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train and body in white commodities. As a partner of the worlds major OEMs, SODECIA
aims to deliver integrated product solutions to meet the highest demands of our customers,
by constantly adding value to their challenges, exceeding their expectations and taking part
in their success, [27].


Development and research of the cross car beam BV226

model behaviour in crash

The main focus of this thesis is the crashworthiness and NVH analyses of an existing CCB
- the BV226 model used in Brazilian Ford Fiesta - using state-of-the-art software that was not
available at the time of the original design of the mentioned structural component.
The software used is PAM-CRASH. Modeling starting point was the original CAD geometry .igs file. Two models were developed. The first one was developted for crash simulation. The second one derived from the first one completed, adding the necessary changes to
performe modal analysis. The model mesh was generated in ANSA software. Definition of
constraints, loads, boundary conditions and material behaviour was accomplished in VisualCrash PAM pre-processor software. The two analysis were performed in different codes,
crash simulation was performed in PAM-CRASH explicit solver, whereas modal analysis was
performed in its implicit solver.


Organization and topics addressed in the present report

This thesis is composed of 7 chapters that address multiple topics in order to use numerical
tools in a successful way for the design of a component of a vehicle body in white (BIW).
The second chapter describes the state of the art in cross car beam engineering. This is
followed by a concise presentation in chapter 3 of fundamental equations of the phenomena
studied. Because the finite element method is used, the fourth chapter consists of a discussion
of modeling strategies using a few benchmark cases with well known theoretical solution.
This chapter ends with some preliminary analyses of conceptual simplified cross car beams
using Abaqus. The next chapters 5 and 6 present the main component of this dissertation,
where a real Brazilian Ford Fiesta BV226 cross car beam model is studied in detail, as regards
crashworthiness and NVH.
Finally, concluding remarks and suggestions for further work are presented.

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