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Assignment 1-1
Assignment 1-2
Assignment 2-1
Assignment 2-2
Assignment 3-1
Assignment 3-2
Reflection presentation


In this case we have to design and promote a Competence reminder for NHL
Communication students.
The targetgroup in this case are all students of Communication at the NHL. Such students who are in the
first year of the education as students who almost graduated .
The product of this case are the competences that are implemented within the education communication.
Each student during this education are using this competence. Now the question is how can we informed
the student about these competencies.
The strategy that I devised for this product is an informational strategy. This means that it will using on a
informational way. This will be carried out at the existing market (communication students) , but with a
new product ( quiz).
The approach will be done in a forshfull way. The targetgroep has to do something else to get further with
another exersice.
Students spent a lot of time in whatsapp. When I am looking at myself, I spent a lot of time also in this
activity and to check and send some messages. Thats the reason that I have create this product.
All students get different questions about the competences every week. This will be happen when they are
using whatsapp.
There appears a pop-up message with a question and a few of possible answers. The student has to
give a good answer before he/she can go on with the chat in whatsapp. This ensures that students
will be remember the competences and ask each other what kind of questions they had received. The
competences get recognizable when you repeat this regular.
The next page shows the impact of the elaboration of the product and a example of it.


What is the problem?
The problem in this case is that a lot of communication students didnt know the five competences of
the education Communicatie. The assignmneit is to create and promote a competence reminder for NHL
Communication students.
How can we create and promote a competence reminder for the communication students of the NHL, so
that they will know them by heart.
The problem owner are the teachers of the education Communicatie on the NHL in Leeuwarden. They
would like that students know the competences during their education because the students will have
more self-knowledge, so they can be get better for in future. This is very important for their development
as communication adviser in future.
Perspective from the owner versus the perspective of the designer
Owner: The owner has different ideas for the reminder of the competences than the designer has. Such
as the possible motives: The first one: The students has to the competences by heart during the education.
Second: The students are more motivated with their self-education. Third one: They want that the students
have more view in the competences.
The possibilities for execution are: 1. Making posters, 2. Give a guest lecture. 3. Give a test about the
The limitations for execution: 1. The students dont like the competences, so they are not motivated. 2.
There is not enough budget. 3. The students dont see the posters.
Perspective from the designer:
Designer: The designer has also different ideas for the reminder of the competences. Possible motive could
be: The students will work on their self-development through a fun way. A possible way for execution could
be a game for students. The limitations of this execution can be: Students think it is too childish.
The idea is create by a transformational strategy. It is a new product on a existing market and the approach
is approachable.
At the end of each study year the students has to know all the competences
At the end of each study year the students has to know how to combine the
competences with the future.
Choosen steps:
- Transformational strategy
- New product / existing market
- Approachable
The targetgroup
The target group I have choosen are all the students of the education Communication at the NHL in
The idea
My idea is to create a game during the lessons of SLB. This are lessons with the teacher who want to help
you during the study. I think that a lot of students dont like this lessons because

it is a little boring. That is why I think about a game. The name of this game is: Competences are your
future. Students are doing this education because they are working on their future.
The idea is that this game will played for ones time each periode to create a reminder for students.
Students need to use the dice. On the dice you see the five competences. For example; when a students
has the competence create and realize, he/she need to answer a question on the turntable. These question
are going about the competences and what the competences are meaning in future for you as student.
I think this is the way to promote the competences on approachable approach. The lessons will be nicer
and you can talk to the other students about your development for the competences.

Creative Strategy Creative brief

The NHL is an university in Leeuwarden. They offer various education programmes to both national- and
international students. This students are aged between 18 and 30 years old and are mostly living in
A lot of students spent their time on school to studying. In this case is it going about the education
Communication at the NHL in Leeuwarden. This education learn students how to use communication in
different ways. Anayse and research, developing a communication plan and give an advice about it, plan
and organize, create and realize and the final one is represent something are competences within this
education. All the projects in a study year are combined with these competences. Every year the level of
the competences will get higher, so the students have to do more and difficulty work to get the level. At
the end of the study are all these students communication advisors. But that isnt always right because the
students dont know the competences.
At this moment the competences are processed in the lessons of SLB. Every two periodes the students has
to present proof materials in a portfolio, so he/she can answer the competences. For students is this most
of the time the only moment to work with the competences, but this is not true because you are working
with these competences in the whole education.
The idea is that we have to create a clear solution for this problem. Not on a sad or boring way but with a
unique way. Competences are not boring but they are the future of the students! You will have to work on
it to get better in your job in future. There is for this solution a budget of 500 euro and the idea has to be
using within school.
From all the input, one idea will be picked and worked out in a prototype. You will have to show your
prototype May 27th 2016.
Good luck with the assignments!

NHL Hogeschool
Rengerslaan 10
8917 DD Leeuwarden
Arjette Reedijk
P.C. Boutenslaan 195
3842 BE Harderwijk
Harderwijk, 23th May 2016
Attention: Debriefing competences communication
Dear Mr. M. Kramer,
Firstly we would like to thank you for you confidence for our advice that we want to give for the competence problem in the department Communicatie at the NHL. Please find enclosed a letter and debriefing
on behalf of Creative Communication. In this debriefing we respond by the briefing that you have given.
We hope that we have give you enough information at this time.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us
With kind regards,
Arjette Reedijk, on behalf of Creative Communication

Attachment: Debriefing Competences communication

Debriefing NHL Leeuwarden

A lot of students spent their time on school to studying for in this case the education Communication at
the NHL in Leeuwarden. This education learn students how to use communication in different ways. Anayse
and research, developing a communication plan and give an advice about it, plan and organize, create and
realize and the final one is represent something are competences within this education. All the projects
in a study year are combined with these competences. Every year the level of the competences will get
higher, so the students have to do more and difficulty work to get the level. At the end of the study are all
these students communication advisors. But that isnt always right because the students dont know the
Opinion question
The NHL has the following opinion question;
How can we create and promote a competence reminder for the communication students of the NHL, so
that they will know them by heart.
Creative Communication would like to think and create a strategy with a positive effect.
The idea has to be a clear solution for this problem. Not on a sad or boring way but with a nice and fun
way. Competences are not boring but they are the future of the students! You will have to work on it to
get better in your job in future. There is for this solution a budget of 500 euro and the idea has to be using
within school.
Both parties keep in touch with each other during this assignment. Our aim is to have a phone call ones a
time in this periode to talk about the developments.
We would like to see the debriefing signed return if you agree with these conditions above and
Signature NHL Leeuwarden


If horse meat is sold as (illegal)cow meat today, why not eat horses instead of cows?
The targetgroup in this case are families.
The product in this case is horse meat. This kind of meat has got a negative attitude among a lot of people.
In this case is it the assignment to get a positive attitude about horse meat.
The strategy that I devised for this product is an transformational strategy. This means that it will using on
a emotional way. This will be carried out at the existing market (families) , but with a new product ( horse
The approach will be done in a ironic and reliable way. I will show you in this presentation why it is ironic
and reliable.
The product. The product in this case is a campaign from the Albert Heijn and Anky van Grunsven. For the
exhange students; Albert Heijn is a big super market in the Netherlands where a lot of people are buying
their groceries here. This supermarket focused a lot of time at families with their campaigns and offers. And
Anky van Grunsven is a world champion in the sport with horses. Ofcourse she loves horses. Otherwise is
she reliable, so people trust her what she is saying. A lot of girls knows her and loves horse riding. That is
why I choosed this person and supermarket.
It will be a billboard in the pasture and in the shops of Albert Heijn. The text on the billboard is in English:
Do you love horse meat too? Take a look at the website for more delicious, healthy and cheap
The joke is that a lot of people loves horses, but they dont know the meat or think its sad to eat that kind
of meat. When you told the target group that horse meat is healthy, delicious and cheap, they want to buy


What is the problem?
The problem in this case is that families dont eat horse meat. The assignmneit is to create and promote a
product to ensure a positive attitude about horse meat.
How can we create and promote a postive attitude at families about horse meat.
The problem owner are the supermarkets in the Netherlands. They dont make enough some positive
advertisement about horse meat.
Perspective from the owner versus the perspective of the designer
Owner: The owner has different ideas for this product. Such as the possible motives: The first one:
The supermarket will sell more horse meat. Second one: The supermarket get more customers in the
supermarket. Third one: They would like that customers buy horse meat.
The possibilities for execution are: 1. Making posters, 2. Someone who give information in the
The limitations for execution: 1. The people dont understand the information. 2. You cant achieve the
whole targetgroup.
Perspective from the designer: The designer has also different ideas for a product to create a positive
attitude at families about horse meat.
The idea is create by a informational strategy. It is a new product on a existing market and the approach is
on a styling and timeless way.
Albert Heijn has to sell horse meat for 50% At the end of one year after the campaign.
At the end of one year after the campaign the families has to know the benefits of

horse meat.
Choosen steps:
- Informational strategy
- New product / existing market
- Styling/timeless
The targetgroup
The target group I have choosen are families in the Netherlands. It doesnt matter how many children they
The idea
My idea is to create some stickers on the floor in all kind of supermarkets in the Netherlands.

Creative Strategy Creative brief

The Albert Heijn is a big supermarket in the Netherlands. This store has a lot of products to buy for all kinds
of targetgroups. Horse meat is one of these products.
At this moment the fact is that a lot of people dont buy horse meat, especially families with children.
They always buy cow meat and not horse meat because cow meat is confidential. People dont know the
benefits of horse meat and why they have to buy it! They think it is sad or expensive and too many work
with cooking.
The idea is that we have to create a clear solution for this problem. Not on a sad or boring way but with
a unique way. Horse meat is not expensive or unhealthy. We have to create a positive attitude within
Create a product on that way that families can see the benefits and buy horse meat.
From all the input, one idea will be picked and worked out in a prototype. You will have to show your
prototype June 2nd 2016.
Good luck with the assignments!

Albert Heijn
Selhorstweg 2
3841 GL Harderwijk
Arjette Reedijk
P.C. Boutenslaan 195
3842 BE Harderwijk
Harderwijk, 2nd June 2016
Attention: Debriefing horse meat
Dear Mrs. D Dijkstra,
Firstly we would like to thank you for you confidence for our advice that we want to give for the horse
meat problem in your supermarket. Please find enclosed a letter and debriefing on behalf of Creative Communication. In this debriefing we respond by the briefing that you have given.
We hope that we have give you enough information at this time.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us
With kind regards,
Arjette Reedijk, on behalf of Creative Communication

Attachment: Debriefing horse meat

Debriefing Horse meat

The Albert Heijn is a big supermarket in the Netherlands. This store has a lot of products to buy for all kinds
of targetgroups. Horse meat is one of these products.
At this moment the fact is that a lot of people dont buy horse meat, especially families with children.
They always buy cow meat and not horse meat because cow meat is confidential. People dont know the
benefits of horse meat and why they have to buy it! They think it is sad or expensive and too many work
with cooking.
Opinion question
The Albert Heijn has the following opinion question;
How can we create and promote a positive attitude about horse meat within families?
Creative Communication would like to think and create a strategy with a positive effect.
The idea is that we have to create a clear solution for this problem. Not on a sad or boring way but on a
timeless and styling way. Horse meat is not expensive or unhealthy and good voor everyone. We have to
create a positive attitude within families! There is for this solution a budget of 600 euro and the idea has to
be using in all the supermarkets of Albert Heijn.
Both parties keep in touch with each other during this assignment. Our aim is to have a phone call ones a
time in this periode to talk about the developments.
We would like to see the debriefing signed return if you agree with these conditions above and
Signature Albert Heijn


How could the NHL ensure that students clean up their mess from their lunch in the canteen?

The targetgroup in this case are students from the NHL in Leeuwarden.
The product in this case are mess from the lunch. Students are not clean it up, so there will be nuisance for
other people.
The strategy that I devised for this product is an transformational strategy. This means that it will using on a
emotional way. This will be carried out at the existing market (families) , and with a existing product ( lunch
The approach will be done in a cheap way, so the NHL can buy a lot of it.
The product is a sticker with a arrow to a trash in school. These trashes are spread in the university. This
arrows are pasted on the tables near the cantine because students are eating their lunch a lot of times.
On the sticker you can read: Throw your trash away! This results for a tidy, clean and nice learning environment! This text will be ensure that students are more thinking about this problem and get alerted on it.
At the same time will be the benefits appointed when the students are cleaning their mess from their
The benefit of this product is that the sticker is cheap and easy to place and remove from the tables.

Creative Strategy Creative brief

The NHL is an university in Leeuwarden. They offer various education programmes to both national- and
international students. This students are aged between 18 and 30 years old and are mostly living in
Every day, many students eat their lunch in the cafeteria of NHL. Often, students are leaving the cafeteria
after creating a big mess on the tables. This is very inconvenient for the cleaning staff as they have no time
for their other tasks, due to the mess on the tables. Which is very time consuming to clean up. The NHL
management wants to turn the cafeteria in a clean and tidy place, where both students and staff like to
spend their breaks.
At this moment, the NHL uses a lot of litter bins located next to the tables and lunch area and a cleaning
staff to clean up the area on a reguarly base.
The idea must be lucrative and money does not matter. The product has to be manageable and useful
within the university.
The NHL is looking for a suitable solution for this problem and asking you as communication students to
present your idea on May 20th, 2016.
From all the input, one idea will be picked and worked out in a prototype.
Good luck!

NHL Hogeschool
Rengerslaan 10
8917 DD Leeuwarden
Arjette Reedijk
P.C. Boutenslaan 195
3842 BE Harderwijk
Harderwijk, 16 mei 2016
Attention: Debriefing mess lunch at the NHL
Dear Mrs Dijkstra,
Firstly we would like to thank you for you confidence for our advice that we want to give about the mess
lunch at the NHL. Hereby you receive a letter and debriefing on behalf of Creative Communication. In this
debriefing we respond by the briefing that you have given.
We hope that we have enough informed you at this time.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us
With kind regards,
Arjette Reedijk, on behalf of Creative Communication

Attachment: Debriefing NHL Leeuwarden

Debriefing NHL Leeuwarden

Iedere dag nuttigen veel studenten hun lunch in de kantine van de NHL, met regelmatig als gevolg dat
studenten resten van hun lunch laten liggen op de tafels. Dit is vervelend voor het schoonmaakteam omdat
ze niet aan hun werkzaamheden toekomen, doordat ze eerst de kantine schoon moeten maken. Daarbij is
het tenslotte een deel van het visitekaartje van de NHL en is het voor studenten die graag willen lunchen,
niet prettig wanneer ze zich tussen de lunchresten van andere studenten begeven.
De adviesvraag vanuit de NHL luidt als volgt;
Hoe kunnen we studenten op een geschikte en gepaste manier wijzen op het opruimen van het afval van
de lunchpauze?
Naar aanleiding van deze vraag zal Creative Communication aan de hand van een strategie, een idee
uitwerken en dit uiteindelijk presenteren.
De NHL wil graag een voorstel zien die een oplossing zal bieden voor het desbetreffende probleem. Daarbij
moet het product binnen de hogeschool handzaam en voor iedereen gebruikbaar zijn. Aan het voorstel zit
geen budget gebonden. Het eindproduct zal op 20 mei 2016 worden gepresenteerd voor mevrouw Dijkstra,
van het kantinebeleid binnen de NHL.
Beide partijen houden contact met elkaar gedurende de samenwerking zodat er geen miscommunicatie zal
Ons streven is om 1 keer een telefonische afspraak te maken om de ontwikkelingen te bespreken.
Indien u akkoord gaat met bovenstaande randvoorwaarden en afspraken zien wij graag de debriefing
ondertekend retour.
Signature NHL Leeuwarden


What is the problem?
The problem in this case is that students dont clean up their tables and space arround them during the
lunch in school.
How can we create and promote a product that students will clean up mess from the lunch.
The problem owner in this case is the NHL in Leeuwarden because students are doing their education at
this school. And the problem is in their canteen.
Perspective from the owner versus the perspective of the designer
Owner: The owner has different ideas for this product. Such as the possible motives: The first one: The
NHL would like to have a clean school. Second one: Students could do more work without any kind of mess.
The possibilities for execution are: 1. Making billboard, 2. Give flyers
The limitations for execution: 1. Students dont think it trendy 2. The mess of the lunch arent less with
the product
Perspective from the designer: The designer has also different ideas for a product to create a positive
attitude at families about horse meat.
The idea is create by a informational strategy. It is a new product on a existing market and the approach is
on a trendy way.
The mess of the lunch are clean up for more than 50%
All the students know the problem and doing something with the problem.
Choosen steps:
- Informational strategy
- New product / existing market
- Trendy
The targetgroup
The target group I have choosen are all the students at the NHL.
The idea
My idea is to create a billboard for in the canteen of the NHL Leeuwarden.

Creative Strategy Creative brief

The NHL is an university in Leeuwarden. They offer various education programmes to both national- and
international students. This students are aged between 18 and 30 years old and are mostly living in
Every day, many students eat their lunch in the cafeteria of NHL. Often, students are leaving the cafeteria
after creating a big mess on the tables. This is very inconvenient for the cleaning staff as they have no time
for their other tasks, due to the mess on the tables. Which is very time consuming to clean up. The NHL
management wants to turn the cafeteria in a clean and tidy place, where both students and staff like to
spend their breaks.
At this moment, the NHL uses a lot of litter bins located next to the tables and lunch area and a cleaning
staff to clean up the area on a reguarly base.
The idea must be lucrative and money does not matter. The product has to be manageable and useful
within the university.
The NHL is looking for a suitable solution for this problem and asking you as communication students to
present your idea on May 20th, 2016.
From all the input, one idea will be picked and worked out in a prototype.
Good luck!

NHL Hogeschool
Rengerslaan 10
8917 DD Leeuwarden
Arjette Reedijk
P.C. Boutenslaan 195
3842 BE Harderwijk
Harderwijk, 16 mei 2016
Attention: Debriefing mess lunch at the NHL
Dear Mrs Dijkstra,
Firstly we would like to thank you for you confidence for our advice that we want to give about the mess
lunch at the NHL. Hereby you receive a letter and debriefing on behalf of Creative Communication. In this
debriefing we respond by the briefing that you have given.
We hope that we have enough informed you at this time.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us
With kind regards,
Arjette Reedijk, on behalf of Creative Communication

Attachment: Debriefing NHL Leeuwarden

Debriefing NHL Leeuwarden

Iedere dag nuttigen veel studenten hun lunch in de kantine van de NHL, met regelmatig als gevolg dat
studenten resten van hun lunch laten liggen op de tafels. Dit is vervelend voor het schoonmaakteam omdat
ze niet aan hun werkzaamheden toekomen, doordat ze eerst de kantine schoon moeten maken. Daarbij is
het tenslotte een deel van het visitekaartje van de NHL en is het voor studenten die graag willen lunchen,
niet prettig wanneer ze zich tussen de lunchresten van andere studenten begeven.
Opinion question:
How can we create and promote a product that students will clean up mess from the lunch.
Creative Communication would like to think and create a strategy with a positive effect.
The idea is that we have to create a clear solution for this problem. Not on a sad or boring way but on
a trendy way. Mess of the lunch is not fun but filthy. We have to create a product for all the students!
There is for this solution a budget of 600 euro and the idea has to be using in the canteen of the NHL in
Both parties keep in touch with each other during this assignment. Our aim is to have a phone call ones a
time in this periode to talk about the developments.
We would like to see the debriefing signed return if you agree with these conditions above and
Signature NHL Leeuwarden

Reflection presentation Competences


Where it will be placed?

The game is a little bit unclear
How do they learn the competences in the game?
The description could be better
The design of the presentation is a little bit boring. You can use more colours
I didnt understand the description of the game very well. This could be more comprehensive
Why would you like to use the game only in the lessons of SLB?
You can do something more with the corporate identity of the NHL
Only in the lessons of SLB? We dont have that lessons not a lot of times
Using the corporate identity is a tip
Improve your English
Missing the colors of communication


It is a fun way to learn

Good design
It attracts the students
Nice idea to combine it with SLB
Good explained
Nice design
Clean presentation
Nicely drawn!
Nice and creative way for interaction
Nice idea, I think that a game will be fun with students
Nice design
Clear description about the problem
People loves to play game
It seems to be fun to play this game
Nice job!
Clear description
Nice idea, you have think about it
This game is a good way to convert the conversations in a game
Good idea to make something for the SLB lessons
Very complete information
Good goals
Practical solution!
Nice to do, why should it be childish
Realistic debriefing

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