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Subject & Grade Level


Physical Education
Grade 4

Music GCO 4.1.3 Demonstrate an awareness of rhythmic/ melodic concepts, form,

and texture, through language, movement, and performance
Physical Education GCO D2 Refine and present complex movement sequences,
using elements of body awareness, spatial awareness, quality and relationship.
Music GCO 4.2.2 Use specific materials, techniques, and forms to create, make and
present music.

Prepared By
Mr. Godfrey

Materials Required
- Projector
- Computer
- Speakers/ Sound system

Lesson 40 minutes
Intro (15 mins)

Form a circle and hold hands, drop hands and then take a step back. Teacher begins with 2 minute progressive
warm up: rolling shoulders, bending elbows, knee bends; jumping jacks.
Students will discover rhythmic sound through learning and practicing the Gumboot dance.
Form semicircle, the teacher will briefly explain origins of the Gumboot dance and watch and introductory videos
with the students.

Gumboot dancing was conceived by black miners in South Africa as an alternative to drummingwhich
authorities restricted. Miners in South Africa sang as they worked.

Main Lesson (20 mins)


Regroup students into lines and teach the steps teacher showing and students echoing the movement (teacher
can learn the steps using the video presentation for example):
Position the students in three lines. Play video and get the students to perform the dance with teacher modeling.

Students go into groups to make up and practice 4 simple patterns (Give 5 minutes for this)
Have groups demonstrate patterns. Add the group patterns together to make a longer dance and rhythm. (Can
use these as a warm up for other lessons.)
Practice full dance 2/3 times
End with a cool down. Teacher says and models:
Reach arms up - hold for 2 seconds
Fold over into a forward bend - hold 2 seconds
Bend knees and gradually drop to the floor
Feel your heart beating in their chest

- You can easily modify the moves
based on the needs of the students.
You can also invite your students to
use their creativity to make up their
own variations.
- Students with physical challenges can
easily participate by preforming the
parts of the moves they are able to.
- For example: while sitting in a wheel
chair, students who are able can learn
the arm movements or even increase
their difficulty. Also students can
move their wheels back and forth
instead of moving their feet.
-Observe students techniques and
correct as needed.
-Make notes on student success level.

Lesson 40 minutes
- Rake several deep rolling breaths

Closure/Reflection (5 mins)

At the end, there could be a discussion where the teacher asks the students what they learned about the
gumboot dance and creating beats/ rhythm, also filling in any they may have missed.


Can use the created steps as a warm up for the next lesson.

Cross-Curricular Connections

Theres a definite between dance and music. Students will be creating their own composition through learning
and developing the dance.

Next Steps

Can use the created steps as a warm up for the next lesson.
Have groups of students create and present their own variation of the dance.


Did the students grasp the concepts?

Did they enjoy the activity?
Was the amount of time given appropriate?
Were there any other materials they would have liked to use which werent available?

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