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If you love two people, choose the second one.

It's because you wouldn't fall f

or another if you really love your first.

"I can't say 'screw him' to the guy that I have come the closest to being fully
in love with. I still would do anything for him and it sucks because I know he w
ouldn't do the same for me. That hurts more than anything, but I just can't stop
loving him, believe me I've tried."
Promise me she isn t your whole world
the hardest part about breaking up is the next day, opening your notebook only t
o see "i LOVE HIM" scribbled all over. </3
& she's just a stupid little girl with her hopes too high & feelings much too st
rong especially for a boy like him
I m a tear.
I ve been here before.
I know her perfumed fingers.
I know the cold cold floor.
Every time you leave her;
Every time you don t call..
When she can t help herself,
It s my job to fall.
& its too early for her to say goodbye.
it hurts to know that summer has
to end & does its romance
&& Even though I remind myself that we'll probably never be together...I still w
on't let myself fall for anyone else.
don't repeat chapters the ending of the story will never change.
girl meets boy.
girl falls hard.
boy doesn't even stumble.
Of course we'll meet new people &
fall in love again. Of course we're gunna
hate each other & seek out to hurt each
other but we'll always have a history that
wont let us forget about each other no
matter how much we want to
now I see.. why I was the one worth leaving..
its so funny how only 2 months ago my stomach would do all kinds of crazy flips
when you signed on && now....I don't care
If she could show you how much you hurt her ;; you'd never be able to look her i
n the eyes again
Too young to die &
too old to believe in
promises... </3
I don't get mad anymore.
because I expect the lowest
from people
don t you miss the nights we talked for hours && i held the phone up to my music s
aying.. " this is the part of the song that reminds me of us"
I looked at your picture yesterday ;; wishing I was in the picture with you ;; w
ith your arms around me*
I purposely say I`m alright even though I'm crying ;; and you cant see, cause yo
u see right past me.*
you said you d never break up with me, keep me forever unless YOU get killed, well
I guess the new girl was the murderer. *
I wish there was a recipe
for getting you out of my head
i can't just kiss a guy i've had a
major crush on my whole life &&
pretend it doesn't mean anything
theres only so much pain one teenage ;;
girl's heart can take & you my dear have
exceeded the limits.
its weird us girls usually ignore
those boys who want us &&
crave for those who just don t</3
theres something about him that
just wont let me give up.. </3
I have a habit of falling too hard and
falling too fast, and getting my hopes
up for something I know wont last. </3
Just ask her if she thinks of him. She ll say, every one in a while
When you think about him, you start to cry, when he gets online your tummy gets
that feeling and your heart beats ten times faster, when you see him you smile w
ithout even knowing it. That means there s something that won t let you give up.
There s always gonna be that awkward moment where you walk by that person and reme
mber all that you once had.
I hope you choke when you tell the next girl you love her.
She'll sit there with her tear stained eyes and think of him again. She loves hi
m but he's too blind to see and each day he breaks her a little more. Her mind i
s telling her it's okay to move on, while her heart is screaming don't let go. S
he's a hopeless romantic and he's just hopeless. So another story repeated of a
silly girl in love with a foolish boy.
don't talk to me, don't look at me
no we can't be friends
this little game you've got has to end
you can't flirt with me like it's nothing
because you're breaking a heart
my entire world is falling apart
go your own way and i'll go mine
i'm gonna get over you, just give me a little time

One day some girl is going to break your heart as bad as you broke mine and I ho
pe I am there to laugh at you when it happens

I just can't wait until the day I hear a

happy love song on the radio & don't
wanna smash the dumb thing

Everything I know about breaking hearts,

I learned from you. </3

Now I'll write I love you down

The number of times you said it to me
And I'll shove the pages down your throat
So you can use them on the next girl
Who thinks she's your entire world

lately, i've become more aware that i'm not over you yet, i'm not even close

Why does everyone just assume that I still like you? Am I really that predictabl
e or is it just that obvious?

The moments may have ended but the memories last forever.

A smart girl kisses and never loves, listens and never believes, and leaves befo
re she is left

"It's know the end of something great is coming, but you want to hol
d on, just for one more second...just so it can hurt a little more."

I actually thought I was over you

But then by accident out eyes met
And everything came rushing back
The memories, the kisses, and fun times we had
And I just fell all over again
And even though i dont expect to get your back it nice hoping someday i will.

I love you too much to start liking you so don't ever tell me you want to be fri
You're going to miss what you could've had ..a girl who would've given up anythi
ng to be your everything
I promised myself I wouldn't think about you...I broke it the first day...
Why do you keep doing this to me? Why do you keep trying to re-enter my life aft
er you leave...again? Isn t hurting me once enough- bleed_blue
H Him CHASE AFTER THE First PRETTY Girl in A Skirt
Maybe they are right. Maybe I did get my hopes up too high. Maybe I was in over
my head. Maybe I am the stupid one for ever thinking that you loved me, but mayb
e, just maybe, I am tired of being alone

"Snow White. Cinderella. All about wanting a guy, being saved by the guy. Today
it's Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Pocahontas. All about getting a guy. So basically
we're screwed up because of Disney."

Dear Girl,
I think its time for you to just let go of him. He has hurt you and me too much.
Just let the memories fade. It's time to leave him behind. I know it will be ha
rd, but it's for the best, trust me. Just keep trying...
Love always,
Your Heart

"It's hard to love someone who's in love with someone else, you have to ignore t
he pain and swallow your pride. Just to be a friend... but that's all worth it b
ecause sometimes friendship lasts longer than love."
And I know that I should probably just let go, because I know that it won t work o
ut and everyone tells me that. So I try to convince myself that I m better off wit
hout him...but then I ll think of him and remember his smile and I can't imagine m
yself with anyone else and no matter how hard it will be, I want to be with him.
It s sad when you realize those who you cared so much about could careless about y

It s hard when you find out that a loved one no longer loves you.

And even though I know he s a jerk, and I know all that he s gonna do is hurt me, I
still love him. I still want him, and I hate myself for it
I like you, a lot, but I'm so afraid that I'll hurt you. If I did, I don't know
how I'd live with myself. But I don't know how I'd live with myself if I let you
walk away either.
It's amazing how much somebody can break your heart and still you love them with
every broken piece of it.
I know that one day you re gonna to want me. I no there will come a day that u wan
t me and only me. And I no that day is months or even years away...And I no I ca
nt promise you I'll still be here
Someone should sue Disney for putting the idea in little girls minds that everyon
e has a prince charming and everything will end happily ever after.
After a while, you learn the difference between holding a hand, and falling in l
ove. You'll learn kisses don't always mean something. Promises can be broken jus
t as easily as they were made, and as hard as it is to believe, sometimes goodby
es are forever.
A smile hides a thousand tears and a broken heart
"No matter how many girls tell you that they love you.. NONE OF THEM MEAN IT LIK
E I DO."

"Excuse never gave me my heart back after you kindly ripped it out..."

"It s funny how the people who hurt you the most are the ones who promised you the
y never would."
Your taking all this space up in my head. With all the things that we could do a
nd all the things that could be said
I play the same song over and over because it reminds me of you

When you touched my hand for the first time, I wanted nothing more than to hold
it forever

"I walked outside & blew kisses to the sky. So one day you'll be sitting down re
ading a book, or taking a walk & all of a sudden seemingly out of the blue, you'
ll stop & think of me. Cause those kisses finally found their way to you

You know I used to spend every day thinking about you and dreaming about you, an
d every time you walked by I lost myself, do you know what that feels like?

It s so much easier to say I don t care...then to always admit I m hurt

Never lie about how you feel because that lie you say could be the reason why yo
ur heart is breaking

Of course we ll meet new people & fall in Love again, of course we re

gonna hate each other sometimes & seek ways to hurt each other. . But we'll
no matter how much we want too

You probably won't remember, half the things that I ll never forget

Sometimes following your heart means losing your mind

"All I wanted was to collapse in someone s arms today and cry but there wasn t any o
ne there to catch me."

She learned to say things with her eyes that other people waste time putting int
o words

She held him so tightly the tears filled in her eyes she remembered the moment t
hey met where had the time gone? She remembered all the good times and all the b
ad where had the time gone? and the tears fell she remembered the first fight an
d the best make up she was sobbing in tears now...she couldn t understand how the
first time they met had come to this they re last goodbye where had the time gone no
w it was unbearable it was to late her heart had finally fallen apart and broke
in two

I saw your name today...its crazy how just seeing your name can make my
d break it all at the same time

"I want a love to call my own, I want a boy who I can hold, I want someone wanti
ng me and to feel how it feels to be someone s somebody."

As you walked away all I wanted to do is hear "I'll always love you one last time

You've taught me and showed me many things. You've taught me I can love, that pe
ople can care about me. Or so I showed me the feeling of being in
someone s arms when they mean the world to you. The feeling of compassion. So man
y wonderful things. Thank you for that. You've also showed me that people break
promises, that people don't always hold true to their word. You've taught me tha
t you can love someone more than anything in the world, yet hate them just as mu
ch. That just because someone says something, that doesn't mean it's true. You'v
e showed me how bad it hurts to have the guy you love and thought loved you push
you away and treat you as if you are worthless. You've showed me wonderful thin
gs just as well as horrible things. I do thank you for both. You've now prepared
me for the harsh world I am entering of two-faced people. People who say they c
are, but don't always. Thank you for teaching me early.- Bleed_Blue
Of course, you're going to get your heart broken. And it isn't just going to hap
pen once, but a lot. That's just part of growing up, and it makes you stronger.
Then you can handle it better next time. You may not get through it yourself, bu
t your friends will help you through it. And you'll be a stronger person because
of it. Then one day someone will come along, and it'll all pay off and no one w
ill ever break your heart again.
This time it's over I'm keeping my heart, I'm gonna be strong and not fall apart
... it'll get better, I'll no longer cry... in a couple of weeks I won't want to
die, I won't want to go back. I'll be able to sleep, it won't hurt so bad and i
t won't hurt so deep!
Beautiful girl with pretty eyes, a hidden heart of hurt and lies. she sits alone
in her bed & cries.. it's hard for her to realize... love isn't all weak in the
knees and butterflies.
I m so scared that I ll never find someone who loved me the way you do and at the ex
act same moment, I m scared to death that I will.
All I ever wanted was to be crazy in love. With someone who was crazy in love wi
th me
Its funny, most people can be around someone and then gradually begin to love th
em and never know exactly when it happened
I want a guy I can run to, In the pouring rain, Make-up running down my face, An
d hear him say "Baby, You're beautiful".
all those scars on her arms.
don't worry.
she says they're little notes to remind her
how many times you
broke her heart
-»Maybe cupid should shoot himself
with his Own damn arrow --» then
maybe he d see how much love . .
. . .h u r t s ©
in a perfect world there would be no need for mirrors
because every girl would have a guy to tell them they're
b e a u t i f u l
Dear heart,
I think you remember me. I tend to not care for your feelings and I throw you ar
ound a lot. Sorry for that. I just thought that I'd warn you that I fell for a b
oy. Good luck with that...
The hardest thing about growing up is that you have to do what's right for you e
ven if it means breaking someone's heart, including your own.
Do you still remember all that you said? I can still recall almost every breath.
Never can forget the person who breaks your heart.
Three things in life should never be broken: toys, promises and hearts
I now compare all guys to you and you know what? They never measure up not even
close. And the sad thing is that some of them are probably better than you but I
just can't see it.
"& she paints on that old [fake smile] & pretends everything is okay,*pretends*
she never loved you & she doesn t care, but in her mind she s thinking 'if I could j
ust have 1 more day I d never let you go again' she looks down at her scared arm,
'love just isn t worth it'"

people say hate is a strong word.. but so is love and people throw that around l
ike it's nothing

When I told you I would die for you,

I meant physically.
Not like this,
I swear, my heart can t take much more
In school they taught you everything. From how the world started, to how to prev
ent birth. And yet, they forgot to teach the most important thing ever, how to m
end a broken heart.
have you ever just been sitting there
minding your own business when you
hear that sad song come on the radio
& you start to cry & you just cant stop
because at that moment, all you want
to do is tell him how you feel
& just hope he understands
I'm afraid my bruised heart will get another punch.
Here's a story about HOW TO BREAK MY HEART INTO A MILLION PIECES. I am the book
and you are the pen.
All in all, I have no regrets. The sun still shines, the sun still sets. The hea
rt forgives, the heart forgets. One more kiss, even though it's come to this. I'
ll close my eyes and make a wish... hoping you ll remember.

"I'm scared to get too close and smile again because too often has happiness bee
n my downfall."
I wish he meant it when he kissed me cause then I could look back and see someon
e who loved me but I can only go back and see someone who used me.
Today was just one of those days where everything I did reminded me of you and e
very song I heard somehow related to you. I hate days like today, because they r
emind me of the one thing I don t have.
Perhaps I saw what I wanted to see in him and made him to be more than he was.
"Tell him that I don t love him and that I don t need him anymore. Tell him that I d
on t miss him and that I don t want to see him at all. But most of all..don t tell him
I said all this with tears in my eyes."
I can forget the tears and the hurt you put me through, but I can't forget the l
aughs and the special times shared with you. No matter how much time goes
by you will always be a part of my heart, always by my side. Because I can't sto
p loving you even if I tried.

He never spoke a word, he didn't want to break her into pieces. He never realize
d his silence would break her into pieces that could never be put back together.

I'm twisted cause one side of me is tellin' me that I need to move on. On the ot
her side I wanna break down and cry

"And what's left now has always been there: A heart filled with love and eyes fi
lled with tears."

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