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Meeting January 13, 2010

Executive Committee
Christa Bruning, President,, x13170
Nicky Bruckhart, Vice President,, x14241
Kate Martin, Treasurer,, x12247
Kate Johnson, Webmaster,, x16515
Saskia Sawyer, Secretary,, x14306

Members in attendance:
Kathy Aliaga, Facilities
Ashley Beaudry, The Women’s College
Nicky Bruckhart, Athletics and Recreation
Christa Bruning, University Communications
Sarah Childs, Human Resources
Linda Daubers, Graduate School of Social Work
Jan Drobnick, Daniels College of Business
Anne Gross, Admissions
Emily Hinga, Graduate School of International Studies
Cheryl Jackson, Morgridge College of Education
Kate Johnson, University Communications
Gayle Keahey, Law School
William Kiniston, Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Mark Kintgen, represented by Nancy Detain, Penrose Library
Kate Martin, Student Life
Samatha Oehlerking, Dept. of Computer Science
Bonnie Rodriguez, Facilities
Saskia Sawyer, University Advancement
Jerry Schwenke, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

The meeting was called to order.

1. Introduction of the Council Members.

2. Guest speaker – Chaplain Gary Brower

• The Chaplain is an Episcopalian priest and open to all faiths.
• He oversees the various religious groups on campus.
○ Currently no official Hindu group.
○ The Muslim group has slowly phased out.
○ Difficult to create a Buddhist group due to the various orientations within the faith.
• There was no chapel before his arrival.
• The DU religious council’s mission is to help students, faculty and staff to find the
connection they are looking for.
• It helps answer questions from the units on how to integrate the students.
• It helps students work through tough times.
• It wants to remind the university that there is one more thing to think about.
• It advocates for groups that might not have somebody advocate for them.
• Programs offered are aimed at everybody (more staff than students involved currently)
○ It also offers support outside of religious questions, such as marriage counseling,
Inter-personal counseling, etc.
• Goal is to build a community on campus.
• Spouses are welcomed anytime, except at the “Soul and Role” session (1st Wednesday
and 3rd Thursday at 3:30 pm) as this caters to specific job roles within the university.
• Monthly book discussion aims at bringing people together through common interests.
○ Guest speaker(s) are invited from other units to share their expertise on the topic.
○ Usually a poem or piece of art will be distributed prior to the meeting to then be
discussed together.
○ The question often debated: what strikes you most about the piece when considering
your role?
○ It is more a soulful reflection than a pure religious conversation.
• Weekly newsletter goes out Friday afternoon.
○ Email to be added to the mailing list.
• There will be a caroling afternoon again this December.
• There also will be an Ash Wednesday as well as a Good Friday service this year.
• The Iliff labyrinth might get set-up again.
○ Will be announced in the newsletter.
○ The labyrinth is a metaphor for life’s journey, a meditation tool.

1. December minutes were approved.

2. Announcement:
• Treasurer’s report: currently $8,360.48 available; recent transactions: copy and voice
mail charges.
• No departmental announcements.
• Chancellor will attend Feb. SAC meeting
○ Email questions to Christa by February 5th

3. New Business
• SAC coat drive is ending next week.
○ If a tax write-off is needed: email Christa with current value, will get receipt from
Rescue Mission.
○ Sherry Lestina (from University Advancement) donated bag of hand-knitted hats.
• Cartridge for kids: new driver missed Richie Center at last pick-up.
○ Christa to help locate phone number to contact organization.
• Richie Center is leading an effort to reduce paper version of campus announcement.
○ More budget and environmentally conscious.
○ Christa will look into the issue to see who this could be addressed with.
• Benefits advisory council:
○ Next meeting January 20th

4. There was no old business to discuss.

5. Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting: February 10, 2010, 12 – 1 pm (the Chancellor will attend)

Respectfully submitted,

Saskia Sawyer

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