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Large State Institution (Top 10 UG B-School)
May 2018
BS Business; Major: Finance
GPA: 3.70/4.00
Indiana University, School of Arts and Sciences, Bloomington IN
SAT Math Score: 800
BA Mathematics; Major: Mathematics; Foci in Applied Mathematics, Analysis & Probability and Statistics
Academic Achievements
<Would give out the school name>
Honors: Executive Deans List x2
Ernst & Young Havana Case Competition, City, State
February 2016 April 2016
Created a projected cash flows and public compensation model to determine the optimal destination of
expansion and its feasibility for Havana.
Determined the necessary expenditures in management training and monitoring to properly mitigate
risks while maintaining profitability. Found Havana Australia to break even in ~2.7 years.
Last Name Power Systems, City, State
September 2015 Present
Powerlifting Coach
Managed the frequency, volume, intensity and fatigue levels of 7 clients leading to a strength gain of
~27 lb./mo. through the course of 21 combined months.
Adapted to the differences in mind-body connections of different clients in order to ingrain optimal form
to maximize capabilities and mitigate the risk of injury.
Family Friends Company, City, State
June 2015 August 2015
Office Assistant
Communicated day-to-day operations from an executive to employee level to further the efficiency of
the business.
Managed older inventory pricing by finding the optimal discount percentage to maximize sales and
revenues, which ultimately led to a sale of sunk cost at over 40% of original price.
Powerlifting/Weightlifting Club, City, State
January 2015 Present
President and Co-Founder
Planned and organized meetings, social events and competitions to facilitate the proper learning and
training environment for both advanced and beginner lifters.
Launched and managed the team captain program that created a mentor-member relationship, which
accelerated the growth in strength of 40+ members by 20-30% and eliminated all member injury.
Designed the Powerlifting/Weightlifting Club clothing line and maximized awareness in order to
generate over $1200 in club funds to further the clubs growth.
Beta Alpha Psi, City, State
August 2014 - Present
Active Member and Tutor
Tutored students in managerial and financial accounting courses, which allowed me to grasp a better
understanding of how others think and develop different coaching methods.
Networked with business professionals in top accounting and finance firms on a weekly basis to further
my knowledge while developing my communication skills.
Sudoku | Powerlifting | Golf | Design/Production | Hip Hop

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