Art of Bioshock2

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fibLE OF CONTENTS 4 CITIZENS OF RAPTURE 3 Bic Dappies Big SISTERS LITTLE SISTERS ENVIRONMENTS Weapons USER INTERFACE As STORYBOARD CREDITS 4 Hel there, We youve opened ths book aed to me tit sages that Rare means something to you. That ges us someting in common. srs ie me ra manne pt abt sen te ge PANE write ds, and get sentimental around newboms epi tion ska ping adam cindy ening of Fe ie characters of BioShock and acs 2, the cy of Rate was boa ie seine potent of wor! wae questions—and the ret ls the maby fll in cach oth stores, “escape” the only word hope ur sors decors ont players tures ay, fe ad vctios RSPNAS 8 breath fresh air Now lean thas us fon because ned the gal stock om ae 2 development, when the sting had been Fey estab by the ere 3 2K Boston and 2K Ausra “pear stu king on Bastock 2, our goal ey unknown waters We wan bu Rape with es ysis wesc sine. And Bk anti you ine we ad 0 led ort Art wel up in yous a rrr manen, you become. cninced fs banedeep perfection Yau wont ATO unt weeks ater whether— ‘on that day—your eas were avantgarde. oes pan payne Forney ha. tumbngybriiant eam of artists alongs me, at 2K Marin 2 Ausra, 2K China, Digi Tne sc ane Sus. cr te ice of a We and Hoga de Pate the face of Bishock 2 190k shape —and wee very pro fer rissa tok of press ii pce nk hye very rey Bt he Sa something special. Each one Teach of Rape. Sore saved and mated, ing place in Beshock stryand some did make 10 the surlace—bunt we loved them, fora dy ses bck Bret er, and wet hanared nowt shar en wih You. Ta and eno. Jona Thomas ‘Creative Director 2 Mart we ax = = nm xt = O ” <= rar) pi Fab abe charactors in this game, thee reales may level things that he suposed | toot across just shrough the design )ancetrough visuals. The animaon § and alt these other things add tt } butthe concept artists, Demet and bre and my wite and Seamus and Gag, relly ted to convey all the layers ofa characer nthe design atin €F Sinclair was actualy one of the hardest characters {or us to get down for some reson, He tate as kind ofa Desi ‘Amaz type, but don't know that seed idea ended up boing a perfect it because in the end the character was someone who was ciel self serving, and I don't know if the design informe hat as wellasitcould have. PF — Jeff os or Ronee 44 7 ER 6 They have these ite air sacks ous cr Rome 44 95 | i] Gos or Rat: 64 53 Gam ce true 94 57 a poe ls Mat Tremblay $4 he fot players a fink to BoSock hecaine Ryan ad a football tam, — PF — Mat Before specs FE tne.actress started out being quite d bit of being embitered and wanting move, feeling cheated onthe sutace. PF — Mat by her ‘Spucep Samer CHIE BANE) Bescx2- © Sas - OF 6/08 ous oF tee 39) 66 wer fromesch other and had inter a the wrk of Rape — Mat the ctr chr = Mat $6 thismysiceh te out a a lovely magician’ a has een the st variation. He actualy = think of the Rockeiestype of taoats and fishnet stockings. Sota see what we have ew thejouey has ‘ben prety ong and varied wath im: This guy haragter came mainly fom 2K Marin in tat they wanted to havea Bivon Suinday of aes Boe ame of character so thats how we go tothis guy AP ams or bone 6 45 6 Tehousen bingo probab ny second favo, the welder Shes deranged ane! d slowly losing her marbles. She yes atthe Big Daddy (0 get out of her garden because she th a he family dog. Shes body we saw anything oi Shock o we thought with > look ike, anyway? BY — Mat Approved, with one caveat, Lets remove thet oft skin revealing flesh an replace with Seformtiee Spiced Housewire SSeanS seer 26/07 7 we sated splicing them, ng the deep sea ooking or en because they haven’ bee as ong buat they sh of where they ave going, PF — Mat Moke sure that the ends of the surgical add tions don't lok like baby honds grabbing her Speen Barnpsrucee Por Ceewses) Biesecx®-CSeuex— Nove4/os Ft WBC DADDIES FF THe Alpha Series wasn’ that wide open €F We transierred te iden of Demo Dandy FE sori esta scan and at Belge amin: PP taketh ingot but opto kb phot ll = colin = Colin ~~ De dowes W457. 7; PRELUDE CT a PAS | Qyiil “hag CORDES & BUKTION, Ride Cart studies toscirm 96 75 pale fom the Bathysphe Thee: get relate —same with 1k 16 show the repression that ig scare hc and make iceand have no desir or FE The last scene of the ride is alluding to the war and how kids would be drafted. So the family is iting there all happy at = rome with the kid on the flor watching TV and then war busts out and the Big hand comes in and crags the Kawa PF — Devin FF. Themuseum is fated on the actual construction of building a cty under water. One ofthe eloramas + shovls these guys in diving suits wekding the city together. That all gin of Big Daddies, PF tdiorama - “oni dl dog ote ottnetre “bet ees cpr gr teen seadivers ~irvseonn pean WELCOME no 1 RAPTURE, | S.. ‘ far et ‘mr wea and Brea Soe fest appr Door PAUDER'S DROP CONCEPTS. ys SRA FLLEY CONCEPTS PERRET NWA, IN VAN 14 ~ FONTAINE EUTURISTICS i wy bm . The fst part he eve she and thats the public face ane Futures. We rough of his ofthe Wa Disney Corporation thas Walt Dsney Word where cansumers come, but Disney is relly mega-corporation So, Hh fst part 560 the headquarters but en int ve secret pat of Fontaine cs onthe backend ofthe level and were you se the realy tering kre laboratories and everything, AF = Hoagy OUTR PERSEPHONE CONCEPTS PERSEPHONE CORRECTIONAL FAGUTY CONCEPTS GP ah ; CFAIL-SRFEM @INDUSTRIES) — FRIL-SAFE ew INDUSTRIES €4 We looked at some of Hugh Fes’ builings-the guy who cid the An Deco skyscraper billings in ‘Manhatan —frinsptavon ako thought something realy good to look at was the Government Bilin in Boston. Ieisone ofthe ugliest buidigs Ive ever seen in my entire. Its 50 oppress ts summoned by concrete and horrible stunted tees. Those buildings realy helped our concepts. PF = Hoagy ULTPLAYER €VIROMMENTS €4- The stawe concepis were done because cal an ive Bi! planned to give players landmarks in each location or space to tap-metare re had estas How bi we though we would ded many othe Abou yes anes that woud ft thin dhe the ype of eve dha they were gong ino, PF depending on Mat xasiewn— Soave A $6. Inthe end, we wentat Feat Frolic in Ue moe vaio Fert Fo sense in that we have ves Garden and Pharohs reminiscent of what he fist game woul have been in terms of the ype of space hatstheye. AF = Mat nome $4 125, li Wi ine ume, yourcan ge lt of nant wari of by visting hose apartments and expoing the becocms and aa wo” fhe people that wou! hae ive — Mat 6 think ts 2 good example, to, of how we tried to push things without ging too far. For istance, you go out to Fontaine’ apartment yout se a lo of things rom BioShock 1. \ouve got the big polar ear and the staircase ial feos hey anes the

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