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Mid Term Examination February 12, 2015.

Attempt all questions. No aides are allowed. The time allowed for completion is 60 minutes.
Question 1. Let A R. Define H : R R by
H(x) =

if x A
if x

Prove that H 0 (0) = 0. (Note that no assumption has been made about the set A.)

7 marks

Question 2. Define all terms used in the following questions:

(1) If f is a bounded function on [a, b] and P is a partition of [a, b] define U (f, P ) and L(f, P ).
3 marks
(2) Define U (f ) and L(f ).
3 marks
(3) Define what it means for f to be Riemann integrable.
3 marks

Question 3. Prove that if > 0, f (0) = 0 and f 0 (x) for all x 0 then f (x) x for all x 0.
7 marks

Question 4. Using the definitions in Question 2 prove that if G : [0, 1] R is integrable and if
F (x) = G(x) for all x except x = 1/2 then F is integrable.
7 marks

Total marks: 30

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