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Directions ( 1-15) : In the following questions, a part of
the sentence is in bold. Below are given alternatives to
the bold part at (a), (b) and (c) which may improve the
sentence Choose the correct alternative. In case no
improvement is needed, your answer is (d).
1. The traveler commanded of the peasant he
would tell him the way to the nearest village.
(a) exclaimed of the peasant if he would
(b) enquired of the peasant if he could
(c) replied of the peasant whether he will
(d) No improvement
2. As I am new to the place I felt like a fish in water.
(a) felt like a fish in the water
(b) felt like a fish with water
(c) felt like a fish out of water
(d) No improvement
3. The flood affected people are looking forward
with the visit of the Governor.
(a) looking forward to
(b) looking forward on
(c) looking forward for
(d) No improvement.
4. He is fond of saving money.
(b) not spending
(c) spending carefully
(d)No improvement
5. He comes often to our house.
(a) come often
(b) often comes
(c) often come
(d) No improvement
6. It is Monday today, cant it?
(a) amnt it
(b) couldnt it
(c) isnt it
(d) No improvement
7. I naively assumed that I would be paid in the work.
(a) for the work
(b) for works
(c) into the work
(d) No improvement
8. The planet should be visible through the nake eye.
(a) with the nake eye
(b) to the naked eye
(c) the naked eye
(d) No improvement
9. They are good customers who always pay in the
(a) on the nail
(b) with the nail
(c) without the nail
(d) No improvement
10. He is not noted in his sense of humour.
(a) for
(b) with
(c) on
(d) No improvement
11. I feel quite nostalgia with the place where I grew
(a) nostalgia for
(b) nostalgic for
(c) nostalgia in
(d) No improvement
12. I was sorry not to had seen them.
(a) not to have
(b) not to has

(c) had
(d) No improvement
13. The ostentation reason of his absence was illness.
(a) The ostensible reason in
(b) The ostensible reason for
(c) The ostensible reasons for
(d) No improvement
14. Her moods oscillated from depression and elation.
(a) between
(b) among
(c) into
(d) No improvement
15. Some designs are better to others.
(a) best than others
(b) better than another
(c) better than others
(d) No improvement
Directions (16-25): In the following questions, groups
of four words are given. In each group, one word is
correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word.
16. (a) excution
(b) excitment
(c) expedition
(d) extrection
17. (a) externel
(b) extrovort
(c) introvert
(d) exect
18. (a) expact
(b) impact
(c) exite
(d) impect
19. (a) intruisting
(b) interesting
(c) intersting
(d) entertening
20. (a) supremecy
(b) suppressor
(c) surfiet
(d) surrendor
21. (a) spectacular
(b) spactroscope
(c) spinache
(d) splandid
22. (a) sacrosant
(b) sacrificeal
(c) sacrilege
(d) sabotege
23. (a) discription
(b) discretion
(c) dessemination
(d) dessertation
24. (a) occurence
(b) occassion
(c) occupancy
(d) octogenarean
25. (a) humorous
(b) humanetarianism
(c) hulabaloo
(d) hurrecane
Directions (26-35): In the following questions,
sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with
appropriate word (s). Four alternatives are suggested
for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of
the four.
26. The little girl was knocked down by a speeding car
and she lost her ___________ immediately
(a) conscience
(b) conscientious
(c) conscious
(d) consciousness
27. They have had to put ______the football match
because of snow
(a) of
(b) off
(c) up
(d) on
28. She found a few good cards in a shop and she
bought ___________ cards last night

(a) those
(b) that
(c) them
(d) this
29. Ten miles __________ a long way to walk
(a) are
(b) is
(c) are being
(d) are not
30. The mechanic ___________ the vehicle since this
(a) repaired
(b) repairing
(c) has been repairing
(d) will be repairing
31. I complemented him ___________ his success in the
(a) at
(b) on
(c) about
(d) for
32. Security arrangements have been tightened up in all
___________ areas
(a) sensible
(b) sensual
(c) sensitive
(d) sensational
33. The dramatist must cater ___________ the taste of the
(a) to
(b) over
(c) into
(d) for
34. Suitable steps are taken to bring _______the cost of
(a) up
(b) over
(c) on
(d) down
35. If I had worked hare, I___________ very high marks in
the examination
(a) Scored
(b) would score
(c) Could score
(d) would have scored
Direction (36-55): Some of the sentences have errors
and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence
has an error. If a sentence is free from errors, blacken
the rectangle corresponding to (D0 in the answer sheet.
36. The BJP lost 2010 election(a)/because its
politics(b)/ was poor(c) No error(d).
37. During our conversations(a)/ I realized that (b)/ we
met before (c)/ No error(d)
38. When I was child (a)/ we were making (b)/our own
amusements(c) / No error (d).
39. She told me (a)/that her father was ill(b)/since
Christmas (c)/No error(d).
40. The visitor asked me (a)/when my interest (b)/for
social work had begun(c)/No error (d).
41. The child does not (a)/ resemble to (b)/ either of his
parents (c)/No error (d).
42. An 18 yrs. Old teenager (a)/ was arrested (b)/
yesterday in Kolkata(c)/ No error (d).
43. Their dad had a crash (a)/ and their car (b)/ felt into
the sea(c) No error (d).
44. Do you think (a)/you could explain me(b)/ this
paragraph(c) / No error (d).

45. Both he as well as his friend(a)/ worked in close

harmony (b)/ on the same project (c)/ No error. (d)
46. Many people prefer to travel (a)/by the road (b)/
because it is less expensive (c)/ No error(d).
47. The crowed surged forward(a)/ to have a glimpse
(b)/ of their favourite leader (c)/ No error.
48. Let s congratulate him(a)/on his success (b)/ in the
examination (c)/ No error (d).
49. I am going (a)/ to participate in the two miles race
(b)/ tomorrow morning (c)/ No error (d).
50. The some and substance(a)/ of his speech(b) were
essentially positive (c)/ No error (d).
51. Inflation and shortages (a)/have made it very
difficult for him (b)/ to make his both ends meet (c)/
no error (d).
52. The East has left (a)/ its influence (b)/ on west (c)/
No error (d).
53. It has been such a wonderful evening (a)/ I look
forward to meet you again (b) after the vacations
(c)/ No error(d).
54. Literature remains the interest of minority(a)/ and
the majority has chosen to ignore those aspects of
language (b)/ which, at school they were told to
value highly (c)/ No error (d).
55. There has always been (a)/ some form of terrorism
(b)/but there has not always been terrorists (c)/ No
error (d).
Directions (56-60): One word is mis-spelt. Find out the
mis-spelt word.
56. (a) lieutenant
(b) inanimat
(c) legging
(d) lemma
57. (a) manganese
(b) manoeuvre
(c) mammography
(d) mannana
58. (a) pasdedeus
(b) resisteence
(c) photomontage
(d) phylum
59. (a) physique
(b) quizzical
(c) collaborator
(d) quotidiean
60. (a) interrogative
(b) retaliation
(c) staggered
(d) tercentenary
Directions (61-70): Out the four alternatives choose
the one which can be substituted for the given
61. Talking in sleep
(a) somniloquism
(b) somnambulism
(c) hallucination
(d) obsession
62. Study of mankind
(a) anthropology
(b) pathology
(c) physiology
(d) philogy
63. One who deserts his religion
(a) Deserter
(b) fanatic
(c) turn coat
(d) apostate
64. One who possesses many talents -

(a) Versatile
(b) gifted
(c) exceptional
(d) nubile
65. A word no longer in use
(a) Exotie
(b) archaic
(c) obsolete
(d) ancient
66. One who travels from place to place
(a) Itinerant
(b) mendicant
(c) passenger
(d) tramp
67. Unwilling follow or obey rules:
(a) Receptive
(b) recalcitrant
(c) Egotist
(d) egoist
68. The state of being poor
(a) Poorness
(b) penniless
(c) penury
(d) Pentecost
69. The scientific study of the punishment of criminals
and the operation paiscons
(a) Criminology
(b) penology
(c) numerology
(d) phenomenology
70. A place that is extremely beautiful and where
everything seems perfect
(a) Shangria
(b) utopia
(c) rendezvous
(d) Shawnee
Directions (71-80): Choose the word opposite in
meaning to the word given in bold.
(a) disputed
(b) irritation
(c) separation
(d) confrontation
72. MYTH
(a) truthful
(b) fact
(c) falsehood
(d) story
(a) pleasingly
(b) willingly
(c) satisfactorily
(d) happily
(a) instruct
(b) induct
(c) conduct
(d) mend
(a) rejoice
(b) rejuvenate
(c) complain
(d) cry
(a) agitate
(b) deliver
(c) dishearten
(d) choose
77. URGE
(a) enlarge
(b) dampen
(c) accuse
(d) disobey
78. SPUR
(a) gentleness
(b) intensity
(c) ruthlessness
(d) curb
(a) attraction
(b) emancipation
(c) recollection
(d) weakness

(a) softness
(b) dishonesty
(c) cruelty
(d) clumsiness
Directions: (8190): Out of the four altenrative, choose
the one which expresses the right meaning of the word
given in bold.
(a) magnificence
(b) admiration
(c) happiness
(d) awe
(a) initiative
(b) begin
(c) initial
(d) origin
(a) famous
(b) vigorous
(c) energetic
(d) enormous
(a) Paradise
(b) question
(c) puzzle
(d) challenge
(a) proliterate
(b) prohibit
(c) stipulate
(d) reproduce
(a) automatic
(b) instinctive
(c) unintentional
(d) constant
(a) concern
(b) dispersal
(c) argument
(d) punishment
(a) mocking
(b) scornful
(c) rational
(d) hateful
(a) ordinary
(b) senseless
(c) bad- tempered
(d) derisive
(a) solitude
(b) debauchery
(c) insulation
(d) delivery
Directions (91-110): In the following questions, a
sentence has been given in Active Voice/Passive Voice.
Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one
which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/
Active Voice that is your answer.
91. He was congratulated by his teacher on his brilliant
success in the recent examination
(a) His teacher congratulated him on his brilliant
success in the recent examination.
(b) His teacher congratulated him for his success in
the examination
(c) His teacher congratulated him on his success
(d) His teacher congratulated him.
92. People speak English all over the world.
(a) English is spoken all over the world.
(b) English was spoken all over the world.
(c) English was spoken by people.

(d) English is spoken by people.

93. Who gave you permission to enter?
(a) By whom were you given permission to enter?
(b) By whom was you given permission to enter?
(c) By whom you were given permission to enter?
(d) By whom given you permission to enter?
94. The Principal has granted him a scholarship.
(a) A scholarship has granted to him by the
(b) He has been granted a scholarship by the
(c) He has granted a scholarship by the Principal.
(d) A scholarship was granted to him by the
95. The principal kept the staff members waiting.
(a) The staff members are kept waiting for the
(b) The staff members were kept waiting by the
(c) The staff members were waiting for the
(d) The staff members were being kept waiting by
the principal.
96. Somebody told me that there had been an explosion
in the Town Hall.
(a) I was told by somebody about the explosion in
the Town Hall.
(b) I was told about the explosion in the Town Hall.
(c) I was informed that there was an explosion in
the Town Hall.
(d) I was told by somebody that there had been an
explosion in the Town Hall.
97. Must we cut this tree?
(a) Must this tree will cut? (b) Must this tree be
(c) Must this tree was cut? (d) Must this tree is cut?
98. You will be well looked after.
(a) They will look after you well.
(b) They can look after you well.
(c) They may look after you well.
(d) They shall look after you well.
99. Didnt they tell you to be here by six O clock ?
(a) Werent you told to be here by six Oclock ?
(b)Havent they told you to be here by six O'clock ?
(c) You were expected to be here by six Oclock ?
(d) They expected you to be here by six O'clock ?
100. Don't touch this switch.
(a) This switch does not be touched.
(b) This switch must not be touched.
(c) This switch dont be touched.
(d) This switch need not be touched.
101. I advise you not to smoke.

(a) You are advised to smoke.

(b) You are advise not to smoke.
(c) You were advised not to smoke.
(d) You are advised not to smoke.
102. Stand up on the bench.
(a) You are ordered to stand up on the bench.
(b) You ordered to stand up on the bench.
(c) You are ordering to stand up on the bench.
(d) You have been ordered to stand up on the
103. Do they like their teachers?
(a) Have their teachers liked by them?
(b) Are their teachers liked by them?
(c) Are their teachers liking by them?
(d) Are their teachers liked them?
104. Brutus stabbed Caesar.
(a) Brutus was stabbed by Caesar.
(b) Brutus has been stabbed by Caesar.
(c)Caesar was stabbed by Brutus.
(d) Caesar would be stabbed by Brutus.
105. Did they win the match?
(a) Was the match being by them?
(b) Will the match be won by them?
(c) Was the match won them?
(d) Was the match won by them?
106. Did you grow vegetables?
(a) Were vegetables grown by them?
(b) Were vegetables grown by you?
(c) Were vegetables being grown by you?
(d) Vegetables were grown by you?
107. Is he running a race?
(a) Is a race run by him ?
(b) Is a race being run by him?
(c) Is a race being run for him?
(d) Is a race being run him?
108. Were they singing songs?
(a) Were songs been sung by them?
(b) Were songs been sung by them?
(c) Had songs been sung by them?
(d)Were songs being sung by them?
109. What does this word mean?
(a) What is meant by this word?
(b) What is meant this word?
(c) What was meant by this word?
(d) What meant this word?
110. Why do you blame us?
(a) Why are we blamed you?
(b) Why are we blamed by you?
(c) Why are we blaming by you?
(d) Why were we blamed by you?
Directions: 111 to 135, in the following passages some
of the words have been left out. Read the passages

carefully and choose the correct answer to each question

out of the four alternatives and fill in the blanks.
The presence of certain (111) makes friendship a
special (112) . A (113) friend is consistent and honest. A
(114) is not (115) to give an honest (116) and does not
say things for the sake of getting (117) . A friend
provides companionship and continuous (118). There is
no room for pride, (119) or rivalry in (120) .
111. (a) qualities
(b) qualify
(c) frequencies
(d) degrees
112. (a) hardship
(b) courtship
(c) scholarship
(d) relationship
113. (a) true
(b) truth
(c) truthful
(d) truly
114. (a) befriend
(b) friendship
(c) friend
(d) friendly
(a) fear
(b) afraid
(c) fright
(d) fret
116. (a) opinion
(b) concern
(c) dominion
(d) suggestion
117. (a) approval
(b) approve
(c) appear
(d) disapproval
(a) support
(b) supportive
(c) suppress
(d) provide
(a) jeopardize
(b) jealously
(c) humility
(d) open-mindedness
120. (a) friendship
(b) friendly
(c) befriend
(d) courtship
Whenever I (121) at the moon, my heart (122) with
pleasure. I wish I had (123) to fly up to the moon. I know
if I could (124) to become an (125) , I would be. able to
go to the moon. Special equipment and a (126) training
are required to go to the moon. I would have to wear a
special 127 along with a gas-mask for (128) . My space
shuttle would be equipped with (129) cameras and
other scientific (130).
121. (a) looked
(b) saw
(c) viewed
(d) gaze
122. (a) fills
(b) filled
(c) field
(d) feels
123. (a) hands
(b) wings
(c) legs
(d) feelers
124. (a) grow up
(b) mow
(c) blow
(d) show
125. (a) astrology
(b) astronomy
(c) astronaut
(d) aristocrat
126. (a) special
(b) ordinary
(c) common
(d) natural
127. (a) trousers
(b) spacecraft
(c) space-suit
(d) space formula


(a) breadth
(c) bathing
(a) sensitive
(c) primitive
(a) accessory
(c) intuition

(b) breathing
(d) breathe
(b) touchy
(d) decorative
(b) things
(d) gadgets
Tennis is a game that gives one plenty of exercise; it
develops (131) of eye and limb and (132) the brain too
into (133). A few sets of tennis keep one physically and
(134) fit. But for the indoors, chess is the . queen of
games. People say chess is a (135) game because only
two can play.
131. (a) movement
(b) swiftness
(c) quickness
(d) agility
132. (a) commands
(b) asks
(c) signals
(d) calls
133. (a) response
(b) play
(c) work
(d) action
134. (a) intellectually
(b) emotionally
(c) mentally
(d) logically
135. (a) selfish
(b) mean
(c) carefree
(d) careless
Directions (136-150): In the following questions, four
alternatives are given for the idiom/ phrase in bold in
the sentence. Choose the alternative which best
expresses the meaning of the idiom/ phrase.
She is a fair-weather friend.
(a) a good friend
(b) a friend who meets difficulties calmly
(c) one who deserts you in difficulties
(d) a favourable friend
To die in harness means to die while
(a) riding a horse
(b) in a stable
(c) in a uniform
(d) still in service
138. To keep under wraps means to keep something
(a) covered
(b) protected
(c) unpacked
(d) secret
139. After independence Indian agriculture rose like
a phoenix due to the Green Revolution.
(a) with a new life
(b) with a start
(c) with royal gait
(d) with vengeance
140. His failure at the election has been a sore point
with him for a long time
(a) something which hurts
(b) something that brings fear to
(c) something memorable for
(d) something pleasurable to
141. The student is on the verge of breakdown.
(a) on the brink of
(b) at the outset of
(c) in the midst of
(d) at the risk of
142. My repeated attempts to get refund from the
civic authorities were of no avail.
(a) unsuccessful
(b) postponed
(c) useless
(d) delayed
He was progressing by leaps and bounds
because of his hard work
(a) rapidly
(b) slowly
(c) peacefully
(d) strongly
144. To emerge out of thin air means to
(a) appear suddenly
(b) descend gradually
(c) fall down quickly
(d) enter from space
The news of the accident came as a bolt from
the blue.
(a) something unexpected (b)
(c) something horrible
(d) something unexpected and unpleasant
146. I am not agree with him on any proposal. He is in
the habit of making a meal of anything.
(a) to take more trouble over something
(b) to depreciate something unduly
(c) to have given a remarkable duty
(d) to fail to manage the situation
147. Though he was clarified satisfactorily, the
matter of fact was that his proposal was laughed
out of the court.
(a) to take undue liberty with
(b) to be out of ones senses
(c) to laugh without permission
(d) to dismiss something casually
148. His miseries are not the spell of God, but he has
been actually hoisted with his own petard.
(a) to act recklessly
(b) to have a permanent effect
(c) to show maturity in doing anything
(d) to be harmed by ones own action
149. If you have given me a back dated cheque, I
would have rejected and made a hash of the same.
(a) to dismiss one peremptorily
(b) to go mad
(c) not to make any effort to help others
(d) to do something so badly that it is spoilt
150. Her younger son was a rascal by nature. thus he
always appeared to be a thorn in her side.
(a) a constant source of annoyance
(b) a man disturbed in mind
(c) a conceited person
(d) a person unable to find a genuine path
Direction (151-170): In the following questions, a
sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect form, Out of
the four alternatives suggested, select the one which

best expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct

151. I said, "I am happy in the village."
(a) I said that he was happy in the village
(b) I said that she was not happy in the village
(c) I said that I was happy in the village
(d) I said that I am happy in the village
152. You said, "We are learning our lesson."
(a) You said that your were learning your lesson
(b) You said that you are learning your lesson
(c) You said that you were learning our lesson
(d) You said that you had learnt your lesson
153. He said, "I am not to blame."
(a) He said that he is not to blame
(b) He said that I was not to blame
(c) He said that you were not to blame
(d) He said that he was not to blame
154. She said, "I do not care for him."
(a)She said that she does not care for him
(b) She said that she did not care for him
(c) She said that she did not cared for him
(d) She said that she would not care for him
155. They said, "We trust in God."
(a) They said that they trusted in God
(b) They said that we trusted in God
(c) They said that they trusted into God
(d) They said that they had trusted in God
156. I said to him, "You are always late."
(a) I told him that he is always late
(b) I told him that you were always late
(c) I told him that he was always late
(d) I told him that he was being always late
157. You said to me, "You may go."
(a) You told me that I might go
(b) You told me that he might go
(c) You told me that she might go
(d) You told me that I might gone
Sheela said to us. "You must work hard,"
(a) Sheela told us that we must be work hard
(b) Sheela told us that we must work hard
(c) Sheela told us that we must be working hard
(d) Sheela told us that we must have worked hard
159. Ram said to me, "Sita does not like meat."
(a) Ram told me that Sita did not liking meat
(b) Ram told me that Sita had not liked meat
(c) Ram told me that Sita did not like meat
(d) Ram said me that Sita did not like meat
I siad to him, "He must not tell lies".
(a) I told him that he must not tell lies
(b) I told him that he should not tell lies
(c) I told him that he would not tell lies
(d) I told him that he could not tell lies

Manohar said "Alas ! I am undone."

(a) Manohar exclaimed wild sorrow that he was
(b) Manohar exclaimed with surprise that he was
(c) Manohar said that he was undone sorrowfully
(d) Manohar exclaimed with sorrow that he was not
162. Hari says, "Sita is ill."
(a) Hari says to Sita that she is ill
(b) Hari syas to her that Sita is ill
(c) Hari says that Sita is ill
(d) Hari says to Sita that you are ill
163. She said, "I have to play a match."
(a) She said that I had to play a match
(b) She said that she had to play the match
(c) She said that she had played a match
(d) She said that she had to play a match
164. He said, "I am a student. I have studied for three
(a) He said he was a student. He added that he had
studied for three years
(b) He said that he was a student. He added that he
had studied for three years.
(c) He said that he was a student and studied for
three years
(d) He said that he was a student because he had
studied for three years
165. He said to me, "you are going to the cinema, arn't
(a) He asked me whether I was going to the cinema
(b) He asked me whether I was going to the cinema
and added arn't you
(c) He asked me if I was going to the cinema
(d) He asked me are you going to the cinema
166. They said to the Principal, "Let us go home,"
(a) They requested the Principal to allow to go
(b) They informed the Principal that let they go
(c) They requested the Principal to allow them to go
(d) They reported the Principal to let them go home
167. He said to me, "Please wait here till I return."
(a) He requested him wait there till he returned
(b) He requested him to wait here till he returned
(c) He requested him to wait there till he returned
(d) He requested him to wait there till he returns
168. He said that after the class he had had to return
(a) He said, "After the class I have to return home."

(b) He said, "After the class I have had to return

(c) He said, "After the class I had to return home."
(d) He said, "After, the class I had have to return
169. He said, "Thank you."
(a) He said to thank me
(b) He wished to thank him
(c) He told thank you
(d) He thanked me
170. Briju said to Amarjeet, "Let us go out for a walk."
(a) Briju proposed to Amarjeet that they should go
out for a walk
(b) Briju proposed to Amarjeet that we should go
out for a walk
(c) Briju advised Amarjeet to let us go out for a walk
(d) None of the above
Directions (171-200): in the following questions, you
have eight brief passage with 5/10 questions following
each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose
the best answer to each question out of the four
Passage I
In the world, have we made health an end in itself? We
have forgotten that health is really a means to enable a
person to do his work and do it well. A lot of modern
medicine is concerned with promotion of good health.
Many patients as well as many physicians pay very little
attention to health; but very much attention to health
makes some people imagine that they are ill. Our great
concern with health is shown by the medical columns in
newspaper, the health articles in popular magazines and
the popularity of the television programme and all those
books on medicine we talk about health all the time. Yet
for the most only result is more people with imaginary
illnesses. The healthy man should not be wasting any
time talking about health, he should be using health for
work, the work he does and the work that good health
makes possible.
171. Modern medicine is primarily concerned with
(a) promotion of good health
(b) people suffering from imaginary illnesses
(c) people suffering from real illnesses
(d) increased efficiency in work
172. A healthy man should be concerned with
(a) his work which good health makes possible
(b) looking after his health
(c) his health which makes work possible
(d) talking about health
173. Talking about health all the time makes people
(a) always suffer from imaginary illnesses
(b) sometimes suffer from imaginary illnesses

(c) rarely suffer from imaginary illnesses

(d) often suffer from imaginary illnesses
174. The passage suggests that
(a) health is an end in itself
(b) health is a blessing
(c) health is only means to an end
(d) we should not talk about health
175. The passage tells us
(a) how medicines should be manufactured
(b) what a healthy man should or should not do
(c) what the television programmes should be
(d) how best to imagine illnesses
Passage II
Time was when people looked heavenward and prayed,
Ye Gods, given us rain, keep drought away, Today there
are those who pray. Give us rain, keep EI Nino away. El
Nino and its atmospheric equivalent, called the Southern
Oscillation, are together referred to as ENSO, and are
household words today. Meteorologists organize it as
often being responsible for natural disaster worldwide.
But this wisdom dawned only after countries suffered,
first from the lack of knowledge, and then from the lack
of coordination between policy making and the advance
in scientific knowledge. Put simply, El Nino is a weather
event restricted to certain tropical shores, epically the
Peruvian coast. The event has diametrically opposite
impacts on the land and sea. The Peruvian shore is a
desert. But every few years, an unusually warm ocean
current El Nino warms up the normally cold surfacewaters of the Peruvian coast, causing very heavy rains in
the early half of the year. And then, miraculously, the
desert is matted green. Crops like cotton, coconuts and
banana grow on the other wise stubbornly barren land.
These are the Peruvians anos de adundencia or years of
abundance. The current had come to be termed El Nino,
or the Christ Child because it usually appears as an
enhancement if a mildly warm current that normally
occurs here around every Christmas. But this boon on
land is accompanied by oceanic disasters. Normally, the
waters off the South American coast are among the most
productive in the world because of a constant up
swelling of nutrient rich cold waters from the ocean
depths. During an El Nino, however waters are stirred
up only from near the surface. The nutrient-crunch
pushes down primary production, disrupting the food
chain. Many marine species, including anchoveta
(anchovies) temporarily disappear. This is just one
damming effect of El Nino. Over the years its full impact
has been studied and what the Peruvians once regarded
as manna, is now seen as a major threat.

176. Meteorologist took time to understand El Nino

(a) It was neither a disaster nor a boon for the
people living in desert areas.
(b) They recognized it as an atmospheric
equivalent and hence called it Southern Oscillation.
(c) They suffered from lack of knowledge about El
Nino as they were not scientifically advanced.
(d) All of the above.
177. El Nino in a layman language is
(a) a natural disaster
(b) Southern Oscillation
(c) a weather event
(d) None of the above
178. What are the two types of landscapes that are
effected by El Nino?
(a) Coastal areas and sea (b) Tropical shores and
(c) Deserts and oceans
(d) All of the above
179. Which word in Para 3 is the antonym for
(a) matted
(b) abundance
(c) barren
(d) None of the above
180. What, according to the author, is a positive effect
of El Nino?
(a) It causes change in atmosphere.
(b) It results in vegetation of barren lands.
(c) It comes around Christmas.
(d) It is regarded as manna.
181. How can we say the El Nino proves to be a boon
for South American Coast?
(a) It causes and up swelling of rich nutrients
making it the most productive in the world.
(b) It causes the destruction of many marine
species such as anchoveta.
(c) It warms up normally cold surface waters off
causing heavy rains.
(d) It enhances warm currents around every
182. The years of abundance is when
(a) El Nino occurs during Christmas
(b) The deserts are matted green
(c) Marine species is destroyed
(d) None of the above
183. The phrase, damning effect means
(a) negative effects
(b) destructive effects
(c) full effects
(d) disrupting effects
184. People today, pray to God to keep
(a) rains and droughts away
(b) drought away
(c) El Nino away
(d) El Nino and droughts away
185. The word which means equal in value, power
and meaning is

(a) unusual
(c) equivalent

(b) current
(d) appear
Most authorities agree that St. dentine is the lovers
However, some writer s are inclined believe that no such
person existed, sough there appears to be proof that was
a Christian Bishop and that he suffered martyrdom
under the Roman Emperor Claudius on February 14, 271
(A.D.) The story is that Emperor Claudius issued a
decree forbidding marriage, Married men disliked
leaving their farnilies to go to war and they did not make
good soldiers, according to the Emperor's notion. Since
good soldiers were needed, he decided that marriage
had i be abolished.
The good priest Valentine heard this and was sad. He
invited young lovers to come to him and secretly got
them married. The emperor learnt of this and had
Valentine put in prison, here the friend of lovers
languished d died martyr to love. The Church made him
a Saint and allotted the day of this death February 14, to
him. So it not surprising that youngsters in tome made
this day a special one in honour of the Saint; St.
Valentines Day came to be known as "the day for rue
Three Egyptian words will tell us more about the
customs of Valentines Day than all the falsehoods
concerning Saint. In Engyptian language, Va or Fa means
to bear, Len is the name, or to name. Then means to
determine. Thus the day or Valentine is that which
determines whose name shall be borne by each person
in this mode of marriage by drawing lots. The custom
points to the time when chance, rather than choice, was
the law. Marriage is still said to be a lottery. The custom
of sending caricatures on Valentines Day is probably
based on asserting the freedom of choice, and making a
mock of chance.
If one decides to entertain people at a supper or dinner
on Valentines Day, the decoration and even the food
should follow the spirit of the day. Invitations are
usually heart-shaped-a custom that originated with the
first manufactured Valentines which were usually in the
shape of hearts-darted through with arrows.
186. The writer means that St. Valentine actually
lived. Which of the following statements best reveal
the meaning ?
(a) Most authorities agree that St. Valentine was
known as the lovers saint.
(b) Valentine was put in prison and he died a
martyr to love.
(c) There appears to be proof that he was a
Christian Bishop in the 3rd century

(d) Some writers are inclined to believe that no

such person existed
187. Married men did not make good soldiers
(a) they did not want to leave their families.
(b) they did not like to go to war,
(c) their families did not want them to go to war.
(d) the emperor abolished their marriage.
188. Valentine was made a Saint by
(a) Emperor Claudius
(b) Married Men
(c) Young Lovers
(d) Roman Church
189. Valentine was called a martyr to love because
(a) He was young lover married
(b)he got me young lovers married
(c) he died for the sake of young lovers
(d) the King put him in prison
190. The first manufactured Valentines were usually
heart-shaped. The word 'Valentine' here refers to
(a) St. Valentine
(b) Invitation cards
(c) Egyptian word
(d) Fourteenth February
The ease with which democratic Governments have
given way to authoritarian regimes in one Asian Country
after another has made many persons ask in despair
whether the parliamentary system based on the
Western model is suited to under- developed countries.
People who do not know how to read and write, they
argue, can hardly know how to vote. Popular elections
often bring incompetent men to the top, they contend,
and the division of party spoils and breeds corruption.
What is worse, the system of perpetual party warfare
obstructs the business of Government.
They point to the dismal results of the last ten years. The
pace of social and economic change has been far too
slow and the Governments in most of the
underdeveloped countries have failed to come to grip
with the problems which face the people. What they say
is no doubt true to some extent but it is pertinent to
remember that every alternative to democracy, while it
in no way guarantees greater integrity or efficiency in
the administration, lacks even the saving merit of
regimes which, based on the suffrage of the people, leave
it to the people to find,, out, by trial and error, who is
their best friend. The people can peacefully get rid of a
democratic Government which has failed to keep its
promise, they can overthrow a dictatorial regime only
through a violent revolution.
191. Democratic Governments have given way to
authoritarian regimes in several Asian Countries
(a) Asians are under eloped
(b)Asians like powerful leaders

(c) Asians cannot read and write and can hardly

know how to vote
(d) Asians have not been able to adapt themselves
to the Western Parliamentary system
192. Popular elections
(a) Breed corruption
(b) Stop the work of the Government
(c) Result in a division of parties
(d) Bring incompetent and unprincipled men to
193. In the last ten years, the Governments in the
underdeveloped countries
(a) produced impressive results
(b) failed because they could not face the people
(c) neglected social and economic problems
(d) were too incompetent to speed up social and
economic change
194. Every alternative to democracy
(a) is based on the suffering of the people
(b) enables people to find out their best friend
(c) lacks the safeguard of being peacefully
overthrown by the people if it does not fulfill its
promises .
(d) lacks the saving merit of integrity and efficiency
195. A democratic form of Government is superior to
a dictatorial one because
(a) it makes people protest in a raised voice
(b) people can protest against its injustices, and
even overthrow it peacefully
(c) people can only suffer in silence
(d) the tyranny of a regime is responsible to itself.
When flowers bloom in the lush bamboo plantations in
the hills of the northeast, the tribesmen are thrown into
a state of panic. The rare phenomenon of the flowering
of a dwarf sized bamboo species triggers a boom in the
rat population. They devour the crops in nearby
farmlands. The result is famine.
The mauve-coloured flowers sprouting in the hill-slopes
in the sprawling Seppa valley in east Kameng district,
Arunachal Pradesh, are a palpable threat to the State
Government. The worries are justified, if the catastrophe
caused by the flowering of a bamboo species named Mau
in Mizoram in 1959 is anything to go by Rodents had
multiplied in millions during the flowering of bamboos
and ravaged the crops in the foothills.
The flowering of the bamboo species in Arunachal
Pradesh was first noticed in September this year. The
depredations by the rats in the paddy, maize and millet
fields from Bhaluk- pong on the Assam border to Seppa
valley in the north were reported soon. As the
agriculture department rushed its field-staff to the

affected areas to fight the rampaging rodents with rattraps and zinc phosphate, fresh alarms were sounded
with flowering reported from the Tezu circle.According
to the local MLA much of the crops in Kameng had been
destroyed by October. The State Veterinary Minister also
confirmed the reports of a near-famine condition in that
inaccessible district. The rats, feeding on the flower
seedlings, continue to multiply. Till today, 33,000 rats, of
the 26 varieties in the State have been trapped with the
help of indigenous devices. The Chief Minister has sent
an SOS to the Centre for both supplies and expertise in
combating the rat menace.
196. In the opening passage (2nd sentence) the
phrase 'triggers a boom' means
(a) brings about a change (b) causes an increase
(c)causes an upheaval
(d) starts an exodus
197. The destruction in Bhalukpong was reported,
according to the passage
(a) in September
(b)in August
(c) in October
(d) in November
198. A near-famine condition was reported
(a) in the Seppa valley
(b) in Kameng
(c) in the Tezu circle
(d) at Bhalukpong
199. The flowering of the bamboo made the people
(a) cautious
(b) hungry
(c) anxious
(d) panicky
200. What is the writer's attitude to the tribal
people's problem ?
(a) Sympathetic
(b) Critical
(c) Harsh
(d) Neutral

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