Answer The Following Questions Max. Grad 100 Points

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Cairo University

Faculty of Engineering
Irrigation and Hydraulics Dept.
Mid term exam

Second Year Civil

Fluid Mechanics
Time: 1.5 hrs
November 2006

Answer The Following Questions

Max. Grad 100 points

1. A tank containing liquid is tilted about its longitudinal vertical axis as shown in figure
(1), through a small angle (), show that the center of gravity (G) of the liquid in the
tank will move to apposition (G) such that GG=I/V where; I is the second moment
of area of the liquid surface and V is the volume of the liquid.
(15 points)
2. A hollow wooden cylinder of specific gravity 0.60 has an outer diameter 0.80 m, an
inner diameter 0.40, and has its ends open. It's required to float in oil of specific
gravity 0.85, calculate the maximum height of the cylinder so that it shall be stable
when floating with its axis vertical.
(20 points)
3. For the tank shown in the figure (2), calculate the magnitude, direction and point of
the resultant pressure force per meter length on the side AB. Sketch the pressure
diagram for all sides of the tank.
(20 points)
4. A horizontal cylindrical tank 4m long and 1.85m diameter is mounted on a lorry and
is completely filled with petrol of SG=0.85, when the lorry is running at constant
speed 60km/hr,find the pressure force on the front end of the tank and its point of
action. If the lorry decelerates at 4m/sec2, find the magnitude and location of the new
pressure force on the front end of the tank. Sketch the pressure distribution along the
bottom and top longitudinal lines of the tank for both cases.
(20 points)
5. Use the principle of mass conservation to drive the general equation of continuity for
one dimensional flow.
(5 points)
6. Figure (3) shows a pump delivers ahead of 75m to the water flowing from point (A)
where the pressure (-0.5 kg/cm2) to a higher constant head take, where the water level
at B is 50 m above A. if the connecting pipe diameter is 20 cm and the head lost from
A to B can be expressed as: hL=45 v2/2g where V is the average velocity of pipe flow.
Calculate the flow rate and plot the HGL and THL.
(20 points)







Figure (2)







Figure (3)


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