their inadequacies adequacies 6) They recoil at the failure of 6) They figure out why they others failed 7) They reject the personal cost 7) They finance the cost into involved their lifestyle 8) They replace goals with 8) They find pleasure in the leasure Joa 9) They rejoice that they have 9) They fear futility, not failure not failed 10) They rest before they finish _ 10) They finish before they rest 11) They resist leadership 11) They follow leaders 12) They remain unchanged 12) They force change. | 13) They replay the problems 13) They fish for solutions 14) They rethink their 14) They fulfil their | commitment commitments 15) They reverse their decision 15) They finalize their decision Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LI 352) 351-8061 « www =28- 11.1 AM A CHAMPION. The 12 Learning Lessons to Becoming a Champion: 1. Never give up because life will change on a dime. 2, Remember your previous successes because they give you the strength to get through the toughest of times. Run hard every day and play full out. 4. Be willing to die for what you love. Champions have total passion for what they do. 5. Love those who deserve it and forgive those who have done you wrong, 6. A champion possesses total resilience. 7. Trust must be a gift that is earned. 8. Think like you are a 3 year old. Champions stay young, even in later senior years. 9, Know you deserve better. Remember the answers to your challenges are close by. 10. Stop to look for the gifts in a tragedy. 11. It’s your time to make history. The opportunity to make wealth and abundance is all around you now. 12. There are precious gifts in the things that people throw away. Y REMEMBER: YOU ARE A CHAMPION! Roby Thompson & SADIM, LLC G32) 357-8061 = wwe RobynTRonpson om 12. 1AM TOTALLY RESILIENT. Look for the mentors who have been knocked down and learn how they made their journey back to the top. 13. [AM AJOYFUL SPIRIT. I count my blessings every day. What we focus on expands! Help those less fortunate! Focus on your victories, your blessings and yout talents. Setious question: What are your 5 greatest blessings? ARON Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC + (352) 351-8061 « ~30- ih rin for @ Millionaire Mise! —Per sons @ 14. [HAVE A CREATIVE MIND. A cteative mind embraces change. ‘A cteative mind sees opportunities where others see obstacles. The abundantly wealthy never say “I can’t.” The abundantly wealthy ask better questions. “How can i” Never say “I can’t afford it.” @ Ask a More Powertul Question: “How can | attord it?” Eliminate weak words like hope and try. The 3 Critical Steps to Abundant Wealth: 1. Believe You Deserve a Totally Abundant Life 2. Take Actions for a Better Tomorrow 3, Educate Your Mind Daily Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC - (982) 351-8081 = wave Robyn wl @ The 14 Core Beliefs that You Must Possess to Become Abundantly Wealthy: 1. Abundantly wealthy people know that money is important. It provides choices and freedom, better options for our family, less stress and better medical coverage. 2. Abundantly wealthy people possess discipline. They make big ticket purchases slowly. Focus on money making opportunities instead of shopping for shoes! It takes discipline! You gain discipline in your personal, private time. Real Estate is the greatest wealth building vehicle. Little checks lead to big checks. Take the little checks and pay off debt! Pay off highest interest rate debt first! Start with little improvements so that the momentum will build. -Rabyn Tompson & SADIM, LLC > (352) 351-8061» wow. RobynThompson-com we @ @® WWWD—The Wealin Blue Print fora Milionaire Mindset —Personal Study Gulde Wealthy people think differently. Wealthy people make good choices and possess discipline. 3. Wealthy people are not embarrassed to think BIG! Average people think small because of fear, lack of self-worth and past failures. Use your talents to the fullest capacity. Think bigger every day! Take the actions necessaty to MAKE IT BIG! You can do it! 4. Rich people believe it rains money. Broke people believe they will never have wealth. Rich people see money making opportunities everywhere. Broke people see obstacles, not opportunities. Rich people focus on what is right in the world. Broke people focus on what is wrong. Rich people take action. Poor people are inactive. Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC + (352) 351-8061 + wow Robyn =33- If you want abundant wealth, focus on making money, investing money and having yout money work for you. Poor people focus on spending money. IT RAINS MONEY!!! Get in the game of making money. Pick a money making investment like real estate. Rich people get started. Poor people keep gathering more data as an excuse to never get started. Remember: Focus on the opportunities that are all around you, not the obstacles you see. Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLG (352) 351-8061 « www-RobynThompson com w34= WWAWD—The Wealth Bive Printfor a Milionsire Mindset —Personal i 5. Wealthy people possess resilience to overcome problems. Poor people are overcome and are absorbed by problems. Poor people avoid becoming wealthy because becoming wealthy brings problems. You must become bigger than your problems. When you get knocked down you get back up and ask what did I learn. Wealthy people look for solutions and poor people focus on problems and avoid looking for a solution. Myth: Some people believe that money will change them. Remember: Money can change you for the better. Money gives abundantly wealthy people the ability to do great things for other people who are less fortunate. Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC + (352) 351-8061 + www. 235+ WWWD—The Wealth Blue Brn! for a Milionaire Mindset —Personl Study Guide 6. Wealthy people take risks and poor people avoid risks. Wealthy people start a business to become rich while poor people work for a living. Wealthy people get paid for results not by the hour because it limits how much you can make. Poor people are spenders not savers. Rich people save then invest it so the money works for them. Rich people understand and use four strategies to increase their net worth. 1.) Inctease income - Wealthy people are constantly looking for ways to add zeros on to their pay checks. Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLG - (053) 351-061 - www, ~36- th Blue Print for a Mili = 1 Study Guide @ 2.) Increase savings — Focus on creating a saving plan. 3.) Increase your investment returns to a minimum of 8%. Private lending to 10% private lending 4.) Decrease your cost of living by simplifying yout life style. Many people start upping their income and up their life style too quickly with @ no reserves. 7. Wealthy People avoid the six traps that make people back away from risk. Remember to take educated risks and always look at the worst case scenario! Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC + (352) 351-8061 « WWWD—The Wealth Blue Brin! for @ Millonsire Mindset —Personal Susy Guide (@ _ The Six Traps That Make People Back Away From Ris 1) The Embarrassment Trap — No one wants to look foolish. 2) Rationalization Trap ~ Second guessing yourself to the point where nothing, gets done. 3) Unrealistic Expectation Trap — People have the misconception that life is easy. Achievement takes hard work, and many are not willing to pay the price. Success = Hard Work 4) The Fairness Trap — Life is not fair. It's difficult at best. Go and make it happen. 5) The Timing Trap ~ Putting things off until “A better time.” The perfect time will never come, 6) The Inspiration Trap ~ thinking you have to be great to start Are you taking enough risk? Or are you playing it safe? ‘What risks are you taking in your business room right now? 16l- wow joyn Thompson & SADIM, LG (082) 581 -38- WWWD—The Wealth Bl Mindset —Personal Study Guide nd @ Remember: Make Failure Your Best Fi ‘The things which hurt the most, teach us the most. ‘A winner knows how much there still is to learn, even when they are considered an expert by others. If you repeat the same mistakes, you are nof learning. You should profit from your losses! 4 Ask the following questions every time you face adversity: 1) What caused the failure? The situation, someone else, or myself? 2) Was what happened truly a failure or did I just fall short? Don’t let an unrealistic expectation kill your progress! @ 3) What success is contained in the failure? 4) What can I learn from what happened? 5) Be grateful for the experience! 6) How can I tun this into a success? All winners draw dividends from defeat! 7) What expert can I ask for help? 8) Where do I go from here? + Learning from failures can teke two forms: 1) Experience: Learning from your own mistakes 2) Wisdom: Learning from other people's mistakes © Learn from a bad experience to make it a good experience! Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC + (352) 351-8061 + ww 739 8. Little successes lead to big successes. Rich people play wealth building games. The abundantly wealthy take extra income, cost savings and any extra income and use it to reduce their debt load. Take extra income and put 10% to savings, 10% to investments, and 5% for to fun money to enjoy. Robyn’s Rule: Never say you can’t afford it. Ask a better question like how can I afford it. You will enjoy watching your debt load shrink after you control of your spending. tis the greatest feeling to be headed to financial freedom not financial disaster. Little improvements lead to big improvements. People are creatures of habit and when you continually make the right financial choices, it gets easier to continue the improvements. ~ Rabyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC + (352) 351-8061 « war WAWWD—The Wealth Blue Printfor @ Milionaire Mindset —Personal Study Guide @ 9. Rich people believe it is easy to make money. Poor people believe it is hard to make money. Making money is not difficult it is different! Reprogramming my subconscious mind from working hard gets you more hard work. Working smarter is the right answer. Ask a Powerful Question: “What should I focus on to @ _ make bigger dollars sight now?” 10. Wealthy people look up to and admire other rich people. Many times poor people ate jealous of rich people. If you view rich people as greedy or bad, you will stay poor. @ Robyn Thompson & SADIN, LLC (382) 351-8061 = www RebyniTRompsoncom on be Pe You want to be a good person and amass wealth. Focus on the good wealthy people do. Build churches, wings on hospitals etc. Keep reminding yourself of this and that this is the type of person you want to be. Especially in you have negative thoughts. I have found that rich people are much mote willing to give help to the less fortunate. Let go of the bad subconscious programs that don’t support you. Rich people are the most generous and kind and are willing to help others. Resenting or being jealous of the wealthy will guarantee you stay broke. Embrace the rich and be willing to learn from them, Read all the books, news article and ezines of the rich to sharpen your own mind for 1 hour a day. 11. Wealth people do not tolerate negative people. Poor people hang out with negative people. You are a mirror image of the people you hang out with. ‘Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC + (352) 351-8061 - 2- WwWo—The al in Fastest way to wealth is to learn exactly what a multimillionaire did and follow in the exact footsteps. Creative Genius: Hanging out with people much smarter than me and gaining there intelligence. Poor people will make excuses why they can’t do it. ‘They want to pull you down with them to theit level. Don’t do it. 12. Wealthy people leverage other people’s time and money. Poor people abuse their time and go nowhere. They swap dollars for hours. The poor do MWA — minimum wage activities all day so they have no time to improve. All companies need capital at some point in time. 13, Wealthy people are not patalyzed by fear. Poor people are paralyzed by fear. ~~ Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC + (352) 351-8061 » 7-43 - fe Print fora @ _ Rich people know that fear means slow down not stop! Rich people have fear and they face it. They do not run from it. The 6 Fears that Will Hold You Hostage: 1. Fear of the Unknown 2. Fear of Abandonment 3, Fear of Loss 4. Fear of Rejection 5. Fear of Failure ) 6. Fear of Success Rich people keep feeding their mind and become smarter. Poor people think they are smart enough. Rich people learn from people that earn 3 times what they make. Poor people listen to broke friends and follow broke employees. Talk about my real estate buddies vs. IBMERs Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC + (352) 351-8061 + -44- @ = The Critical “I AM” Statements to Strengthen Your Dedication to Having an Abundant Life 1. IAm 100% Responsible for Creating my Abundant Life 2. [Ama Winner 3. 1 Am Not Limited by my Shortcomings 4. IAm Respectable of Precious Time 5, 1 Am Extremely Organized 6. I Ama Great Decision Maker 7. IAm Dedicated to Having a Balanced Life 8. IAm a Great Leader e@ 9. [Ama Strategic Thinker 10. I Am Failing Forward Every Day and I Cherish my Failures as the Greatest Learning Lessons 11. I Am Totally Resilient 12. 1 Ama Champion 13. 1 Am a Joyful Spirit and I Am Totally Blessed 14. I Have a Creative Mind and I Embrace Change 15. I Am Powerful Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC + (352) 351-8061 + 45 16. I Am Committed 17. [Ama Money Magnet and it Rains Money in My World 18. I Am Improving Every Day 19. I Am Disciplined 20. I Am Abundantly Wealthy Robyn Thompson & SADIM, LLC + (352) 351-8061 + www.

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