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Procedure No.

Title: Procedure for Records Control
1.0PURPOSE: To establish a procedure for the control and maintaining Quality Records to
demonstrate conformance to the requirements of Quality System.
2.0SCOPE: This process will apply to all the records pertaining to all the functions of Swaraj
3.1Business Excellence is responsible for establishing, maintaining and distributing
this process.
3.2All Divisional Head/Functional Heads/Section Heads (or above) are responsible for
ensuring that the records in their departments are maintained.
4.1Quality Records
The records, which are maintained to demonstrate conformance to specified
requirements and effective operation of the Quality System as per different
processes of the organization.
5.1Generation of Quality Records
Following care will be taken while generating the Quality Recordsa) The Quality Records will be generated in predetermined formats, pre-printed
or manually drawn.
b) Authorized person will sign Quality Records.
5.2Collection, Filing and Identification
The records are collected in registers or filed in flat/box files as appropriate date,
month, product part no., supplier or region etc. The files and registers containing
these records shall be individually identified with a level indicating the titles of
5.3Storage & Maintenance
5.3.1 The hard copy records are stored in filing cabinets or racks and the
individual responsible for maintaining the record ensures that direct
contact with water/liquids is avoided. All other appropriate precautions
deterioration/damage and to prevent loss of the records. Each
functional Head or designee ensures that all personnel involved in
preparing and maintaining the records are trained for legibility and
maintenance of records.
Quality Records will be legible on all copies and over writing, if any, will
be supported with initial of the same person signing the record.
This training, however, will be informal training and no record of the
same is maintained.

5.3.2 The filing cabinets or shelve where the records are stored are identified
with period or record titles, which apply to the contents. This is done to
ensure easy retrievability of records.
5.3.3 In case of Soft Records the Back-Up Process is followed for preventing
the records from getting destroyed or lost.
5.4Access to Quality Records
All the quality records are accessible to the originator department, Manufacturing
& Business Excellence dept. personnel and the dept. where they are distributed.
In case of contractual agreement with customer, the records are made available
for evaluation by the customer or their representative for the agreed period. In
case of soft records, section Head IT assigns password to the personnel/dept. who
can access the records so that confidential records are prevented from
unintended use.
5.5Disposal of Records
The original copies of all records are retained in the appropriate areas of
generation for the period decided upon. After the retention period gets over, the
records may be moved to a suitable long-term storage area which must prevent
damage or deterioration.
Divisional/Functional/Sectional Heads responsible for creating the records.
The disposition should be done in such a manner that the destroyed documents
and records cant be used for any purpose.
5.6Indexing of Records
Retention Period
Indexing of quality records in various departments may be done data wise,
supplier wise, project wise, serial no. wise etc. so as to facilitate convenient
retrieval of records. The method of indexing is documented by suitable work
instruction, which is controlled by the respective division/function.
5.7List of Formats
Format Title
Master List of Records

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