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Economics Syllabus Summer 2016

Welcome!! I am looking forward to the learning that will be done in the class! You are enrolled
in the economics class that will help you be excited about how money works and what to expect
in terminology when you are trying to decipher what economics means. I look forward to
teaching and sharing with you what economics is about. When we finish the course, I know that
you will have learned and gained the necessary tools that will help you continue learning in
economics and any other educational experience you will encounter.
First and very important you will be taking final exams over the subject of economics, this will
cover everything so you will need to learn the concepts, not just for one test.
My class will be like most other classes that you have experienced through high school. ALL
SCHOOL RULES WILL APPLY IN THE CLASSROOM. I ask that you treat each other and all
adults with the RESPECT, and RESPECT is what you will receive. I ask that you treat any
substitute teacher or any other teacher you encounter with the same RESPECT. Do not touch
another persons property without permission, which includes my property as well. Get to class
on time. Bring your book, paper, pen, and pencil. I will require a black or blue pen as well as a
red ink pen. I will assign a chromebook for your use in the class which you will be responsible
for in the class including returning it and plugging in the device in the appropriate slot.

Homework needs to be turned in ON TIME or you will be subject to the

corporation wide homework policy.
LATE WORK- ALL students are expected to turn in work on time. Teachers may intervene
appropriately in order to motivate/encourage students to complete work. If you continually turn
in work late, you may be assigned detention. This will be done to help you get your work done.
Middle school and high school students who turn in late assignments will receive credit as
50% reduction of grade earned, if late.- assignments not turned in will receive a 0 until
assignment is completed.
*Middle school and High School faculty and administration reserve the right to administer
appropriate disciplinary consequences for students who fail to turn assignments in on time.
Tests are worth approximately 100 points; assignments are based on the number of questions
and the degree of difficulty. Semester projects will be worth 200-300 points. You will have
quizzes periodically which will be worth a variety of points. I will expect you to participate in
class which you will be evaluated on a daily basis. You will also participate in a daily economic
event relative to the days subject matter, these assignments will be worth 10 points per day.


Day 1-- Chapter 1 (The Economic Way of Thinking)
Day 2 Chapter 2(Economic System)
Day 3Chapter 3(American Free Enterprise)
Day 4Chapter 4(Demand)
Day 5Chapter 5 (Supply)
Day 6Chapter 6 (Demand/Supply/Prices)
Day 7Chapter 7 (Market Structures)
Day 8Chapter 8( Business Organizations)
Day 9Chapter 10 & 11 (Money and Banking) (Financial Markets)
Day 10Chapter 12 Economic Indicators and Measurement
Day 11 Chapter 13 (Facing Economic challenges)
Day 12Chapter 14 (Government Taxes/Revenue and Government Spending)
Day 13Chapter 15 (Using Fiscal Policy)
Day 14Chapter 16 (The Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy)
Day 15Chapter 17 (International Trade) Review and Final Exam

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