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riser SEWAGE SLUDGE Pumping Manual. ou a a re i Cen od pi ENN i Vay / wR e a) ae ea On ae i) z = v s This manual describes methods for head loss calculations when pumping sewage sludge. Different levels of information are considered: a) Rule of thumb, for thinner eludge, little is known. b) Dry solid content is known. ¢) Rheological properties are known. In chapter four it is shown how to convert from head loss calculated for water, to head loss for sludge. This is done by using flow rate and solid content as input parameters to obtain a multiplication factor for the head loss calculated for water. A convenient way to perform the water head loss calculation is to use the Flyps PC program. CONTENTS: Chapter 1. Introduction .. 2. Rheology......... RTM eB ATRIA aS TRIM HBTS ATTA 3. “Rule of thumb”..........---+eeeeeee dee e ee neeeee 4. Head loss calculation from general assumptions. 5. Pumping sludge a long distance or in complicated cases with a thick sludge 6. “General recommendations” ..........-2..+eeeeeee Appendix A Head loss vs solids content for a number of pipe diameters, both general and worst-case design. B Critical flow rates for different pipe diameters. 1. INTRODUCTION Pumping sewage sludge of various types through pipelines, both within treat- ment works and over longer distances between works arid disposal areas, is a well established practice. The desiyn of these pipelines has been based on the hydraulic laws of water but with empirical Safety factors of three to six times the predicted head loss. This has led to errors in the prediction of performance. Uncertainties in the predictions increase as the solids content (thickness) of the sludge increases. ‘There is a further uncertainty factor: Sludge of a similar type (i.e. primary, activated, digested, etc) and similar content of solids, but from different works, may differ in their pumping characteristics. For example raw sludge from septic tanks and in some cases also primary sludge can cause substantial Problems due to clagging of impellers and inlets. Therefore a design based on general assumptions about sludge types rather than actual test data may be less reliable. However by understanding sewage sludge characteristics, some reasonable assumptions can still bo made. Something to bear in mind is that the further the sluuye is going to be pumped the more critical becomes the accuracy of the head loss prediction. The nature of the flow regime is important, since friction losses are much more sensitive to changes in solids content when the tlow is laminar than when the flow is turbulent. 2. FUNDAMENTALS OF RHEOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION Newtonian fluids. A Newtonian fluid is by definition one in which the shear stress is directly pro- Portional to the shear rate i.e. the viscosity of the fluid is independent of the flow rate, at a given temperature and pressure. When a force is applied to it at rest no initial stress (yield stress) to overcome movement occurs. The head losses occurring in pipelines may be predicted with standard water equations The critical velocity, at which transition from laminar to turbulent flow occurs, can also be predicted. Non-newtonian fluids. When the shear rate is not directly proportional to the shear stress i.e. the vis cosity is not constant the fluid is non newtonian. This is the normal behaviour of sewage sludge. Sludge exhibits an initial resistance to movement (yield stress) and the viscosity varies with the flow rate. In this manual the Bingham plastic model is used, where the fluid is described by yield stress (¢,) and coefficient of rigidity (n). See figure1 Stiffness (Pas), ay ne (Coefficient of rigidity) % os by Biss Me me nstearsress_/ 7, shear strain rate Fig 1: Shoar dlagrame for laminar flow. The yield stress and the coefficient of rigidity describe the flow characteristics of a Non-Newtonian fluid in the same way that viscosity describes the flow characteristics of a Newtonian fluid. The effect of pumping a non newtonian sludge can be described in a head loss vs average velocity diagram. See figure 2. In the laminar region the los- see are considerably higher than for water. The losses are also relatively inde- pendent of changes in velocity. It is aleo important to notice that, the flow is still laminar when it might be expected to be turbulent ic. the transition to tur- bulent flow will take place at much higher velocities than for water. 01s 0.12 £ ono) gom py 0.06 8 = 0.04 tuulent Now tater nee Since bie 5 1.0 1.5 2.0 25 3.0 35 Velocity (m/s) Fiy 2, Head loss vs, Flow fora non newtonian sludge. on 3. RULE OF THUMB! ‘As shown previously the losses for sludge are much higher than for water in ‘the laminar region. Therefore make sure that the flow is turbulent. Tests show that sludge with less than 5% dry solids content will have turned into turbulent flow at a velocity of 1.5 m/s. When the flow is turbulent the head loss will not be more than 1.5 times the losses for water. The rule will thus be: Make sure that the flow velocity is above 1.5 m/s and that the dry solids content is below 5%. Then increase the head loss by 50% compared to water. Example: A sludge that has less than 5 % dry solids content is to be pumped. The required flow is 30 I/s and it is to be pumped 150 meters. The static head is 5 meters and the roughness is 0.5 min for all pipes. Select a suitable pipe dimension and calculate the required pump character- istics. The solids content is less than 5 %. The velocity must be above 1.5 m/s. At 30 I/s. 0.1 m in diameter is calculated to 3.8 m/s, well above. 0.15 min diameter is calculated to 1.7 m/s. 0.2 m in diameter is calculated to 0.95 mis. Choose 0.15 m in diameter. Increase the dynamic head loss by 50 %. In the Moody chart for friction coefficients, the diameter and roughness result ina friction factor of 0.026. ‘The head loss for water is calculated according to the formula: 180, 17 015 | 2+9.81 The head loss will at the most be 3.8 + 1.5 + 5 = 10.7 meter. = 3.8 meter Answer: We shall look for a pump with the flow of 30 I/s at 10.7 m. No reduction of the pump curves have heen noticed up to this solids content. 4. HEAD LOSS CALCULATION FROM GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS The Ringham parameters i.e. yield stress and coefficient of rigidity for a variety of sludge types, from different sewage plants have been published in several reports. From these data median values of yield stress and coefficient of rigid- ity have been drawn as a function of solid content in figure 3. below. The normal case graph should be used when normal routine operation can be expected. The worst case graph is calculated as the standard deviation added to the median for the Bingham parameters and 1s the worst conditions that can be anticipated for a thicker than normal sludge. a Yield stress (Pa) 3 aia aT A worst o.t4F Ha case Aworst i 0.12 / case A > 8 o.t0F a { - par ’ aw E q i _© formal g E £ © normal WAL aeeieaee eine case 5 AL 0.04 1 ws 0.02 nee 0 a 0 2 4 6 8 10 12% 24 6 8 10 12% Dry solids content Dry solids content Fig 3: Yield stress and coefficient of rigidity vs. dry solids enntant To simplify the head loss calculation the Bingham parameters have in Appendix A been used to calculate diagrams that show the head loss multi- Plication factor as a function of flow, dry solids content and pipe diameter. The idea is to calculate the head loss for water then, use the diagrams to find the corresponding sludge head loss. Example: A sludge with 8 % drry solids content is to be pumped in a 0.2 m diameter pipe. The length is 15 m with a static head of 12 m. The requested flow is 50 V/s. In the system we have 2 bends, a swing check valve and an outlet. The roughness is 0.03 mm. Assume that no reduction of the pump curve has to be made for this solids content. First calculate the head loss for water by using your Flyps program. Head loss for water = 0.49 m.The head loss multiplication factor we get from Appendix A A copy is shown above. A flow of 50 V/s and 8 % solids content result in a head loss multiplication tac- tor of 2. Answer: Total head loss is 2» 0.49 + 12= 13m. Pipe diameter:200mm normal case TOT Head loss 0 20 40: «60 80 Flow [l’s) 5. PUMPING SLUDGE A LONG DISTANCE OR IN COMPLICATED CASES WITH A THICK SLUDGE. When we experience a case out of the normal where the general assumptions would not be adequate, the rheology parameters of the sludge have to he measured in order to estimate the correct head loss. Sewage sludge with a solids content helow 3% are usually near Newtonian and water curves are valid. Therefore the losses will be loss than 25 % greater than the losses for water if the flow is turbulent. When the sludge becomes thicker it behaves as a non-Newtonian fluid for which frictional or dynamic head loss is a function of the flow properties or theology of the sludge. Dynamic head losses between 5 and 20 times those expected for water are not uncommon for sludge flow through pipelines, under laminar conditions. Babitt and Caldwell demonstrated that the flow of sludge in a pipe follows the behaviour of a Bingham plastic fluid. The Bingham plastic model translates rheological data to dynamic head loss. As mentioned in chapter 2, page 3 the Bingham model characterizes the flow properties of a plastic fluid in terms of two parameters: yield stress (7,) and coefficient of rigidity (n). The accuracy of the dynamic head loss is of course dependent on how well these parameters characlerize the sludge. _ z § 2 CRITICAL VELOCITY E g assists Fig 4: Typical sludye ad water flow curves. The relationship between dynamic head loss and flow velocity for a represent- ative sludge is presented in figure 4. This relationship changes sharply at a ctilical velocity from laminar to turbulent flow. The most frequently used formula for calculating this critical velocity is as fol- lows: = 1050. , 1050 fye , =D") os pD pD 3150 Below the critical velocity the flow is laminar and behaves as a Bingham fluid, and above the critical velocity the flow is turbulent and follows closely the water curve. The flow at which turbulence occurs for different pipe dimensions is, in ap- pendix B, calculated as a function of rheological data. 10 To get the head loss for the laminar flow use the following equation: Aaa, + Wy c 6pgD = pg" The model is known as the Buckingham equation in simplified form and expresses the head loss for a circular pipe: Where: H = dynamic head loss (m) L = pipeline length (m) 1, = Yield stress (Pa) n= coefficient of rigidity (Pas) fp = density of the fluid (kg/m’) D = pipe diameter (m) velocity (m/s) 4g = gravitational acceleration (m/s*= 9.81) Note that the roughness of the pipe does not affect the head loss. For turbulent flow use standard water head loss formulas: with the use of Bingham Reynolds number instead of the one for water when determining the friction tactor. Be TT tos Sree n[t+ anv) 0.25 log (= + 5:74). where k is the roughness. 37D" Rey et gn va ar) How to proceed step by step: 4. Sond a sample to a local lab to determine +, and y 2. When the results are received 2.1 calculate the critical velocity, formula above. 2.2 Determine if the flow will be laminar or turbulent, turbulent flow is always preferable i.e. a velocity higher than the critical velocity, 2.3 Choose the proper formula and then calculate the head loss. 2.4 Determine the head reduction factor for the pump that may occur due to the solids effect, by using the Flygt Excel slurry program. 3. Look for a pump with the required flow and head. n 6. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS Variable Frequency Drive (VFO) increases the risk for clogging. If VFD nas to be used, the pumps should preterably be controlled so that stops can be pro- grammed to ensure back flushing. Controlled non return valves are recommended to secure back flushing. If a choice has to be made between a CP- and CT-installation, choose the CP- installation due to the risk of clogging in the cooling jacket of the CT- installation. To reduce the risk of clogging cone-shaped wear rings and an O-ring on the impeller-neck can be applied. Clogging of the guide vanes can sometimes cause problem on LL-applica- tions. In non-stop (VFD) applications where clogging may be expected, multi-vane impellers with the new cut-back vanes have proven to signiticantly reduce the risk for clogging. 12 APPENDIX A. Head losses in sludge pumping Head losses in sludge pipe flow compared to head losses in water (new smooth steel pipe). Multiply pipe losses for water calculated by FLYPS with the factors below. Pipe diameter:100mm normal case yw m a Head loss multiplication factor worst case T 1 — 4 0 i 4 1 1 PEP 1 1 4 0 10 20 10 20 300 «4050 Flow (l/s) Flow (Ifs) Pipe diameter:150mm normal case worst case wn = yh ww ew Head loss multiplication factor beet 10 20 30 40 Flow (l/s) Head losses in sludge pumping Head losses in sludge pipe flow compared to head losses in water (new ‘smooth steel pipe). Multiply pipe losses for water calculated by FLYPS with the factors below. Pipe diameter:200mm normal case worst case ation factor Head loss o 2 40 60 80 Q 50 100 150 Flow (Is) Flow {l/s} Pipe diameter:250mm normal case worst case Head loss multiplication factor pb . 50 {00 Flow (l/s) Flow {l/s} All Head loss multiplication factor - oe oo om Head losses in sludge pumping Head losses in sludge pipe flow compared to head losses in water (new smooth steel pipe). Multiply pipe losses for water calculated by FLYPS with the factors below. Pipe diameter:300mm normal case worst case T T 5 TTT ak 3E 2E- 1E L 1 L 4 0 Bt 0 50 1000=«1500 2000 100 200 300 Flow {I/s] Flow {ls} All APPENDIX B. Critical flow rates for different pipe dimensions. Critical flow rates in a 100 mm pipe a Yield stress (Pa) 3 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 Stiffness (Pas) Yield stress (Pa) 0 0.06 0.10 0.15 0.20 ‘Stiffness (Pas) BI Critical flow rates for different pipe dimensions. 20 cr) So Ce Yield stress (Pa) 3 ° 0.05 010 015 0.20 Stiffness (Pas) Critical flow rates ina 250 mm pipe 10 Yield stress (Pa) Stiffness (Pas) Bil Critical flow rates for different pipe dimensions. Critical flow rates ina 300 mm pipe 20 Yield stress (Pa) 3 ° aa 7 ~ 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 Stiffness (Pas) Bill sieeve G60 "Bua Wi! 10720 jomRW Biahung BBs aoa | ! H 92431

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