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Curriculum Vitae

Personal data

Full name Naser Gaser A. El Agha

Date of birth 26/7/1976
Marital status Married
Place of work Al-Quds Open University
Job title Lectured (QOU).
Educational Zone Khan younis Educational Zone
University website
Place of residence Gaza Strip- Khan younis governorate- Al Balad – Al
Salaam Street
Postal code 31
Mobile phone No: 00972599271008
Work phone No. 2070511-08 , 2070545-08
Work fax No. 2070433-08

Degree Major University Graduation Graduatio
country n year
Thanaweya Science Khan Younis Gaza 1993
Amma Department high school
Bachelor’s Education Education Gaza 1998 ‫م‬
Degree (1) Mathematics Faculty 1998
Equivalent Economics of Al Yarmouk Arbed / Jordan 2002
Bachelor’s Education

Professional Educational Ein Shams Cairo 1999
Diploma / Management University
Special Educational Ein Shams Cairo 2000
Diploma / Management University
Master’s Educational Jordan Jordan 2002
degree management university
PH.D Educational Science and Khartom 2009
management Technology
Organization )
Holding a certificate that equalizes to the second university degree - Ministry of
education and higher education – Palestine- 17/12/2002

Seminars & Workshops Attended

1 Several courses in English language – the British Council – Hilioplois- Roxy /
2 Several courses in applied programs (Computer) 1997-1998-1999-2001
3 A course in statistical analysis – Jordan. 2000
4 A course in numerical analysis – government education faculty – Gaza- 1997
5 A course in the institution of diplomatic corps- Amman 2001
6 An intensive course in statistical packages SPSS- Al -Quds Open University
7 A course in measurement and evaluation for full time academic supervisors- Al-
Quds Open University in 4-5/1/2006- conferences hall- Gaza educational Zone

1 Assistant researcher – Department of educational management and principles
for the first academic semester of the academic year 2001/2002- faculty of
educational sciences- Jordan university 2001/2002
2 Holding several educational courses- SOS children village- Tal Al Sultan, Rafah
2004 –via continuing education deanship
3 Holding a 30- hour course –accredited by the ministry of social affairs via the
continuing education deanship – Al Aqsa University – Haraseen branch –

conferences hall - Gaza
4 Holding educational meetings in Rafah Educational Zone in – Al -Quds Open
University in the first and second semesters 2003/2004
5 Teaching numbers of courses – department of basics of education - Al Aqsa
University for six consecutive semesters
6 Supervising a number of students who work as teachers of practical education
throughout schools of the international relief agency- and government schools
in the southern governorates of Gaza strip
7 Preparing and designing 9 educational courses- department of basics of
education - Al Aqsa University for six consecutive semesters
8 Full time university professor in – Al -Quds Open University until now

Committees’ work
1 A member of the committee of the academic guiding for freshmen in the first
and second semester of the academic year 2003/2004- Al Aqsa University-
south branch (Khan younis)
2 A member of the committee of the final exams of the first semester
(10/2004) of the academic year 2004/2005- Al -Quds Open University
3 Chairman of the election hall of local students’ councils of the academic year
2005/2006- Al -Quds Open University
4 A member of the preparatory committee of the scientific day held in Al -Quds
Open University on Sunday 18/6/2006 titled “ the scientific education
between the theory and application
5 A member of a number of investigation committees constituted by Al -Quds
Open University - Khan younis Educational Zone
6 A member of the preparatory committee of seminar on the mechanism of
writing an educational research on 7/11/2007 in Al-Quds open university
7 A member of the arbitration committee on scientific researches of students
graduated from the education program Al-Quds open university from the
beginning of 2005/2006 until now
8 A member of the preparatory committee of a workshop titled “the designing
mechanism of scientific studies tools” on Monday 8/1/2007- Al-Quds open
9 A member of the preparatory committee of the scholar day titled “ scholar
health” to be held in 6/6/2007
Khan younis Educational Zone- Al-Quds open university

Cultural Activities and Community Services

1 Attending a number of seminars ,scientific days, conformances and workshops
held in Arab and local universities
2 Attending most of the discussions of PH.D and masters degrees of pilistinan

researchers registered in the common program with both Ein Shams University
and girls’ faculty, Ein Shams University in the period between 1998-2000
3 Attending and permanent participation in ( the scientific discussion seminars )
of Arab and Egyptian researchers held in the department of comparative
education and educational management under the sponsorship of professor
Abedl Ghany Aboud & Ptodessor Souad Basuony, Education Faculty- Ein Shams
University in the period between 1998-1999
4 Participating in writing a book titled managing and organizing a classroom…
concepts and horizons, Al Arqam publishing house: Gaza- 2005. the book was
accredited as basic course to be taught in the department of teaching methods
in Al-Quds open university until now
5 Participating in the activities of the conference on “ the Palestinian child
between the challenges of the reality and the expectations of the future"
held in the Islamic University in Gaza- conferences building on Tuesday
6 Participating in the activities of the first academic day on “ the post graduation
studies in the Palestinian Universities on the lights of contemporary challenges
"on 9 Rabea Al Aakhar 1426 H/17 May 2005 under the sponsorship of the post
graduation studies deanship and the quality unit in the Islamic University in
7 The scientific participation in the international scientific conference on “yasser
Arafat, the memory of Homeland and the march of a people” under the
sponsorship of Al Aqsa university held in Al Helw Hotel in Gaza in the period
between 10-13 Shawal 1426 H / 12-14 corresponding to November 2005.
8 Participating in a seminar on the reality of the scientific research and horizons
of its development in Al-Quds open university held via the video conference
between the university leadership in Ram Allah city and Gaza Strip educational
zones in the Roots in Gaza city in 2/10/2005
9 Participating in managing the activities of the scientific exhibition on “ the
educational means” in coordination with the continuing education program - Khan
younis Educational Zone- Al-Quds open university 2005
10 The scientific Participation in the scientific day “ practical education between
the theory and application titles " improving the class visits " on Sunday
11 Participating with a scientific paper titled “ the mechanism of writing an
educational research” in a seminar on “ who to write a scientific research” held
in Al -Quds Open University on 7/11/2006.
12 Scientific Participation in the academic day held in Al -Quds Open University
on “Palestinian university management …. Reality and challenges” titled “
embodiment of the concept of jamboree in the university leadership in
Palestine on Wednesday 29/11/2006
13 Participating in the activities of the conference on the human rights system in

the Palestinian educational life held via communicating by video conference
between the university leadership in Ram Allah city and Gaza Strip educational
zones in the lobby of the beach hotel on Sunday 3/12/2006
14 Participating in the activities of the first scientific and national conference on
“ the right of coming back ….. reality and challenges " held via the video
conference between the university leadership in Ram Allah city and Gaza Strip
educational zones in the lobby of the beach hotel in Gaza- under the
sponsorship of Al -Quds Open University - on Monday 11/12/2006
15 Participating in the scientific workshop on “the designing mechanism of
scientific studies tools" titled truthfulness and steadiness of scientific
research tools. On Monday 8/1/2007- Al -Quds Open University
16 Participating in the activities of the first scientific conference in Palestinian
education experience faculty in preparing curriculums “ reality and expectations
“in the period ( 19-20 December 2006) under the sponsorship of Al Aqsa
University- conferences hall - Gaza
17 Arbitrating and constructing tools of researches for graduation projects of
students in Al -Quds Open University

Supervising graduation projects

1 The reality of the educational supervising in the private kindergarten
organization in Gaza strip governorate.
2 To what extend that teachers of high schools stage in Khan younis governorate
practice the functional roles in the field of guiding and directing students in
3 Problems concerning disciplining class rooms that face teachers of the primary
stage in Khan younis governorate and methods of handling them
4 Administrative problems that face a primary school manager in the southern
governorates of Gaza strip
5 A proposed reaching model for teachers of science in order to develop skills of
inventive thinking of students of primary education
6 The impact of the curriculum of environmental education in the development of
environmental culture of students in – Al -Quds Open University
7 Administrative and technical problems of private kindergarten organization
from the point of view of nannies in Khan younis governorate.
8 Professional problems that face teachers of the lower primary stage in Khan
younis governorate
9 The impact of the physical punishment on studying process on students in the
lower primary schools in schools of international relief agency.
10 The impact of slipping from education on students of the educational process in
higher primary schools in Gaza strip
11 The reality of democracy in decision making in high schools in Gaza strip from
the point of view of teachers

12 The reality of administrative consultancies in the ministry of education in Gaza

Curriculums that were taught University

1 Educational management and planning- problems of Al Aqsa University
primary education- philosophy of primary education -
basics of education 1- basics of education 2- Islamic
Education – methodology of educational research –
measuring and evaluation –individual of special needs,
family and society –comparative education – education
and development - basics of education
2 Methodology of scientific research – Living with Khan younis
technology- Managing and organizing the classroom - Educational Zone -
educating and developing society- educational method- – Al -Quds Open
teaching designing – general methods of teaching and University
training – primary reaching
3 Managing Social organizations – Managing and Rafah Educational
organizing the classroom Zone – Al -Quds
Open University

1 The following Arab Universities were visited:-

The Amirecan University in Cairo – Cairo University-Alexandria University- 6 of
October University- Helwan University- Al Mounofia University- Al Azhar University-
Ein Shams University- Al Yaemouk University- Al AlBiet University- Jordan university-
Hashemite University- Science and Technology University- Sudan University of Science
and Technology
2 The following Arab institutes and faculties were visited: -
The institute of educational studies and researches in Cairo- institute of
researches of the Arab League- the institute of banking sciences in Amman –
the institute of the diplomatic corpse in Amman – girls’ faculty / hilopolis
3 The following regional libraries were visited: -
Alexandria Library – Abeal Hameed Shouman Library- the international
electronic Library/ Arbed of Al Yaemouk University – studies and researches
Library in Cairo/ Dokki
4 the following scientific and cultural exhibitions were visited
Visiting the scientific exhibition held in Al Al Beit University in 11/2000- (the delegate
of the Yemeni Embassy in the Jordanian Hashemite Kingdom)
Visiting 3 scientific and cultural exhibitions in Jordan university
Visiting the exhibition of the Jordanian nomad heritage in 2001 held in Al Yaemouk
Visiting Cairo Book fair – hiliopolis in 98, 99, 2001, 2002
Visiting some scientific and cultural exhibitions inside homeland

Certificate of thanks and appreciation
* Receiving a number of Certificates of thanks and appreciation from educational
institutes in the homeland

Future scientific activities

1 A workshop under the sponsorship of the Canadian expert Professor: Kathy
Mathous on open education via the video conference between (Gaza educational
Zone) and the university bureau in transmission on Wednesday 7/3/2007
2 Al-Quds open university role is to enable learners to confront the
future challenges
An abstract submitted to
Scientific conference namely “Palestinian Universities ….struggle and building”
to be held on Sunday 20/5/2007 under the sponsorship of – Al -Quds Open
University and the national committee for education, culture and science

3 The management of human capital in electronic libraries according to the economies

of knowledge
An abstract submitted to
The first scientific conformance on “Economics of knowledge “to be held in Al
Nagah National University- faculty of economics and administrational sciences in
4 Participating with a work paper in the scholar day titled “ scholar health the present
absentee in Palestinian schools” to be held in 6/6/2007
(Khan younis Educational Zone) – Al -Quds Open University

Committees’ work
1 A member of the committee of the academic guiding for freshmen in the first and
second semester of the academic year 2003/2004- Al Aqsa University- south branch
(Khan younis)
2 A member of the committee of the final exams of the first semester (10/2004) of the
academic year 2004/2005- Al -Quds Open University
3 Chairman of the election hall of local students’ councils of the academic year
2005/2006- Al -Quds Open University
4 A member of the preparatory committee of the scientific day held in Al -Quds Open
University on Sunday 18/6/2006 titled “ the scientific education between the theory
and application
5 A member of a number of investigation committees constituted by Al -Quds Open
University - Khan younis Educational Zone
6 A member of the preparatory committee of seminar on the mechanism of writing an
educational research on 7/11/2007 in Al-Quds open university
7 A member of the arbitration committee on scientific researches of students graduated

from the education program Al-Quds open university from the beginning of
2005/2006 until now
8 A member of the preparatory committee of a workshop titled “the designing
mechanism of scientific studies tools” on Monday 8/1/2007- Al-Quds open
9 A member of the preparatory committee of the scholar day titled “ scholar health” to
be held in 6/6/2007
Khan younis Educational Zone- Al-Quds open university

Cultural Activities and Community Services

1 Attending a number of seminars ,scientific days, conformances and workshops held
in Arab and local universities
2 Attending most of the discussions of PH.D and masters degrees of Palestinian
researchers registered in the common program with both Ein Shams University and
girls’ faculty, Ein Shams University in the period between 1998-2000
3 Attending and permanent participation in ( the scientific discussion seminars )of
Arab and Egyptian researchers held in the department of comparative education and
educational management under the sponsorship of professor Abedl Ghany Aboud &
Ptodessor Souad Basuony, Education Faculty- Ein Shams University in the period
between 1998-1999
4 Participating in writing a book titled managing and organizing a classroom…
concepts and horizons, Al Arqam publishing house: Gaza- 2005. the book was
accredited as basic course to be taught in the department of teaching methods in Al-
Quds open university until now
5 Participating in the activities of the conference on “ the Palestinian child between
the challenges of the reality and the expectations of the future" held in the
Islamic University in Gaza- conferences building on Tuesday 22/11/2005
6 Participating in the activities of the first academic day on “ the post graduation
studies in the Palestinian Universities on the lights of contemporary challenges "on 9
Rabea Al Aakhar 1426 H/17 May 2005 under the sponsorship of the post graduation
studies deanship and the quality unit in the Islamic University in Gaza.
7 The scientific Participation in the international scientific conference on “yasser
Arafat, the memory of Homeland and the march of a people” under the sponsorship
of Al Aqsa university held in Al Helw Hotel in Gaza in the period between 10-13
Shawal 1426 H / 12-14 November 2005
8 Participating in a seminar on the reality of the scientific research and horizons of its
development in Al-Quds open university held via the video conference between the
university leadership in Ram Allah city and Gaza Strip educational zones in the
Roots in Gaza city in 2/10/2005
9 Participating in managing the activities of the scientific exhibition on “ the
educational means” in coordination with the continuing education program - Khan
younis Educational Zone- Al-Quds open university 2005
10 The scientific Participation in the scientific day “ practical esucation between the
theory and application titled " improving the class visits " on Sunday 18/6/2006
11 Participating with a scientific paper titled “ the mechanism of writing an educational

research” in a seminar on “ who to write a scientific research” held in Al -Quds
Open University on 7/11/2006.
12 Scientific Participation in the academic day held in Al -Quds Open University on
“Palestinian university management …. Reality and challenges” titled “ embodiment
of the concept of jamboree in the university leadership in Palestine on Wednesday
13 Participating in the activities of the conference on the human rights system in the
Palestinian educational life held via communicating by video conference between
the university leadership in Ram Allah city and Gaza Strip educational zones in the
lobby of the beach hotel on Sunday 3/12/2006
14 Participating in the activities of the first scientific and national conference on “ the
right of coming back ….. reality and challenges " held via the video conference
between the university leadership in Ram Allah city and Gaza Strip educational
zones in the lobby of the beach hotel in Gaza- under the sponsorship of Al -Quds
Open University - on Monday 11/12/2006
15 Participating in the scientific workshop on “the designing mechanism of scientific
studies tools" titled truthfulness and steadiness of scientific research tools. On
Monday 8/1/2007- Al -Quds Open University
16 Participating in the activities of the first scientific conference in Palestinian
education experience faculty in preparing curriculums “ reality and expectations “in
the period ( 19-20 December 2006) under the sponsorship of Al Aqsa University-
conferences hall - Gaza
17 Arbitrating and constructing tools of researches for graduation projects of students in
Al -Quds Open University

Supervising graduation projects

1 The reality of the educational supervising in the private kindergarten organization in
Gaza strip governorate.
2 To what extend that teachers of high schools stage in Khan younis governorate
practice the functional roles in the field of guiding and directing students in them.
3 Problems concerning disciplining class rooms that face teachers of the primary stage
in Khan younis governorate and methods of handling them
4 Administrative problems that face a primary school manager in the southern
governorates of Gaza strip
5 A proposed reaching model for teachers of science in order to develop skills of
inventive thinking of students of primary education
6 The impact of the curriculum of environmental education in the development of
environmental culture of students in – Al -Quds Open University
7 Administrative and technical problems of private kindergarten organization from the
point of view of nannies in Khan younis governorate.
8 Professional problems that face teachers of the lower primary stage in Khan younis
9 The impact of the physical punishment on studying process on students in the lower
primary schools in schools of international relief agency.
10 The impact of slipping from education on students of the educational process in

higher primary schools in Gaza strip
11 The reality of democracy in decision making in high schools in Gaza strip from the
point of view of teachers
12 The reality of administrative consultancies in the ministry of education in Gaza strip.

Curriculums that were taught University

1 Educational management and planning- problems of Al Aqsa University
primary education- philosophy of primary education -
basics of education 1- basics of education 2- Islamic
Education – methodology of educational research –
measuring and evaluation –individual of special needs,
family and society –comparative education – education and
development - basics of education
2 Methodology of scientific research – Living with Khan younis
technology- Managing and organizing the classroom - Educational Zone - –
educating and developing society- educational method- Al -Quds Open
teaching designing – general methods of teaching and University
training – primary reaching
3 Managing Social organizations – Managing and organizing Rafah Educational
the classroom Zone – Al -Quds Open

1 The following Arab Universities were visited:-

The American University in Cairo – Cairo University- Alexandria University- 6 of
October University- Helwan University- Al Mounofia University- Al Azhar
University- Ein Shams University- Al Yaemouk University- Al AlBiet University-
Jordan university- Hashemite University- Science and Technology University- Sudan
University of Science and Technology
2 The following Arab institutes and faculties were visited: -
The institute of educational studies and researches in Cairo- institute of researches of
the Arab League- the institute of banking sciences in Amman – the institute of the
diplomatic corpse in Amman – girls’ faculty/Hilopolis
3 The following regional libraries were visited: -
Alexandria Library–Abeal Hameed Shouman Library- the international electronic
Library/ Arbed of Al Yaemouk University – studies and researches Library in Cairo/
Dokki .

4 The following scientific and cultural exhibitions were visited

Visiting the scientific exhibition held in Al Al Beit University in 11/2000- (the
delegate of the Yemeni Embassy in the Jordanian Hashemite Kingdom)
Visiting 3 scientific and cultural exhibitions in Jordan university
Visited the exhibition of the Jordanian nomad heritage in 2001 held in Al Yaemouk

Visited Cairo Book fair – Hiliopolis in 98, 99, 2001, 2002
Visited some scientific and cultural exhibitions inside homeland

Certificate of thanks and appreciation

* Receiving a number of Certificates of thanks and appreciation from educational
institutes in the homeland
Future scientific activities
1 A workshop under the sponsorship of the Canadian expert Professor: Kathy
Mathous on open education via the video conference between (Gaza educational
Zone) and the university bureau in transmission on Wednesday 7/3/2007
2 Al-Quds open university role is to enable learners to confront the future challenges
An abstract submitted to
Scientific conference namely “Palestinian Universities ….struggle and building” to
be held on Sunday 20/5/2007 under the sponsorship of – Al -Quds Open University
and the national committee for education, culture and science

3 The management of human capital in electronic libraries according to the economies

of knowledge
An abstract submitted to 24/04/2007
The first scientific conformance on “Economics of knowledge “to be held in Al
Nagah National University- faculty of economics and administrational sciences in
4 Participating with a work paper in the scholar day titled “ scholar health the present
absentee in Palestinian schools” to be held in 6/6/2007
(Khan younis Educational Zone) – Al -Quds Open University


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